Daxia implements the system of two houses and six ministries. The two houses are the State Council and the Royal Household. The State Council belongs to the core department under the jurisdiction of the six ministries, while the Royal Household belongs to the Royal Household to check and balance the existence of the State Council, and the two sides complement each other.The six departments are the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Household, and the Ministry of Industry.This system is actually just a variant of the system of three provinces and six ministries, but although it has a fairly traditional name, its structure is already the core of modernization, infinitely close to the organizational structure of the new Huaxia in later generations. Although it is not perfect, it has self-improvement. And the self-healing function is the most advanced in this era, and it is also the least bad system choice.

The people who can stand on the main hall are considered to be high-level officials in the entire Great Xia. At least among these people in front of them, Li Wei has not seen the thoughts that people should not have. The problem is not these people, but these people. People's subordinates and middle-level personnel serve as a bridge between the top and the bottom. This class is a place where corruption is easy to breed.The people who can stand here are a handful of the most elite people in the entire country, so it can be guaranteed that the problem is not big.

An official of the Ministry of Punishment stood up, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Li Wei raised his brows. Although the people in the Ministry of Criminal Justice are in charge of a lot of things, generally speaking, if there is no important thing, they will not give Li Wei advice. Many important but hard to say things are said through memorials. There are times when he speaks at the meeting.In contrast, the people from the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Industry are more active at the meeting, but the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Industry are torn apart. The Ministry of Household manages money and grain, and the Ministry of Industry manages industry. .

"Speak." Li Wei didn't like nonsense.

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, the turbulent times have used heavy code, but now the majesty of the Great Xia Kingdom is awe-inspiring, and some of the laws enacted before are too strict. The crime of stealing is punishable by death, which is... a little too much."

Saying this, the punishment department official shrank his neck unconsciously, and everyone else looked at him with the expression of looking at a monster. This was killing him.

Li Wei looked at this official who dared to speak up, a servant, who was born in the official school and has a clean net worth. He has relied on his talents all the way to get to the present, but he is a tough guy, which means that Li Wei can bear this kind of person. 0. However, this kind of character is just right in the Punishment Department, the Punishment Department is the person who needs the iron to do things.

"You are very courageous, and you actually said it, but the widow will not blame you. But the widow will not accept your suggestion." Seeing that the waiter showed a disappointed expression, Li Wei continued: "In troubled times Heavy code is more important in prosperous times. The laws of Daxia are to protect ordinary people. If a person commits the law, it means that he violates the public order and good customs of the society or the personal and property safety of others. But no matter what kind of situation it is, once the crime is established , sinners must be punished, otherwise, what is the majesty of the law? Everyone is equal before the law, what you want, I also want, and more than you think. Unforgiveness for sin is for the wicked Punishment is also a warning to those who want to do evil. As long as they commit a crime, even if they flee to the ends of the earth, they will not be able to escape the legal punishment of Daxia. Whether it is theft or robbery, financial fraud or malicious harm to others, they are all sins. Forgive These actions are violations of the law.”

"I'm ashamed." The 4.8th officer of the Ministry of Punishment was stalked by Li Wei to the point of being speechless. Li Wei's temper is like this. If you don't make mistakes, everything is easy to say. Those who make mistakes must pay a painful price.The law is the yardstick for people's hearts. If the law is out of balance, then people's hearts will be out of balance. Li Wei doesn't want the absurdities of later generations to be staged in this era, so heavy punishment is necessary.

"Who else has something to do? Let's talk about it first. If it's such a bad thing, don't talk about it." Li Wei was also helpless. One person with a tough head is annoying, so don't come to the second one.

The ministers below look at me, I look at you, and they stopped talking. Regarding this situation, Xu Shu smiled and said nothing.A hero like Li Wei can hold on to the scene, and Xu Shu, the prime minister, can be lazy and fly around. .

chapter 707. full of slots

After the meeting dispersed, Li Wei met with a group of people from the State Council to discuss the "Asian Conquest" strategy.Part of the people of the Sixth Division are in Luoyang, but most of them are all over the country. Now the transportation is developed, and long-distance travel can be fast and long by train. Otherwise, such a court will be very delayed.

In the hall, a huge globe is located in the middle of the hall. A group of people surrounds the globe, pointing at it, and from time to time they lower their heads and write something in their notebooks.As the "brain" that formulates foreign conquest plans for the entire empire, the people here are a group of fanatics of the "Great Xia Zhi Gao Theory", even more enthusiastic than Li Wei, the Great Xia Emperor, to expand the territory.

