It can be said that the merchant ships of Forches entered the port under the surveillance of more than ten ironclad ships, and it was because of their previous resistance that the navy people directly detained them like prisoners.

Zhang Ping didn't hide too much about Forches, because the gap between the two sides was too big, and it was not worth him to hide anything at all. Even if he said many things, Forches might not understand.But in turn, he got quite a lot of information from the mouth of Forches. The nautical charts and so on have been confiscated. Naturally, they do not need to ask about their nautical routes, but the customs and customs along the way are very important. information.And from Europe to Asia, the various dangers and hardships they have encountered are also very important information, because it involves the global strategy of Daxia, which places can build good seaports, and which places are tasteless. , you can use the information provided by Forches as a reference to a certain extent.

As for the mainland of Rome, Zhang Ping also collected a lot of information. Although Forches is a businessman, he is not comparable to Zhang Ping, who is proficient in communication and psychology. All kinds of important information have been collected. .Although Forches had left Rome for three or four years, even the information from three or four years ago was very useful to Da Xia.After all, not every country can run all the way like Daxia, and it took only a few years to complete the road of hundreds of years, and it has not caused the problem of unstable foundation. This kind of progress against the sky, let go There is no way to explain it in the future.

In Rome in three or four years, there was absolutely little change, so these pieces of information were fairly "new" things and were worth spreading to.

In less than a week, Zhang Ping and others completed the report, and then went directly to Tiantian to listen, and the document was placed on Li Wei's desk.

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Li Wei looked at the thick stack of information, and was a little confused, the number was a little too much.However, in order to better understand the enemy, even Li Wei, a big man, has to chew on it, not to mention that this amount is nothing to him seriously.There are a total of seven reports, each of which is information from different people, followed by various comments from the person in charge of the inquiry, which is quite detailed.

Rome is too far from Daxia, and it can be said to be the last stop of the expedition. If you go by land, you don’t know how far you will be able to complete this long journey, and you can only go back and forth quickly from the sea.If it is a traditional sailing warship, this voyage will be quite long, but for the Daxia Navy, which can already use steam power and the overall speed of the fleet has reached more than 20 knots, it is not difficult.

The only problem is logistical supplies. After all, steam turbines need to consume a lot of coal. At a time when internal combustion engine technology is not yet mature, Daxia Navy wants to go to Europe, but its endurance alone will not meet the standard, even if it is a full replacement of internal combustion engines. It also requires a lot of fuel. As for nuclear power technology, this thing can't be done without decades of accumulation.It is very likely that when Li Wei achieves the achievement of world unification and domination of the world, nuclear power has just begun, so now it is necessary to consider various logistical supply points along the expedition.

The location of the logistics supply point is difficult to choose, especially when considering the global strategy. Looking at the globe, Li Wei began to think about this issue.Rome is still in a very primitive era, let alone firearms, the technology of cold weapons has not yet developed to its peak, and the navigation technology is also lagging behind. Ships are very biased towards wind, and they are completely incomparable with steam turbine power.

"." It seems that we still have to start the mix-and-match battleship..." Li Wei had a headache. The development of electric power and internal combustion engine technology is too slow. ideal.A full upgrade to an internal-combustion warship within two years is likely to be troublesome.

Although Daxia's industrial base can already support such a large-scale change, but (good), even the scientific research institute has not taken out the things.

The so-called hybrid warship is a combination of ironclad and sail power. The main ironclad in active service has an all-steel hull structure. Because of its heavy weight, it can only use steam turbines and propellers for propulsion.The hybrid warship belongs to a transitional existence, that is, the exterior of the wooden hull is covered with a thin layer of steel armor, so that the deadweight tonnage is maintained at a level that is not exaggerated. The upper layer is still the traditional wind canvas, while the lower layer is It is a steam turbine and a propeller. Usually, it uses the wind to advance. After entering the combat state, it can rely on the power of the sail and the propeller. Easy and loose.

