Li Wei and his trainer rode a horse together and came to the outside of the city. In this era, there is no pollution of later generations, and the scenery of green mountains and rivers is pleasant. The two of them moved forward casually.Li Wei hugged the trainer's waist like this, and slowly moved forward with the reins in one hand.

"It feels really strange here. It's the first time I've seen a place where people can live so easily. It feels much better than Luoyang." The trainer smiled.

"I've been to Luoyang, before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but unfortunately I didn't know you were also in Luoyang, otherwise we are now husband and wife." Li Wei rested his chin on the trainer's incense/shoulder, Diaochan's Mei, Zhen Mi's coolness, Huang Yueying's heroic spirit, and trainer's calmness, the four royal sisters in the early stage of the Dynasty Warriors plot have their own charms, and Li (bjdh) Wei Xin said that he is also a good luck.

Li Wei's words were very blatant, but they are now engaged in a marriage contract, and they are just about to get married at the end, and some topics can be discussed.Moreover, the trainer had a blank sheet of paper, and Li Wei also ignored the so-called etiquette of this era, so many topics were naturally quite casual, just like the communication between two modern people.

It is indeed a very romantic thing for two people to ride together. Although Li Wei is not used to using this expression, in his opinion, this is indeed a method that can quickly shorten the relationship between men and women, especially when there is only one left between the two sides. In the last layer of window paper, except for the human relations between husband and wife, other things can be said to be out of bounds/taboos.

Master Bu Lian has absolutely no experience in this area. It should be said that with the exception of a few wonderful people, most of the women from the family with this idea, like Master Bu, have not received formal education, and have obvious shortcomings in knowledge and insight.Moreover, women in this era, no matter whether they belong to a wealthy family or a commoner family, are all patriarchal. This kind of contempt is not financial, but an ideological contempt. At least in this era, everyone Everyone agrees with this state, and no one wants to change anything.

Even Li Wei knows that it is impossible to completely liberate the productive forces now. It is like a good situation if there are some female workers in Runan. The money earned by these female workers is not necessarily better than that of their own. There are few men, but the status still cannot be improved too much.

However, Li Wei did not discriminate against his own women in this era. This kind of discrimination has continued from now to the Whip Dynasty, because in the small peasant economy, physical strength is more important than mental strength, and women with inferior physical strength are naturally not valued.Li Wei remembered a real joke. Yang Guozhong of the Tang Dynasty, because he was afraid of cold in winter, let his concubine stand at the door to protect him from the wind. How could a group of concubines in cool clothes stand the cold and almost made a scene human life.

Li Wei lifted the trainer's body together, put it on the horse's back, and faced himself.The trainer was a little flustered, she didn't know what Li Wei wanted to do.

"We're going to get married soon, so let's charge a little interest now."

Under the surprised eyes of the trainer, Li Weiwen covered her pink lips/flaps.It's true that you can't do anything too much now, but Li Wei still doesn't mind taking this little interest first, and ignoring the trainer's struggle, Li Wei hugs her even tighter.

When Li Wei sent the trainer back to the Bu family's mansion, the trainer's face was as red as blood, and after saying hello, he ran away without a trace.Li Wei just shook his head, the trainer's face was still too thin, it was like the three at home, they really could play any tricks. .

chapter 558. the chaos in Luoyang

There are a lot of things about Li Wei, at least there are a lot of things about being the prefect of Yuzhou. Although Yuzhou is developing well as a whole, it is really superior compared to other states, but Li Wei is not a person who is easily complacent. And his goal is very big, and now he is just getting started. If he wants to conquer the world quickly, he still needs to work hard.

The first step in the effort is to run Yuzhou into a wealthy and powerful state that can become a mountain that will stand in troubled times. No matter how bad the external environment is, Yuzhou must do its best.Li Wei didn't want to compare himself with others, he wanted to be a little more positive.

Since the beginning of the year, the whole of China has not been peaceful. First of all, after the Yellow Turbans survived the winter, they began to loot and loot. The trade and population between various places have been suppressed, and the local troops in various places have also begun to cooperate with the Yellow Turbans. torment.The main force of the Yellow Turban Army is already finished. When Zhang Jiao is dead, all the demon soldiers and war puppets under him are finished. The rest are ordinary people. The cannon fodder~.

Heroes from all over the world have begun to emerge, and the whole troubled world has become more and more intense.At the beginning of February, another major event happened. Liu Hong became acutely ill and coughed up blood. Although he was reluctantly rescued by the imperial doctor, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Liu Hong's life was about to come to an end.

After Li Wei knew the news, he understood that the troubled times were about to begin, and the terminally ill giant Hanting was finally about to fall.Sure enough, Liu Hong passed away on the third day after vomiting blood. After overwork and not caring for his body, Liu Hong, a monarch with huge ambitions and rather sharp tactics, finally left. He didn't even have time to issue a widow, leaving him behind. The two princes looked confused.

