"Exactly, the boy traveled overseas and discovered a lot of mysteries in the world. I planned to continue to explore, in order to seek the position of heaven and man. However, the immortals in the upper world gave instructions, and the boy had to obey, so he returned to the land of Shenzhou." Li Wei opened his eyes. The kung fu of telling lies is also growing, and a thousand lies have become the truth. Li Wei's identity as an overseas Qi practitioner has been recognized by many people.

"ZTE has traveled overseas, has there been any interesting things? I'm sure this old man knows." Huang Chengyan is also very curious about Li Wei's past. Xu Shu and Li Wei are also familiar with each other, and Li Wei's magic has opened Xu Shu's eyes. , which also shows that Li Wei is indeed a strange man with ability, not a liar.And what he has seen and heard from traveling overseas is a valuable asset.

Li Wei thought that this is what you want me to say, so I will say it.Li Wei stretched out/shot, palm facing up, a projection of the earth appeared in mid-air, and the surrounding light began to dim.

Anyone who has played "League of Legends" knows that the ice shooter Ashe's skill "Eagle Strikes the Sky" can explore/explore the map. Li Wei made a flying "beacon" based on this idea. The range made him fly westward, so he had this incredibly accurate model of the Earth.The beacon flew over Eurasia, circled the earth, and returned to Li Wei a few days ago. Li Wei also determined that this world is a complete world, not only the Han Empire, but also Europe to the west. Various city-states, several desert empires in Central Asia, North and South America are still in the period of primitive people who drink blood.  …

It's impossible for someone to have the ability to light up the map at the beginning like Li Wei.

"what is this?"

"This is the earth under our feet." Li Wei turned the globe and clicked a little on it. The location was exactly Yingchuan where he was now.The picture kept zooming in and out, and finally, the courtyard where Li Wei and Huang Chengyan were located could be seen clearly. Huang Chengyan even saw himself and Li Wei facing the ball in the picture.

Huang Chengyan looked up at the sky, and he looked up at the sky on the screen, which scared him a lot. Someone in the sky was looking at him, and this kind of thing was no joke.

"ZTE, isn't this world a round place? Why did it turn into a big colorful earth ball?" Huang Chengyan said in surprise.

"Because the earth is originally round, and the earth revolves around the sun, and the moon revolves around the earth." Li Wei moved the globe and zoomed in and out of various pictures. Li Wei adjusted the picture to Europe, At the moment, Europe is still a city-state system. At least this world's Europe is still in a city-state system, and there are constant internal disputes. Li Wei estimates that these people will have to fight for many years to complete the reunification.

These pictures surprised Huang Chengyan.

"I didn't expect that there are so many countries besides my big man. The different customs and customs are really mysterious and extraordinary. ZTE is indeed a person who is enlightened by gods." Huang Chengyan sighed, he was indeed shocked, could it be this world Really 0.2 is a big ball.

Li Wei smiled and said: "These things are the true appearance of the world, but few people will believe it. Unless you are like a kid, go out and see for yourself, you will know how wonderful this world is. I will wait for Qi practitioners. Self-cultivation is also to understand the world and transcend the limits of human beings to reach a higher level of existence. In the eyes of the gods, it is quite interesting that mortals are stunned because the earth is round, boy When I first learned about the true appearance of this world, I was also very surprised."

Li Wei just wanted to show his "odd" side, because Huang Chengyan had never seen anyone teaching and educating people, so Li Wei would have to go out of the way, or at least show that he was special.No, Huang Chengyan's attitude towards Li Wei is also a little more respectful. The immortal family's methods are shocking, and Huang Chengyan, whose three views have been shaken, is now more and more incomprehensible to Li Wei.Originally, he still had the advantage of the home court, but he was led away by Li Wei's nose before he knew it. .

chapter 477. open the skylight and say something bright

Li Wei knew that it was impossible for him to compare with the scribes from these disciplines in the specific study of the classics, so he could only win with oddities.

At least it seems that the effect is not bad for now. Huang Chengyan is constantly turning the globe like a child, wanton "peeping/peeping" the situation all over the world, but these pictures are not real-time, except for the one who looked up at the sky just now is Li. In addition to what Wei Xian did, everything else he did in advance was used to fool Huang Chengyan.

After more than ten minutes passed, Huang Chengyan stopped in contentment.

"Chaowen Daoxi is dead! The ancients did not deceive me!" Huang Chengyan exclaimed in a low voice.This is the mystery of the universe. Like the ancient sages, he saw the truth of the world. "I really want to go see it for myself..."

"Why not?" Li Wei laughed.

