"Don't you feel guilty when you say this?" Huang Yueying put her arms around Li Wei's neck, making the back of his head rest on her chest. "Not only these people in the family, but also the previous ones... I remember it was called Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, the name is weird, anyway, you have already fallen into the mud pit, what do you think you have to justify? of?"

Huang Yueying showed a gentle smile, that warm feeling made Li Wei feel like he was about to melt, it was really comfortable.

For Huang Yueying and others, Li Wei did not hide his origins. In the eyes of others, Li Wei was a powerful Qi trainer who was destined to become an immortal, but Huang Yueying and Diaochan knew that Li Wei came from future.Although it is difficult for them to understand concepts such as time-travel and the world in a short period of time, they will understand after a long time.

Li Wei didn't hide his desires. After all, it was useless to hide some things. Instead of covering them up, it was better to tell them directly.But fortunately, the red line effect Li Wei obtained in the passer-by heroine world was too overbearing. As long as he did not commit suicide, there would be absolutely no problem. This surprised Li Wei, and combined with desire/desire The various spells obtained from the Demon God Azazel, if Li Wei really gave up the bottom line, it would become quite a terrifying existence.Tian Boguang, who travels alone in thousands of miles, is a small garbage compared to Yun Zhonghe and Li Wei of the four villains.

But Li Wei also has his own bottom line. It should be said that all "great beings", even those who can be said to be evil gods from the perspective of human beings, also have their own bottom lines, so Li Wei also scrupulously abides by His bottom line, once he steps on the line, it means that he has lost his eyes by the power, which is a very dangerous thing.

"Okay... I'll be honest, I'm moved. Isn't it a jerk?" Li Wei laughed.

"Of course it's a bastard, but how many men can control themselves? When you don't have the ability, you can't take action, but when you have the ability, you really don't know how to control yourself. Although you are a bastard, you have Bottom line bastard. It's the bastard I love..." Huang Yueying sighed.

For Li Wei, it is impossible to give up a forest for a tree, and his collection addiction is also driving him to continue to conquer more beauties, not to mention hegemony in the whole field, but in Yujie In this one, Li Wei will definitely not admit defeat, he is the king of the harem.

"But if Diaochan is with you, at least you don't have to worry about you going to hang out with you." Huang Yueying smiled.

"Huh? How could I go to that kind of place, my vision is very high." Li Wei was a little speechless. In Huang Yueying's opinion, is he just messing around like this?

The two chatted for a while, but in the end, the topic returned to business. As the leader in charge of science and technology, Huang Yueying can be regarded as the leader of scientific research institutes in the entire South, and is also the real power in possession of all the first-hand information. , She has the most say in the progress of various researches.

"Our technology has been developing at a good rate recently. Once the musket technology is mature, the entire mode of warfare will change. At that time, the traditional army will be at an absolute disadvantage when facing the firearm army, or even a huge score difference. "Huang Yueying is also very optimistic about firearms, even if it can't achieve the performance of modern firearms in her perception, but it is unfavorable for the cold weapon army of this era.

"Very well, muskets, artillery, and battleship armored vehicles will be our weapons for conquering the world." Li Wei can't wait to conquer the world, and it is best to quickly upgrade and popularize technology.

"The muskets and artillery are relatively simple, and the all-steel structure battleship driven by the steam turbine is still somewhat difficult to achieve with the current technology. Because of its own weight, the 787 armored vehicle can only use the internal combustion engine, and the miniaturization of the steam engine is not reliable at all. Spectrum, we don’t have enough manpower now. Even if the research on steam locomotives is over, we still have to retain a team of [-] people for follow-up improvement and research and development. If the manpower is allocated to each project, the efficiency will not be enough.” Huang Yueying Sighing, managing these things, she realized how troublesome it is to climb the technology tree, at least she felt a headache.

"How long does it take to make the armored vehicle on the drawing?" Li Wei asked.

"One year at the earliest. It's enough trouble just to understand the drawings, and our rubber refining technology also needs to be upgraded. You are really going to make trouble for me." Huang Yueying said helplessly.