Originally, it stands to reason that Liu Bian, as the eldest son, should be established as the emperor according to the order of age.Liu Bian's strength should not be underestimated. First of all, his uncle He Jin, as a general, has actual military power in his own hands, and his force is amazing, which is the backer of Liu Bian's growth.Moreover, Liu Bian's mother is the queen and the head of the harem. If she wants to support Liu Bian, there is no problem.

Then the problem arises.

The succession of Liu Bian posed a threat to the following civil officials, so the civil officials were divided into two factions, one faction supported Liu Bian, the orthodox eldest son, and the other faction supported Liu Xie, the second son, because Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty Liu Hong was alive. Although he is very fond of Empress He, he prefers his second son Liu Xie when it comes to establishing the emperor.Therefore, the civil servants who supported Liu Xie launched various propaganda campaigns based on this reason. Behind Liu Xie stood an Empress Dowager Dong. Although the queen was not as powerful, it was not without the power of a battle.

The contradiction between the two factions, the most unfortunate is He Jin.When He entered the palace to see Liu Bian, he was assassinated. Now He Jin is not a cat or a dog. Anyone can kill him. A second-rate general with a divine costume makes it difficult for even a first-rate general to kill him.However, the assassin was the sword master Wang Yue, and his one-handed swordsmanship was already superb. He Jin's wide-open battlefield fighting skills were in a one-on-one duel/not Wang Yue's opponent at all, so his head was chopped off.

The killing of He Jin was the result of the merger of the civil service group that supported Liu Xie and the eunuch group. Not only was some civil officials unwilling to see Liu Bian succeed him, but even the eunuchs were afraid that after Liu Bian succeeded, He Jin asked them to settle accounts, so he started first. To kill He Jin.Coinciding with Wang Yue's request for an official position, a group of civil servants and eunuchs gathered together. The only person who could kill He Jin was Wang Yue, so he promised to assassinate He Jin with the promise of his official position. He Jin was killed.

The army, which made the eunuchs tremble with fear, lost its commander-in-chief, and the civilian officials of Liu Xie's faction were also celebrating Liu Bian's loss.Empress He took Liu Bian and escaped from Luoyang. Just when Liu Xie's faction thought he could sit back and relax, the accident happened again. Dong Zhuo, who was kicked out of Liangzhou by Ma Teng, and Fatty Dong brought his troops to Jizhou and Youzhou for development. As a result, when passing through Luoyang, they met Liu Bian and Empress He, who had escaped.

After Dong Zhuo found out about this, the army instantly became the division of King Qin. With [-] cavalry and [-] infantry troops, they entered Luoyang mightily. officially enthroned.

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Li Wei couldn't react to this series of salacious manipulations, because the time was too short. Within less than a week of Liu Hong's death, so many things happened, it was dizzying.Although the history of the Three Kingdoms Warriors is slightly different from the official history, it is not much different from the official history in that the chaotic times are unveiled.

Li Wei doesn't care who is in power now, anyway, now he has firmly established the position of the prefect of Yuzhou, and a group of immortals fights and cares about his ass.But this time, Dong Zhuo is going to be cheaper. What kind of person is this old man Li Wei still unclear?Although Li Wei also admitted that he was lustful, his taste was definitely not as heavy as Dong Zhuo's, and he dared to accept anything.


But now Dong Zhuo is still a hero, and his disguise will not be revealed in a short time, but when Dong Zhuo removes his disguise, then the entire Han court will be completely finished.Dong Zhuo, who was barely considered a national hero in his youth, has been fighting with the Huns to the death, but he lost his way when he reached middle age. Leaving Liangzhou also made him disheartened and had the idea of ​​​​breaking the jar.

And Dong Zhuo's luck is really not very good. He didn't expect to meet Liu Bian and Empress He who were fleeing in Luoyang, so he became a great hero, and his Liangzhou soldiers were also stationed near Luoyang, ready to eat Luoyang national finances.Why not use the money of the imperial court to support your own soldiers?

The political situation in Luoyang is getting more and more weird. Now Dong Zhuo just arrived, he is relying on Liu Bian as his shield to observe who is his ally and who is his enemy.This process will definitely not be too long. Once Dong Zhuo has determined his position, Luoyang will be named Dong.

For this kind of matter, Li Wei naturally called Xu Shu over. If he thinks about this kind of thing alone, there may be omissions. Xu Shu can check and fill in the gaps for him. After all, the current chaos in Luoyang, if handled properly, said Certain benefits may not be obtained. .

chapter 559

Regarding such a major event, it is impossible for Xu Shu to have not received the news. Before Li Wei's edict was sent to the government, Xu Shu had already returned from Liang State after finishing the matter.

Looking at Xu Shu, who was full of wind and dust, Li Wei couldn't care less. Neither of them were nonsense people. Xu Shu still had things to deal with, and Li Wei was the same. Naturally, the sooner this simple meeting would be, the better.

