A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 474: One-sided

Chapter 474: One-sided

Chapter 474: One-sidedCheêck out latest novels at wuxiahere.com

"I think I'm going to hurl." Lu Hao retorted.

"Don't you do that too?" Lu Aotian quipped. Lu Hao was a playboy, and he had seen him say these things before.

Lu Hao glared, "But I don't do it like that! Lu Chen is being extra cheesy." He wasn't alone in this; some thought he was being corny.

And there was Liao Yan, who was about to explode at any second. Lu Chen slightly glanced at him but then brought Song Yanmei closer and whispered,

"I won't let him have you."

That did the trick. Liao Yan's face was red as he screamed, "You! Get away from her!" He rushed at him, wanting to snatch Song Yanmei away.

But he was pushed by Lu Chen instantly! He fell flat on his ass on the floor. Lu Chen didn't care about the mess on the floor as he walked over to Bai Lei,

"Let's go." There was no holding back his anger and confidence. Lu Chen rolled up his sleeves and cracked his knuckles.

"As expected of someone from a military background! His martial arts are top-notch!"

"That brat from the Lu family doesn't stand a chance!"

"I'm giving him 3 minutes before he falls."

"If you have anything to say about our family, then come face us!" Zhang Wenling roared as she stared at the people mocking Lu Chen. There was a trace of worry as she screamed out.

Lu Chen was only dodging the punches without even trying to hit back.

Kid. Don't you go dying. Huang Muyang thought as he watched. He didn't meet the kid for too long. But he was interesting, to say the least.

"What's this about beating me?!" Bai Lei roared. As he punched, he continued to mock the child.

"..." Lu Chen stayed silent as he dodged.

"You're nothing but a brat. How dare you challenge me?!" Bai Lei continued to demean him in every way possible.

"Uncle! Get him!" Liao Yan screamed on the side!

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