Huang Chengyan took Huang Yueying's hand and handed it to Li Wei, sighing: "Your affairs are not suitable for a big deal, ZTE, you have been targeted by many people now, although I believe those people can't help you, but It can also make you irritable. The ceremony between you and Yueying will be simplified, do you have any opinions?"

Li Wei shook his head and said, "What I care about is Yueying's people. As for other ceremonies and so on, they are all the same. She is the wife I believe, so she will have to live with me for the rest of my life." Li Wei clutched his fingers together. /Hold Huang Yueying's hand

, the slender hands were like warm jade, and Li Wei gently rubbed her thumb.

Huang Yueying, who was teased, blushed with embarrassment. This small gesture in front of her father made her feel particularly stimulated and wanted to pull out/remove her hand, but was caught by Li Wei, the more she felt. Struggling, the more Li Wei stroked her fingers and the back of her hand.Although Li Wei was much younger than her, she could not show the majesty of being a sister, but was eaten to death by Li Wei.But who made Li Wei shameless, he started making small moves in front of Huang Chengyan.

The marriage of Li Wei and Huang Yueying was kept simple, and only Huang Chengyan and his students attended the ceremony, and they added up to about [-] people.But a comedy scene appeared. When Huang Chengyan introduced Huang Yueying, a group of people lost their eyes. No one could believe that this was the legendary ugly Yaksha. They missed such a beauty and looked towards Huang Chengyan's eyes were full of resentment.As for Li Wei, the lucky guy, he is envious, jealous, and hateful. He is so beautiful that he is afraid because of the rumors. As a result, now the beauty is taken away by others, and he can only watch.

Xu Shu's expression was very strange. He initially advised Li Wei to consider it carefully, but now he doesn't say any more. He was the one who was wrong in the end.

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After the simple ceremony, Huang Yueying officially became Li Wei's wife. Although she knew that Li Wei also had a wife, Huang Yueying was not unhappy. It's not that they haven't seen three wives and four concubines these days, it should be said that they are. It's very common, everyone is used to it.

After getting married, Li Wei began to select the talents he needed, and finally, together with Xu Shu, it was determined that there were four people in total.Xu Shu is an all-around strategist, he can do any position, and he can do it well, but he is good at overall planning. Judging from his record of laying the foundation for the Kingdom of Shu, his ability should not be underestimated.Internal affairs talents Ding Pan and Yan Gong, both of them are innocent people from the poor family, they don't have so many messy relationships, Li Wei dares to use them with confidence.Ma Liang, a staff strategist, although every ability is inferior to Xu Shu, he does have a good ability in marching formations and military strategies, and he also has some internal affairs. It is a necessary pillar in the absence of Xu Shu. Li Wei temporarily I saw four people.


However, Li Wei's promise to others is that he will develop more sites in the future. If he wants to come, he will give priority to it.Of course, this is just a scene, but under the same conditions, Li Wei will indeed give priority to the strategists of Huang Chengyan's family. After all, the close relationship is not easy to be betrayed.

Xu Shu followed Li Wei and Huang Yueying back to Runan, while the other three temporarily stayed in the academy.At this time, Li Wei's territory was not so wide that he needed so many people to manage it, and Li Wei's subordinates suddenly appeared too many advisors, which would cause vigilance and rejection from the people around him, so Li Wei was not suitable for exposing too many trump cards for the time being.

After returning to Runan, Li Wei asked Diaochan and Huang Yueying to meet. Although Li Wei felt that Mars would hit the earth, to Li Wei's surprise, Diaochan and Huang Yueying got along very well. .However, Li Wei also didn't know enough about girls, so she had this idea. Huang Yueying herself was a traditional ideological person. For her, Li Wei was everything, and she could not embarrass Li Wei.It is normal for Huang Yueying that the husband is the guide for the wife, and Diao Chan, although soft on the outside and firm on the inside, is somewhat similar to Huang Yueying in this regard. The two of them expressed their feelings and there was no conflict between the two sides, so Get along so well. .

Chapter 481. Population Strategy

I have to say that the arrival of Huang Yueying and Xu Shu really reduced Li Wei's pressure to the lightest. For Li Wei, the feeling of being able to shoot is really comfortable.

