"Ridiculous, this old man is an official of the imperial court, how can he just leave? That old man has become a villain who is greedy for life and fear of death! Don't mention this kind of thing again." Cai Yong waved his hand and said quickly.

People in this era value their reputation and face more than their lives, and Cai Yong's reaction is normal.It should be said that if Cai Yong agreed directly, then he would not be Cai Yong.However, the task that the public face girl received was to take away Cai's father and daughter. If there was really no way, find a way to take Cai Yan away.First of all, I only said that Cai Yong was taken away because of insurance considerations.

"Cai Zhonglang's idea, the little girl understands, it is indeed worthy of admiration, but is it really good to sit here and wait? Cai Zhonglang has more important things to do. If he stays in Luoyang City, his safety will not be guaranteed at all, and the army will be in chaos. , the war is not a dinner party, and it is normal to have accidental injuries. Cai Zhonglang, are you really unwilling to go?" The public-faced woman asked again.

"Li Yuzhou's kindness is accepted by the old man, but the old man has a reason to stay. There is no need to mention this matter, but the old man has one more thing to ask for." Cai Yong calmed down and said in a deep voice.

"Cai Zhonglang, please speak."

"The old man will definitely not leave. As an official of the imperial court, the king's wealth bears the king's worries. Even if the city of Luoyang is broken down and there is a rebellion in the city, the old man cannot leave. However, the old man cannot leave, but there is one thing he wants to do. Please Li Yuzhou, the old bone is reluctant to move, it would be better to die in Luoyang. But the old man's daughter should not be left here to be buried with the old man, please take my daughter away. I hope Li Yuzhou can treat her kindly~" . "Cai Yong said with a sigh.

"Father, how can I leave you here alone?! If you don't leave, I won't leave either." Cai Yan was also stubborn, so he just quit.

Women with public faces are not in a hurry. Anyway, if Cai Yong is determined to let Cai Yan go, then it will not be a problem at all.Sure enough, Cai Yong spoke.

"Confused! Being a father is an official of the court, and you have to live and die with the court, but you are different, you are white, and you don't need to take this risk with your father. Besides, you are still young, and It's a good life to experience, being a father is different, a bad old man with half a foot in the coffin, if he dies, he will die, what's the big deal."


Cai Yan still wanted to refute, but Cai Yong didn't give her this chance and interrupted her directly. "No, but Li Yuzhou is willing to come to rescue us. The old man is very grateful. It is a pity that the old man must accompany His Majesty to the end."

Cai Yong grabbed Cai Yan's shoulders, pushed her forward, and said to the public-faced woman, "The little girl will take care of Li Yuzhou."

"Cai Zhonglang, it's not worth doing this." The public-faced woman still wanted to try it. Although she didn't have much hope, she at least tried her best.

"Nothing is worth it. This old man is an official of the big man. Naturally, he wants to serve the big man faithfully. Let's go. It's getting dark now. Let's go." Cai Yong sighed and said, everyone is afraid of death, and he is the same, but compared to death, the late festival is what he is most afraid of.

As for Cai Yan, he shouldn't be buried with him in the good old days. It may be a good thing to follow Li Wei.At least in Yuzhou, life is much better than here.

Cai Yan was still reluctant to give up, but under Cai Yong's scolding, although he was still unwilling, he had to leave with the public-faced woman.

At dawn, Li Wei received news from the spies that Cai Yong was reluctant to leave Luoyang and wanted to escort the little emperor, and in the end only Cai Yan was brought out.Li Wei sees a black line, mother's mental retardation, do you want to bury that slug?For Cai Yong's choice, Li Wei can only express his respect. Such loyal officials of the Han family all have their own beliefs. It is difficult to forcibly reverse it. Since Cai Yong is unwilling to come over, Li Wei does not force it. .

Anyway, wouldn't it be enough for Cai Wenji to come over?Cai Yong's matter is indeed a pity, but since he chose this path, then we should respect his choice and give him some dignity as an old official of the Han family.

After resting for less than a day, the army set off again. The Allies adopted the marching method of group advance. Although this method was not fast, it was steady and steady. Even if He Miao wanted to ambush, it was useless. More than ten Wan Da's army was advancing in an orderly manner. The road from Hulao Pass to Luoyang was very good. It was not as narrow as it was before Hulao Pass.