However, this kind of hybrid warship has an overall disadvantage in defense and firepower compared to an ironclad ship with a full-body steel structure, only in terms of range and short-range speed. .

chapter 630. strategic deployment

The best weapon is not necessarily the most suitable weapon, as is the case now.

Now that the navigation technology is still quite primitive, the all-steel ironclad ship is like the existence of the Zenith star black technology. Battleship, it was no longer as simple as an adult beating a child, but a professional heavyweight boxer weighing more than [-] kilograms beat the baby back and forth mercilessly.

In this era when the tonnage of ships is generally less than [-] tons, the top ironclad ships of the Daxia Navy, the "Sovereign Class", have a tonnage of [-] tons, with [-] rear-loading heavy smoothbore cannons on each side, and a total of [-] smoothbore rapid-fire cannons. The door and the bow of the ship also have a mobile fortress gun designed to bomb the coastline defense facilities. A single ship can overturn an entire fleet. However, according to the standards of its own navy, the speed is slow, the turning radius is large, and the range is limited. In the face of various clippers, it is easy to be "walked the dog", so the cooperation of various medium and light ironclad brothers is also required.

Ironclad ships are the top manifestation of military power in this era, and the entire Western Pacific is shivering under Li Wei's fleet.However, Li Wei's fleet is to dominate the Western Pacific Ocean, and by the way, it only takes the entire South China Sea Islands. If it is a long-distance voyage, because the voyage is not enough, it does not dare to travel too far. It can only be said that it is an offshore navy.The steam turbine is not to say that he is not good. Even many large surface 157 ships in the [-]st century still use steam turbines, but the steam turbines in Li Wei's hands are not good enough. One step is too difficult, even more difficult than taking gas turbine technology from scratch.

Therefore, Li Wei can only choose to assign a part of the manpower to study gas turbines without giving up steam turbines, and many official universities have also set up laboratories for gas turbine research.

The advantages and disadvantages of steam turbines are very prominent. Compared with gas turbines, the unit power of steam turbines can be called a bug. When the internal mechanism is working, the vibration and noise are very small. In addition, the work is stable and reliable, and it is not picky about fuel. Coal and oil can be used.However, its shortcomings are also obvious. First, the energy consumption is too high, the energy stored in the cabin needs to be replenished frequently, and then the boiler takes a long time to preheat. Emergency start is not a problem, so the start and maneuverability are poor.In the end, because there are too many overall supporting facilities and a large area, the space in the hull is compressed, so Daxia has to increase the hull when designing the hull.

The advantages and disadvantages of gas turbines are also obvious, and the advantages are very intuitive.The output power of the same volume is far stronger than that of the steam turbine, the vibration and noise are smaller than that of the steam turbine, the equipment has strong anti-strike ability and low working pressure.The acceleration is stronger and the warm-up is shorter, which enables the warship to have a more powerful mobile explosive capability.The disadvantages are also obvious. The first is expensive, the second is expensive, and the third is expensive!It’s really fucking expensive, especially if you’re not picky about your food, and if the fuel isn’t good, the boat will not run right. Although the voyage is longer, the service life is short, which is equivalent to increasing the speed at which the navy spends money.

The speed at which the navy spends money now makes the people of the Ministry of Finance painful. If the speed of money is faster, the people of the Ministry of Finance are afraid that they will bring their knives to the Ministry of the Navy to cut people.

If the steam turbine can be upgraded, most of the voyage problem can be solved, and with the supply points built overseas, it can be like the bald eagle of later generations, and it can be deployed around the world.However, this all costs money, and it costs a lot of money. Even with the wealth of Daxia, such a method of spending money is very scary.

The reason why Daxia is able to set up an ironclad fleet now is also because every national shipyard in Yangzhou, Li Wei is equipped with a divine power puppet. , coupled with the supernatural power puppet's molding efficiency bonus for large parts, it is possible to form an army in such a short period of time.