Just like now, Huang Yueying wanted to start chuang, but was hugged by Li Wei and couldn't move.Li Wei hugged Huang Yueying and Diao Chan's slender waists from left to right, and he felt so relaxed that he couldn't find the north.

"Husband, it's already morning, it's time to get up." Huang Yueying shook Li Wei to let him loose.But I didn't expect Li Wei to hug her even tighter, and from time to time his fingers brushed across her itchy flesh, making her almost scream.

"Isn't it good to take a rest today? You've worked so hard, and you have Yuan Zhi to handle all kinds of affairs, don't let yourself get too tired." Li Wei smiled lightly on Huang Yueying's lips.One Dragon Two "Five Two Three" Feng is really cool, and Diao Chan, who took on most of the firepower, is still sleeping, she is tossed enough, it doesn't look like Huang Yueying has woken up at this time.

"It's about the next development, husband... don't make trouble, now let's get down to business..." Being suddenly attacked by Li Wei, Huang Yueying glared at Li Wei and motioned him not to do anything wrong.

No matter what, Li Wei took out the hand that was placed under Diaochan's waist, and hugged Huang Yueying tightly, making her lean against his arms. "Next step, I plan to develop to the north. Gunzhou, Xuzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, these places are suitable for our situation. Now that the world is about to be in turmoil/chaos, we don't need to rush to the front. We will try our best to preserve the living force and enrich the population. And money and food. The chain city defense system exists for this strategy.”

"Don't care about Yangzhou and Jingzhou?" Huang Yueying patted off Li Wei's big hand that was making trouble on her, and continued to ask.

"There are too many aristocratic families in Yangzhou. Although the Yangtze River can be used as a defense against natural moat, it is not suitable for us. No one knows how many messy people those aristocratic families will put into our team. Our official system is different from the outside world. Let people with ulterior motives pollute the team. Jingzhou is a place of four battles, although the chain city defense system can be defended, but the target is too big, everyone wants to take a bite, it is not cost-effective to keep Jingzhou, who are they? If you are willing to fight, fight. This big man is running out of time, and if there is no way to change the overall situation, then try to save the people as much as possible."

It's not that Li Wei is incapable of protecting the Han family, but to protect the Han family is more detrimental than beneficial to such a wonderful person as Li Wei.But if there are too many loyal officials in the Han family, will the team still be mixed?So Li Wei's tendency is that the emperor is better off dead, without justice, everyone is all the same.But the fight still has to be fought, and Li Wei can fight back on defense.

Li Wei's strategies and tactics seem a bit shady. Using his own productivity advantages, he can digest each site faster than others.Continue to build cities with chain defense systems, compress the opponent's living space bit by bit, and then achieve beheading.

Huang Yueying wanted to get up, but Li Wei was willing to let her go, and it was another earth-shattering battle. It was not until lunch time that Li Wei gave up, and Huang Yueying, like Diaochan, fell asleep.

During this period of time, a lot of big things happened. Li Wei's transactions with the Mi family and the Zhen family were quite pleasant, but in general, the transactions with the Mi family were more worry-free.This time, Li Wei wanted to personally go out and pick up a group of refugees. The Mi family sent the refugees to the territory of Runan, and then Zhou Cang and Deng Hong would pick them up, ranging from two to three hundred to seven or eight hundred. Chengduo can be regarded as adding more than [-] people to Li Wei. The first mountain city, Bai Pingcheng, has been filled, and now the new refugees have to be arranged to the second mountain city, Mingchan City.

This time, the Zhen family played a bit too big and gathered more than [-] refugees for Li Wei at once. The migration of refugees on this scale is too conspicuous and unsafe, so Li Wei must go out to meet and escort him. Okay, otherwise, if these refugees travel from Taishan Jinan to Runan, half of their lives will be considered a profit.The Zhen family would not treat these refugees as human beings, they were all goods, goods used for trade with Li Wei.

The reason why Li Wei was able to let the Zhen family and the Mi family gather the refugees for themselves was also paying real money.Just like the Zhen family, because Li Wei provides good snow salt at a low price, the huge profit makes the Zhen family willing to cooperate with Li Wei. ...... Li Wei doesn't want money , that is, refugees, refugees are everywhere, so this business is very cost-effective for the Zhen family.The world is getting more and more chaotic these days, so it makes sense for Li Wei to lead the army out.

