Although Li Dian is usually a bit of a slut, he doesn't dare to be sloppy in this kind of thing. Everyone wakes up at four o'clock in the morning and starts to set up a defense line to guard against the Daxia army.But until now, the Daxia army has not yet appeared, some soldiers have shown a slack mentality, and the sense of crisis in Li Dian's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"I hope nothing goes wrong...' ‖." Li Dian has always believed in his own intuition, because his intuition is correct nine times out of ten, so he relied on this intuition to crawl on the battlefield Gundaqun can turn bad luck into good luck, and this time, the sense of unease sent chills down his spine, which means that he may not be able to escape this disaster.

This sense of unease urged Li Dian to improve his defenses as much as possible. Until now, the entire granary's camp has been arranged like an iron barrel by him. Even if the monsters of Daxia came, they would have to collapse. tooth.The strange voice gradually approached, and Li Dian became more and more uneasy.With a muffled sound, a large hole was pierced through the specially reinforced wooden wall of the camp, and the surrounding ropes and wood were broken. Li Dian thought that this was the strange weapon.

"Prepare the archers!" Li Dian shouted loudly.

A row of archers ran to the front row, all pulling the longbow to the fullest.In order to prevent the granary from being attacked, the place chosen is an open area, and the surrounding itself is a plain, and even scattered trees have been cut down, just to prevent the enemy from having a hiding place.When Li Dian had nothing to do, he let people cut down trees, constantly strengthened the defense of the camp, and cleaned up the surrounding environment. For the cold weapon era, this kind of camp is indeed a solid defense that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a pity that they Encountered the "new army" already equipped with hot weapons.

In the forest, the unique metal friction sound of the multi-legged chariots continued to sound, and the multi-legged chariots emerged from the shadows of the forest. Facing this dense front line defense, the Daxia army steadily advanced.

"What the hell is this?! Is it a creation of the Mo family's organization?!" Li Dian was puzzled, and he gripped the chariot in his hand even tighter. These iron monsters made him feel the danger, which showed that those iron monsters had the ability to kill him.His intuition has always been very accurate, so Li Dian is cautious to prevent himself from being attacked by some strange means. The strange creations of the Mo family are inherently dangerous, and it is also now that a large number of Mo family's organ technology has been lost. Warriors became mainstream.

Li Dian didn't care so much, he started out first and shouted "Release the arrows", and the arrows shot towards the Daxia army like a rain curtain.However, this set did not exceed the expectations of the Daxia army. Because it was fighting against the cold weapon army, the new army did not use the light and thin body armor of later generations, but a special anti-cutting combat uniform with steel plates. For arrows and swords The defense is almost inferior to the original steel armor, but it is better than nothing, and the multi-legged chariots are used as mobile shelters. Too heavy equipment is not suitable for the new army.

The distance between the two sides at the moment is about [-] meters. The distance from ordinary arrows has not much power. Most of the arrows have not hit the multi-legged chariot, and they have already fallen to the ground.

The new army of Daxia hid behind the multi-legged chariot, and followed the big guy to slowly advance. During this process of advancing, the main gun of the chariot had already started to "call names" and fired at the crowded places.Due to the limitation of the ammunition load, this kind of shelling was used more as a deterrent, but even so, the bloody killing effect of the artillery still quelled Cao Jun.

This kind of advance made Cao Wei's army feel the pressure. After all, this kind of iron tower that has never seen fire-breathing, every time it breathes fire, someone will be bombed to the sky, and the intestines, minced meat, bone slag, etc. will fall around. The disgusting feeling on the people, even these veterans can't stand it.After all, being hacked to death by a sword can always understand what is going on, but this is the first time they have seen such a method of death.

(Li De's) Li Dian's heart was tight, but he didn't dare to let the troops retreat. If he retreated now, the soldiers would easily collapse directly. Except for the veterans of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the ordinary veterans are not bad at fighting, but when they retreat If you want to maintain the formation, it is difficult for tigers and leopards to ride, let alone these ordinary veterans.So Li Dian could only let the ballista on the wooden wall start to fight back. I have to say that Li Dian's decision was the least bad of all the decisions.

Although the ballista can't penetrate the defense of the multi-legged chariot, it is still quite dangerous for the infantry. If it is hit, it will be an instant kill, and the physique of the aura baptism will not be able to withstand it.The huge arrow hit the frontal armor of the multi-legged chariot, making a crisp "ding" sound, and after wiping a stream of sparks, it was bounced off, and the Daxia infantry at the back buried their heads even lower and pulled. Play well after close range. .

chapter 664.

In the step-tank coordination tactics, there are also drills on how to defend against the heavy weapons on the opposite side, and the Daxia army's own devil drills are much more dangerous than this. On the battlefield, no soldier dared to take chances.

The 40mm-thick sloping armor of the multi-legged chariot is very powerful when facing a flat surface. Although the overall impact resistance is reduced due to the slightly complicated structure of its mechanical feet, the defense of the multi-legged chariot It is also barely able to catch up with the Soviet T34 medium tank during World War II. The crushing of this era is completely beyond the ability of the Cao Wei army to overcome.