"I didn't expect Luoyang to be in such a mess. It seems that our plan can be carried out ahead of schedule. Your expectation, my lord, is correct. Liu Hong, this short-lived ghost, has left a lot of mess, but I happen to know a little about that Dong Zhuo. If Luoyang is controlled by him, I think the most anxious people are not us, but those officials." Xu Shu said with a serious face.

Li Wei nodded and said: "Dong Zhuo has a lot of problems, and his "zero five seven" ambition is very big, and he will definitely conflict with the court officials. Coupled with the struggle for the throne, this kind of chaos becomes a mess. I don't think we should rush to intervene for the time being, at least after Dong Zhuo reveals his own ambitions, we can get rid of Dong Zhuo in a legitimate name, and by the way... get rid of Liu Bian and Liu Xie as well."

Xu Shu did not refute Li Wei, because a consensus has been reached on this matter. If you want to end the chaos of the civil war as soon as possible, then you can only completely overthrow the old system, and Xu Shu has followed Li Wei for such a long time. Naturally Knowing the superiority of Yuzhou's system compared to the existing system, Xu Shu was neither blind nor a so-called loyal minister of the Han family, so he still understood how to choose him.

"If Dong Zhuo and Liu Bian and Liu Xie die together, Luoyang will be in chaos for a while in a short time, and we will wait for those so-called Han clansmen to jump out and declare their legitimacy. The more chaos, the better. Just hide behind the scenes and watch the show. Civil servants will naturally choose relatives who are closer by blood to serve as emperors, but at that time almost all careerists should emerge, and we will not be so conspicuous if we mix in there."

Li Wei's approach can be said to be very vicious, but Xu Shu felt that there was no problem. Xu Shu had no moral habit, and it was Xu Shu's hope that he could end the war as soon as possible and minimize the losses of the civil war.All the ingenuity and ingenuity are used to fight the civil war. This is really not worth it. The Han Chinese fight against the Han Chinese in the civil war, and the more people die in the civil war, the more powerless they will be in defending against foreign enemies. There are not many heroes who know the general picture.

"We don't make preparations for the army for the time being, but we should prepare for the war. The political situation is chaotic now, and it is a good opportunity for us to take the opportunity to annex the surrounding forces. I thought about it. We secretly supported the Yellow Turbans to attack Jiangxia and let Huang Zu die. Then we took over Jiangxia in the name of suppressing bandits. With Jiangxia, we have a bridgehead in Yangzhou, and we can continuously send troops to most of Yangzhou through Jiangxia."

Li Wei's words startled Xu Shu. This is too blatant. As soon as he sees Liu Hong's death, he will get rid of Huang Zu immediately. His own lord is really a ruthless hero, Huang Zu has been regarded as an anchor. He was in Yuzhou, but for safety reasons, Jiang Xia had to keep it in his own hands.

However, Xu Shu still raised his own question and said, "My lord, isn't this a bit too urgent? Now that the other ambitious people haven't done it yet, it will be very conspicuous for us to do it at this time."

"Don't be afraid, there are the remnants of the Yellow Turbans in front of us, and the infamy will not fall on our heads, and we immediately exterminate the remnants of the Yellow Turbans after the Yellow Turban forces are eliminated, then we are partners of justice, how can anyone scold us? Look. Come on, some people can't help it now, we will definitely not be the first to take Jiang Xia."

Li Wei will not take the initiative to intervene in Luoyang's affairs for the time being, unless Wang Yun invites him to take action, then it will be time for Li Wei to calculate everyone.And to be honest, Li Wei has also begun to set up his own kingdom of God, and he doesn't really want to take care of things that have nothing to do with him at all.Li Wei is going to set up a double kingdom of God, one is for foreign wars, and the other is equivalent to his own back house. Just doing these things will draw him a lot of energy. (What is the back house will be described in detail in the inside, and the great demon god of ghosts and animals is about to be born)

Of course, only Li Wei knows about this kind of thing, and he won't reveal his details everywhere.

Xu Shu thought for a while, and there is nothing to add at the moment, because many things can only be done by chance, just like pushing the Yellow Turbans to attack Huang Zu behind the scenes, they all need to be cautious...  ... "My lord, let me ask you one more question, is the person who is in contact with the Yellow Turbans determined now?"

"What? Are you interested? The candidate has not yet been determined. After all, this matter needs a person who has enough perspective on the overall situation to be able to fully control it." Li Wei said.

"If there is no one to choose, Shu is willing to meet with the Yellow Turban for a while. After all, it is not very reassuring to leave this kind of thing to others. It is best to win Jiangxia with less twists and turns." Xu Shu gave his reasons.

"Okay, since you want to deal with this matter, then I'll leave it to you. You can only succeed and not fail. I will see the results within a month." Li Wei waved his hand and said.

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