Li Wei felt that the potential of those researchers should be squeezed. Unscientific things like spiritual energy support these researchers. Their per capita IQs are terribly high. Although many people's supporting EQs can't keep up, but only In terms of research, these people are no worse than modern scientific researchers. It is already very powerful to be able to develop technology from a steam engine a year from scratch.Moreover, with the profound accumulation of technology, when developing other projects in the future, they can draw inferences from one case and speed up the progress. These scientific researchers who have been baptized by spiritual energy are often like this. .

Chapter 614. Quick and Quick Yizhou Raiders

The main force that attacked Yizhou set off, and Li Wei and Diaochan also entered Yizhou with the main force. This time, Li Wei delegated military power to Wenpin, and Wenpin had the final say in how to fight, and Li Wei did not comment.When Wen Pin was the prefect of Liu Biao, his territory was close to Yizhou, so out of strategic consideration, Wen Pin always paid attention to Yizhou, so he was able to do something that surprised Li Wei. Plan carefully.

And this time, he, an "old driver" who is very familiar with Yizhou, also acted as the leader of the team. Li Wei's purpose was to wish the Queen of Rong, and he didn't want to care about the rest.However, Li Wei's team also put a lot of pressure on Wenpin. After all, the big boss at the top was watching him from behind. If the battle was ugly, maybe the big boss would think that he was incompetent, so Wenpin also fought ten times. Twenty thousand points of the spirit to deal with the upcoming Yizhou Raiders.

Because they conquered several small warlord alliances that control the "entry and exit", the army entered Yizhou easily. The larger the army, the more difficult it is to march, especially because there are too many mountains in Yizhou. If it is stretched, it is easy to be pinched from the head to the tail and hit the middle, so the road of marching is very important.There are not many routes that can make the army march smoothly, so as long as the small warlords in these areas can be subdued, then the army can at least find a suitable foothold.

Now Yizhou is relatively closed, even more chaotic than the outside world. You fight me and I fight you. Basically, people are fighting every day. In the past year, there has been no peace in local wars in Yizhou. The days add up to less than five days, which shows how fucked up the chaos in Yizhou is.In particular, the eastward advance of the Qiang people caused a three-way melee, which was also the source of the chaos in Yizhou.

The war with the Qiang people has been going on since the founding of the Han Dynasty, and it has been fought intermittently for hundreds of years, which is also one of the important reasons for dragging down the Eastern Han Dynasty.The Qiang people also belonged to nomadic people in this era. They lived by grass and herds for a living. The hatred between the Qiang and Han people is also a problem left over from history, because since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the emperors of the Han people have been targeting these tribes. , so this hatred has been forged as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and now it's just tit for tat.

It's just that now China is in chaos, and the ambitions of the Qiang people are gradually increasing. They are no longer satisfied with living a hard life on the grasslands, but want to enter the customs and become a master. This is unbearable in the Han Dynasty, and so is Li Wei. .Assimilation means that I use my culture to actively assimilate you, instead of you hitting me and then transforming my culture.Therefore, this ideological conflict and national blood feud, the two sides can be said to be mortal enemies.

The strength of the southern barbarians has never been strong, plus they are constantly being sinicized, it is difficult to maintain their traditional culture now. The reason why Li Wei said that it is easier to sinicize the southern barbarians is also because of the foundation laid by the ancestors. He's just the ultimate bargain hunter.The Qiang people themselves are opposed to the Han people, and it is really difficult to understand each other. Moreover, the Qiang people have already renounced their revenge and alliance with the Huns decades ago to deal with China together, so in Li Wei’s eyes, The Qiang people and the Huns are actually similar, they are just a raccoon dog.

The army marched all the way and stopped at a small town called Fengju. This small town is not big, it is definitely impossible for the army to stay, but the accompanying infrastructure team can continue to expand on the original basis of the small town. A large fortress capable of holding a large army was built in a short period of time.Coupled with the continuous supply of materials from the rear, Li Wei's army can completely use this small town as a stronghold and gradually radiate its influence outward.

