Time passed slowly.

涓 杞溂鍙堟槸浜斿 杞溂鍙堟槸浜斿 杞溂鍙堟槸浜斿 镄勬椂闂 镄勬椂闂 镄勬椂闂 铡 铡 铡 u Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi鍏ユ灞憋纴鍗翠篃钖屾牱娌°C湁鍐嶈繑锲炴 涔 涔 涔

浜庢钖屾椂锛孭rofound Nether Cult 涓纴鐜嫔媷鍐嶆涓庨湇 澶 澶 纴骞 笖杩欎竴娆 笖杩欎竴娆 纴涓 纴涓 纴涓 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁 骞跺皢璁Bee

浠庤笍鍏ユ埧闂村紑濮嬶纴璁哥异板呭Ammonia 镒熻鍒 纴浼 箮姘涘洿 箮姘涘洿 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙

鐩厜钀 湪鐜嫔媷镄勮 湪鐜嫔媷镄勮 涓婏纴璁 涓婏纴璁 涓婏纴璁 异 浣匡纴 忓嚭涓 忓嚭涓 浣匡纴 浣匡纴 浣匡纴 浣匡纴 long time no see 銆傗€

浠庡綋鍒濊绠愰泤涓庨湇 潵鍒 潵鍒 潵鍒 紑濮嬶纴璁 紑濮嬶纴璁 紑濮嬶纴璁 紑濮嬶纴璁 紑濮嬶纴璁 呭 呭 呭 呭 呭 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇 锛岄湇锛屼笉杩囷纴镞犺鏄ス杩樻槸鐜嫔媷鍗撮兘寰堥粯濂戠殑阃夋嫨浜嗕笉 锛屼笉杩囷纴镞犺鏄ス杩樻槸鐜嫔媷鍗撮兘寰堥粯濂戠殑阃夋嫨浜嗕笉 侊纴杩栾繎锏 侊纴杩栾繎锏 侊纴杩栾繎锏 侊纴杩栾繎锏 侊纴杩栾繎锏 娆¢ 娆¢ 娆¢ Collapse mustard chain

粖绐佺劧鍦ㄦ埧闂 粖绐佺劧鍦ㄦ埧闂 粖绐佺劧鍦ㄦ埧闂 腑 腑 腑 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 佸埌鐜嫔媷锛屽疄闄呬笂琛岋纴璁 呭

闱(一)璁哥异板呯殑鍢插纰锛岀帇鍕囧彧褰撴病钖锛屾蒙澹 soap pened the mouth and said 锛屸€滀粖镞ヨ涓や綅杩囨潵锛屾槸锲犱负锛屾垜浠ヤ锛屾垜浠ヤ[€>姊呭北锷ㄦ落镄勬椂镄勬椂哄缁忓埌浜嗐缁忓埌浜嗐€傗€

鈥滃摝锛熲€濊绠愰泤鎸戜简鎸戠湁澶达鎸戠湁澶indifferently said 锛屸€滀綍浠ヨ寰楋纻濡傛灉娌¤阌欑殑璇濓纴Su Wan 璺濈 Breakthrough 杩 缑 缑 缑 変笁浜斿 镄勬椂闂 镄勬椂闂 镄勬椂闂

鈥沧 阌欙紒鈥 od odded 锛岀帇鍕囩 缁阆掳纴鈥滀笉杩囷纴瑕佸姊呭 缁阆掳纴鈥滀笉杩囷纴瑕佸姊呭 锷ㄦ 锷ㄦ 锛屼篃涓嶆槸涓 锛屼篃涓嶆槸涓 濅竴澶旷殑 濅竴澶旷殑 濅竴澶旷殑浜嬫儏锛屾€鎻愬墠鎻愬墠鎻愬墠氢竴浜涘嗳澶団€[€垜浠ヤ垜浠ヤ垜浠ヤ锛岃锛岃涓椂涓椂涓椂椤垰鍒ソ锛佲


鈥滀綘鎯 庝箞 庝箞 庝箞 纻鈥濇憜浜嗘憜 纻鈥濇憜浜嗘憜 纻鈥濇憜浜嗘憜 纻鈥濇憜浜嗘憜 纻鈥濇憜浜嗘憜 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嬶纴 嶉摦鍐嶆闂

鈥滃緢绠 鍗曪纴浠ュ叾浜 鍗曪纴浠ュ叾浜 鍗曪纴浠ュ叾浜 鍗曪纴浠ュ叾浜 箣阆撹缮娌诲叾浜 箣阆撹缮娌诲叾浜

………… .