As the distance got closer to [-] meters, the light multi-legged chariot equipped with machine guns began to shoot. Cao Wei's army, who had no experience with thermal weapons, didn't know how to lie down, and still kept shooting arrows at the new army of Daxia. As the new army of Daxia began to fight back officially, the soldiers of Cao Wei's army were like a leek, they were knocked over in an instant, the blood mist flew, and the soldiers who were hit lost their combat effectiveness directly.The destructive power of a machine gun is not comparable to that of a rifle. When it hits a person, it is a hole the size of a bowl.

The luckiest person who was hit by a machine gun was 140 killed on the spot, because they would not continue to suffer any more. For those who were not dead, they could only lie on the ground and wailed.And this even stimulated the morale of Cao Wei's army, and a basin of cold water poured down his head.Cao Wei's soldiers were frightened and wanted to flee, but Li Dian was also a ruthless man, and the heads of the two deserters flew up with a swipe of a chariot in his hand.

"Don't run! Whoever turns around is dead! Where is the supervising team?! I didn't even run, you all have to kill with me, close the distance so that we can survive, the messenger, let the cavalry on the flank flank!" Li Dian decisively issued The order, the number of Daxia Xinjun on the opposite side is not large, they should have the advantage of the number, the weapons on the opposite side are powerful, but as long as they get close, there is always a way to break the turtle shell.

Li Dian's eyes were blood red, and he charged with the troops, and the cavalry on the flank also began to maneuver, preparing to make dumplings.

In such a situation, the commander of the new army showed a disdainful smile. In front of the hot weapon, the crowd tactics were a joke.With the call of the artillery, the defensive crossbows on the wooden wall were all pulled out one by one, and Li Dian's "heavy fire support" was all over, and the new army of Da Xia, who had no threat, began to show his fangs.

The infantry emerged from both sides of the multi-legged chariot, and began to aim at the Cao Wei soldiers who had not fallen, and fired freely.Under the continuous bombardment of multiple layers of firepower, Li Dian's main force collapsed directly, and he himself was beaten into a sieve by heavy machine guns. The "lucky" Li Dian fell here.

The front troop was swept away by a wave of firepower like a lawnmower, and the cavalry that was about to attack on the flank would also be baptized by the hail of bullets. Just when the cavalry was about to kill, the multi-legged chariot had completed its U-turn, and the main gun And the machine gun was aimed at Cao Wei's cavalry troops, and the massacre was launched again.

The contest between the hot weapon army and the cold weapon army ended with the victory of the hot weapon army.However, this battle also exposed some of the shortcomings of the multi-legged chariot, that is, the heavy-duty multi-legged chariot has no turret. Like the tank destroyer (TD) during World War II, when encountering an enemy attacking from the flank, it can only Steering, fortunately, the steering speed of these big guys is not slow, otherwise it is quite dangerous to be approached by cavalry.On the contrary, the performance of medium and light multi-legged combat vehicles is very good, even if there is no turret, it does not matter.

These problems all require follow-up improvement, and after annihilating Li Dian's main force, the new army advanced again, charging towards the camp that had been blasted away for defense, and the specially modified Spitfire began to show its mighty power. The firearms continued to spray (abbb) the ignited kerosene outside, and the entire camp was set on fire.The new army put all its energy into destroying the rations of Cao Wei's army, and did not bother to chase those deserters who ran fast.Their purpose is to make Cao Wei's army short of food, and the others are just secondary goals.

After achieving the achievement of "Murder and Arson", Da Xia Xinjun patted his butt and left immediately, while Cao Wei's support troops, who came a step late, were dumbfounded when they saw the corpses on the ground and the burning camp.

The people who came to support were two brothers, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan. After seeing the black smoke rising from this direction, the two realized that the situation was not good, and rushed over with the troops, but they were still a step late.

Xiahou Dun squatted down, looked at the smashed corpse, and took a deep breath. How many secret weapons does this big Xia have, and how powerful it is.Even Li Dian, the prodigal son, couldn't defend himself. He looked up at the camp, which had been burned to the bare bones. It was still unknown how much food he could get back, but it was definitely not too much.

"Brother Dun, that kid Li Dian has a cold nose!" Xia Houyuan found Li Dian's body. Even with the tattered armor, Xiahou Yuan could not recognize that the tattered corpse was Li Dian.

"Li Crow is dead? This guy has such a big life, I didn't expect this day..." Xiahou Dun sighed. This Crow Mouth, who often predicted the health and luck of his companions, finally caught himself and looked at Li Dian's face. Xiahou Dun was also a little sad because of the death of blood.

Xia Houyuan took out the bullet from Li Dian's wound, wiped it with his hands, and looked at the bullet with a puzzled expression. "Metal balls? Such small metal balls can make such deep wounds. How did the Daxia people do it?"