Li Wei and Xu Shu sat on the side and watched this group of fanatical "madmen" plan the future territory of Daxia on the globe.

"Speaking of which, 01 is ironic. When I first started, I didn't even think about becoming an emperor, but the Eastern Han Dynasty was so rotten to the core that I couldn't pull it up if I wanted to, so I had to replace it. I know what future generations will think of me." Li Wei looked at the rotating globe and sighed a little.

"Probably a great monarch who keeps pace with the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. I can be regarded as a lord, and I have left my own ink in this great era, which is not bad. People have left their names and geese have left their voices. Money and status are for me. It has no meaning anymore, leaving my own mark in history is my biggest pursuit." Xu Shu smiled.

"As the country grows, there is a lot of right and wrong. The so-called 'light punishment' of the iron-headed guy in the morning will not be possible for at least the next ten years. The law is a deterrent. If something goes wrong, it will be punished, but when nothing happens, it will be The biggest warning to those who want to do evil, light punishment? Those outlaws laughed." Li Wei sighed.Excessive punishment is not a bad thing, at least not for this day and age.The development of the economy and industry also makes people feel impetuous, and there are many swords hanging from their heads, so that the brains of these people will not be overheated.Li Wei is a person who believes that human nature is inherently evil. In his opinion, human beings themselves are savage and aggressive. Once the other party reveals flaws, they will do something unthinkable at all, so the legal constraint is to let these Humans can act like "people" or, not like animals.

"However, light punishment is the final stage. After the construction of spiritual civilization reaches a certain level, it is very likely to go to two extremes. The first is light punishment, and the second is extreme heavy punishment. If you steal an egg, you will have to chop your hands. At that time, people would show two extreme thoughts, one is the theory of philanthropy, which is boundless love, and the second is extreme spiritual cleanliness. The whole society will not forgive and forgive sins, and any 'evil' will be Destroyed in the eyes of the masses. But I personally prefer the second option, because this is the meaning of the existence of the law.” Xu Shu sighed.

Although you think about it, the second kind of mentally clean society is actually quite scary at times. First of all, the morality and the law itself cannot go wrong, because this is the benchmark. After the benchmark goes wrong, the so-called morality becomes cannibalism. Stuff, this is what Li Wei and Xu Shu are wary of.

"This topic is too heavy, let's change it." Li Wei didn't know how to complain. It should be said that the emperor and the prime minister of the empire are pessimistic about this aspect. Is this still fun?

"Uh... well, Your Majesty, you have the qualifications to be willful." Xu Shu sighed. Sometimes Li Wei is not like an emperor at all, but an idealist. Pull in the direction you want.Xu Shu doesn't know whether this future is right or wrong. Anyway, he just needs to handle his own affairs well. The merits and demerits will be judged by future generations. As a member of the "Golden Age", the evaluation will not be too bad.

"There are still some people in the country who oppose my westward expedition, saying that it is laboring the people and hurting the money. No matter when, these voices will not disappear. I have people check, and there are some remnants of Confucianism there clamoring, saying that if you don't do good, you must be righteous and righteous. If we kill ourselves, how can there be benevolence and righteousness between countries? I want to talk about benevolence and righteousness with the Xiongnu, but will the Xiongnu listen? If we are in a weak position, the Xiongnu will reason with us? Sometimes I really want to hang all those people. If you get up and fight, your ears will be quieter." Li Wei didn't know how to complain, but now that Yi Xue has been popularized, there is not much market for the idea of ​​old-style Confucianism, but some Confucian remnants still can't forget the glory of the past, and they are still there. There was clamoring.

Li Wei is also playing with these people as clowns. It is said that the decline of Confucianism is also self-inflicted, and it also goes against the current mainstream.The current mainstream is "great country chauvinism", and the people already have an indescribable sense of pride in 993. They feel that they are the best, and Daxia is the best. They are brave and confident.In a certain way, the current social atmosphere of Daxia is like a freak, like the fusion of the little white rabbit and the bald eagle in later generations. It has the absolutely confident side of the bald eagle, but this confidence is deliberately used. It is stable and maintains a relatively humble state, but the people of Daxia have a sense of superiority in their bones, which is contrary to the tradition followed by traditional Confucianism.

