A Cheeky Kendo God
Chapter 351
鈥 瓑涓 绛夛纴浣犲垰鍒氲锛屾鍦ㄤ 绛夛纴浣犲垰鍒氲锛屾鍦ㄤ P P Prison World Fourth Layer 涔嬩腑锛熲€
蹇冧腑 囨捈镄勫悓镞讹纴 囨捈镄勫悓镞讹纴 Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng ╁皬璇 璁 璁 棶銆
涔崭竴钖笂铡 纴浼 箮娌 粈涔堥棶棰桡纴鍙疄闄呬笂锛屽嵈 粈涔堥棶棰桡纴鍙疄闄呬笂锛屽嵈 chain夊緢澶х殑涓嶅悓锛佹鍦≒rison World Fourth Layer 涔嬩腑锛屽拰姝诲湪闂疨rison World Fourth Layer
Zheng 劧 劧 Jiang Zhengyang 涔熸 鎯 埌 埌 Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Slowly said 锛屸€沧沧阌欙纴鏄疨World World Layer 涔嬩腑锛佲€
鈥滀笌涔嫔墠涓嶅悓锛屼粠Prison World Fourth Layer 寮€濮嬶纴鏄病夐棷鍏ヨ夐棷鍏ヨ夐棷鍏ヨ涓蹇涓蹇涓蹇滼 Zheng Zheng 缂撶紦 i i 阆掳纴鈥沧暣涓狥ourth Layer Prison World 渚挎槸Endless Purgatory 锛屼竴镞 笍鍏ュ叾涓纴灏 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬 镞犱紤镞犳镄勬圹鍙桬Umbrella study 鏄疨rison World Fourth Layer 銆傗€
鈥滆笍鍏rison World Fourth Layer
钖埌杩欙纴Wu Chi 蹇冧腑slightly trembled 锛岃 锛岃 岖粓浜庢槑锏 岖粓浜庢槑锏 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi幓闂疨rison World Fourth Layer 浜嗭纴杩欑亩鐩村おabnormal 浜嗭紒
鈥滀箣鍓嶆湁浜 垚锷熻 垚锷熻 涔堬纻鈥漌 u Chi chain 変簺濂 镄勫啀娆¢棶阆撱
鈥滆嚜鐒 湁锛屽惁鍒欎篃涓崭 湁锛屽惁鍒欎篃涓崭 湁锛屽惁鍒欎篃涓崭 湁锛屽惁鍒欎篃涓崭 変 五 五 五 五 od Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng鏄緢涔呬箣鍓岖殑浜嬫儏浜嗭纴宸茬粡涔呭埌鍑犱箮娌°C湁鍏蜂綋鎯呭喌娴佷紶涓嬫潵镄勫湴姝ヤ 銆傗€
椤 涓 涓 涓嬶纴 涓嬶纴 涓嬶纴 涓嬶纴 Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆 槸锛屽湪韪忓叆嬫椂锛屽鏋沧湁Soul Locking Stone 鍦ㄦ 锛屾垚锷熺殑鍙兘镐 澶 澶 澶 澶 緢澶氥 緢澶氥 傗 傗
鈥沦oul Locking Stone 锛熲€漌u Chi can鈥檛help startled 锛岀桠鎯戠殑闂死锛屸€滈偅鏄粈涔堬纻鈥
Rison鸿兘澶熷畲鏁 inch殑鎾戣 Prison World Platform 镄勮€冮獙锛屽 ammonia oul Locking Stone 锛佷笉杩囷纴浠呬粎鍙槸绗竴娆¢ 氲 氲 镞 镞 Lock Lock Lock Lock墍鍦ㄣ€傗€
蹇冧腑涓€锷纴Wu Chi 褰揿嵆灏卞弽搴斾简杩囨潵锛屸杩囨潵锛屸滀篃灏滀篃灏滀篃灏槸璇纴濡纴濡纴濡Yang Xiuchuan 涓嶻e Chenxing 嬩腑閮嬩腑閮嬩腑閮湁涓湁涓Oul Locking Stone 锛熲€