"Oh? ZTE can still let me see this earth?" Huang Chengyan said in surprise.

Li Wei didn't talk nonsense. With a little finger, a white cloud like cotton candy appeared on the ground.Li Weishen said: "This is the method taught by the immortals, it is called somersault cloud, a somersault is [-] miles, since Mr. Huang wants to see what the earth looks like, then this somersault cloud is just right. "

Huang Chengyan was horrified, this means of flying through the clouds and driving the fog, what is it if it is not an immortal?Even if Li Wei only calls himself a Qi Practitioner, in Huang Chengyan's view, he is not much different from an immortal.Following Li Wei on this 19-not-so-big white cloud, he felt that the surrounding scenery was changing rapidly, the yard below was getting smaller and smaller, and he actually flew up!

Huang Chengyan sat cross-legged on the clouds, afraid of falling, but Li Wei actually gave him protection in secret, even if he went above the clouds, he didn't have to worry about the sun exposure and lack of oxygen.

"Mr. Huang, sit down, the land of China is huge, let's go around." Li Wei flew over the mountains and rivers with the fake somersault cloud.

Huang Chengyan only felt the cold wind hitting his face, making it difficult for him to speak. As the height increased, the two of them were about to break through the atmosphere. Huang Chengyan saw the circular horizon, the sky was no longer blue, and it became darker as it went up. The dazzling sun made him narrow his eyes.Looking back, the territory of the Han Empire can be clearly seen, and there are other mountains and rivers outside the Han Dynasty. Huang Chengyan knew for the first time that the world was so big.

"Chaowen Daoxi is dead." Huang Chengyan said this for the second time, but what he wanted to say most now was this sentence. After understanding the real side of this world, he felt his own insignificance.No wonder the ancient sages disappeared after they made achievements. I'm afraid it wasn't because they discovered the truth of this world, but no one believed it when they said it, so they went into seclusion.

Li Wei didn't know that his own hand also made a huge change in the history of this world. Later generations of people verified that Huang Chengyan was taken by immortals to travel around the world at the end of the Han Dynasty, and he came to the same result as the solar system model made by modern science.People can't explain why Huang Chengyan was able to discover the fact that the earth is round, the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun in the era of backward technology in the late Han Dynasty.People say that the so-called fairy may be an alien.And the Huaxia Empire has also become the first country in the world to discover the solar system, but this is a story later.

"Mr. Huang, how do you feel? The earth is round, so the kid didn't lie to you." Li Wei laughed. Flying has always been a human desire. Although there are already planes in modern times, this kind of free flying is the only way to fly. is what humans desire.

"Chang Xian! Xian Xian, it would be nice if there was alcohol at this time." Huang Chengyan was extremely excited. Although he couldn't tell others about this big discovery, he could still have fun for a long time by himself.When he was going to go back, he would write this record down so that future generations would know the mystery of this world.

"Mr. Huang, the wind is strong at high altitude and the sun is poisonous. Your body can't stand it anymore. We are going to go down." Li Wei rode the clouds and began to land in the direction of China mainland. It didn't take long for the two to return. yard.

Huang Chengyan's attitude suddenly improved a lot.First give him the "treasure of drunkards", and then let him know the secrets of this world, such a strange person, he is willing to make friends.It should be said that he is still a bit high-level, and it is not that he has never seen Huang Chengyan, a Qi practitioner, but compared with Li Wei, he is a ghostly fake. But to him, it was ridiculous.Just like the Zhang Jiao who gave Fushui, in his opinion, he is a swindling liar.

In Huang Chengyan's view, Li Wei really has the great ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. Where can the world go?If it wasn't for the enlightenment of the immortal, maybe Li Wei was still wandering around the world at this time.Therefore, for such a strange person, due respect is necessary. The mighty power of heaven and earth is not something mortals can imagine. In Huang Chengyan's view, Li Wei is actually not much different from the legendary immortal.But even an immortal might ask him to do things,

This kind of respect makes Huang Chengyan quite useful.People live with a face and a tree with a layer of skin. Huang Chengyan is not interested in being an official, and he is not short of money. If he has no desire, he is strong, but he is also a tough bone.Li Wei's favor and the shock of his mighty force made Huang Chengyan correct his attitude.

"General Li, the old man already knows your purpose. The disciples under the old man have a lot of experience in the construction of internal affairs. If you don't dislike it, you can take a few with you."

"This... Then thank you Mr. Huang." Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and tossed it for so long, isn't it just for this sentence.

