It's brutal, and it's also terrifying.In this era, population is an important asset, and Yuzhou's approach this time is quite bizarre, but Li Wei doesn't want to accept these problems, so the best way is to learn Bai Qi's approach and kill them all.

Li Wei's brutality once again refreshed the three views of everyone in the entire land of China, which also gave Confucians a foothold to criticize Li Wei.In the new round of propaganda, Li Wei has become as brutal as Bai Qi, but this is not a big deal for Yuzhou people.Under the baptism of the legal system from the future, Yuzhou people have long been accustomed to abide by the enacted laws, and the idea that law enforcement must be strictly enforced has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Do it absolutely, and fall into the end of being pitted and killed is also self-defeating.

Because of the heavy punishment in troubled times, Yuzhou people are accustomed to severe punishments such as skinning, lingering, and beheading.

But in other areas, Li Wei is crazy.This time, Li Wei was willing to take the blame for the judicial system. He could not stay here for the rest of his life. He was going to leave. Therefore, the judicial system of the whole country should still be able to function after leaving Li Wei.This time, it was Li Wei's big test for the entire judicial system in Yuzhou. Although this answer was not perfect, it was considered a passing line.

Li Wei is not a virgin. He has no sympathy for these rioters, and sympathy also depends on people. If you give up the existence of the bottom line of human beings, you are not considered human.

However, Cai Yan felt a little unacceptable about this matter. He was in a daze at work. When writing documents, even the words were written crookedly.

Looking at Cai Yan's appearance, Li Wei sighed, "Do you think it's cruel to kill someone?"

Cai Yan nodded, his face was a little ugly, more than 0 people were killed, this is not a small matter, even in a war, so many people can't be killed.But she knew that this decision was not made by Li Wei, but the entire Yuzhou official system. More than [-] middle and high-level officials discussed the final result together. This can also be regarded as the public opinion of the entire Yuzhou behind the boost. result [-] .

This kind of thing is terrifying when I think about it, but what makes Cai Yan feel terrified is that the people of Yuzhou are applauding this kind of thing. This kind of terrible cohesion has already begun to be xenophobic. This is what Li Wei said. "Populism" is a really scary thing.

"Because of competing interests, these mountain thieves are unstable factors for Yuzhou, at least most people are unwilling to accept these criminals, especially now that there is no shortage of population in Yuzhou, these 'criminals' have lost I have a chance to repent. To be honest, I am a little surprised that they made this choice, but if you think about it carefully, it is a reasonable thing." Li Wei smiled.

"Lord Li Wei, don't you care what people outside say about you? In other areas, your reputation is already very bad." Cai Yan said with some worry. It became the truth, especially the killing of the mountain thief, which made Li Wei notorious.

"It's just a little bit of infamy, it doesn't hurt. They scold them happily, but in the end they can't give the people what they want. The people are not stupid, they support whoever can give them a future. The so-called sage ethics? It's very practical, they will recognize if the etiquette is beneficial to them, and if it's not good for them, then they will oppose it. It's really simple. So why should I care about those 5.9 infamy? Anyway, the people of Yuzhou have already gained benefits and scold me The people who are in other places are also those who have not yet benefited from it, and when they are incorporated into the system, they will naturally see who is the one who gives them hope.”

Li Wei has long been prepared for this situation. The various reforms in the past have already made his reputation stinky, and now it is just a little more stinky.Moreover, the people in the entire south know that Yuzhou is a paradise on earth, so the speed of absorbing the population in Yuzhou is getting faster and faster, and now the population trade only accepts the highest quality part.

The extra population will be transferred to Yangzhou. Under such circumstances, anyone with a little brain knows that there is meat to eat with Li Wei, so no matter how others criticize him, Li Wei still has a large number of die-hard supporters. .

Chapter 598. Difference Comparison

Cai Yan also has a new understanding of Li Wei. It should be said that in her daily work, she sees another side of Li Wei, that is loneliness.Thinking that is detached from this era, in exchange for the incomprehension and malice of others, in Cai Yan's view, there is no one in the whole Yuzhou who can really understand Li Wei, even Xu Shu, the "prime minister" of Yuzhou, this talented ghost. , and still can't understand what Li Wei is really thinking.

Although Li Wei is very lazy on weekdays, Li Wei at work is really charming, at least for Cai Yan, getting along with Li Wei makes her heart beat faster.Moreover, she also developed a sympathy for Li Wei. For Li Wei's loneliness, she wanted to get to know him, get close to him, and truly become his right-hand man.

Li Wei has carried an era by himself. This kind of burden would have been overwhelmed by another person. Especially as Li Wei's secret technique, Cai Yan has access to a large number of confidential documents, which can be seen from these documents. , Li Wei's layout is so huge and complex, every 19 seemingly useless idle moves can play a huge role at critical moments.

Cai Yan really admires Li Wei for this kind of work pressure. It is indeed not an easy thing to be able to support under such pressure.Looking at Li Wei's clenched brows when looking at the documents, Cai Yan felt a little distressed. This kind of motherhood made her unwittingly put her focus on Li Wei.

