A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 360: Great Friends

Chapter 360: Great Friends

"The reason why I chose ARCS is that I know that it can become incredible. The CEO is one of the wisest people I know. Even though he may be cold, shameless, and maybe even be the most hard headed person I know, he's a good CEO." 

Lu Chen's eyebrows twitch at what Zhang Jian said. He can hear the workers giggling too. 

'Ya brat! Just you wait. I'll show you who's a shameless and cold CEO!' Zhang Jian's lucky right now that the camera is on right now. If he didn't add the last part, Lu Chen would have bopped him on the head. 

Zhang Jian continues, "I know he can bring me to greatness. After all, he was the one who found me."

Hearing that remark, Lu Chen makes a wry smile. What Zhang Jian said is only half true. As he continues to think about this, a voice calls out beside them, 

"Yo smooth talker, are you forgetting about a certain someone?" The person who's beside Lu Chen is Gong Changming. He saw Zhang Jian was doing a live stream at their company. 

He had to make an entrance and make fun of him. 

"Whatever do you mean?" Zhang Jian's expression became slightly twisted. But he quickly regains composure, making a light smile.

Gong Changming gives him a smug look, "Did you forget about your ultra omega sexy handsome producer who carried you throughout your album and the competition? Did you forget about how you begged me to fix all your songs for you?"


Lu Chen quickly turns at Zhang Jian, and he can see the rage building up inside him. His character was breaking apart right now. 

"I don't know what you are talking about? Isn't it 50-50 between the two of us? I was the one who wrote the lyrics and song. While you fix it up and edit it to make it better." If they weren't live streaming right now, these words would have been different. 

I begged for help? Somebody better hold me back.

Not many could tell, but Lu Chen and Gong Changming could. Zhang Jian's gaze says it all, 'I only give you 50 because I'm on camera right now.' 

But Gong Changming continues to egg him on, "What do you mean 50-50? It should be at least 80-20. By the way, I'm the 80." 

"That's it! Those are fighting words!" Zhang Jian's breathing fire right now. He's ready to rumble with Gong Changming. 

"Come at me! I ain't afraid of you!" Before the two of them could fight,

"Would the two of you cut it out!" Out of nowhere, Duan Huiling slams her hands down on the two's heads. 

"You guys realize you are live right now! Act more professionally, or do you want to embarrass our company?!" She was watching the live stream as well. When she saw how Gong Changming joined in, she knew that it'll become a scuffle. 

You can feel the fire in her words. Gong Changming and Zhang Jian instantly shut up and sat in a seiza position. But Duan Huiling isn't done with her scolding. Her next target is Lu Chen, 

"CEO, how can you let these two fight in front of the camera?!" She couldn't believe Lu Chen would let this happen. 


The viewers start to ping question marks. Never did they expect the person filming is the CEO!

"Relax, it's normal for geniuses to fight with each other."

"But-" Duan Huiling was about to say that this scuffle was going to affect the company's image. 

"It doesn't matter what they say to each other. The two respect each other's work. Do you not realize the two have never said the only reason why their songs have become this popular is only because of them?"

"?" Now that she thinks about it, Duan Huiling realizes this as well. Lu Chen continues, 

"The two understand the reason why they created such great music is because of each other. It's fine to have scuffles from time to time. It just shows how great friends they are."

"..." Duan Huiling didn't know what to say. 'You can think that but-' She turns over to Gong Changming and Zhang Jian.

The two's faces turn red, and both of them scream,

"How is he a great friend! Did you hear what he said about me!"

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