Confucianism requires too much of its own cultural foundation, but how many people can truly be "gentlemen"?Yixue abandoned the false theory that was far from the life of the common people, and learned from the subtleties, and taught the common people to abide by the law and self-confidence, instead of following the so-called "sage's way".Everything in the world is constantly changing, and so is learning. The culmination of Confucianism was in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. However, this is the old yellow calendar many years ago. Many things have changed over time and are no longer suitable for the current situation. It's really unreasonable.

And the aristocratic family and Confucianism are bound together, and if the aristocratic family is moved, then Confucianism will definitely be uprooted.Li Wei is also too lazy to play the trick of burning books and pitting Confucians. Li Wei's choice is to let newer and better knowledge surpass those rotten conservatives, and let those conservatives indulge in the glory of the past to self-destruct.As for the aristocratic family, a public trial meeting was held based on their evil deeds. The common people avenged those who had revenge and those who had grievances, and also slapped those corrupt people in the face.

It took a full month for Li Wei to sort out the various broken things of the northern aristocratic family. I have to say that these aristocratic families used the common people as slaves, which made the whole northern sky angry and resentful. At least in the southern cognition, this kind of This is wrong and will be punished by law.In terms of the rule of law, Daxia's laws are very detailed, and the law enforcement is quite terrifying.

The heads of the aristocratic families that were cut off were used to build the Jingguan Temple. Amid the cheers of the people, the northern aristocratic family finally ushered in the doomsday.

When dealing with the wealthy family and the Confucius family, economic development and infrastructure construction are also carried out simultaneously. The continuous wars have seriously affected all kinds of development in the north, such as infrastructure, even the plain city of the imperial city. There are many broken places inside, once it rains, it will be muddy, and there is not even the most basic stone road.

With the various infrastructure teams in the south in place, the development of the north has officially begun, and the construction technology, grain planting technology, grain seeds, and fertilizers from the south have all begun to synchronize to the north.The North is a huge mess, and it will take a certain amount of time to deal with it. Especially now that the whole country is unified, although Li Wei wants to pursue the victory and enter the grasslands, he must also consider his own economic pressure. If 267 ignores the North The poverty of the people and the forced war can easily lead to the instability of the foundations of the north.

But not going to war does not mean that Li Wei will make the aliens on the grassland easy. The so-called not going to war is just not turning the war into a full-scale conflict, just like Huang Zhong's troops hunting the Qiang tribe on the grassland, belonging to war rather than announce.Moreover, the safari troops are the elite of the elite, and they can eliminate as many alien tribes as possible while ensuring their own safety.

In the past, the confrontation between the Chinese bloodline in the hinterland of the Central Plains and the aliens on the grasslands was always at a disadvantage, because the grassland aliens could tame falcons to give early warning, and once a large group approached, a warning would be issued, so the Chinese bloodline was easy to suffer in the enemy search stage. .But now it's the other way around. Under the large-scale monitoring of drones, the whereabouts of the alien tribes can't be concealed from the Daxia army. The Daxia army can rely on the high-altitude drones as eyes, and use radio communication as cooperation. The basis of the troop is to hunt like a pack of wolves, so even if the battle of a small group of troops is not announced, it is enough to drink a pot of aliens from the grasslands.

Moreover, the improvement of operational efficiency also means less pressure on logistics, so it is possible to maintain this form of undeclared war, form a local war situation, and maintain a balance of payments. .

Chapter 678. Problems (Part [-])

The difficulty of building the entire north is different from developing a state alone. Although the land in the north is not as large as the two states of Jing and Yang, it is a densely populated area in this era, so it is involved in infrastructure construction. The conflict of interest is also huge.After all, this is also considered a demolition. This era is not like the later generations. The basic development has been completed in various regions. Therefore, the population structure of this era is a typical group, and it must be handled with caution.

The so-called group type is a residential radiation circle with a city as the core. Most people choose to live within this radiation circle, and there are basically no people outside the radiation circle.However, there is no way to do this. In this era, public security and transportation have always been a big problem, so clan forces can develop. Because many things cannot be solved by law, it is necessary to live in clan units. This is also a kind of means of self-preservation.