Confucianism itself is not wrong. Confucius still has the words "Tianxingjian Junzi is self-improvement", but the descendants sit on the crooked buttocks and play a good commoner's knowledge into the emperor's theory of "the emperor's teacher", If any knowledge wants to be retained for a long time, then it cannot only focus on the upper or lower layers, but both.Confucian people used this knowledge as a cage to build a solid and desperate bureaucratic system, and even threatened the emperor in turn. This is why there were so many internal problems in the former Han Dynasty.Checking and balancing interests is not a bad thing, but when infighting is too unwilling to open your eyes to see the outside world, then the country is not far from extinction. .

chapter 708. sea and land

"Master, you have to know that if there are tens of millions of people in Daxia, if they don't even have such a fool, then it is abnormal. It is impossible for everyone to be smart, and these people are just addicted to the past and unable to adapt to the present. In other words, I can't accept the impact of Yixue on the whole society, can I get used to falling from such a high position?" Xu Shu said helplessly.

Li Wei still understands what Xu Shu said, and it is relatively good now. The real problems are the Song and Ming dynasties. The status of scholars in the Song Dynasty is too high. All kinds of broken things are wrapped together, and the Song Dynasty cannot be destroyed by the law of heaven. The book "Water Margin" is written about all beings in the late Northern Song Dynasty. In the late Northern Song Dynasty, there were quite a lot of people with backbone. In the Southern Song Dynasty, they were too rotten to read. It is not Li Wei's target for scholars, but the times. The characteristics of this deformed class have created this deformed class, and this class is the "group destroying engine" of the entire country, or intuitively speaking, it is the engine of destroying the country. These scholars who speak but do not practice are not as good as the Confucian people of this era.At least Confucianists have also produced a lot of talents. Although the whole nation has been brought into a ditch because of the problem of buttocks deciding their position, but in terms of their ability, the scholars of the Ming and Song dynasties are really not comparable to the Confucianists of this era. , As for the scholars of the Qing Dynasty?Most of them are pigs and dogs kneeling and licking whips, and there are very few people who can really do things.Strictly speaking, those who can be regarded as the practical faction are a few people such as Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang.The most bizarre and unfortunate one is Li Hongzhang, who became an old lady's professional scapegoat. The 800 million taels of silver bought by the Beiyang Fleet were used to build the Summer Palace, which directly led to the defeat in the Sino-Japanese naval battle.The most terrifying thing is that in the Sino-Japanese naval battle, the Beiyang Fleet's shells were mixed with sand shells for training, and some shells were sold for money by people who were rich in their own pockets.Speaking of which, the Wianzhaochao has also been mistreated by these so-called people who read the book of sages and sages.

Therefore, Li Wei naturally distrusts the so-called "reading" ~ people. This kind of traditional "Book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu" guy, it is as far away as possible. it is good.Hundreds of Useless are scholars, and they are talking about these traditional "scholars". Official schools can't teach such useless firewood, Li Wei doesn't need such officials, and Daxia can't tolerate these people who don't do anything but talk. The strong mouth king of the meeting.In the industrial age, there is simply no living space for those traditional scholars. Although this era has not yet entered the fast-paced life of the 21st century, after the opening of people's wisdom, the natural superiority of "scholars" has been broken. When the standard is not the privilege of a few people, then the so-called "readers" will not exist.

"It's just that I'm in a bad mood. There are too many things going on recently, and the north-south strategy is not very smooth. I'm upset." Li Wei sighed and said, the few people who could let him speak his mind were Xu Shu and other few people. The emperor is also a human being. , there will be troublesome things.Li Wei said this not as an emperor and a courtier, but simply as a friend.Xu Shu is a smart person who can keep up with Li Wei's thinking rhythm.

"The rice has to be eaten one bite at a time. Now the progress is fast enough. It hasn't been long since Daxia established the country. It only took a few years to complete the journey that may have been hundreds of years. It's already terrifyingly fast. No matter how fast , I am worried that there will be various problems. Now the gap between the rich and the poor in Daxia is already very large, and there are so many things in the Ministry of Household, even I have to follow. So you are already pretty good, lord, at least you only care about the big strategy. Planning, the person who runs and breaks his leg is always the one below." Xu Shu sighed.

"Crazy, didn't I keep you guys just to run errands? I can't handle such a big country alone. It's actually the most tiring thing to do with your brain. You know the troubles at the helm." Li Weihao Digging out the earwax without image, watching a group of people arguing in front of the globe, it's still annoying.

The reason for this group of people quarreling in front of them is very simple, that is, the issue of the colonization of Tianzhu, to put it bluntly, it is the torment between the Lulu faction and the Hailu faction.

The ideas on both sides are reasonable, at least in Li Wei's view.

"Yuanzhi, do you think the land route is better, or the sea route?" Li Wei asked.