鈥滀笉阌欙紒鈥 odd 锛孞iang Zhengyang 缁х画璇撮死锛屸€滆Umbrella 涔熸槸浜哅onk Kong 濮嬬粓绾犵紶Yang Xiuchuan 镄勫师锲犮€傗€
鈥滃彲鏄纴濡傛灉Yang Xiuchuan 涓嶻e Chenxing 閮借凡缁忔湁浜哠oul Locking Stone 锛屼负浠€涔堣缮瑕佺瓑涓嫔幓锛熲€漌u Chi 渚濈劧 chain変簺涓嶈В镄勯棶阆撱€
鈥滃緢绠€鍗曪纴锲犱 negative Soul Locking Stone 鏄彲浠ュ彔锷犱娇鐢ㄧ殑锛佲€滼iang Zhengyang solemnly replied 銆
杩欎竴鍙ヨ瘽鍗存槸璁¦u Chi 璞佺劧寮€链椼
浠呬粎鍙湁涓€鍧桽oul Locking Stone 锛孻ang Xiuchuan 鍜孻e Chenxing 涔熼兘杩树笉鏀笉鏀绩锛屾兂瑕佷粠鍒锛屾兂瑕佷粠鍒镄勬镄勬涓啀娆ず鍙栦竴浜汼oul Locking Stone 嶅幓闂疨 嶅幓闂疨 gallium rison World Fourth Layer 銆
鈥滃浠婃 涓 娆 娆 娆 World World World 娆 钖纴瀹 涓婇兘鏄痀 ang Xiuchuan 涓嶻e Chenxing 鍒 剰璁╂渶 剰璁╂渶 夊笇 chain chain 涙垚锷熺殑浜哄幓璇曢獙镄勶纴镞犺鏄皝涓€镞〉缑鍒Simplified Soul Locking Stone 锛岄兘锷垮繀浼氲浠栦滑澶鸿蛋銆傗€
鈥滀 Jane Monk Kong 锛屽叾瀹炴垨璁镐篃 chain 夋拺杩囧幓镄勫彲鑳 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 锛屽浠娄粬鍗 锛屽浠娄粬鍗 槸镙 湰涓嶆暍璐 湰涓嶆暍璐 湰涓嶆暍璐 湰涓嶆暍璐 湰涓嶆暍璐 劧铡镄勩€傗€濋】浜嗕竴涓嬶纴Jiang Zhengyang 鑻ユ湁娣辨剰镄勭湅浜哤u Chi 涓€鐪硷纴杩欐墠璇撮死锛屸€滀袱骞翠箣钖庯纴渚垮张鏄疨rison World Platform 寮€钖箣镞垛€[€[€
Zheng界劧Jiang Zhengyang 璇濊镄勫緢钖硦锛屼絾鏄疻u Chi 鍗村凡缁忔槑锏戒浠栫殑镒忔浠栫殑镒忔€濄€
粖镄勪 粖镄勪 Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon哄杽蹇礡elic 锛屽埌镞跺€欙纴鎭愭€曞 夎祫镙 chain 湡姝 瀵筜 ang Xiuchuan 涓嶻e Chenxing 锛屼缭浣 oul Locking Stone 浜嗐€
杩欎篃鏄綋鍒濓纴涓 粈涔圷 ang Xiuchuan 佸埌镊 佸埌镊 Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon €
涓娄竴娆rison World Platform 寮€钖箣镞讹纴镊繁绂诲紑浜哖rison World Third Layer 锛岀畻鏄€冭冭涓€锷€
鍙伞涓€娆★纴浜哅onk Kong 鎭愭€曞娍蹇呬 鎯 鎯 娉曟潃鎺夎嚜宸憋纴澶哄缑锽勫 娉曟潃鎺夎嚜宸憋纴澶哄缑锽勫 Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re
浜嫔疄涓婏纴鑻ラ潪浜哅onk Kong 涓嶈兘浜 鏉 鏉 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 缁忔浜嗐 缁忔浜嗐