If the Han Dynasty was at its peak, who would dare to lead troops out at will?But now all places are in their own way, and corruption is serious. As long as Li Wei is willing to spend money, the officials along the way will just ignore it.

The day was chosen, and Li Wei arranged things down.With Xu Shu as the "big housekeeper", Li Wei basically doesn't ask about specific matters now, but only gives vague directions in the general direction, and Xu Shu arranges all kinds of things properly.This time Li Wei went out to bring back Xu Shu's old mother in Shanyang. This was Xu Shu's death point, and Li Wei did not worry about leaving Xu Shu's old mother outside.

When the day was chosen, Li Wei took Huang Yueying and Diao Chan as lieutenants, brought a thousand soldiers and horses, and left Runan in a mighty manner, heading for the destination.Li Wei's "Silver Armor" is not only good-looking, but also quite good in foot strength. The infantry was just played by Li Wei with the speed of heavy cavalry.It has to be said that the physical fitness of the soldiers of the Silver Armor Army is amazing. With [-] pounds of full body armor and [-] to [-] pounds of weapons and equipment, they can still travel hundreds of miles a day and keep in good condition.

Along with the 4.1 sergeants are Li Wei's caravan. Although the [-] trade with Zhen's family is mainly snow salt, various luxury goods also occupy a part, such as refined weapons and various meats, as well as mirrors and glass.That's right, Li Wei played what the protagonists of the time-travel novels he read before often did, selling glass products.

In the Han Dynasty, there was no relevant manufacturing technology, so it was impossible to imitate glass. Both the industrial and technological foundations were not up to standard. The Zhen family could only buy it from Li Wei.And this is Li Wei's seller's market. If the Zhen family dares to gossip, Li Wei will sell the mirror to the Mi family. The huge benefits in this make Li Wei a special and unique partner among the Zhen family's partners.

Li Wei also said hello to the Zhen family in the past. After working together for so long, the heads of both sides must have a meeting.Therefore, in addition to picking up refugees, Li Wei has a lot to do. .

Chapter 482. Merchants and the City

"Husband really made a good plan. Both the Mi family and the Zhen family want to win over their husband." Riding on the horse, Diaochan smiled softly to Huang Yueying beside him.

"Although the Zhen family and the Mi family are rich, the supply of goods is blocked by the husband, so they have to compromise. If they change their positions, they will definitely go too far than the husband." Huang Yueying laughed.

The huge team is about to arrive in Jinan, the base camp of the Zhen family, and when they arrive in Jinan, everyone can take a good rest.

"Husband's two-line trade is also based on the different strategies and trade goods adopted by the Zhen family and the Mi family, such as the hugely profitable salt and iron, selling salt with the Zhen family, and doing iron ingot business with the Mi family. There are 19 customers and billions of assets, and they have a huge network of relationships and influence in the south, but they are generally conservative. After all, the ancestors of the Mi family started farming and farming for generations, so they don’t need to worry about the large-scale outflow of iron when selling iron ingots to them. The family started out as a traveler, and saw money. They had trade with the Hu people outside the Central Plains. The husband was afraid that the Zhen family would use iron ingots to make weapons and sell them to the Hu people. The Hu people took these iron tools to invade the [-] Han people. Isn’t it a big sin? So the trade with the Zhen family is mainly snow salt and luxury goods. These things are not lethal, even if they flow out, it doesn’t matter.” Huang Yueying, who was carrying the war ge, laughed softly, explaining to Diaochan. Levi's business layout.

Li Wei looked at the two sisters who were harmonious and harmonious, and felt that these days were comfortable. The status of ancient men was guaranteed, and the powerful and powerful wives and concubines were in groups. Who would dare to try in modern times?Most of them capsized.

Li Wei added: "Now there are four major business families in this land of China, the Zhen family in Jizhou is one, the Mi family in Xuzhou is one, the Wei family in Sili Yongzhou is one, and the Wu family in Yizhou is one, but there are really It is the Mi family and the Zhen family who have the money. So when choosing a partner, I didn't consider the Wei family and the Wu family."

The status of merchants in the Han Dynasty was very low, and the business elites on the bright side were the white gloves of aristocratic families. There is a big crocodile at home, and Li Wei doesn't need to worry too much about cooperation, and they can settle most of the troubles by themselves.This is something the Wei family and the Wu family cannot do.

