"The defense of this kind of armor is almost zero. Besides it looks good, it basically has no advantages. Is it an advantage if it is light?" Li Wei was not used to the feeling of being chilled by the wind, but this kind of The original posture is quite masculine, and Li Wei is quite confident on this point.

"The kind of iron canned soldiers in the Central Plains are terrifying. I really don't know how they can run freely in that suit. Even a mountain person who is good at running will get sore hands and feet after running for a dozen miles. I haven't seen those iron cans before." Queen Zhu Rong was also helpless, when did the physique of the people in the Central Plains become so terrifying? "The mountain people are all light-armored infantry. If they really reach the plains, they will not be the opponents of those iron cans, and those iron cans are also equipped with powerful crossbows and fetishes called dynamite, thanks to your willingness to let us naturalize. I have heard about the situation on the Qiang side, it is said that tens of thousands of people have died, and several large tribes are ready to unite against you."

"Because the Qiang people can't teach it, we don't mind if the Qiang people are willing to learn Chinese culture. Unfortunately, the Qiang people have repeatedly violated the border, and the two sides have already taken over a blood feud that cannot be understood, so I don't plan to give it to the Qiang people. This is my chance." Li Wei asked Queen Zhu Rong, "Has the wedding rules been set?"

Queen Zhu Rong handed over a piece of paper on which various procedures were written neatly in Chinese characters. Nanman's wedding customs are not complicated, or even simple, and many places are simplified. This is still the wedding of the "king".If it's an ordinary person's wedding, it's even simpler. The girls of the mountain people do not have the custom of not being allowed to show their faces. They have been helping the family since childhood.The same is true for the man. The parents of both sides simply meet, and use some dried salted fish and furs as dowry gifts and return gifts. Even a marriage is settled like this.

Is it very crude?This is the normal state of mountain people, and in the mountains with a dangerous environment, there is not too much red tape. No matter what it is, it is better to keep it simple.For example, the wedding of Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong was considered extravagant by the standards of mountain people.

"It's all Chinese characters. It seems that there are quite a few mountain people who understand Chinese characters." Li Wei laughed.

"This is something that can't be helped, because the mountain people themselves do not have complete text, and many expressions mean only pronunciation, so in order to prevent the tribe's inheritance from being cut off, mountain people need to learn certain words. Just like you The name of the mountain is not written in the text of the mountain people, this is the sadness of the mountain tribe." Queen Zhu Rong sighed.

Queen Zhu Rong went to a piece of white paper and spread it on the table, picked up a brush and started writing on it. It was a symbol that Li Wei couldn't understand at all. It had a sense of vicissitudes of history. Somewhat, it should be said that the mountain tribe's own writing is still in the early stage of hieroglyphics.If there are another few hundred years, maybe the mountain people will be able to improve their own writing, but they will no longer have this opportunity, because now the mountain people are completely Chinese, and they will all be Chinese in the future, and they will naturally learn Chinese writing and writing. culture.

"." What is written here, it looks like a worm crawling around." Li Wei asked inexplicably.

Queen Zhu Rong blushed, slapped Li Wei's chest and whispered, "I love you..."

"Okay, it's my fault." Li Weiguo (alright) admitted that he was cowardly, but he was slapped again on the arm.

Li Wei looked at the gorgeous and sexy Queen Zhu Rong dressed like a samba girl. The more she looked, the more she liked it. It should be said that Li Wei likes this mature type and has a unique taste.Following the ancient custom, the barbarian king's wedding had to rely on four elephants to clear the way, followed by guards in various costumes. Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong would meet the masses on the soil sedan chair carried by Shiliu, and then return to the "Royal Palace" bridal chamber.

The process is very simple, and there are no big banquets. For the mountain people with difficult conditions, many things can be simplified, even the wedding of the barbarian king.