鎯 槑锏 槑锏 杩欎簺锛 u Chi u Chi 岖湡姝 岖湡姝 湁浜涙槑锏 湁浜涙槑锏 湁浜涙槑锏 湁浜涙槑锏 嚜宸卞浠婄殑澶勫浜嗐 嚜宸卞浠婄殑澶勫浜嗐
灞 闱纴姣旇嚜宸 闱纴姣旇嚜宸 闱纴姣旇嚜宸 兂璞 腑镄勬洿锷犲鏉 腑镄勬洿锷犲鏉 腑镄勬洿锷犲鏉 腑镄勬洿锷犲鏉 腑镄勬洿锷犲鏉
涓ゅ 锛岀暀缁栾嚜宸 锛岀暀缁栾嚜宸 锛岀暀缁栾嚜宸 浜嗭纴杩欎竴娆 浜嗭纴杩欎竴娆 浜嗭纴杩欎竴娆 简 简 ‘Mon Mon Kong Kong 镞╂湁鍑嗗锛屽埌镞跺 欙纴鎭愭 欙纴鎭愭 曞 曞 曞 rison rison rison rison rison rison Prison World Third Layer 閮 笉琛屼 笉琛屼 笉琛屼
蹇冧腑闂︼ 镞犳暟蹇靛ご镄勶纴 镞犳暟蹇靛ご镄勶纴 Wu Chi 涔熸竻妤 纴 纴 Jiang Zhengyang 宸茬粡鎶婅兘 婅瘔镊 婅瘔镊 婅瘔镊 镄勪簨鎯咃纴閮 镄勪簨鎯咃纴閮 镄勪簨鎯咃纴閮 镄勪簨鎯咃纴閮 鍑Change
濡傛灉镊繁鑳 鑳 鎾戣 杩欎竴娆 杩欎竴娆 嵄闄╋纴 嵄闄╋纴 Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng涓嶈 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 锛屽苟娌 锛屽苟娌 锛屽苟娌 锛屽苟娌
浜嫔疄锛屽 绠楁槸濡 粖杩欎竴娆 ° ° ° 満浼 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃 纴涔熸槸鎶潃灏咼iang Zhengyang 镙 湰灏 湰灏 笉浼氲寰楄嚜宸 笉浼氲寰楄嚜宸 涓濇椿涓嫔幓镄勬満浼 涓濇椿涓嫔幓镄勬満浼 涓濇椿涓嫔幓镄勬満浼 涓濇椿涓嫔幓镄勬満浼 涓濇椿涓嫔幓镄勬満浼 纴镊︻劧涔熶 纴镊︻劧涔熶 纴镊︻劧涔熶 纴镊︻劧涔熶 纴镊︻劧涔熶 纴镊︻劧涔熶 璇 璇 璇 璇 璇€
宸茬粡寰楀埌浜呜嚜宸 兂鐭ラ 兂鐭ラ 镄勪竴鍒囷纴 镄勪竴鍒囷纴 Wu Chi 镊︻劧涓崭 澶氱暀锛屽綋鍗 澶氱暀锛屽綋鍗 Zheng Zheng Jiang Zhengyang 婅緸銆 婅緸銆
Slightly nodded 锛孞iang Zhengyang 鍐嶆镄勯棴涓娄 鐪 鐪 潧锛岀敱 Jiang Rui 鎶奥 u Chi 阃佸嚭浜咰ave Mansion 銆
浜嫔疄涓婏纴寰埚浜嬫儏锛屽嵆渚挎槸Jiang Rui 涔熸槸浠婂ぉ 嶅垰鍒氱煡阆撶殑锛屽 嶅垰鍒氱煡阆撶殑锛屽 嶅垰鍒氱煡阆撶殑锛屽 嶅垰鍒氱煡阆撶殑锛屽 嶅垰鍒氱煡阆撶殑锛屽 鏉 箣鏋 箣鏋 箣鏋 箣鏋 箣鏋
鑳岃礋鍦ㄤ粬韬笂镄勮矗浠 纴鍙 纴鍙 姣擶 u Chi 旋 岖殑澶氥 岖殑澶氥
鈥沧垜 嫔弸涓嶅锛屼綘绠楁槸涓 涓纴 涓纴 涓纴 涓纴 涓纴 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔
鐪嬬潃Wu Chi 锛孞iang Rui 杞诲0璇撮death
鑴镐笂暗嚭涓嚭涓涓濈瑧瀹癸纴涓濈瑧瀹癸纴 Wu Chi nodded 锛屸€沧斁蹇冨惂锛屾垜娌¢偅涔埚鏄撴镄勩€傗€
Take a letter from your arms and hand it to Wu Chi, Jiang Rui said solemnly. “If there is anything I need to help, you can tell me! As long as I can get it, I will help you.”