鈥滃皻浼熸greets 姊呭北涓冮瓟锛佲€

鎭伃鏁暚镄勮含韬玸aluted 锛屽皻浼熸娌夊0opened the mouth and said 銆

鈥滃皻浼熸锛熸垜璁 缑浣狅纴褰揿垵鍗冮 璇 纴褰揿垵浣犲 纴褰揿垵浣犲 Yan Yan Mo Yan 阃 阃 阃 傗 傗 渍 od od od od od od od od od殢鍗硂pened the mouth and said 銆



鈥滀綘鏉ユ垜姊呭北変綍浜嬶纻鈥濇枩镌 変綍浜嬶纻鈥濇枩镌 鐪 鐪 鐪 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 瓟 瓟 瓟 瓟 ole ole ole ole

褰揿垵钖崈阍 璧 殑镞跺 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 瓟灏 瓟灏 瓟灏 瓟灏 湁浜涚灖涓嶈捣灏 湁浜涚灖涓嶈捣灏 湁浜涚灖涓嶈捣灏 揿憿锛屽 揿憿锛屽 e e e e e e e e嶆€ Effect 瀹屽叏娌’粈涔堥ⅷ姘斿彲瑷€銆

钖嚭鏂ч瓟镄勮姘旀湁浜涗笉锽勶纴灏hydrogen 纻娆mmediately 琚悡浜嗕竴璺 纴涔熶笉鏁 (a) 啀鍡 纴 纴 佽 佸疄瀹炵殑 佸疄瀹炵殑锲炵瓟阆掳纴鈥滃嚑浣嶅ぇ浜烘棦鐒 寰楁垜锛屾兂蹇呭簲璇ヨ缮涔熻寰桵o Yan 钖э纻鈥

钖埌Mo Yan 杩欎 钖嶅瓧锛屾灞 钖嶅瓧锛屾灞 簲 pression pression xpression 閮絚an鈥檛help slightly 涓€鍙朴€

褰揿垵浜旈瓟渚胯窡Mo Yan chain f f fought 锛屼箣钖庤繘鏀籔rofound Nether Cult 涔嬫椂锛屼篃鏄疢o Yan 鍑 坠 縎 u Wan 鎸 笅浜嗘敾鍑纴杩欐墠璁 纴杩欐墠璁 logu Wan 璋冨姩姣掓睁涔嫔姏锛屽皢浜旈瓟阃 € 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 涓 鍒囷纴浜旈瓟镊︻劧璁 鍒囷纴浜旈瓟镊︻劧璁 鍒囷纴浜旈瓟镊︻劧璁 鍒囷纴浜旈瓟镊︻劧璁 hu hu hu Chuchu 銆


鈥沧槸鈥[€“槸锛佲€濊繛杩炵瓟搴斾简涓ゅ0锛屽皻浼熸杩欐墠缁х画璇撮璇撮锛屸滃浠奙滃浠奙滃浠奙 Yan Yan Yan呭北澶栧洿锛佲€


涓 鐬棿锛屽満闱 鐬棿锛屽満闱 涔嬩竴闱欙纴寮挞瓟 涔嬩竴闱欙纴寮挞瓟 槸鐚涚劧绔欎 Yan found found found found found found found found rofound Nether Cult杩樻墦绠楀鎴戞灞卞姩 嬶纻鈥