Li Weige was lying on the long couch. Although chairs have been popularized in Yuzhou, for solemn consideration, the styles of various departments are still relatively retro, and the long couch is one of them.Seeing Li Wei showing a lazy side, Cai Yan has come to understand that no one is perfect, plus the huge pressure Li Wei is under, it doesn't matter if he is usually slack.

"If you feel tired, take a rest for two days. Lord Li Wei, it seems that you rarely take vacations." Cai Yan sighed.

"I also want to take a vacation, but now the entire administrative system of Yuzhou is not perfect. If I don't watch it, if there is a problem, I will be in trouble. When the running-in of various departments is completed, I will be able to be a hands-off shopkeeper." Li Weishen said A lazy waist, his "office" is separated from the outside by a screen, so Li Wei is not worried that his lazy appearance will be seen by his subordinates.

"It's because of Yangzhou's problems." Cai Yan smiled, because she managed Li Wei's various documents, so she was one of the most well-informed people in Yuzhou.The incorporation of Yangzhou into Yuzhou's ruling system was not an easy task. The arrangement of officials and the checks and balances of various local forces were enough for Li Wei to drink a pot.

It is true that the students trained by the official school have real talents and real learning. With the deterrence of the armed forces, the clan and family forces in Yangzhou do not dare to mess around.Moreover, Yangzhou has a very low degree of development, so it is also vast and sparsely populated. Yuzhou arranged a large number of people to move southward, and the displaced people who were displaced by the war could start anew in Yangzhou.

Li Wei's idea, Cai Yan, is also very clear, that is to use a large number of foreign people to attack the entanglement of local forces in Yangzhou. Because the emperor is far away, Yangzhou has always been disobedient to the discipline of the imperial court, so the folk customs are not very good. Yuzhou still needs to find a way to ease it.

Cai Yan has dealt with several documents passed down below, all of which are records of past officials punishing unscrupulous families. The local population conflicts in Yangzhou are still quite fierce, and the conflicts between foreigners and locals cannot be changed in a short time.

"Yes, it is difficult to fight the country, but it is even more difficult to control the country. To fight the country is just to kill, and the governance of the country requires various means to balance the interests of multiple parties, so that the whole society is in a state of benign development, which is much more difficult than fighting to kill people. ." Li Wei laughed.

"The difference between the enemy and one's own people..." Cai Yan was also helpless about these things. After reading too much, he would naturally become numb. Yangzhou does not already have a complete system like Yuzhou, so everything starts from zero. In the beginning, most of the documents she dealt with recently were related to Yangzhou.

However, because Yuzhou's political system is far superior to the current era, its operation efficiency is also very high. As a secret art, Cai Yan's pressure is not small.In fact, Cai Yan is just thinking too much, just like the question-makers of the college entrance examination in later generations. The question-makers themselves did not know what thoughts they wanted to express. The person who asked the question was actually dumbfounded.

Li Wei was simply unhappy with Wuhu Luanhua and wanted to fight back. It was not as complicated as Cai Yan thought, and various preparations were normal for Li Wei.Li Wei likes to be well prepared in everything he does, but he doesn't show it on the surface, so it gives people a "reckless King Kong" feeling. In fact, Li Wei still likes to outsmart.

"Yeah, for one's own people, unless the bottom line is violated, most of the words are warnings and punishments, and the enemy has no human rights, and it is not too much to manipulate/manipulate. For example, the Huns, they and us are mortal enemies. , the Huns are not engaged in production, and they grab everything they want from us, why should we give them a way to live with such garbage?" Li Wei said with his hands spread.

Cai Yan has nothing to say. The Huns have always been the mortal enemies of the Han people. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the ancestors of the Huns have been in constant war with the Central Plains, and in the Qin Dynasty, the Huns have developed into the confidants of the Central Plains. 310 Why? Qin Dynasty wants to build the Great Wall?It is not forced, and the Great Wall of the Han Dynasty, the object of defense is still the Huns.It can be said that the Huns and the Han people had a deep blood feud.

And among my own people, that is, the Yellow Turban thieves and the Shanyue thieves will be severely punished. For the Huns, no matter how many people they kill, it is good, and they are all national heroes.In particular, the people in the northern border pass are not interested in the so-called fusion theory of Confucianism. They only know that the Huns are coming to rob them of their food, kill their children, and rape/prostitute their women.This is hatred, simple but unforgettable.

Cai Yan did not object to Li Wei's statement. Although in Luoyang, when the so-called famous people of Qingliu mentioned the Xiongnu, they were a little afraid in their hearts, and they also thought of such stupid things as "using love to influence the Xiongnu", but When the whole cultural circle is like this, it is not easy to see what is wrong.But when Cai Yan left Luoyang, he realized that many things are not as simple as what the celestial celebrities who only know empty talk say.