“many thanks!” nodded, Wu Chi did not grind, received the letter, and immediately turned away.
From Jiang Zhengyang, I got a lot of news and understood my situation. But in fact, Wu Chi is far from being so easy on the surface.
Two years, it is really too short. If you want to realize the karma road within two years and resolve the crisis of Fruit of Goodness, it will be difficult to climb the sky.
More importantly, unlike Jiang Zhengyang’s expectations, it is impossible to use the Cave Mansion cultivation of Inextinguishable Ghost Ancestor. As a result, the chances of success are much lower.
This makes Wu Chi have some headaches, and at one time there is no way to think about it.
Hesitated for a moment, Wu Chi returned to the small cave mansion, although the opportunity is awkward, but always try.
….. .
When I saw Wu Chi coming back, Su Wan also could’t help with some accidents.
There is nothing to hide from Su Wan Wu Chi, and I will explain Su Wan with what happened in the past few days.
There was no extra time to waste, and Wu Chi was immediately in the small cave mansion, with the mysterious aura, starting the Fruit of Goodness imprint on comprehend, trying to find traces of the karma.
This kind of dao comprehension, Su Wan can’t help any, just can be anxious.
Time flies for half a year.
During this period, Wu Chi and Su Wan robbed two small cave mansion with the help of Nangong Feixing. Su Wan’s entry was good, but Wu Chi still had no breakthrough, although there was already some head training, but it was faint. I always feel that something is worse and I can’t go any further.
This is still the result of Wu Chi’s innate talent, otherwise I am afraid that there will be no hope at all.
“No, you can’t go on like this.”
Once again, Wu Chi ended the cultivation and still had no progress. Su Wan suddenly opened the mouth.
With a sigh, Wu Chi was helplessly said. “I also know that I hope to do so, but it is hard to have any other way.”
Looking at Wu Chi, Su Wan said seriously, “Let’s go grab a Cave Mansion! It is said that the real Cave Mansion is ten times more effective than the small cave mansion. Only when you win a Cave Mansion, you have a hope of success. “”
Su Wan said very seriously, there is no such thing as a joke, and obviously has been thinking for a long time, has made up his mind.
The brow picked and picked, Wu Chi shook his head. “I have seen Inextinguishable Ghost Ancestor and Song Jie fought before. Those who occupy the Cave Mansion are not what I can handle.”
At this point, Wu Chi is very self-aware.
From the strength of Song Jie, I didn’t have the chance to win at all.
And Song Jie is, in the expert that occupied the 13 Cave Mansions, I am afraid that it is still one of the weakest people.
“You may not be alone, but if we join hands, there may not be a chance of success.” Looking at Wu Chi, Su Wan finally said this long-awaited statement.
For a moment, Wu Chi’s brow suddenly picked it up. “No! It’s too dangerous, I can’t let you take risks with me.”
Grab the Cave Mansion, this is a vengeance!
Once you start, there is no victory or defeat, only Life and Death.
If it fails, Su Wan will also die with himself.
“Only for a year and a half, I have to open Prison World Platform again. Monk Kong will definitely not let you go!” Looking at Wu Chi, Su Wan said in a tranquil voice, “I can’t watch you die.” “”
“Noisy!” Wu Chi frowned,berated with a sinking tone, “Su Wan, my thing, I will find my own way! I will never let you intervene, no discussion.”
It seems that Wu Chi would have said that Su Wan calmly looked at Wu Chi opened the mouth and said. “I have not been talking to you. This is my decision! If you disagree, I can go alone. !”
Upon hearing this, Wu Chi immediately stunned and opened his mouth. He wanted to speak, but he could not find a half word.
Looking at Wu Chi, Su Wan continued, “You know, my this person is not reasonable! You can’t stop me.”
“…Su Wan, are you crazy?” Wu Chi’s scalp numb and couldn’t help but scolded again.
“Whatever you say.” Su Wan said in a tranquil voice, “I won’t watch you die, so… no matter how dangerous, I have to give it a try! You promise me, or… I go alone!”
Su Wan’s voice is still very light, but flashed with unquestionable decision.
As she just said, when she said this, she was not discussing with Wu Chi, but had already made a decision. No matter whether Wu Chi answered or not, she could not change her determination.
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