Li Wei's words were simple and unpretentious, but they also pointed directly to the heart. Queen Zhu Rong thought, is Nanman's life better?It must be difficult for 5.0. Otherwise, it will not migrate to Yizhou from the outside of the customs. Yizhou is regarded as a poor mountain and bad waters that are difficult to develop in the Central Plains, but for the Nanman tribe, it is already a blessed land that can make people feel full. .Before the war, the Nanman tribe guarded the little corners of the land in their hands, and they were able to make a living, but when the war came, they would not have enough to eat.

For the Central Plains, the Southern Man tribes yearn for, but the Central Plains people will not accept the Southern Man tribes, because they are small and uneducated, they are discriminated wherever they go. Even if they learn the culture of the Central Plains, they are still considered They are inferior people who are crowned with monkeys, which is why they want to establish a foothold in Yizhou.Even if it is some not-so-good hills for farming, it is better than starving to death. .

chapter 618. the naturalization of the southern barbarians

"It's not bad, many people are not hungry now. In order to send troops, the entire group of Nanman tribes has tightened their belts. If more farmland cannot be obtained in a short period of time, then the Nanman tribe will be doomed. , the next food shortage alone will starve many people to death." Queen Zhu Rong also told the truth.

"Since your days are not going to last, I'm here to subdue you, what do you think?" Li Wei laughed.

"We southern barbarians are lowly, but our bones are hard. Conquering means we have to bow our heads. We are already hungry. If we have to make confessions, will we still have a way to survive?" Queen Zhu Rong was a little sullen. said.

"Who told you that to subdue is to bow your head and become a minister?"

"Isn't it just being a subject and paying tribute? Does this mean something else?" Queen Zhu Rong was also a little confused. Is there another way?

"My subjugation is not the kind of requirement that you become a vassal state, but also that you are incorporated into the Han people, and they will not be separated from each other in the future. It is not easy for you to live a miserable life while guarding the poor mountains and rivers. You should have heard of me. In terms of ability to govern the country, whether it is Yuzhou, Jingzhou, or Yangzhou Gunzhou 01, as long as it is the land under my hands, it will not be affected by the war, and the common people can live a prosperous life. They can do it, so can you. ." Li Wei said with a serious face.

"I..." Queen Zhu Rong concluded, but she refused to give in so easily. "This can't be done, we are all people of faith, and we can't go against the faith of our ancestors!"

"Can faith feed you?"

"This..." Queen Zhu Rong felt embarrassed. Now the Nanman tribe actually has no way out. Even if it is to move to the south, it will be painful. It is uncertain how many people can survive.But once they are subdued by Li Wei, it means that their traditions and culture will disappear completely. Southern barbarians, this is breaking the roots of the southern barbarians.

Understanding is one thing, accepting is another.The problem facing Queen Zhu Rong now is two paths, stick to her own culture, and then be eliminated by Li Wei, or return to Li Wei, accept pure Sinicization education, and then be completely assimilated.But no matter which path it takes, it's not a good choice, it's just spiritual destruction and physical destruction. For the Southern barbarians with sturdy folk customs, once their beliefs are over, the traditional culture is completely over.

"To live or to perish, this is a question. I will give you two days to consider, and after two days, I want a clear answer, whether to live or to perish. I am a person who will do what I say, if you are not willing to submit to me. , it doesn't matter, I will send people to hunt you down, just like the Qiang people, I will do what I say."

Li Wei's attitude of killing your whole family and killing your whole family really shocked Queen Zhu Rong. She can be considered to have seen all kinds of people, but it is the first time that Li Wei is so domineering and unreasonable.And this question is really a dilemma, even if she is the queen elected by the Nanman tribe, she still can't decide this question.To live or to perish, that is the question.

With a forced smile on her face, Queen Zhu Rong got up and said, "I need to go back and discuss this matter with various leaders. No matter what the choice is, I will give your Excellency a clear answer."