Moreover, as Li Wei's own strength increased, the Mi family and the Zhen family did not dare to despise Li Wei any longer, but placed Li Wei in the same position as themselves to trade.For a businessman who has no morals and can even sell the country for the sake of profit, Li Wei already has the presence of a vassal, and it is a good deal if he can.Laws in troubled times don't work. After all, only the power can protect him. Li Wei, who has a strong army, is a very good bodyguard for the Zhen family and the Mi family. After all, their own armed forces are just that. matter.

"The Zhen family will sell weapons to the Hu people?! They are too bold." Diaochan was a little unbelievable. Although she herself has a good wit, she still doesn't know enough about businessmen.In this regard, Huang Yueying has a better understanding, because the elite education she received has knowledge about how to do business, and naturally she knows the nature of businessmen.

"Businessmen are profit-seeking, and tycoons have no borders. Selling one's own country for the sake of profit is not a big deal. It is precisely because he knows the horror of businessmen that the big man has been emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business for four hundred years, although it is a bit excessive. , but the starting point is correct. Look at the Zhen family and the Mi family now, is human trafficking legal? Of course, we are also qualified to say that others are good, but we bought refugees not to make them work hard, but It is to give them a new life, so we are better than those businessmen in this regard." Huang Yueying's knowledge of this aspect is not comparable to Diaochan's, and Huang Yueying can be said to see human nature very clearly.

On the contrary, Diaochan, who grew up under the protection of Wang Yun, is smart, but lacks a bit of overall perspective and wisdom. This is the advantage of vision brought by Huang Yueying's education.

Entering the territory of Jinan, even if it is the core of the Zhen family, here, the words of the Zhen family are better than the words of the local officials.Because of the Zhen family's management, Li Wei's army was not blocked, but escorted the caravan into the city. However, the arrival of this strong army made the local guards a little nervous. Although Li Wei's party was small, But when it comes to fighting, these poorly trained city defense troops are by no means an opponent.The defender of Ayutthaya, Zhen So, was a miscellaneous general of the same level as Li Wei, but he also greeted him respectfully when he saw Li Wei.

Li Wei is a distinguished guest of the Zhen family, and his own strength is also extraordinary. He didn't dare to show Li Wei's face at all, he could only respectfully invite Li Wei into the city.This city is the base camp of the Zhen family. It is a large flat city, ten miles long and eight miles wide, with an area of ​​20 square kilometers.That is to say, the rich and powerful family like the Zhen family can build such a big city. Although it is incomparable with Luoyang City, at least the few mountain cities built by Li Wei himself are fortress-level compared with this big city. Small and medium cities.

However, most of the cities built by Li Weiwei are for military use, so there will be a lack of residents' accommodation capacity.And now to build Pingcheng, Li Wei, a guerrilla general with a miscellaneous name, has the financial resources to build a city is too eye-catching, so Li Wei's current subordinates are all good for concealment and defense of the mountain city, Pingcheng needs to continue to wait.

Now that Pingcheng is being repaired, someone will definitely jump out and want to pick peaches as soon as it is repaired. Li Wei doesn't want to be troublesome, so he needs to slow down.The city is very important in the era of cold weapons, so Li Wei also turned into an infrastructure madman, and he built the city to play when he had nothing to do.On the surface, a city is but a small place, but in fact a city (city) is the key to controlling the surrounding area.A city can not only station a large number of troops, but also a city is the place where businessmen, wealth, intelligence and resources are most concentrated. Anything you want can be obtained through various channels in the city, which means that the city can integrate and gather a wide range of resources around it. Provide a strong guarantee for rear stability.Going around the city in a war, it is easy to be exploded / chrysanthemum.

And the ancient cold weapon war, even the modern firearm war, the city is still important.The mobility of the infantry is not as good as that of the cavalry, and it is impossible to conduct a large-scale assembly quickly, so it is necessary to use urban troops to conduct joint battles. No one dared to fight.Because the infantry moves slowly, the front troops are finished fighting, and the reinforcements on both sides will continue to fight as soon as the reinforcements arrive. It is easy to fight a meaningless war of attrition. Therefore, the role of the city is to garrison troops and then quickly rush to the battlefield to create as large a force as possible. If you have an advantage, you will fight. If you don't have an advantage, you will either retreat or confront each other, but the side with the city will definitely hold on longer. .

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