Although Yizhou is large, it is difficult to accommodate such a huge force as Li Wei. The starting point is the number of [-] troops, which makes the local forces in Yizhou restless, and the southern barbarians and Qiang people have also died down. A big move, Yizhou, which had been playing lively, was cold for the first time.

Li Wei sits and seals the residence, while Wen Ping and Huang Zhong each lead an army and begin to implement the predetermined plan. Huang Zhong is responsible for deterring the Qiang people from retreating by force, while Wen Ping starts a series of diplomatic means, and tries his best to bring the Qiang people back. The native Han warlords were all persuaded to surrender.Huang Zhong himself is a military general with superior military power but general politics. If he were to carry out diplomatic missions, he would only screw things up, but for Huang Zhong, it was a suitable job to deter the Qiang people by force.

The Southern Army under Li Wei was absolutely crushed by the Qiang people in terms of personal strength, and the Qiang people were cavalry. Mainly fighting.The Southern Army, who has been baptized with spiritual energy, has the terrifying force to confront the heavy cavalry head-on. Although it is nothing compared to the generals, it is the same as the terminator for ordinary Qiang soldiers.

When Huang Zhong started the war, he was a dismount, beheading more than [-] Qiang people's heads, and slapped the Qiang people with a heavy slap in the face.

Compared with the violent Huang Zhong, Wenpin is much gentler. After all, he is of Chinese blood, and it is impossible to kill him. Therefore, he can only use all means, benevolent and powerful, and rely on strong military force as pressure and lure of prosperity and wealth. / Confused, dividing and splitting the alliance of local princes.Compared with Huang Zhong's illustrious military exploits, Wenpin's achievements paled a lot, but considering the difficulty of the two's tasks and their personal strengths, Li Wei's evaluation of both was very high.

Wenpin feeds on his brains, and force is only support, while Huang Zhong is a slap in the face of violence, just fight.

In half a month, Huang Zhong and Wen Pin (who had met Zhao Hao) handed in their answers, and Li Wei expressed his satisfaction.Huang Zhong continued to raid the Qiang tribes by means of piecemeal methods, and even used his mobility and fairly good mountain ability to continuously divide the forces surrounding the Qiang people, and even broke out of Yizhou and entered the Qiang people's territory to loot wantonly.It not only killed and injured the living strength of the Qiang people, but also brought back a lot of animals such as horses, camels, donkeys, etc. Although the demand for animal power in the south has become lower and lower, it is better to bring something back than empty-handed.

He has also achieved remarkable results in terms of civil employment. Relying on the use of various means such as attracting interests and sowing discord, the entire Yizhou warlord alliance was turned into a mess by him, and under huge pressure, many small warlords have taken refuge. After Li Wei, the entire northern part of Yizhou was mixed up by Huang Zhong and Wenpin, and the situation has improved a lot. Now the southern barbarians remain unsolved. .

Chapter 615. The Dilemma

Regarding the southern barbarians, Li Wei did not take it lightly, and sent spies to reconnaissance information, and the information obtained also surprised Li Wei.It turned out that there was a contradiction within the southern barbarians that could not be unified, and that was the question of whether or not to fight this battle.

After Li Wei's huge force entered Yizhou, it directly broke the original three-way balance. The powerful Qiang people were beaten to the point of bruising their noses and faces, and they were even pushed back to their hometown by Huang Zhong. Ruthless, as long as it is a Qiang, even a child who is not as tall as a wheel will be killed the same.

Huang Zhong's idea is very simple, that is to reduce the Qiang population as much as possible, the mobility of the southern army is no problem, and it is not inferior to the war horse, and the war horse cannot maintain a high speed for a long time due to its endurance, and The daily exercise of the Southern Army was to race with war horses, relying on extraordinary mobility to directly kill the grasslands, killing Qiang people along the way.Li Wei also did not recall Huang Zhong, and let him kill him like this until Huang Zhong felt that he had accomplished the strategic goal and let him come back by himself.

Coupled with the integration of the Chinese warlords by Wenpin, this combination of punches made the southern barbarians feel the danger.

