With the advancement of technology and society, all kinds of problems will surface/surface. The problem that Li Wei should pay attention to is not to cause chaos among his own people, and not to cause infighting among his own people before all the alien races are resolved. Fortunately, people who have received free education are generally more rational. This generation is still prone to various problems, but the next generation is less likely to have this possibility.

"Railways will be popularized in Yuzhou first, and the places reserved before can start construction, and the supply of coal must also keep up, and then popularize railways in Gonzhou and Yangzhou to connect the three states. As for Jingzhou, the railway network must be It has to be planned reasonably. After all, Jingzhou has played an important role in the future plan." Li Wei rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

From the geographical point of view, Jingzhou is not bad as the core of the railway network, and Li Wei will relocate the political, cultural and economic center to Jingzhou in the future, so it is necessary to support the transportation. .

chapter 609 .

The transfer of the center of power is not an easy task. Even within Yuzhou, opinions on this matter cannot be unified. In the end, Li Wei can only use his own personal prestige to decide on this matter.

There is no way to do this. No matter where it is, small hilltopism exists. Even Li Wei's subordinates have this problem. Although it is not serious, it is more or less necessary to transfer the center of power to Jingzhou. It will cause negative emotions to the people below. After all, not everyone can follow Li Wei to Jingzhou, so those who stay behind are automatically fading out of the power center, which many people are unwilling to accept.

But even if you are unwilling to accept this, there is nothing you can do. Jingzhou's geographical location is indeed superior, and it is indeed not comparable to Yuzhou, which is mountainous. Yuzhou is more suitable as a scientific and technological research and development center, rather than a production and cultural center, and it is complicated. The traffic environment and the small boundary itself limit the potential of Yuzhou's further development, so the transfer of the base camp is also a normal thing.

It should be said that people of insight can see these problems, so the relocation of the base camp is also the general trend, and there is no room for negotiation.Both Gunzhou and Yangzhou have their own shortcomings, so it is impossible to use them as a base camp. The best choice is still Jingzhou.

After the basic development of Jingzhou, although it cannot compare with the long-running Yuzhou, it can be regarded as a new look. Moreover, Jingzhou has the advantage of many plains and fertile land, which is suitable for farming.In terms of grain output, under the same means, Jingzhou can blow Yuzhou out of shit. The arable land area and soil fertility of the two states are completely different, and there is no comparison at all.

Li Wei, who is based in Jingzhou, has also launched an in-depth development of Jingzhou. Li Wei is very clear about the development direction of Jingzhou. That is one of the granaries in the entire south, and there is a giant granary that is about to be won. Yizhou.The terrain of Jingzhou is also suitable as a transportation hub. It is not a problem to connect east, west, north and south. Although it is not the core of the Central Plains of China geographically, if the entire Asian map is linked, Jingzhou can be said to be a very wonderful location.

The sea exit is in Yangzhou, then the hub of the land road is Jingzhou, which is not necessary to run, and the geographical location can largely determine the importance of a place.

The entire South has fallen into the hands of Li Wei. Li Wei has arranged a certain amount of troops on the "border ~ 〃", threatening the princes in the north faintly, but he himself is madly immersed in development, but only a short period of time. Within a month, the entire Jingzhou had completed most of the railway laying. With the efforts of divine puppets and a group of gangsters, the construction speed was comparable to "putting satellites".

The satellite is just bragging, and Li Wei's infrastructure team has really built this railway. Every mountain opens a road and meets water and builds a bridge. Jingzhou's railway network can be regarded as a preliminary completion, and the supporting steam locomotive Li Wei is also tested. This cheating method has been mass-produced in the first batch. Now all the territories under Li Wei are connected, and distance is no longer the biggest obstacle to people's communication.

Li Wei personally rode the steam train with white smoke, and came on a trip.Although the speed of the steam train is not much, it is a simple and rude straight line, so it is much faster than walking on a concrete road. In a short period of time, the horse can soar faster than the train, but how long can the horse last? Woolen cloth?As long as the train has enough coal, running hundreds of kilometers is like playing.

This era is a slow-paced era, unlike the Internet era of later generations, where people sit at home but know the world.In this day and age, travel is a long and arduous journey. If you want to go from one place to another, it is better for people who have the conditions to take a carriage. If you walk, it really takes a long time.This is still the case when the road is repaired. If there is no road, the journey will be more difficult and dangerous.

Now that there are trains, you can quickly travel around the world with only a small amount of money, which is a great thing for people to communicate.Moreover, the postal system and freight system also need trains as their own lifelines, and the post station system will be gradually eliminated in the future.

Sun Shangxiang was lying on the window of the car, looking at the regressing scenery outside, feeling extremely novel.The steam train's top speed of [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, the windows are not blocked, in this coming summer, it is a great pleasure to be able to experience the feeling of the breeze caressing the face.