The soil sedan chair carried by Shiliu was dressed up with the fur of various beasts and sharp teeth, and it looked majestic. Li Wei took Queen Zhu Rong to the top, and the specially selected raised hands gave a soft drink and put the The heavy sedan chair was lifted. .

chapter 625. cheers

In terms of comfort alone, a modern car is far more comfortable than a sedan chair. It can even be said that even a broken Chery penguin that has been driven for more than ten years is more comfortable than the so-called king's car. The bearer with the horn, the feeling of being on top of a person is indeed intoxicating.Although this level does not feel much to Li Wei, other people in this era don't think so. Most people's life is only for fame and fortune, and the feeling of being a high-ranking person like this is for ordinary people. fatal attraction.

"The emperor is a kind of right and honor, but also a kind of burden. Unlike the hereditary throne in the Central Plains, the mountain people often choose the ruler without so much trouble. Since they believe in me, I have to find a way out for them. ." As the sedan chair swayed, Queen Zhu Rong's voice sounded like a long one, with an indescribable sense of rhythm.

Li Wei nodded. The tribal traditions of the mountain people make it difficult for the entire civilization to have an overall commander. Even if there is, it is only a short-term product in the face of a major crisis. Once the danger is passed, the tribe will form The loose alliance will return to the original state of fragmentation.Because the tribal system itself is flawed, it belongs to a transitional civilization of 007. After the grassland civilization develops to a certain level, it will be restricted by the tribal system. When you want to form an empire, you will find out how much tribal estrangement is in it. Trouble.

The culture of the mountain people was directly interrupted in the tribal era, and then grafted onto the Chinese civilization, which is equivalent to skipping an entire tribal era. If you use a game as an analogy, it is like playing "Age of Empires" directly. Skip the Dark Ages and Nomads and go straight to the Castle Age and the Emperor Age.For a civilization, this leap-forward development is equivalent to taking a thousand years of detours, which is a terrible progress.

"Don't worry, I will treat everyone equally. In this land, if my heart is in China, that is the people of China." The reason why Li Wei chose to marry Queen Zhu Rong at this moment was to send a message to the outside world. This is a fusion, no one is allowed to think carefully, and anyone and forces who block the fusion will be punished by him.Li Wei's population strategy is not allowed to be messed up, and he also uses these southern barbarian mountain people as test objects to test the assimilation ability of Chinese culture.

Unlike Western civilizations that rely on one (abdb) theistic religion to play xenophobia to enhance cohesion, most Eastern civilizations attach great importance to cultural heritage, and as for beliefs, they are not so strict, as long as it does not cause great harm to the whole society. Cults are not a problem.And no matter what sect it is, once it arrives in the Central Plains, it will be localized beyond recognition immediately. This is the performance of the assimilation ability of Chinese culture itself. "Sinicization" is a very strange and joyous thing, but it is also an important factor for the continuation of the entire Chinese civilization. First of all, it cannot be extremely exclusive.The only thing that cannot be assimilated is the hatred of the pig temple, which is so extreme that it regards all human beings except fellow believers as bastards that must be punished. This is a long-standing problem.

As extreme as hating the pig temple, then the Chinese civilization will not be called the only one of the four ancient civilizations that has been passed down without interruption in later generations. This is the power of fusion and assimilation.And once the Chinese nation loses its own culture, it will be of no avail even if the bloodline is passed on. Without civilization, only Huaxia with bloodline is not a real "China" at all.So Li Wei needs some experiments. Although it is rude to other civilizations, this is also an opportunity for integration. Li Wei wants to try it anyway.

"I hope it can be more stable. We have always wanted to integrate into the Central Plains, but it is difficult. I hope this time it will be smoother. It doesn't matter if the Nanman exists or not, as long as everyone can eat and wear warmly, they care about these issues. It's too persistent." Queen Zhu Rong was also a little worried about fusion, and she was afraid of being rejected, but from the current point of view, the momentum is still good, except for a few exceptions, there has been no large-scale friction, and both sides are looking for A suitable distance, fusion is not something that can be done in a day or two.

