A Chronicle of Life in a Different World

Chapter 423: Dialogue Part 1

What Reurus knows about Gregorianism is much inferior to what he knows about spiritualism.

I can learn more about Spiritualism because I have Gilba and Esther close to me, but not about Gregorianism. I have heard a lot from Gilba, who has been flashy colliding with Gregorianism before, but I cannot deny that the information is biased.

It is also related to the treatment of Gregorians in Mataroi, but as a Reurus individual, he has fought the Gregorians several times and may not have wanted to get involved from "Eliza's Case”.

Nevertheless, Reurus was doubtful because he had fought many times. It doesn't seem strange as a result of having a powerful enemy named Slaus, but the bishop would be excessive in acting in multiple ways.

Considering only the Gregorians Reurus has encountered so far, there have been only a couple of bishops and priests like Canna and Laurent, or several subordinates like Villa and Keith with priests on their heads.

Even when working in the fortified city of Accra, near the knees of the Counts of Velg, it was a combination of Rebecca, Laurent, and multiple subordinates.

In comparison, the bishop's ability to act more than once was considered excessive.

Chris and Tina look at each other in response to Reurus' questions. However, I couldn't see the expression because I was looking at the fox, and I couldn't read what I was thinking.

"Soooo... soooo! Prince, are you interested in our activities? Why don't you come over here and limit yourself to spiritualism?

Chris' and Tina's reactions are backwards, and Rebecca's reactions are very easy to understand. I thought I smiled as if the flowers had bloomed, and I said that Gilba, who was next to Reurus, was about to rise.

"I don't know... I just thought it was weird from my experience."

Reurus answers in a stunning tone before Zilba reacts. Then Rebecca maliciously distorted her smile.

"Then I can't tell you. As a prince, I want to tell you everything you want, but I have a position."

"... I see."

That's exactly the Gregorian course of action - and I can't seem to tell you why bishops move more than once.

Not as much as I expected, Rebecca once again changed her expression and smiled happily as Reurus tried to retreat.

"... that's what other people would say if they were opponents, but if they were“ somewhat ”, they would talk. Of course, Prince... you're the only one, right?

Rebecca looked at Gilba meaningfully.

I think it's a special treatment that I'm not happy with as a revulsion, but I'm worried whether I should stop or step up if Gilba moves. But before that, Chris and Tina shouted in amazement.

Rebecca, don't provoke me.

Rebecca, get yourself some weight.

Oh, excuse me.

Rebecca answers without really being rude. Reurus sighed as he followed Chris and Tina with a smile as to what was fun.

"To a certain extent, don't you think I'll talk to Gilba after you've listened?

"Please make yourself at home. You're free to talk or not... yes, you're free."

Rebecca's reaction raised Reurus' eyebrows.

Are you not going to talk so much about “confidentiality”, or do you think Reurus won't talk about it?

Still, because it was a corner opportunity, Reurus looked at Jilba sideways, and Jilba nodded back in a slight mood. Though via Reurus, it would be interesting to know if Zilba knew anything about Gregorianism.

Well, shall we talk about it over there?

That's how Rebecca urges her to leave the town of Speranza. Apparently, I'd like to relocate the place so that no one else can hear it, but even if it were a revus, it would be a precaution for me to speak alone with Rebecca and the others.

I don't think they're going to cheat in this situation, but that's why I'm not honest and trustworthy.

"I want you to rest assured. If anything happens, I'll stop."

"I want you to rest assured. If anything happens, I'll beat Rebecca to death."

Chris and Tina said that when they noticed the realuse alert. Tina is saying something slightly more radical, but is it to reassure Reurus, or is there something you think about Rebecca?

"... I'm supposed to be on your side. It's sad... yeah, sad."

Rebecca covers her eyes with her hands to express her feelings for what they said. However, Rebecca looked at Neddy with her expression back on her face, ignoring Reurus as a crying imitation.

"Then I don't mind if I accompany your spirit. I'm not willing to fight the Prince for the moment, but it's a good escort, right?

Gilba, a Spirit, can't, but Neddy, a Spirit, can accompany him. Rebecca smiled meaningfully as Reurus frowned on Rebecca's words.

"Besides... I don't mind your spirits listening to me."

A short distance from the town of Speranza, Reurus was facing Rebecca and Neddy. Even if they were away, they would only be as far away as they could hear if they raised their voice, and if they entered the battle, Zilba would fly in immediately.

Reus took a distance of about five meters from Rebecca and took charge of the "Dragon Slash." Rebecca will attack as a Reurus.

"Well... I won't get in the way of the Rabies here, so I can talk to you slowly."

That's how Rebecca stares at Reurus with a smile, but his appearance is surprisingly full of gaps. Chris and Tina, who stood beside Rebecca, were more alert to Rebecca than Reurus, although they didn't see any gaps in their natural body.

"Just ask me one more time before we talk. Hey, prince... are you sure you don't want to go into Gregorianism? You'll be recognized as a bishop from the beginning, and you'll be given a lot of privileges if you want.

"Then I'll just answer again... no."

Even during this period, Reurus responded impatiently to Rebecca's invitation to Gregorianism.

It's emotional, but I can't nod from the standpoint. Even if you ignore your position in Spiritualism, you will not be allowed to enter Gregorianism in Mataroi, which excludes Gregorianism.

Rebecca continued her words without changing her expression, as if she had expected a response from Reurus.

"Then I'll change the way I invite you. It doesn't matter if you belong to Spiritualism, so why don't you join Gregorianism? You don't have to say anything publicly, just sneak in."


Reurus is lost in reactions to unexpected suggestions. Apart from the rumors of entering Gregorianism, I wondered if that was okay.

"They hate us in this country, and spirituals hate us, but it doesn't matter if we're on this side... yeah, really."

"... as a religion, you're not going to conflict with Spiritualism?

The two religions known to Reurus in this world are Spiritualism and Gregorianism, but these two religions are very unfamiliar. To be precise, it should be seen that Gilba, who is close to Reus, is moving away from Gregorianism throughout Mataroi.

However, if Rebecca's story is true, Spiritualism seems to exist as "irrelevant” to Gregorians. I couldn't understand what it meant to say, but seeing Chris and Tina didn't deny it.

While it may seem misleading to have Zilba close by, Spirits are not as specialized in combat as Gregorians. Rather, Gilba is an exception, and “ordinary” spirituals will only be human because they are commensurate with the doctrine.

I once heard that the Gregorians had taken down spirits and that they were in conflict with each other, but that was only one-sided information from Esther and Gilba.

Or do you think Spiritualism is so weak that the word "conflict" is not established from the perspective of the Gregorian side based on a comparison of the two religions' warpower?

Rebecca opens her mouth as she sees a revus that lets her think about what it means.

"Yes... because, from my point of view, Gregorianism is not a religion. How do I confront spiritualism as a religion?

--And Rebecca said that without hesitation.

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