In the carriage, besides Li Wei, there are many people, but these people are Li Wei's guards. The real passengers in this carriage are Li Wei, Diao Chan, and Sun Shangxiang.This is the first car, a luxury room dedicated to Li Wei, and ordinary passengers are in the back car.

"It's amazing, this iron guy is faster than a war horse. How did it move?" Sun Shangxiang asked curiously.

Although Sun Shangxiang also studied official knowledge, the steam engine is still a fairly high-end technology, and Sun Shangxiang has no access to it, so it is normal to not understand.

"." Well...it's really not easy to explain this question clearly. I'll find relevant information for you when you go back, and you'll be able to understand it after you read it." chin smiled.

"I don't need it anymore, it's too troublesome to read books..." Sun Shangxiang shrank her neck like a quail, and learning the knowledge of the official school also made her suffer a lot. When it comes to reading, she is a little scared.

He turned his head and continued to look at the scenery outside the car window. After the initial construction of Jingzhou, it can be regarded as a step up from the original foundation. Because it did not take much effort to win Jingzhou itself, the various infrastructures in Jingzhou None of them were destroyed. Li Wei's infrastructure team was directly upgraded on the original basis, which was also a bit troublesome.But the effect is good, at least from the car window, the towns along the way look very good.

(Zhao Qian's) Especially the station facilities, Sun Shangxiang saw a large number of passengers standing behind the waiting safety line waiting to get on the train, a lively appearance of all beings.

"It seems that the masses are quite accepting of trains. Now that the trains have not been operating for a long time, there are already so many passengers." Diaochan is also amazed. The train tickets are not expensive, but they are definitely not cheap. Even so, there are still so many passengers. , the popularity of the train can be seen.

"The common people are not stupid. The convenience of the train is obvious. It is much more reliable to have a train when you travel far. Why don't you take the train?" Li Wei laughed.

If you are driving by yourself, various accidents on the road can sometimes be fatal, especially if you encounter a place where you can't go to the village or the store, it is even more embarrassing. If you take the train, you can get off at a location closer to the destination. If the land is a certain city along the way, it is even more convenient.Most importantly, be safe. .

Chapter 610. Train and Battleship

In the ancient times when the transportation system was not perfect, long-distance migration was a very dangerous thing, and there were many troubles along the way. Even if Li Wei eliminated the bandits and bandits on the road, he achieved a very high level of public security. To a good degree, but the harsh natural environment is still an important reason for hindering people's migration.

Modern people go out with all kinds of cars. Except for planes, even if there are no trains, there are also various long and short-distance passenger cars. After arriving at the destination, there are taxis. This kind of convenient travel is unimaginable in this era. .These are two completely different rhythms. Even if Li Wei started all the way, he couldn't develop such results in a short period of time. Now, it is lighting up the technology tree of steam trains and large steam passenger cars.

The steam train is a good thing, and the steam passenger car is a typical transitional product, which can carry more than [-] passengers, but a steam passenger car needs three people to run, a driver and two coal shovelers. The maximum speed of this steam bus is only [-] kilometers per hour, and the coal it carries is only enough to run for [-] kilometers at most.

The most pitiful thing is that this kind of passenger car is very polluted. It emits black smoke as soon as it runs for 280 minutes, even if it is far away, so Li Wei directly shoots this thing. Anyway, now Electric power technology and internal combustion engines are also being tackled, and they can be identified in one year at the latest. At that time, trams can be directly obtained in the city, and animal power will be limited as much as possible.

Although there will be a dung bag hanging behind the butt/stock of the animal, the dung of the animal will not fall on the ground and affect the city appearance, but it is really smelly. Li Wei has long wanted to solve this problem. This kind of "fragrance in ten miles" situation.

It is not stupid to have technology. The reason why it was inconvenient in ancient times was because of the long-term small peasant economy and people's indifference. Therefore, the technology tree of the previous dynasties in China did not improve much, and the Ming Dynasty, which really broke out in technology, was also because of The peak of the Little Ice Age led to famine, internal literati group infighting, and the entry of pig tail whip into customs, which completely interrupted the upgrade of the technology tree. During the Ming Dynasty, Huaxia's firearm technology was the world's leader, and when it came to whip At that time, Huaxia was directly overtaken by Europe on the curve, and then the Eight-Power Allied Forces beat him to the ground and knelt down and called Dad, so that many people's knees can't leave the ground until now.

Li Wei came to this era, and that is to change the situation of this Chinese civil war, and only by opening up the people's wisdom to cultivate science and technology, can the Chinese nation completely get rid of the ignorance and ignorance of the limitations of the times, and become the most powerful nation in the world. Top predators of the upper classes.This kind of leap-forward development will definitely result in a certain cultural and technological era, but if there is no progress, it will face a situation of chaos and chaos. Li Wei can only lead a group of people to rush forward.