However, because the speed is not fast, the army walked for nearly a week before reaching the vicinity of Luoyang City, but this was also because of waiting for the turtle-type trebuchet.

The tortoise catapult is just like its name. Although it has four legs, it can move like a turtle, and the speed is not slow. It is easy to run ten kilometers in an hour, but it is due to mechanical wear and tear. , so the army did not advance at full speed, but maintained itself in a good state.

Therefore, the distance between Hulaoguan and Luoyang was not too far, but the Allied forces just ran for a week.

At this time, Luoyang City had completed its defense preparations, and with the cavalry troops patrolling around, He Miao had also completed his own layout.He Miao's own military ability can only be regarded as average. A butcher's family can produce two unparalleled generals. It is already considered a smoke from the ancestors' graves. Therefore, He Miao is not like the Sun Jian family (Qian Wangzhao), who are all skilled in the art of war. , one is better than the other.

He Miao had no problem letting him lead an army to fight alone, but let him be the commander-in-chief.He was a good general, but not a good marshal.

In contrast, Li Wei's side is more luxurious in terms of lineup and military strength. Unlike the eighteen princes in the original book, the allies fought too smoothly. Although there were casualties, they were all acceptable. Within the range, this made the Allies become a group of arrogant soldiers. If Li Wei was still urging this group of people, these people would not be so excited every day.

After all, there are not many reliable people among these lords, and all of them are too careful to death, expecting them to fight in unity, but there is no way.So if we really start the fight, winning or losing is still unknown, but here, Li Wei has actually won half of it. After all, no matter whether he wins or loses, the decline of Han court is inevitable. .

chapter 590. Luoyang Tournament

Luoyang City is a huge city built on a vast plain, so it is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Although it is a hassle for the defenders, attacking Luoyang will not be much easier than Hulaoguan.

The special terrain of Hulao Pass, if it is not for the absolute range advantage of the tortoise-type trebuchet, and a wave of "I fucking shoot" will beat the defenders into a daze, then it will be a desperate meat grinder. Same melee.Relying on the heart to calculate the unintentional, the Allies defeated the Hulao Pass with acceptable casualties.

It should be said that the entire battle of Hulao Pass was fought, and the casualties were less than [-], and most of the wounded soldiers were able to return to the battlefield after treatment. Because of Li Wei's strategy, they were thrown out in the face of Hulao Pass. When the defending army was in, it occupied an absolute advantage, so the casualties were so small.

But if you are hitting Luoyang City now, with the performance of the turtle-type trebuchet, it is not enough, unless the turtle-type trebuchet can hit the stone bullets three kilometers away.

He Miao had quite a few cavalry in his hands. Under the circumstance of guerrilla attack on the outskirts of Luoyang City, it was impossible for the Allies to launch a catapult formation and indiscriminate bombardment. Like a mad dog pounced.

In this open terrain, the destructive power of cavalry is astonishing, and it is already impossible to use tricks like in front of Hulao Pass.The only way to fight against the cavalry is to use the same cavalry to fight. On the open terrain, the infantry fights against the cavalry. Except for the Yuzhou Army, other warlords do not have such an awesome army.

This time, Li Wei didn't mind his own business, but sat in his own army. Yuan Shao knew that he couldn't command these princes, so he used the division of war zones to decide the offensive and defensive lineup.Yuan Shao's own army is divided into two parts, one part is a regular combat force like other princes, and the cavalry is specially compiled into a "fire-fighting team". Once there is a disadvantage, this fire-fighting team needs to rush to the battlefield to rescue .

Li Wei's situation is a bit special. Because of the strong combat effectiveness of the Yuzhou Army, he has a higher degree of freedom. The infantry can run out of the cavalry's maneuvers, and anyone who can do it can play like this.Similar to Yuan Shao's approach, Li Wei's army was also divided into two parts. The army carrying supplies defended on the spot, slowly killing the opponent with the turtle formation, while the other army was responsible for interpenetrating/penetrating the entire battlefield.

It was a rather simple and rude tactic, because it had accumulated a considerable amount of war experience, even if it was such a large-scale battle, the Yuzhou Army was still calmly preparing for it.However, unlike the armies of other princes, the Yuzhou army did not need to resist horses. These human-shaped fortresses themselves were moving horses, and the cavalry that rushed over rashly encountered the canned food formation of the Yuzhou army, only to be beaten to the point of vomiting blood.