"This is probably the new weapon of the Daxia people. It's like a different kind of bow and arrow. I took a look. These dead people have no sword wounds, all of them are piercing wounds. It seems that this should be a This kind of long-range weapon must be reported to the military advisor." Xiahou Dun said in a deep voice.

The Daxia army is getting more and more terrifying. Can Wei win this war?Thinking of this, Xiahou Dun fought a cold war.I checked to see if there was still alive, but the power of this mysterious weapon was too great, there were dead people everywhere, and they couldn't even find a sound. Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan had no choice but to arrange for someone to put out the fire. The veil of this mysterious weapon, now is not the time, only by finding the survivors can we understand what happened here. .

chapter 665

In the end, the fire in the granary was extinguished, but the loss of military rations was also quite heavy.

Looking at the darkened camp, Xiahou Dun covered his face in pain.Xiahou Yuan was very embarrassed by the black smoke of the fire, like a boiler worker, but even if everyone joined the firefighting, he still couldn't save many things.

"Cough, cough... choked me to death, what exactly does the army in Daxia use to burn food? The fire can't be put out at all, and the food grabbed is only enough for the frontline troops to consume for half a month at most. , It's really troublesome now." Xia ~ Hou Yuan said, leaning on his knees.

"There's only so much food left for half a year. How can we fight this battle..." Xiahou Dun's forehead burst with blue veins. Wei Guo's food is not well-off now, and the granary was raided, and he was seriously injured.

Now several camps on the front line are also damaged and lost, and there are fewer people to eat, but the consumption is still huge, and the wounded soldiers happen to be the most troublesome.Although the camps on the front line will store a certain amount of food, the amount is usually the amount for a week. In addition, the front line is still in a state of chaos, and it is still unknown how much various materials can be kept. Xiahou Dun's heart twitched.

"This Da Xia is too powerful. That guy Li Wuya is not a simple character, so he was taken care of. This war, we are in danger, I don't know what the boss thinks." Although Xia Houyuan usually seems a little serious , but he actually sees very clearly in many things that the rise of the South is unavoidable, and it is also because of their positions that the two sides will definitely be hostile.To be honest, Xiahou Yuan didn't want to fight with the south. The previous Daxia army was terrifying enough, completely crushing them. Now that they have new weapons, the gap between the two sides is even greater.

Xiahou Dun knew that Cao Cao was a strong man, and he would not admit defeat even in the face of such adversity. If Cao Cao was weak, then he would not be able to gain a foothold in the north.In this war, many people have to die before they can see the dawn of a stop, but at that time, Qingzhou and Jizhou no longer have the surname Cao.

On the other hand, after relying on Li Dian and Hubaoqi as sharpening stones to test the rolling style of hot weapons against cold weapons, the new army of Daxia retreated decisively. The rear of the army was well protected, and the new army was able to take advantage of the chaos of Cao Cao's former army to easily make a detour and make a sneak attack.Moreover, calculated from the time when Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan arrived, the distance between the flanking camp and the granary was not too far. This kind of linkage defense was the most difficult to overcome.

However, the hot weapons equipped by the Daxia New Army are completely different from the traditional cold weapons, and the killing efficiency is far greater than that of the cold weapons, so it is possible to quickly annihilate the defenders of the granary. There will also be casualties.And if there is no quick solution, the Xiahou brothers who come to support will make dumplings.However, there are not so many ifs in this world. Daxia's new army won the victory beautifully and won the first actual victory.

In the luxurious and warm tent, Li Wei sat on the rocking chair covered with fur, watching the battle report presented by the people below.Although the battlefield environment is difficult, as the core soul of the entire army, Li Wei still enjoys the best treatment. Li Wei does not like this kind of privilege, but he is already prepared. Take it apart.

Li Wei also readily accepted the kindness of the people below.

The detailed battle report recorded the entire combat process of the new army. The new army exchanged five minor injuries for the complete destruction of Cao Wei's granary guards. It was written in writing, but Li Wei estimated that there should still be some lucky survivors. , these survivors will pass the news of the hot weapon.But Li Wei felt that the commander of the Wei army would first conceal the existence of hot weapons, because at such a time when bad news broke out in a rush, morale would collapse.

The artillery bombardment that lasted for more than four hours was considered to have come to an end, and the heavy artillery would enter the maintenance phase before the next attack.However, the rest time of the artillerymen in Daxia gave Cao Wei a chance to breathe. The continuous heavy artillery bombardment caused various degrees of damage to the frontline camps. .

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The best way to fight heavy artillery is trenches and underground bunkers. Before special ammunition such as penetrating bombs comes out, these two methods are the easiest and the most trouble-free. Unfortunately, the generals of Cao Wei do not understand these knowledge, they can only organize personnel Back off.With accurate guidance, no matter how Cao Wei's soldiers escaped, all that awaited them were the cannonballs falling from their heads.


Li Wei put the battle report aside, and he was in a happy mood, sitting on the rocking chair and shaking it like a rich landlord.

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