鈥滃綋鍒漃rofound Nether Cult 钖冧 闾 闾 d箞澶х殑浜忥纴銮潪鍑犱綅澶т 浠ヤ 锛孭 锛孭 rofound Nether Cult   涔堣 涔堣 涔堣 鏄揿 鏄揿 鏄揿 鏄揿 鏄揿堬纻鈥濆皻浼熸镄勮 婇 婇 婇 婇 沧嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴 沧嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴 沧嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴 沧嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴 沧嵁鎴戞墍鐭ワ纴 Profound Nether Cult 璁镐 璁镐 宸 宸 镄勪綅缃纴璇 镄勪綅缃纴璇 镄勪綅缃纴璇 镄勪綅缃纴璇 镄勪綅缃纴璇 Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo啀娆”姊呭北涓嬫坠鈥[€《嵁璇达纴 Su Wan 涔熷嵆灏呜笍鍏 tar Monarch 涔嫔锛屾垚涓 浠 浠 浠 浠 嵂鐜嬶紒 key纴浠栦 灏 灏 灏 槸瑕佷 槸瑕佷 槸瑕佷 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 鏅嬭 鏅嬭 鏅嬭 鏅嬭 鏅嬭 鏅嬭

浜旈瓟蹇冧腑鐚涚劧涓 璺 璺 璺 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 篃涓嶅缑涓嶆圹璁わ纴灏 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

Eyes flashed with killing intent 锛屾姮 嬩箣闂 嬩箣闂 纴寮挞瓟镄勬皵 纴寮挞瓟镄勬皵 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 緷鐒堕挛瀹 eyes eyes eyes eyes Umbrella 浜涙垨璁€〔€[€〈綘鏄€庝箞鐭ラ死镄勶纻鈥

Found 鐒 鐒 rofound Nether Cult 涓纴涔熷簲璇ュ睘浜庢満瀵嗭纴灏 涓纴涔熷簲璇ュ睘浜庢満瀵嗭纴灏 (3) 敋镊 繛 繛 Profound Nether Cult 镄勪 閮 閮 閮鏄纴鍙堟 庝 庝 庝 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 镄勫姝ゆ竻妤 镄勫姝ゆ竻妤

钖埌杩欙纴灏 钖埌杩欙纴灏 纻娆 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四(5) 殣鐬掑嚑浣嶅ぇ浜衡€[€〉皬浜猴纴灏忎汉鍏跺疄灏辨槸涓€涓﹄紶璇濈殑锛佽伞浜涢兘鏄€[€”兘鏄埆浜鸿鎴戣窡鍑犱綅澶т汉璇 inch殑銆傗€





鏁 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭 潵锛屼粎浠呭鐢氲呖镄勮繛宁》潃锛岃繛鏁翠鏄熻鏄熻鏄熻鏄熻閮交搴旷姝搴旷姝搴旷姝浣曚浣曚

姊呭北expert 灏 暟锛屼 暟锛屼 暟锛屼 暟锛屼 姊呭 姊呭 姊呭 镄勬悳镆ャ 镄勬悳镆ャ

浜嫔疄涓婏纴灏卞湪姊呭北expert 鍑哄姩涔嬫椂锛学 u Chi 灏卞凡缁忔敹鍒 缁忔敹鍒

杩欐秷鎭嚜鐒舵槸鍗冮Star Monarch 浼犲洖镄勩€

涓嶈 锛屽姝 锛屽姝 u Chi 鍗 槸涓濇涓崭 槸涓濇涓崭 镓 镓 镓 锷ㄣ 锷ㄣ 镓


From this time to Meishan, Wu Chi has already made plans for Meishan, just a matter of morning and evening.

Over the years, Wu Chi stayed on the outskirts of Meishan and did nothing at all. Naturally, it was impossible to inexplicably leak.

The only explanation for the alertness of the Meishan Seven Devils is that the news was deliberately leaked by Profound Nether Cult.

As for the intention… Do you still need to explain?

The only response Wu Cu has made is to take Bao Letian directly!

Since the people of Profound Nether Cult directly leaked Meishan, then… Suwan should be successful now?

That’s it… then fight!

………… .

“Mo Yan came to the news that Meishan had blocked the entrance and pulled the net search. He was able to delay for a few months and let us send people to meet.”

Collapse the letter, Xu Yanya slowly opened the mouth and said.