Slowly, the distance will get closer and closer, and eventually it will disappear without a trace. At that time, the entire group is Chinese people, and they will no longer be separated from each other. Yes, but a major feature of Chinese culture is seeking common ground, so the population of more than one billion people in later generations can be unified.However, Europe, which seeks differences, is turbulent and chaotic. World War I and World War II greatly damaged Europe’s vitality and led to the rise of bald eagles. From the establishment of the European Union in 93 until the country’s departure from the European Union, and then to the refugee wave, these are all disasters brought about by seeking differences. Civilizations that do not understand integration are destined to endure hardships, and Europe is the best negative teaching material.

"Take your time, as long as I'm here, nothing will be a problem." Li Wei stopped Queen Zhu Rong's shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

"Well... I believe in you." Queen Zhu Rong felt that the softest part of her heart was touched, and she was able to unload the burden. Her heart was very relaxed.After all, a big girl in her early twenties has to shoulder the life and death problems of hundreds of thousands of people. The huge pressure has already made her breathless. Li Wei is a safe haven that can withstand the wind and rain for her.

The grand parade passed the camp, and what impressed Li Wei was the issue of poverty. Fortunately, because of integration and out-migration, people's faces were full of smiles of hope, not numbness and hatred. ,This is good.Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Only when all the people become people who wear shoes will there be no so many troubles.

People cheered the names of Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong, and the cheers were deafening. With the popularization of various preferential policies, cultural education and distribution of living materials, Li Wei's prestige among the mountain people has reached the level of "reverence", who dares to Opposing Li Wei, the mountain people will smash whoever's dog's head. Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it can be regarded as a relatively intuitive expression of the current situation.

The crowd gathered more and more, but it was not messy at all. Everyone cleared a clean road for the team and blessed Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong.

"By the way, I've always called you Zhu Rong, but I still don't know your real name." Li Wei asked a little embarrassedly. He was very curious about this question.

"I don't know what my real name is, because I have been able to control flames since I was a child. The witch who adopted me named me Zhu Rong, the name of the god of fire in Chinese civilization. I hope I can become a god of fire and protect the people. I I don't know what my name is." Queen Zhu Rong said helplessly.

The answer he got made Li Wei a little confused, but in the future, Zhu Rong will be his wife, and there is nothing wrong with Queen Zhu Rong becoming Mrs. Zhu Rong. .

chapter 626. unification of the south

The giant elephant opened the way, and the sixteen carried the big sedan chair for the parade. This was also new to Li Wei. The most important thing was that the satisfaction brought by the beautiful woman in her arms was irreplaceable by other things.

After the grand parade, there was no feast for the guests like the traditional Chinese, but all kinds of ready-made practical gifts were distributed.After that, it's time for Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong to be alone, and no one can disturb the beauty of the two "creating people".

In the huge tent specially prepared, animal skins are used to make good sound insulation, the floor is covered with cashmere blankets, and there are special incense specially used to disperse snakes, insects, rats and ants. It can be said that the luxury is not like hard and simple. Southern barbarian mountain folk style.Li Wei looked at the seductive royal sister in front of him, and immediately jumped up.

Li Wei was absurd on Queen Zhu Rong for a whole day and night, until Queen Zhu Rong couldn't bear it, Li Wei put away his firepower.

The marriage with Queen Zhu Rong has little impact on other regions, but it is a good thing for Yizhou and western Jingzhou, which means that all conflicts will be completely ended, and they can finally live in peace. Have a comfortable day.The careerists hope that the whole society will become more and more chaotic, so that they can fish in troubled waters, while the common people like stability, and only stability can allow them to survive decently.

The wedding of Li Wei and Queen Zhu Rong, apart from making ordinary people happy and boosting their confidence, has no other use. It is more of a signal to the outside world, and the fusion is irreversible.As Yizhou became more and more stable, Li Wei's military center of gravity began to move north. With the gradual maturity of the industrial layout, many things no longer needed to be handled by Li Wei himself, and the people below - could handle it very well.