It is unrealistic for Li Wei to play a big development now, so he can only carry out urban construction planning according to the principle of the radiation circle. The planning of the sewer and water pipe network is a troublesome thing. The sewer system of Huaxia city has always been The development is relatively slow, so the larger the city, the more "dirty and messy" it is in many cases.This is also limited by the times. Even the European Rome of this era, its urban sewer system is not much better.

Urban planning not only needs to consider water and garbage, but also the deployment of the power grid in the future is also a problem, so the high-rise buildings are inevitable. Although there is no population explosion like the later generations, there is no shortage of land, but for safety and ease of management. , The "community-style" buildings of four or five storeys are more practical and beautiful than bungalows.

There is also the issue of land, right and wrong, especially after the land rights are taken back by the state, people don't have to worry about not having land to plant, but some people don't understand it, and they need to spend more time explaining.The country is definitely more reliable than the aristocratic family in terms of land arrangement, but it is not that no one makes trouble, and this kind of person with a hopeless mind will be directly cancelled all related benefits, and will not be able to enjoy the official government for five years. Various subsidies and support provided.In addition to some troublesome people with long horizontal tendons in their heads, there are also those green-skinned gangsters who are idle and do nothing to produce.

After killing the chickens to warn the monkeys and getting a group of green-skinned scoundrels who want to eat and drink, no one will think about it any more.No matter what era, when the water is clear, there are no fish. Just like these green-skinned bastards, they can never be finished. However, Li Wei's temper is not very good. Just like these green-skinned skins, if you change the ruler, it may be The small punishment and the big commandment will be closed for a few days.

But Li Wei's temper is not good, and he will smash the stumbling block, no matter how small it is.These green-skinned bastards who are lazy and do nothing to produce are, to put it bluntly, a pile of social garbage. If they don't make trouble, Li Wei will turn a blind eye and ignore it, but now these green-skinned bastards have touched his bad head, and naturally he needs to accept them all. penalty.

Moreover, if you follow them this time, these green-skinned gangsters will immediately kick their noses and faces and not buy the government's account, so Li Wei directly tied these green-skinned gangsters behind the horses, dragged them all the way, and went around the city. Circle, until they are dragged to death, until their flesh and blood are blurred, this kind of killing is indeed very useful.In Plain City alone, more than [-] green-skinned gangsters were dragged to death by war horses, and their flesh and bones stained the streets red.

People who have been troubled by green-skinned gangsters applaud, while some people who are guilty of thieves are trembling with fear.Because only Chongxing can quickly restore social security and stability, the development of the entire north has been plagued by all kinds of troubles, but it must continue. After the aristocratic family was overthrown, Li Wei was absolutely supported in the hearts of the people. , just development means reform, and reform will bring pain.

There is no policy that can meet the needs of everyone at the same time, so there will always be people who feel that they have been mistreated and discriminated against. Li Wei can only try his best to have a bowl of water, but the country does not support lazy people Obtaining more wealth, obtaining a higher social status, and even a more beautiful partner, all require one's own efforts.The state provides individuals with opportunities. As for whether they can seize them or not, it is a matter of everyone's efforts.

Fortunately, Li Wei was not greedy before, but built up his own framework little by little, so even if he were to govern the North, he would just add or subtract something from this overall framework. That's it.And because the shadow has been lurking in the north for a long time, Li Wei actually knows the various situations in the north very well, and there is no such thing as a black eye.Naturally, Li Wei set his sights on the grassland.

Compared with the unified China mainland, the grasslands are still in chaos. The various tribes scramble for resources from each other, and the war has never been far from the grasslands.

The grassland environment is quite harsh, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, and the land is severely desertified. The soil only has enough nutrients in the thin layer on the surface, and the bottom is basically sandy soil, and the roots of plants cannot survive at all, so The tribes on the steppe can only live by grazing.The habits of the grassland people also make them reluctant to cultivate. Although there is fertile land to cultivate and can feed more people, the grassland people are reluctant to cultivate because it means that they will become dogs of the soil. , so the plan of the steppe peoples is very simple, that is, to enter the customs and turn all the Han people into slaves, farming and laboring for them, while they still maintain their military advantages and suppress the development of the Han people.