If there is no such plug-in, the navy in Daxia is still using sailing warships, like the clippers that contain Roman merchants, it will never be as easy as it is now.But even so, the navy is still the most expensive branch of the military. Even in modern times, it still retains the sentence, ten years of the army, fifty years of the air force, and a hundred years of the navy.There is still a large gap in steel in Daxia, so for a large steel user like the navy, Li Wei can only open it, but opening it will also have a certain negative impact on the industry. When the steel output reaches a certain level, Li Wei will It will no longer be hung up, but let the Navy use the steel produced by the steel mill.Divine synthetic materials are just an emergency measure.

Daxia's navy was developed entirely by Li Weikai. Without it, it would not have been able to develop to this level for hundreds of years.But this is a rotten world. The least rotten one is the strongest, so Daxia's technology is already at the forefront of the world, but because the country has not been completely unified, there is little desire for external expansion.Moreover, Daxia's technological development is already a racing class. If it is fast, there will be problems, and Li Wei can't be in a hurry.

After thinking about it, Li Wei took out a blank document and began to write. The expedition plan is impossible to run aground. Even if the expedition has not started yet, the preparations that should be made are still to be done, at least not to waste the navy fighting in Southeast Asia. The prestige that came down, and the oil reserves in Asia are not enough, which is very unfavorable for the navy, so the bearded uncles in the Middle East can only choose to die or naturalize Daxia.

The first is to establish your own naval base in Southeast Asia. The local monkeys that are delicious and lazy need to be killed. The natural environment there is very good. A little development is a treasure land for grain production, and the natural island chain is excellent for the navy. haven.Moreover, rubber is produced in Southeast Asia. The current industrial demand in Daxia has led to a shortage of rubber. If you win Southeast Asia, there will be no shortage of rubber.

Using the Southeast Asian islands as a springboard, the navy can directly invade Tianzhu by sea, and then Chineseize the three brothers of Tianzhu.

After Tianzhu is taken, they can go to the Arabian Sea and land in the Middle East in the Persian Gulf, and then the army will conquer the Middle East and develop oil fields.Fuel is a good thing. It can be used for both steam turbines and gas turbines. With the Middle East as an oil production base, Daxia's navy has completely solved the energy problem.Then on land, Li Wei dispatched a magic puppet and an infrastructure team to pierce the future Suez Canal directly from the location of Egypt, opening the way to Europe. The navy no longer needs to take a detour through the Cape of Good Hope, and can enter Europe directly through the Red Sea.

The national strength that this whole set of grand strategy needs to consume is terrible, so Li Wei can only continue to develop the economy and technology, and then go crazy. If any link goes wrong, this huge plan will drag Da Xia to death. .And now the most important thing is to unify the whole country, and then completely wipe out the Hu people in the north.After the country was unified, this grand strategy was officially launched. .

Chapter 631. Unravel the knot

Although the arrival of the Roman merchants gave the officials a good talk, it had no effect on the overall situation. How to send the Roman merchants was the responsibility of the people below.The two countries have not formally established diplomatic relations, and in Li Wei's view, he has an absolute power advantage, and there is no need to be too polite with Rome, just do the courtesy.

Li Wei was thinking about another question, that is, how to organize the founding ceremony after the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty.It can be said that this is a very important thing, far from being comparable to the visit of a Roman businessman, and it is also a display of national strength, a gesture of arousing the people's national pride and enhancing cohesion.

Moreover, the founding ceremony is also a deterrent to the North. At that time, Li Wei is going to invite some high-ranking officials from the North to come to watch the ceremony. The South, which has been demonized, is now also the time to show his strength to the entire Central Plains.In the former Han Dynasty, the North had always been the center of economy and politics, so there was an indescribable sense of superiority, which gradually disappeared after the rise of the South.But even so, there are still many people in the north who maintain their psychological advantages. Why don't the rich and powerful families who eat meat are not aware of the deep-seated crisis, and they are still drunk and dreaming. Now Li Wei is going to give these people a blow to the head and beat them completely. ~Wake up.

Think about why the Wianzichao changed from a "celestial kingdom" to a "pig" that everyone could bully. It was because of its own arrogance that it missed the industrial revolution, which led to a series of backwardness.Again, development is the last word. A traditional feudal agricultural country, no matter how large its body tonnage is, is still at a disadvantage when fighting against industrialized countries. No. [-] in the world's GDP, the so-called major powers do not necessarily have more economic aggregates when combined, but it is such a behemoth that was beaten to the ground by a group of small men.