Yongzhou is Li Wei's next target, but this is also a more sensitive position. Once Yongzhou is defeated, it means that Ma Teng is likely to turn against Li Wei.Major is the helplessness of geopolitics. It can be seen from the map that the Liangzhou ruled by Ma Teng is like a "peninsula" itself, with the Qiang people in the west and the Xiongnu in the east, and the only border is Yongzhou. Winning Yongzhou means that there is no buffer between the two sides.

But Li Wei of Yongzhou must be taken down, and even Liangzhou must be in his own hands. Ma Teng has helped Li Wei a lot over the past two years, but it is only a mutual aid and mutual benefit of equivalent exchange. Li Wei feels that he also It's worthy of Ma Teng, and he didn't stumble on Ma Teng secretly.

Because Ma Teng is an important chess piece to contain the Qiang people and the Huns, Li Wei has always maintained Ma Teng's forces at a relatively effective level, but it will not cause trouble to the mainland, and Liangzhou, where Ma Teng is located, also produces cotton In Dazhou, it can be said that Ma Teng's economy is supported by the cotton trade with Li Wei.Ma Teng traded cotton for fine weapons and armor, as well as various medicines, necessities, and spirits.

Relying on the economic restraint, Li Wei can ignore Ma Teng's threat, but this is not a problem. For Li Wei, who has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, even Yongzhou was defeated, and Liangzhou was taken down, it was really uncomfortable. .But because Ma Teng fought against the Huns and Qiang people for many years, he was a national hero who worked hard and made great achievements, so Li Wei did not intend to do anything.

Li Wei is going to call Xu Shu to deal with this matter. In terms of eloquence, Xu Shu is much stronger than Li Wei. As a lobbyist, Xu Shu is more reliable.However, this also requires that Yongzhou be taken down first. Now Yongzhou is under the rule of Zhang Lu. It is not bad, whether it is good or bad. Compared with the north, the situation in Yongzhou is much better, but compared with Jingzhou, which has stabilized The difference is really too far, plus the Qiang people will invade the border from time to time, and Zhang Lu has no strength to fight back, so the people of Yongzhou are not living peacefully.

Due to strategic considerations, it is impossible to say anything about human feelings, so it is necessary to fight or fight. Now the two prefectures in the south that Li Wei does not want to control are Guangzhou and Jiaozhou. Guangzhou and Jiaozhou are two border areas with a very low degree of development. Tasteless, it is a pity that it is tasteless and discarded, and Li Wei does not have so many resources to pour into these two states.These two states, if nothing else, belong to the last two districts to move.

As the situation in Yizhou stabilized, Li Wei directly took out some veterans from Jingzhou and Yuzhou, and formed a large corps with new recruits. If Ma Teng moves, Huang Zhong will lead his troops to the top.


The Yongzhou Raiders progressed even faster than Li Wei expected. As a veteran of the battlefield, Deng Hong, although not as powerful as Huang Zhong, had rich combat experience and directly defeated Zhang Lu's teaching guards.Wudou Mijiao's guardian army is not as strong as Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban army, and Zhang Lu's own strength is also of the first-class level. Although he knows a lot of spells, he encounters the "high legal resistance" of the southern army. , was beheaded by Deng Hong.

Compared with Zhang Jiao, the difference between Zhang Lu and Zhang Jiao is not a star or a half. Zhang Jiao has the strength to form an army by one person, so he can stir up the entire Han Empire, and Zhang Lu's Five Dou Rice Religion is just huddled in Yongzhou, who is it? The pros and cons can be seen at a glance.


Ma Teng in Liangzhou did not change, or Li Wei's power was too large, even if he wanted to move, he still had a lot of concerns.Less than half a month after conquering Yongzhou, Li Wei received a letter of invitation from Ma Teng. Li Wei was not too surprised by Ma Teng's choice. Although Ma Teng is bloody, he has no ambition. It is fatal for a prince in troubled times.On the contrary, Ma Chao, the son of Ma Teng, has both ambition and means, and his military strength is not bad. To be one of the five tiger generals is considered a real ability.

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