However, they really did it. That is the future Yuan Dynasty. It is a pity that the high-level officials of the Yuan Dynasty were fascinated by this flowery world after entering the customs. ever so.Even if the characteristics of the prairie peoples doomed them to failure, Li Wei did not dare to underestimate these enemies who wanted to be far behind Daxia.Prairie people all have the "'wolf' nature". When you are stronger than them, they naturally pretend to be a stupid husky, but when you turn around, the eyes of those wolves are full of It is greed and cruelty. .

Chapter 679. Problems (Part [-])

Li Wei returned to Jingzhou to reunite with his family, but this time, Li Wei was about to "move" again.And the new home is naturally Luoyang, which has been scheduled. The development of the south is almost done. With the infrastructure strength of the opening, Li Wei has completed the basic development of the south, and now it is the turn of the north.In the next two years, the north will achieve leap-forward development, because the foundation of the north is more stable than that of the man. Now, not to mention the economic problem (the economy of the south has surpassed that of the north), in terms of population, the north occupies a huge The advantages.

Again, population is wealth, and as long as the advantage of population is brought into play, the prosperity of the North will be just around the corner.This time, Li Wei still took away a large number of well-trained officials, but left some old people, and then the remaining vacancies were filled by newcomers or people from other places. The development of Jingzhou has been on the right track, even if It will not be a problem if a new officer takes over.The north is different. Now the north is a mess. It is still quite difficult for new officials with insufficient experience to make some achievements in the north. Therefore, this arduous task can only be done by these indestructible "old fritters". "420 to serve.

It is also an official who has achieved quick success from Yixue, but his personal ability will also be divided into superior and inferior, and those who can be brought by Li Wei are all veterans whose abilities have been proven, and belong to the kind of cactus-level adaptability. Weird, a talented person who can quickly make a name for himself no matter where he is placed.It is precisely because of this that these officials who have this ability and can stick to the bottom line are mainly trained by Li Wei. This can be regarded as laying the foundation for the long-term stability of the empire. The old-fashioned literati who learned the arts of literature and martial arts sells the extremes of the imperial family. Thought, Li Wei, food and medicine inhibited, a country wants to prosper, all walks of life need talents, and cannot be crowded into one or several fields in a swarm.

However, from the current situation, the series of measures formulated by Li Wei are quite effective. The popularization of "dragon slaying" is the most correct thing Li Wei has done, but everyone knows how a country works. At times, many problems are actually not as difficult as they used to be.When the people's wisdom is not open, (abch) a few people can stir up the whole country, and when everyone can distinguish right from wrong, this kind of conspirators who play the masses for fools can't continue to mix.

With these capable people, Li Wei also considered that he wanted to promote the righteous learning of the south in the north. Although he had already begun to suppress Confucianism and aristocratic families, and even killed the so-called Confucian blood, there are still many traditional literati. , These people are restless time bombs. Although they have lost their privileges and wealth, these people can incite some ignorant people to make trouble, which is intolerable to Li Wei.

However, these people have been hiding relatively deep now. Although they can catch most of them one by one, these methods can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and they will make Li Wei feel guilty, which makes Li Wei very unhappy.Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of the doctrine of Yixue and official education in the north. During this period of time, only infrastructure construction is carried out, but the cultural knowledge level of the common people is still at the same level. If the material development is explosive but the spiritual construction cannot keep up, it will also be There are a lot of problems, and it is actually the best to be able to kill all the problems in the bud. Anyway, Li Wei has accumulated a lot of experience in the process of governing the south, and now he can just use it in the northern fields.Different from the ignorant policies that other kings like to engage in, although ignorant policies can facilitate governance, they will also make the people numb, lose their motivation to make progress, and live a life of ignorance.Smart kings will cultivate their own direct line, just like several kings in the former Han Dynasty have learned to use the poor family to check and balance the noble family, but it is a pity that the butt decides the head. Will be corrupted, and then become an ally of the noble family, and in turn restrain the emperor, it can be described as a strange and comedy scene.