Looking at the graceful back of Queen Zhu Rong's disappearance, Li Wei shook his head. There was no choice for such a matter. Whether it was a real discussion or a plan to delay the army in two days, he just had to wait.

Two days later, Li Wei was still waiting for Queen Zhu Rong at the same place, but this time, the expression on Queen Zhu Rong's face became a lot easier. It seemed that a decision had been made, and this decision should be good for Li Wei.

"It seems that you have already decided, what is the answer?" Li Wei smiled as he looked at Queen Zhu Rong who was sitting down.

"We have decided to submit to your rule."

"Wise choice." Li Wei said with a smile, this time it was a profit, and there were hundreds of thousands more people.

For other lords and warlords, these populations are of little use. After all, they are not direct soldiers, and how much food is needed to feed hundreds of thousands of people is an astronomical number.But this doesn't matter to Li Wei, because he doesn't have anything else in his hands, that is, there is so much food that he is constantly building new warehouses and still can't hold it, so he can only take out food.It's not too easy to feed this population, and these southern barbarians have hands and feet. Relying on the good soil of Yizhou, they are afraid that they will not be able to support themselves?

In addition, the refugees from the north can be settled in Yizhou, and there are a large number of Han people in Yizhou itself, so there is no need to worry about the failure of assimilation.

"But I said the ugly thing in front. Since it is naturalized to me, then I have to abide by my rules. The various belief totems of the tribe are not allowed to exist. If I catch someone secretly believing in the evil god and spreading some illegal Things, I will sit in a row. You always know what a row is." Li Wei smiled.

"This is natural. Since we are willing to naturalize, it is necessary to completely cut off the connection with the past. If the tradition of the tribe conflicts with the laws and regulations, then the laws and regulations will naturally take precedence. It is natural that the traditional structure of the tribe cannot be maintained. , after all, compared to tradition, survival is more important. Besides that, what else should we pay attention to?" Queen Zhu Rong also cooperated with Li Wei's work. After all, they have broken through the bottom line, even faith Have given up, what is there to give up now?And compared to living, the traditions of the tribe are naturally irrelevant.

After being in contact with Han culture for a long time, the culture of the southern barbarians is no longer pure. It seems that the superstition of various tribes has been reduced a lot. It seems that the harvest of the land used to rely on the wizard to pray to the ancestors. However, in times of famine, it should be People who starve will still starve.And after learning the farming methods in the Central Plains, even the ignorant southern barbarians know that farming requires careful cultivation. It is better to pray to the ancestors than to take care of the land carefully. At least take care of it more carefully. The output will be much higher.

Constantly subjected to the impact of various Han cultures, the traditional culture of the southern barbarians has long since changed a lot, and it doesn't matter if they give up completely, because the southern barbarians themselves have realized that their traditional culture can't keep up with the times.Moreover, compared with living a good life, the tradition of sacrificing living people with blood is really unfriendly. Ordinary members of the tribe are indifferent to giving up traditional culture.

The people who really oppose it are the wizard class of the tribe. In tribal civilization, wizards are natural nobles, and integrating into China means that their privileges will disappear, so the wizards are against this matter. .

chapter 619. final condition

Most of the southern barbarian tribe chose to naturalize, and only a small number of people could not accept this fact, but this small number was too small, just wizards and a few tribal chiefs with firm beliefs.

They chose to leave the main force and continue to move south, but it is still unknown how many people will be willing to go with them. After all, moving south will kill people.And a lot of people will die. The further south you go, the worse the environment is. The lack of arable land and the difficulty of reclamation. There are all kinds of beasts and poisonous snakes in the jungle, which is simply killing people.

Moreover, going south has to conflict with the local natives. This is the most terrible thing. The war between tribes is a typical winner-take-all rule.That is to say, the men on the losing side all become slaves, and the women become RBQs, and there is no second way to choose.

Therefore, compared to moving south, being able to get a stable life is the wish of most people, even most tribal chiefs are willing.Because the position of the chief is a right and a burden, it is not easy to carry an entire tribe on one's shoulders. While obtaining the best resources, one must also give everything to the tribe.Therefore, the chiefs are often forced to work hard. Most of the chiefs are willing to accept a comfortable life. Being in the company of wild animals in the deep mountains is not something to be happy about.