Large-scale battles are complicated. The combined forces of the two sides have exceeded [-] people, and [-] people are crowded on this plain. The conflict is quite fierce.At least the mobile troops led by Li Wei really did a good job. Taking advantage of the superior combat effectiveness and mobility of individual soldiers, Li Wei used the wolf pack tactics of the grassland people to constantly create chaos in He Miaojun's camp.

Although Li Wei's troops were sturdy in combat, even in frontal confrontation with heavy cavalry, Li Wei chose the tactic of flying kites and used the range advantage of strong bows to play projectiles.Once the other side wanted to chase after him, Li Wei led someone back.The sixteen-character key to guerrilla warfare Li Wei remembered very clearly: the enemy advances, we retreat—the enemy is tired, I fight—the enemy is stationed, and I disturb—the enemy retreats and I chase.

In addition to keeping these sixteen key points in mind, another key point is that you have to be shameless.Although the soldiers are not tired of deceit, guerrilla warfare is still a bit shameless for this era. Under Li Wei's piecemeal defeat, the casualties of He Miao's army are also increasing.

In contrast, the battles of other princes are much more ugly. After all, when a siege cannot be launched, the field battle alone is enough for the Allies to drink a pot, but this is the normal state of war in this era. Yan said that because Li Wei's Yuzhou Army was active, the Allied forces had a great advantage, but to turn the advantage into victory, more advantages were needed.

The best result was Li Wei's Yuzhou Army, followed by Dong Zhuo, a flexible and fat man. After absorbing the generals left by Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo's lineup was quite luxurious. Even more gorgeous.In contrast, Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, was not able to gather so many generals. Dong Zhuo was also very low-key in the alliance, but he was obviously making a fortune in silence.

The second is Gongsun Zan's cavalry troops. Among the princes who came to the alliance, Gongsun Zan was the only pure cavalry troops. Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the combat effectiveness of these cavalrymen was also eye-catching.Zhao Yun is indeed a very strong military general, especially after the death of Lu Bu, he can be said to be the peak of military power in this era, even if it is a one-on-one situation with ruthless men like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he is not Zhao Yun's opponent. In addition, Huang Zhong is also old, so it is only a matter of time before Zhao Yun becomes the strongest general.

However, Li Wei has no interest in Zhao Yun at all. No matter how strong a single general is, in the face of system warfare, he can still only die of hatred.It's like the reason why Zhao Yun was able to kill seven in and seven out in Cao Cao's army, except that Cao Cao did not let the archers release their arrows, and the generals who besieged Zhao Yun did not dare to kill him in order to catch the dead. Breaking through the siege to survive is fatal, so it is possible to kill a bloody path from Cao Cao's army.

If Zhao Yun were to rush into the formation of the Yuzhou army, then it would be another situation. Zhao Yun, who was caught in the crowd tactics, would be easily besieged and killed, and there was no chance for him to resist.What Li Wei needed was a "handsome" like Lu Su and Deng Ai who could lead an army to expeditions to exotic lands, not a general "general" who rushed into the formation.

Zhao Yun belongs to the "general". As a "handsome", his skill is still insufficient. In terms of uniting the army, Sun Ce is stronger than Zhao Yun.

Within the Allied army, various princes performed differently. Some fought well and some badly, but on the whole they had the upper hand. Under the spoils of Li Wei, Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Zan, Luoyang's forces It is difficult for the defenders to gather a large offensive, which can be regarded as reducing a lot of pressure on various princes.

In fact, in fighting tough battles, the princes who are not of one mind are not He Miao's opponents at all, so Li Wei will try to divide and surround He Miao's army as much as possible, using piecemeal methods to consume his living strength, and take into account the delaying rhythm.The allied army of princes, who have not yet adjusted their state, will only be beaten up when they encounter a unified army like He Miao. In order to make the two sides stand on the same starting line, Li Wei also fought hard. .

Chapter 591. Disintegration and Disintegration

The city of Luoyang has fully implemented militarized management, and the materials of the entire city are in a wartime distribution system, and the life of the civilians has not been guaranteed.Although Luoyang, as the capital, also reserves a large amount of materials, these materials are given priority to the military, and the civilians can only rank after the army and nobles and officials.

In the General's Mansion, He Miao had already shattered two vases, and the servants were too frightened to speak out. He Miao was in a fit of rage. If it made He Miao even more angry at this time, he might not have been beaten to death.He Miao didn't mind killing the two servants to relax himself.

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