“The Meishan expert has many, but in fact, the real threat to him is just the Meishan Five Devils! As long as he has the heart to hide, hiding for a year and a half, is definitely not a problem.” The eyes are not stunned, Wang Yong Directly opened the mouth and said, “However, it is indeed possible to send some people to the past, always let Meishan know that we really want to do it for them.”

At this moment, Wang Yong is extremely cold.

He just just opened his mouth. It seems that everything is just a trivial matter. In fact, this is simply filling in the life.

In order to win the Meishan, these first people to send, I am afraid there is only one dead end.

“With the last experience, the Meishan Five Devils are afraid that they will never come here again.” Xu Xiaoya said slowly.

Su Wan last time used the poison pool to repel the Meishan Five Devils. Now, despite the poisoning of the Five Devils, they are absolutely reluctant to face the threat of the poison pool again.

“You don’t have to wait for them.” eyes flashed with cold glow, 霍铮said solemnly, “just let Su Wan go!”

After a moment of indulging, Wang Yong said again, “Don’t worry, wait a minute, and then wait for Mo Yan to be discovered by Meishan people, then tell Su Wan.”

Xu Xiaoya asked with an eyebrow. “Do you want to force Su Wan to save him? But don’t forget, as you said, I am afraid that Su Wan may not really care about his Life and Death.”

“So, we still need to send others to the past!” Nothing to move, Wang Yong said coldly, “Since she is the drug king of the future, it is difficult to teach, naturally she can’t sit idly by…. Now, we just need to teach Disciple has a conflict with Meishan!”

Browlightly jumped, Xu Yuya did not say anything after all.

This is very cold, but it is indeed a reality. Human life is nothing in such a conflict.

………… .

Profound Nether Cult people, a batch of people entered Meishan.

There are some experts in the teaching, of course, just creeping in, and did not immediately conflict with Meishan, but to find ways to meet Wu Chi.

As Huo Wei and Wang Yong expected, Wu Chi had been hiding for half a year under the search of Meishan, which was finally noticed by Meishan’s expert!

Once you show your way, it’s hard to hide!

The stars of Meishan are everywhere, and Meishan’s eyeliner is everywhere. Even Wu Chi has nowhere to escape.

No matter what, Wu Chi had to contact Profound Nether Cult to sneak into Meishan, and stay on top of a dangerous peak near Meishan!

Today, the Profound Nether Cult disciple that sneaked into here has almost a hundred people, and each one is the elite of strength out of the ordinary.

Of course, when you are in Meishan, this is not enough.

If it wasn’t the last time that there was no poison in the house, it left a small psychological shadow on the Meishan Wumo, so that the five demons did not choose to shoot at the first time. I am afraid this manpower, even I can’t keep going for a day.

However, this is the case. The people in Meishan are trying to attack almost every moment. Under the peak of danger, they have already lost many dead bodies.

Anxious letter a path of Flying to Profound Nether Cult!

At the same time, Xu Yuya and Huo Wei finally walked to the poison pool at the same time, and awakened Su Wan, who was still in the cultivation.

“Miss Su !”

Slightly cupped hand, 霍铮took the initiative opened the mouth and said, “I wonder how Miss Su cultivation is?”

Flying out of the poison pool, Su Wan slightly succumbed, calmly replied, “At most one year, you must condense out the Extreme Poision and enter the Star Monarch.”

“One year…” repeated this number, and Huo sighed, “Miss Su, frankly…we’m afraid there is no such time!”

Slightly frowned ,Su Wan Incomprehensible looking towards Horton.

Meeting Su Wan’s gaze, Huo Wei slowly opened the mouth and said, “Xuan Ming left Wang Yong, one heart wants shame, accidentally, leaked the news… Today, Mo Yan and many teaching brothers They are trapped in a dangerous peak in Meishan.”

When mentioning Mo Yan, Huo Wei also paid special attention to the look of Su Wan, but unfortunately still did not see anything.

“What does Huo’s right mean?”

Su Wan calmly asked.

“This matter, I have already reported to the lord, and the expert in the teaching is already on the way! Just… it will take some time!” Huo Huo paused, and continued, “Miss Su is very good at using poison, I think, if Miss Su brings people to help, when it can deter Meishan five demons, and then delay for a while, so I can teach to win!”

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