"It seems that you have really made up your mind, which is very good. It saved some troubles, but I have one last condition. If I agree to this condition, then the naturalized southern barbarians can enjoy an extra year of food supply." Li Wei laughed.

"Please speak." Queen Zhu Rong's breathing became a little faster when she heard the word food. If it wasn't for the lack of food, why would they have migrated to Yizhou so desperately.Now hearing the year's food, Queen Zhu Rong's beautiful eyes light up.

The fish took the bait, and Li Wei was also amused. This condition was indeed hard to resist, especially for a person like Queen Zhu Rong who was willing to pay for the group, who directly hit seven inches.

Looking at Queen Zhu Rong in front of her, Li Wei observed her carefully for the first time. Her wheat-colored skin, which was different from those of the Central Plains, revealed a wild and healthy beauty, like a female leopard ready to go.This kind of temperament made her look up to others, but it also gave Li Wei a strong desire to conquer.

A cool hunting outfit highlights her plump figure full of power, and the long silver-gray hair also has a charm different from the beauty of the Central Plains, which makes people unconsciously think of some primitive and happy things , but unlike ordinary Nanman women, Queen Zhu Rong has a face that is so delicate that it doesn't look like a Nanman, and her long eyelashes make Li Wei's eyes dizzy.Li Wei's mind made up for a moment. Queen Zhu Rong and Mito Yumei at home have similar styles. It should be said that they are the mature version of Mito Yumei, but the two have their own different characteristics.

"My last condition is that you marry me ¨..." Li Wei smiled like a fox who stole a chicken.

And Queen Zhu Rong's expression was a bit complicated. It was the first time that Li Wei saw such complex and overlapping emotions on a person's face, shyness, anger, hesitation, and finally refusal.For Li Wei, it is also a very entertaining entertainment, and the expression on the perfect face like a half-breed also shows her shaking.


Looking at Li Wei's playful expression, Queen Zhu Rong gritted her teeth and glared at Li Wei: "You are so despicable."

But her heart has actually been shaken, or in other words, the winner-takes-all in the traditional culture of the southern barbarians makes her subconsciously relent.She already had an indescribable affection for Li Wei who saved the entire southern barbarian ethnic group. Although she seemed to be bashing Li Wei, she was actually a tough person, showing her weak side.

"That's right, I'm just that mean. If I can get you by being mean, I don't mind being a little meaner." Li Wei showed his white teeth.

Regarding Li Wei's shameless style, Queen Zhu Rong is helpless and shy. Although she is the queen of the southern barbarians, she doesn't know anything about this aspect, and no one dares to popularize this knowledge to her. , so she has only a limited understanding of emotional matters until now, she only knows that she doesn't hate Li Wei.And this shy but comfortable feeling made her heart beat faster.

Li Wei concluded that as long as a girl has a good opinion of you, it is easier to open up the situation by being thick-skinned. Just like facing a strong big sister like Queen Zhu Rong, you must take the initiative, otherwise, it will be Will be led by the nose.That's why Li Weicai repeatedly did things that made the other party unexpected, so that she couldn't guess what she would do next.

"."You..." Queen Zhu Rong was really annoyed by Li Wei's thick skin. She looked at Li Wei with her pretty face flushed, stammering and speechless.Instinctively, she directly waved her fist and greeted Li Wei's face, but the moment she punched, Queen Zhu Rong woke up.

But what surprised her was that Li Wei's jab with a speed that could almost hit a sonic boom was caught easily by Li Wei. Her fist was caught by Li Wei's palm, and she couldn't move at all. Li Wei squeezed lightly. , she fell into Li Wei's arms.

"Let go of me!" Queen Zhu Rong struggled, but how could she be Li Wei's opponent, being held in his arms by Li Wei and unable to move.

"I won't let it go, what if you want to hit me again?" Li Wei said with a smile.

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