The current situation is actually similar to this, but the difference is that the South under Li Wei’s rule is not only not inferior to the North in terms of population, but also has surpassed the North in traditional fields such as economy and agriculture, while industry is more It is to throw the North out of sight.Now all the forces in the north belong to the traditional farming civilization, no matter whether it is war potential or protracted war capability, they are not the opponents of the south, which has completed industrialization.And when the South completes "modernization", then the gap between the North and the South will be the level of the two worlds.

In addition to the founding ceremony and shocking the North, there is one more thing that has made many people below him crooked. Even Li Wei's prestige still can't stop the people below from discussing, and that is the issue of heirs.In fact, when I heard the following people discussing this issue, Li Wei has already attracted attention. Although it is now a monarchical dictatorship that has successfully centralized power, if there is no heir, the people below will always feel uneasy.

Even if Li Wei is very young, he still can't stop the people below from discussing these matters. Even Xu Shu advised Li Wei to keep his heir. In Xu Shu's opinion, even if a "fairy" like Li Wei is going to leave eventually, but Leaving without a suitable heir, the whole country will be thrown into chaos.

This incident made Li Wei embarrassed, because in Li Wei's view, he was still a child who was not grown up, and he was about to have a child at this time, which was really speechless.But in the war-torn era, there were many cases of being a father at the age of thirteen or fourteen, so it was just that Li Wei felt a sense of disobedience in his heart.Li Wei originally planned to conquer the world quickly and then leave, but now it seems that it is still very difficult to achieve this goal in a short time. With his personal ability, he can indeed organize an army to hit Europe, but This is like Genghis Khan and Alexander, they are only brilliant for a short time. Once he leaves, all the achievements will be vanished.

Therefore, Li Wei knew that the power of an individual is limited. Vigorously developing the industry and realizing the prosperity of the entire country is the kingly way. It is precisely because of the steady progress made step by step that this is the current situation.This is not a fast walk, but every step is very stable, even if he leaves, there will be no problem. This is "it is better to give a man a fish than to teach a man to fish".

However, when it comes to the issue of heirs, Li Wei found that many people are very concerned about this issue, not only the desire for stability within the bureaucracy, but also many people in the private sector are concerned about the issue of his heirs, which makes Li Wei quite embarrassed .Li Wei thought about his age... It seems that it is normal to have children. Based on the age of the benchmark world, he is naturally a high school student. The time to wait is a proper adult.

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That being the case, it seems good to have children, right?Li Wei thought so, because he has already left blood in the world of eating halberd, so Li Wei does not reject this kind of thing (the plot, I understand it), think about it, if this can stabilize the development results of this country , then it's not a bad thing.

After I figured out a lot of Li Wei, I feel that the whole person is a lot easier, but these things are not easy things for Diaochan and the others. After all, pregnancy is also a hard thing. Men naturally don't understand this kind of thing. arrived.Humming a little tune, Li Wei began to take out a blank document and began to write the "decree", and then took it to Cai Yan to polish it.


Looking at Li Wei who was humming a minor tune, Cai Yan was a little puzzled.

"Today's lord seems to be in a good mood." Different from other people calling the lord and your majesty, Cai Yan still habitually called Li Wei the lord.With the long-term contact with Li Wei's power core, she is already familiar with all kinds of things in Daxia, and she admires Li Wei more and more. This is a great man who built a huge empire from scratch.Maybe his age is not too old, but he lives very clearly and knows what he should do. He is simply the guide of the Chinese bloodline bestowed by heaven, and the rumor that Li Wei is a qi trainer from the outside world, she also heard about it. .

"I figured out some things, and I felt that I was too impatient before, but now I have straightened my mood, so I feel very relaxed." Li Wei laughed, and the speed of writing was much faster.

"What is it, can I know?" Cai Yan asked curiously.

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