The Chinese people are very smart. It can be seen from the terrible learning and survival ability of the Chinese people. No matter what the environment is, the Chinese people can survive tenaciously. The wisdom in this cannot be understood by other ethnic groups.Li Wei is not a blood supremacy like the head of the mustache, and he does not discriminate against anyone. He just thinks that Chinese people are often smart and useless.Because the Chinese people like to fight in the nest the most, and because of the fighting in the nest, the entire ethnic group declines, and then it is invaded by the alien race.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Central Plains fought endlessly, and in the end, it was not cheap for foreigners. As a result, three hundred years of suffering created a tragedy in modern times.

This cannot be said to be unfortunate or fortunate. Unfortunately, the Chinese bloodline has been a dog for more than [-] years. Fortunately, after the rule of this alien dynasty, the Chinese bloodline finally awakened. After the pain, the prosperity of the future generations Powerful New China.Only through the real pain can we know that feeling. Li Wei's cultural strategy for the North is about identity, national pride, cohesion, self-improvement, and progress. The whole world is constantly changing, and only by constantly advancing The nation has a future.There is no problem with Confucianism, but there is a problem with Confucianism. It is clinging to ruthlessness and extreme cultural xenophobia (respecting Confucianism), as well as its powerful ability to deceive, all of which Li Wei cannot ignore. The more ignorant people are, the easier they are to be infected by Confucianism. Because ignorant people are blind and therefore do not think, they are more able to accept this specious theory.But after you really have the ability to think and know what is right and what is wrong, you will question the various theories of Confucianism that distort traditional Confucianism, the theory that ignorant people rule only to maintain feudal rule and cannot even justify it. , in the South has completely lost the market.

In traditional Confucianism, there are still people who will learn some content on their own because they are interested, but the "Confucianism" that has been annotated from the Confucian population can no longer deceive people, at least the southern masses who have opened up the wisdom of the people. .

chapter 680. Zhao Yun's past

"I didn't expect to come back here one day..." Zhao Yun sighed while sitting on the roof of the infantry chariot with the binoculars in his hand.

Huaxia was unified. He originally thought that a general like himself would be "retired" directly. He did not expect that most of Gongsun Zan's generals would be absorbed into the Daxia army, which Zhao Yun did not expect.After receiving a new military education, Zhao Yun, who was "repackaged", returned to the battlefield again, but Zhao Yun was gratified that he no longer had to fight civil wars, he was now fighting aliens.

Zhao Yun had seen through the situation in the Central Plains for a long time, but others were light-hearted, and after several times of persuading Gongsun Zan, they were all scorned. Zhao Yun could only smile bitterly. Fortunately, although Gongsun Zan was full of problems, he was a man of death. people.Gongsun Zan has always insisted on one thing, that is to fight against the Huns and Wuhuan people, and guard the gate for the Central Plains, but it is precisely because Gongsun Zan did not provoke civil wars, but constantly confronted foreigners, so after the reunification of China, the original Most of the generals who belonged to the forces of Cao Wei, the pseudo-Han, and Chengguo packed up their packages and went home, but at least half of Gongsun Zan's men stayed behind.Zhao Yun guessed that this should be the return of Gongsun Zan's tough foreign policy, and the reason why he was willing to follow Gongsun Zan was also because Gongsun Zan took protecting the people at the border as his mission, and he would never compromise or forgive when dealing with aliens. Every time they go out to hunt and kill the grassland tribes, they will kill them regardless of age, which is in line with the appetite of Li Wei, the hero.

But what Zhao Yun didn't know was that his continued service was also ordered by Li Wei.

Zhao Yun is also with the wrong person, or is willing to "follow the wrong person". Zhao Yun is a true person from Changshan, and Changshan Zhending is Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei in later generations. Although Hebei is already a hinterland in New China, but In this era, the Changshan generation also belongs to the area close to the border area, so it will be invaded by aliens from time to time.When Zhao Yun was very young, he witnessed the Xiongnu entering the customs to kill the Han people, looting property and women. This is the shadow of Zhao Yun's childhood. Because of his hatred and fear of the Huns, Zhao Yun looked for famous teachers and hoped to learn martial arts. Art of war, when you grow up, you can protect your family and the country.Coincidentally, Tong Yuan, a spear god from Penglai, passed by Zhaojia Village, took a fancy to Zhao Yun's qualifications, and accepted Zhao Yun as a closed disciple.