Li Wei is indeed short of people now. Li Wei's purpose is to open up people's wisdom, but the economic foundation determines the superstructure. Those refugees have missed the best period of learning, and they have no time to learn.Even cramming education with "daigo initiation" will not be very effective.Li Wei can only hope that the next generation of these refugees will have enough students to carry out large-scale literacy studies. These students can pass on knowledge from generation to generation, breaking the monopoly of the family on knowledge.

When everyone can read and hyphenate words and think independently, can the aristocratic family still monopolize everything?Moreover, in this chaotic world, Li Wei has a lot of things to do, but these things will damage the interests of the family, so Li Wei only dares to use innocent students from the poor family, and Yingchuan Academy, which has no class, is Li Wei's current The only place where such poor students could be obtained, so Li Wei had to do everything he could.This is also because he was forced to do so, so he made this decision. In these days, most of the scholars have a family first and then a country, and the existence of a family can destroy the country, so Li Wei did not dare to take it lightly.

Li Wei will leave after all. If some problems cannot be eliminated, he will soon be in chaos again when he leaves the country. Therefore, it is not Li Wei who is targeting these families, but these families seeking their own death.The historical experience summed up in later generations and the overall view brought by the perspective of God, the family can be said to be a cancer.Although Li Wei knew that he could not completely destroy the family at the root, he was able to use knowledge to dismember the family and minimize the influence of the family as much as possible.

Li Wei's need for talents is all for transition, to buy time for the second and third generations of refugees to grow up. As long as they grow up, then Li Wei does not need any external assistance.No matter what the military generals on the opposite side are, there are enough talents on his side to fight against the other side.The current aristocratic family is a typical elite system, so talented people are born in large numbers, but what Li Wei is playing is the combination of large-scale education and deepening. Maybe there will be a certain gap in quality, but in terms of quantity, the longer it takes, the longer Li Wei plays. the greater the advantage.

"General Li is someone who wants to achieve great things. For those disciples of this old man, instead of relying on others, it is better to rely on General Li. At least they don't have to worry about saving their lives. They can be regarded as places where they can show their strength." Huang Chengyan also opened up now. Skylight speaks eloquently, and no longer puts on the air of elders.

"Mr. Huang has seen the future? Is this an early investment?" Li Wei asked curiously.

"The Great Han Empire is four hundred years old, and now it's sunset. A few years ago, I was thinking about how to save him. It's a pity that this can't be saved. I let Yuanzhi go out of the mountain, but also let him travel more for him. The senior brothers and sisters are looking for someone who can serve, but now it seems that he is lucky, and he met you as a general as soon as he went out." Huang Chengyan laughed. .

Chapter 478. Huang Chengyan's Marriage

"There is no immortal empire in the world. The Han family has prospered and fallen, but now it has come to the time of real decline. Several emperors are not heroes, and the mud can't support the wall. How can we talk about revival? Then Wang Yun and Yang Biao still If you want to persuade the old man to go to Luoyang to serve the royal family, then Luoyang is a big quagmire. If you go to ten deaths and no life, the old man will be so stupid? So the old man is at ease in this Yingchuan Academy and educates the students. It is much better than suffering in Luoyang. It is precisely because the revival of the Han Dynasty is hopeless that this old man predicts that sooner or later the world will be in chaos, and this investment is naturally the sooner the better." Huang Chengyan stroked his long beard and laughed.

Li Wei scolded "old fox" inwardly. No wonder there were advisors from the Yingchuan Department everywhere. It turned out that you old foxes were doing things behind the scenes.No matter which one wins, in the end the Yingchuan Academy will all benefit, and this deal is a good deal.

"Old Mr. Huang really is a visionary. The immortal who pointed me once said that the Chinese mainland will face a chaos that has not been encountered in a thousand years, and the disaster of the sword and soldiers will come, and my blood of the Han people does not exist in ten. The blood is tied, and I have to go back to this place for me. If the Chinese bloodline earns a future, Yuan Zhi is the talent he needs, and if Mr. Huang has a talent like Yuan Zhi, he must leave it to him." Li Wei also pushed his nose on his face, anyway, he said it earlier. Even if I say it late, I say, shameless, shameless.

"This..." Huang Chengyan almost choked on his own saliva. He also cultivated such a disciple as Xu Shu, but Li Wei opened his mouth.But Huang Chengyan thought about it, maybe this is an opportunity.

After stroking his beard, Huang Chengyan said with a smile: "Yuanzhi is such a talent, this old man is also him here. But the old man has a great talent, it depends on whether you dare to ask for it or not."

"Why don't you dare? Could it be that quirky personality?" Li Wei thought to himself that it's okay to have a bad temper, as long as he can do things.

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