 013 In the confrontation between the three forces, the Nanbarians were at the worst disadvantage. If it wasn't for the Qiang invasion, the Nanbarians would not have dared to think carefully, because Li Wei's forces were so powerful that they made people desperate.Coupled with the bloody slaughter of the Xiqiang people, many Nanban people felt fearful. In the alliance that the Nanban tribes have assembled, the most discussed issue is related to Li Wei.

Now there are three main propositions in the Nanban tribe. One is the retreat route of Queen Zhu Rong, who voluntarily withdraws from Yizhou and then goes south to avoid disasters. In modern terms, the foothold is Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, brought by Li Wei. The slaughter that came was too terrifying, they were afraid that Li Wei would turn the butcher's knife towards them.The second is the surrender plan, paying tribute to Li Wei, but this plan was opposed by most people, because it means that it will be completely suppressed, and it is difficult to have a chance to turn over again.

The third type is the martial arts faction, clamoring to take the initiative to attack, while Li Wei's army is scattered, they directly attack Li Wei's headquarters.But (abee) this strategy has also been opposed by most people. Judging from the combat effectiveness shown by Huang Zhong's troops in slaughtering the Qiang people, doing so is simply a death sentence. If it annoys Li Wei, it will even bring the entire Nanman to death. Come to doom.

But this is indeed the case. If you rely on the mountains, the southern barbarians who are more familiar with mountain warfare will naturally have an advantage, but they can deal with Li Wei's army one or two times. Once they reach the open area, Li Wei's army can be washed away in one wave. The defense of the southern barbarians, and then the one-sided slaughter.At least the Xiqiang people have paid their tuition fees with their own lives, and it has also allowed the southern barbarians to see the power of Li Wei's army. This is a powerful enemy that cannot be beaten, and a head-to-head contest will only wipe out the entire army.

At the tribal meeting, Queen Zhu Rong looked at the quarrelling tribal chieftains and had a headache. Although she relied on various means to unite the strength of the entire Nanman, she felt powerless in the face of such a situation.There is a saying in the Han people that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes, and these tribal chiefs are just a loose collection of common interests, and the cohesion itself is not so strong. It's normal to be distracted.

There is a great terror between life and death, and no one wants to end up with the Qiang people, but what they did this time is not authentic, and taking advantage of the fire is not a glorious thing.If it weren't for the civil strife in Huaxia, they would not dare to enter Yizhou territory rashly. Now it is up to Li Wei to deal with them, but the tribes must be prepared to evacuate. If things change, immediately South.

"Okay! Don't quarrel anymore, you are all chiefs of big tribes, what kind of decency are you all arguing about?! Look at you, all of you are big and three rough, and you panic like this in the face of this matter, I will help you. You are ashamed!" Queen Zhu Rong also rudely reprimanded the chiefs of the tribe, watching the big men with arms thicker than her waist cowardly huddled together, and Queen Zhu Rong's anger would not come out of nowhere.

A tough mouth does not mean that she is not afraid. Although Queen Zhu Rong is angry with others, she actually knows in her heart that she and others will not be able to defeat Li Wei's army. Moving south is inevitable, and now she is just maintaining stability. .

The cohesion of the tribe itself is not strong. This kind of long-distance migration can easily cause chaos. In this era, the power of individuals is very small. Except for the unparalleled generals who can rely on personal force to eat, it is really difficult for ordinary people to mix. This is what I would rather be a prosperous dog than a troubled world.Long-distance migration will inevitably result in a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled, but the elderly are a treasure trove of wisdom, and children are the hope of the future.

The loss of the land that has been cultivated and the livestock that are difficult to take away is huge, and if you go south, you have to fight with the local natives to fight for the living space, and the days are still sad.Although the natives in the south are not very strong, the migration of the southern barbarian tribes in the past is itself a serious injury to the vitality. Even if they can win, they will be victorious.

A burly chief sighed: "I'm really not convinced, why are the Han people's lives so good, if I could be born in the Central Plains, if I could be born in the Central Plains, how could I be able to eat and eat. Now the entire tribe's food It’s not enough to eat, if we migrate again, let alone the elderly and children, I am afraid that even the young and strong will lose a lot.”

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