A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 378: Let the world know

Chapter 378: Let the world know

Chu Jingyi continues, "Do you understand what people see me as now? If I join your company, all of the hard work you did would be gone."

That's how much Chu Jingyi's reputation went down. It's the reason why companies abandoned him. 

"I told you I don't believe what people say about you. And I know how you are and how talented you are too. With your experience added on, our company needs somebody like you there."

Even though ARCS is growing fast, Lu Chen knows they're missing something. And that's experience. Almost every member of his company is inexperienced. And the experienced members only know the bad ones rather than the good. 

Having Chu Jingyi join his company would be a great asset. 

"But-" Chu Jingyi became conflicted. 

"You're thinking too hard about this. If you think your image is ruined, you just have to build it back up from scratch. And did you see the comments? 

Yes, people are going against you, but there are people who still deny it." Chu Jingyi's most loyal fans are still fighting back, denying the claims going around. Lu Chen continues, 

"You still have people supporting you. So don't give up."

"..." Chu Jingyi doesn't know what to say. 

"Trust me on this. You will become better than Ling Wei. The ones who mock you will go down as well."

"...Can I regain what I lost?"

"Yes. You can. I know you can do it."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Chu Jingyi kept thanking Lu Chen for giving him this offer. 

"Don't worry about it. Come to my company tomorrow, and we can deal with it." 

"Yes, sir!" Chu Jingyi's vigor returns. 


The next day, Chu Jingyi arrives in front of ARCS. Even now, he was still nervous about whether or not this decision would be the best. 

However, this is his new home. 

As Chu Jingyi walks into the company, a woman spots him and walks towards him,

"Hello, Chu Jingyi. I'm Duan Huiling. The CEO told me to bring you to him the moment you walk into the company." 

Chu Jingyi nods and follows her to Lu Chen's office. When the two enter the room where there. Lu Chen, Zhang Jian, and Gong Changming are there. 

"Welcome, senior."

"No, you don't have to call me senior anymore. I'm working under you now." Chu Jingyi waves his hand and introduces himself,

"My name is Chu Jingyi, and once again, thank you for letting me join your company." He bows as he says this. 

"Don't be so formal. We are all acquaintances here." Lu Chen hands him a contract, "Here's the contract for you to sign. Look over it and see if you need anything changed."

Chu Jingyi looks over the contract, and his eyes go wide, "CEO, this is too much!"

"It's not much compared to what Silverlight gave you before. But this is the best of the best contract I can give out." It's the same one he gave to Zhang Jian and Gong Changming. 

"No, it's more than enough. It's too much. I shouldn't be given something like this." Chu Jingyi felt he was given something too over the top. 

"It's ok. With your skills, you deserve it."


"No buts. Your CEO has spoken." Lu Chen wasn't going to change his mind. Chu Jingyi wants to speak up, but Zhang Jian stops him, 

"Senior, you shouldn't fight with brother Chen. Arguing with him will just shave off a few years of your life, and you still won't win too." Gong Changming nods to Zhang Jian's words. They had the same issue with the contract when they signed it. 

But they couldn't do a thing to make Lu Chen change his mind. 

"...Alright." Chu Jingyi signs the contract. 

Lu Chen smiles, "Welcome to the company. And now it's time to let the whole world know you have joined our company, and you'll be resuming work."

"Should we actually do that?!" Chu Jingyi doesn't want to let people know for now. Who knows what would happen to ARCS the moment Lu Chen posted about his signing. 

"It'll be fine. Trust me and smile!" Lu Chen takes a picture of Chu Jingyi and posts it onto his company page. 

I gladly announce the company ARCS has contracted another artist. We welcome the legendary Chu Jingyi to the company ARCS.

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