"Looking at these cities, I feel a sense of accomplishment..." Diaochan sighed.

The city of Jingzhou is different from other places. The first form of some modern cities is that there is no city wall. Because Li Wei considered that Jingzhou will belong to the hinterland in the future, he did not use the city wall to limit the scale. The train passed through two pure militarizations along the way. The fortress, in Jingzhou, the separation of military and civilians is more obvious.Taking the fortress as the core to radiate outward, the range that can be radiated is the range that the fortress can quickly support, so it doesn't matter if the ordinary city does not have a city wall, but it is conducive to development.

Most of the fortresses belong to the area close to Yizhou, and the more you go in the direction of Yuzhou, the more cities without city walls.This kind of wallless city is conducive to expansion, even if there is a population/explosion later, there is no need to worry about no place to place the population.

"One city after another is connected to each other. This is just Jingzhou. When the entire Central Plains are connected by railways, the railway strategy will be completed." Li Wei is not complacent, he is very clear about the situation he is facing. Complicated, at this time, it is too early to think that it is too early to sit back and relax.

 (bjci) "At that time, the railways were probably already repaired to the grasslands. The grasslands will become the back garden/garden of the Central Plains, but the maintenance of the railways is also a problem. It can be solved in the Central Plains, but in the grasslands What should I do?" Sun Shangxiang asked curiously.

Li Wei said with a smile: "For the time being, we can only deal with it in a stupid way, and use the rotation system to ensure that the railway workers can complete the maintenance."

As for the Huns and Wuhuan people on the grasslands to be used as slaves?This kind of low-quality slave can only go to the coal mine to work as a coolie. Even railway workers must have a certain level of knowledge. Therefore, if the Huns and Wuhuan people are caught/captured, lack of culture means that there is no good senior value, and Li Wei also refused to pass on various advanced cultures of the Central Plains to these white-eyed wolves.Anyway, coal will be used for power generation in the future, and the Huns who are caught/held are sent to coal mines to dig coal, which means that this kind of work that does not require culture is suitable for these steppe barbarians.

Sun Shangxiang and Diaochan were also amazed by what they saw and heard along the way. Although they had received all kinds of modern knowledge, they were all knowledge. Only when the real thing appeared in front of them would the shock be the greatest.Diaochan also knew that a diesel locomotive would appear after a steam locomotive, followed by an all-electric locomotive and a high-speed rail. She also knew about the future, and she had already enjoyed the convenience of future technology, but this kind of industrialized product is the most powerful feeling. of.

"Now that steam locomotives have appeared, so will steam iron armored warships. The principle of both is the same. It is possible to make a precise locomotive wheel set, and even a large propeller can be made with a little effort." Diaochan laughed. road.Ironclad ships equipped with large steam turbines and steel outer armor are invincible in the seas of this era. Not to mention firepower, endurance and defense alone are not comparable to ordinary sailing warships.

This huge advantage will allow Li Wei to dominate the sea. This is the advantage of technological generation. Ironclad ships belong to the product of the late 19th century, but the order of Li Wei's technology tree is based on his own needs. The accumulation of technology is enough to create an ironclad ship.Nowadays, most of the boats running on the Yangtze River are wooden boats. Both warships and civilian boats are all made of wood. Ironclad ships that do not rely much on sails will be the mainstream in the future. When faced with ironclad ships, wooden ships are even difficult to break defense.

"This depends on the progress of Sister Yueying. After all, researchers are not omnipotent. I am very satisfied with getting the steam locomotive out in such a short period of time. It's not good for people to lack." Li Wei Shaking his head and laughing.At present, maritime trade is not as profitable as its own internal commercial circulation. Shipping by sea is also a route on the coast of China. For the time being, there is no need for long-distance voyages. However, if you want to expedition to Europe in the future, then a reliable large fleet is very important. .

Chapter 611. Is there a strong enemy in Yizhou?

Li Wei is already very satisfied with the progress of the researchers. After all, he has only been here for more than a year. If it is another person, a year may have just started. It is not easy for Li Wei to reach this stage. .The foundation is too shallow and it is so troublesome. There are less than [-] people in the entire South who can really be regarded as "researchers", of which industry accounts for half.The steam locomotive replica project occupies the majority of this half, and it is still a problem of too shallow foundation in the final analysis.

If there are thousands of researchers under Li Wei's hands, then the technology explosion can really be achieved. Now, it can only be done slowly, and haste is not enough.

Moreover, the development of the south has been like a hang-up. In the north, where the marriage wars are endless, it still looks like suffering. The south has achieved leapfrog development.

Every day new changes are taking place in the territory, not only by the spontaneous efforts of the ruling class, it should be said that all segments of society are full of hope for the future.

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