Xu Shu thought seriously about this issue for a moment, and then said: "'. From my personal point of view, I support the land route, but from the current situation, the sea route is more suitable. Moreover, the future colonization will be dominated by the sea route. , It is too troublesome to build a railway line on land, and it is inconvenient to manage and easy to be destroyed. At least no one can destroy the sea. Without a globe, the land route is more secure, but we have the advantage of the map and do not use it. It's a shame to get up."

To be honest, it is too long to travel by land to Europe. Even John Bull, a wealthy and wealthy man who was in the era of the sun never sets, would not dare to play like this to go deep on land. Even Daxia is now considered a "big dog". But being rich is not such a waste of money. Besides, the population of Daxia is seriously insufficient. With the existing territory, it takes at least [-] million people to fill it up. This kind of (Li Wangzhao) population size, even if it is Li Wei's grandchildren and even great-grandchildren may not be able to achieve it, so if the land develops greatly, the population will always be insufficient, and this situation will be difficult to change for at least a hundred years.

After all, the world is very big, but there are not many really good places. The Daxia under Li Wei’s rule only needs to take the essence of it. The territory is not the bigger the better, but the better the essence.To obtain, we must take the environment, strategic geography, and resources. There are really not many places that can be favored by Li Wei. The others are just cultivated "consumers" and pure commodity dumping places.

The most important issue of the land route is the difficulty of management, and the only thing to pay attention to when taking the sea route is the bad weather. However, in the face of steam turbine technology, this difficulty is not difficult for Daxia's fleet. .

Chapter 709. Newborn

This huge globe is specially made, with various strategic points and important resource distribution centers marked on it, just like the South China Sea, the Middle East, North America and other places, all with special markings, it can be said that this special map, in this Era is a priceless treasure, which can save the country that gets it from taking a lot of detours.The entire Daxia strategy is based on this special map.

"Don't be arguing, I've made up my mind. I'll go by sea to make follow-up plans. I'm calling for those who go by land to stop howling. Now Daxia doesn't have so much manpower and material resources to maintain the long railway line." Li Wei called out directly. Ended the debate among the people.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The people who were arguing stopped.

Although the Lulu faction still felt a little unwilling, Li Wei's order was the highest priority, and they had to execute it unconditionally.Although such a monarchical dictatorship is a problematic system, it is better for Li Wei, who is familiar with historical trends.Although the current historical trend has been completely pulled by Li Wei 933, the general trend of the whole world has not changed much, and the biggest changes are limited to East Asia.

"The colonization of Tianzhu (body poison), you make a big plan, and then give it to the people below for reference. This kind of large-scale colonization is not like bullying the natives in Nanyang. It requires the close cooperation of the entire system. I don't want to see it. Some people are mixed with selfishness. How you quarrel internally is your own business, but externally, I hope you can clench your five fingers into a fist and unanimously externally." Li Wei stood up and sorted out his dragons. robe, said indifferently.

Everyone in the State Council is already familiar with Li Wei's temper. As long as he doesn't cross Li Wei's bottom line, then things are easy to do. Once he crosses that line, no matter who he is, he will die.But no one knows what this standard is. Anyway, some unfortunate people have been cleaned up, and the end is terrible, so everyone is honest, do their own thing, and don't think about what they shouldn't think about.Kings can't be too broad (abeb) thick in the first place, and their moodiness can make the people below fear and dare not mess around.

Everyone is like Li Wei's answering insects, constantly nodding and saying yes.However, this kind of thing is really not something that can be done by a single department. It requires the cooperation of the entire political and military system. To train Tianzhu into an obedient domestic dog, it must be done with kindness and power, and this not only requires military hard power, It also requires some necessary soft power.The investment in the early stage of colonizing Tianzhu is huge. It can be said that there will be losses in the early stage, but after the consumer market of Tianzhu is cultivated, in turn, it is time for Daxia to make a lot of money.

And another important thing is to build a currency trade system belonging to Daxia. In the future, the settlement of trade will be based on Daxia metal currency, and other currencies will not be recognized.It is equivalent to forcing other countries to reserve Daxia's currency as foreign exchange, and all trades use Daxia currency as the international settlement currency. Daxia can hold the economic lifeline of these countries in their hands by simply relying on coins.

Why did the bald eagle in later generations fight in the Middle East, not to maintain the hegemony of the US dollar as the currency of international trade settlement, or to go to war if it eats too much and hurts the people and money.Daxia's method is also the same, that is, through currency manipulation to influence other countries, as long as Daxia is unhappy or if there is any problem that needs to be solved, the trading countries in the world will pay for Daxia.

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