Following the gun prodigy Tongyuan, Zhao Yun learned martial arts and the art of war as he wished. It was in troubled times, and Zhao Yun learned to go down the mountain. Then he encountered the tragic incident of the Xiongnu bloodbath in Zhaojia Village. After that, Zhao Yun stubbornly followed Gongsun Zan, because Gongsun Zan killed aliens.It's that simple, and Zhao Yun is also a persistent person. He doesn't like civil war, but he knows that he is powerless to change all this, so he can only follow Gongsun Zan, who is also paranoid, to guard the last gate for the Han people and prevent the Xiongnu and Wuhuan. Wait for the interracial south-down.

I have to say that successful NPC's have different degrees of paranoia, and so does Zhao Yun. After seeing more aliens killing Han people, he is very vigilant against aliens because he knows that aliens are a pack of wolves, and wolves are a group of wolves. Only the dead aliens are good aliens who want to eat people.Even in the previous period of frequent civil wars, Gongsun Zan's forces were reluctant to take the initiative to provoke disputes. At least if Gongsun Zan really thought about it, it would not be difficult to kill Yuan Shu, but considering that the civil wars were mostly Han Chinese. Blood is not worth the money, so Gongsun Zan's internal policy is to defend the walls and clear the field carefully, while externally, he will kill the eagle as he sees it.

"General, Namuko is in front. Those Huns kidnapped some women and food back a few days ago, but the ending was not clean, and we found it." A centurion pointed to the distance and said that the terrain in this area is undulating. Therefore, it is difficult to find the target by traditional reconnaissance methods. They only found this place by relying on the guidance of the drone.

Zhao Yun pondered: "It's been more than half a month, these women have already been ruined by this time, we are still a step late. Those women's reputation is ruined, even if they go back, they will be looked down upon. .. This Huns really can't be killed cleanly..."

0 · Ask for flowers 0

"Who said no, but every time we kill a Huns, the land of the Central Plains is safe, so not only do I want to kill the Huns, but if I have a son, my son will also kill the Huns, and my grandson will also want to kill the Huns. If you kill the Huns, the descendants will kill them, and I don't believe that the Huns can't be killed." The centurion grinned, and his white teeth made him look like an old peasant who was digging for food, but he said it. If so, there are blood and flesh between the teeth.

People in the border area, which households have not been harmed by aliens such as Xiongnu and Wuhuan, every year when autumn arrives, they all step up to collect grain, and run away after harvesting, just because they are afraid that Xiongnu will kill them and grab grain and women.The Xiongnu's knife is very sharp, how can the unarmed common people fight against each other?In order to prevent the people below from revolting, the farm implements of the peasants are all wood and stone structures, but when the Huns invaded, these people did not even have weapons to resist.


This situation has continued from the Western Han Dynasty to the demise of the Eastern Han Dynasty and even the fall of the pseudo-Han. For the aliens, many people are gnashing their teeth, but they are helpless.

Zhao Yun nodded. The troop he led was originally reorganized with the veterans under Gongsun Zan as the backbone. After receiving spiritual baptism and training in the application of hot weapons, the survivability of these veterans who returned to the battlefield was greatly enhanced. Out of hatred for aliens, Li Wei put them back at the border and let them hunt aliens.Anyway, the logistics in the back is enough. Just kill the front. The more you kill, the better. It is best to let the blood of the Huns dye the entire grassland red.

Li Wei didn't even mention it himself. The soldiers guarding the border could handle the matter properly. Unlike the previous dynasties, the treatment of the frontier troops in Daxia was not bad. Because of the convenient transportation, the supply of materials was very convenient. The conditions at the border are no worse than the mainland.This also allows the soldiers at the border to not have to worry about whether they will be hungry or not when fighting, which was not done in the previous dynasty. .

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