This is a chaotic world, and we must be careful. Just like Li Wei befriending Ma Teng, it is not because Ma Teng's existence can jam the throats of the Huns. Li Wei's idea is very simple. Plough, unified the whole of China with force and culture, and then began to expand abroad to establish an "empire on which the sun never sets". .

Chapter 599. The situation is changeable

In addition to Yuzhou annexing Yangzhou, other places are also very lively, or in other words, after He Miao used the technique of differentiation and disintegration to send these princes away, things were even a big mess.Now all the princes have expedition orders or thieves in their hands, and they can launch wars in a fair and open manner, and the intensity of the melee between the princes has been raised to a new level.

However, because of this chaos, what happened in Yuzhou was quickly submerged in the "big news" of other princes. After all, the thieves of the Mountain Yue and the Yellow Turbans were not considered human beings in the eyes of many people, and people in troubled times were It's everyone who sweeps the door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. It's not easy to survive by yourself, and it's not easy to care about what others do.

The famine caused by the wars in Qingzhou and Xuzhou is far more appalling than the killing of mountain thieves in Yuzhou.

Li Wei didn't care about how to fight in other places. Anyway, Yangzhou has already been conquered. Now is the time for construction. With the help of Zhen's family to dig the corner of the north, Li Wei has made a large number of people move south. Yangzhou was originally a vast area and sparsely populated. However, with the efforts of Li Wei and the channels of the Zhen family, [-] people went to Yangzhou to fill the past.

The north has been chaotic and can no longer survive. The Zhen family's population trading is now in a semi-open state, and many people are even willing to give money to the Zhen family, begging the Zhen family to take them away from the north.Going to the south under Li Wei's rule, at least one can survive, and now no one can control anyone who leaves their hometown, and survival is the number one priority.

It is through this method that Li Wei was able to migrate [-] people to the south. This incident also involved a lot of Li Wei's troops. The population itself is a kind of wealth in this era. The migrants from Jizhou need to go through Gunzhou and Ganzhou. In Xuzhou, if Li Wei hadn't sent troops to escort them along the way, these people would have been intercepted by the warlords along the way before they reached Yangzhou.

The development of Yangzhou once again shows what is called Yuzhou speed. Because Li Wei's magic puppet can assist construction projects, the construction speed of the Yuzhou construction team is completely unreliable. Whether it is raw materials or artificial speed, it is quite terrifying, even if it is Putting it in New China, it can also throw China Construction out of the [-]th Street.The whole Yangzhou has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The sweeping/sweeping army formed by the Yuzhou Army began to sweep/sweep the bandits in the entire Yangzhou. All kinds of bandits and road bandits were captured/detained in one fell swoop, and the entire official system has also been greatly upgraded, completing the old system to the new system. The exchange of blood, multi-pronged approach, the power core of the entire Yangzhou began to change rapidly.The first is to abolish the privileges of clan power, and then to limit the various detached positions of the wealthy families, and start to create an emerging public class belonging to Yangzhou. Li Wei plans to complete all this within a month.

Li Wei's vigorous and resolute actions also motivated the people below. After all, the development of Yangzhou means a new division of interests, and Li Wei also took advantage of this opportunity to issue national bonds to bind the interests of the country and the interests of ordinary people.The development of Yangzhou means both political and economic changes. A large amount of hot money pours into Yangzhou, which has impacted the status of the local family.

Li Wei's strategy is very simple, that is to divide the family, and replace the big family with a small family to keep warm. The ". ~ family" system in the Han Dynasty is not good for the country, country → big family → family → Personally, Li Wei had to directly dismantle the big family in the middle, so that he could complete the rectification of various bad habits.

The most troublesome thing for clan forces is that they set up private courts and ignore national laws. Over time, people will not believe in national laws, but instead believe in private laws that do not even have a standard. This is very unfavorable for the country.In particular, the clans in Yangzhou are complex, which is why Li Wei migrated a large number of foreigners to Yangzhou.It is to smash the local clan forces in Yangzhou. When the clan people find that holding the clan's big/legs is inferior, they will naturally understand whether the national law is better or the private law is more reliable.

Population is an inescapable problem.

Before the war at the end of the Han Dynasty, there were about [-] million people, but when the Three Kingdoms returned to Jin, less than [-] million people died. The decline of the main ethnic group inevitably caused the invasion of foreign ethnic groups.There were no righteous wars in the Spring and Autumn Period, and also at the end of the Han Dynasty. The civil wars of the Han people in the Three Kingdoms led to a rapid decrease in the population. Therefore, in Li Wei's view, the unification of the Three Kingdoms was not a glorious thing, because it was the beginning of the catastrophe in China.

In the Han Dynasty, the north was far more developed than the south. The south was often regarded as a desolate exile by the north. The natural conditions in the south were not worse than those in the north, but the degree of development was very low, which caused a lot of problems.But in the Three Kingdoms, the foothold of Wu State is the South. If the South is really bad, can Wu State play such a sturdy record?

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