A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 643: Am I Still Handsome?

Chapter 643: Am I Still Handsome?

Chapter 643: Am I Still Handsome?

After getting up from the ground, the battle between the two started. It was a hectic sight as both groups tried their best not to fall themselves. Wu Luli screamed,

"This is so weird!" She couldn't get up from the ground and waddled back and forth! But Sun Jian quipped,

"Come on, junior! This is nothing for you. Where's your mew mew spirit?"

"Senior is so spiteful!" Wu Luli roared out! He was getting back at them for all the black history Zhang Jian brought. But it wasn't Zhang Jian's team who was only getting teased; Sun Jian did it to everyone!

While everyone was messing around, the only one who wasn't was Lai Liqin. I need to win! The only thing he had to do was win! After what Zhang Jian did shatter his pride!

He needed to show he wasn't going to stand by that. But this damn suit! Because of how big it was, it was so difficult to move in! As he got close to Zhang Jian,

"What's this?! Is there going to be a battle between the two leaders?!" Sun Jian narrated the situation!

Slam! The two slammed into each other, and the latter was being pushed back! Zhang Jian was dealing with another member.

"Senior, I'm alright. There's nothing to worry about." Zhang Jian tried his best not to show he was hurt. But the blood coming down his forehead was saying something different!

"We need to stop the bleeding first!" Sun Jian took some paper to hold the blood in. While Sun Jian was focused on helping Zhang Jian,

"Liqin! You've gone too far!" Xie Wen stared at Lai Liqin viciously! This game was supposed to be fun. But Lai Liqin was fierce for no reason. Instead of apologizing, Lai Liqin stood his ground,

"It was only a mistake. I didn't mean to hit junior Zhang Jian. And he was the one who ran into my hand first." Lai Liqin wasn't going to accept it.

"You!" Xie Wen wanted to say more! But Zhang Jian waved his hand,

"Senior, it's ok. I'm fine now." His forehead was bandaged now. Xie Wen looked at Zhang Jian, and the latter gave a perfect smile,

"I'm fine now!" Giving a victory pose, Zhang Jian turned to the crowd,

"Am I still handsome, everyone?!"

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