After the personal experience and the tragic situation of the captured Han people in the Xiongnu tribe when he was chasing and killing the Xiongnu, the last trace of softness in Zhao Yun's heart disappeared. This is a conflict between two civilizations. Both sides hate and deny it from the root The other side, in such a situation, the outbreak of war will be sooner or later, so it is better to strike first and let all the Huns die is Zhao Yun's greatest wish, or it is also the common wish of many people in the north. .

chapter 718. air force attack

"Clearance ahead, you can take off!"

The sound of the tower came from the cabin. Huang Zhong checked the instrument panel in the cabin again. After confirming that the attack plane was in the best condition, he put on goggles and an inflatable flight suit that made him look much younger.

"Old man is about to take off!" Huang Zhong grabbed the joystick and controlled the attack plane to start to slide. The attack plane, which was full of ammunition, began to climb and accelerate.

Watching the fighter jets taking off, the people in the stands also sweated for Huang Zhong. The old man was not honest with his age. He entered the Air Force in a trendy manner and became one of the important generals of the Air Force.Huang Zhongren is old-fashioned. Not only does his wife marry hard, but he also has two or three children. Now he is playing flying at a considerable "old age", which is considered to be the only one.However, Huang Zhong also completed the training of pilots. He completed a full set of theoretical knowledge on the ground in a month before and after, and then began to fly in the sky. The flight time has exceeded 100 hours so far, which is a rare trend in the military. figure.

The establishment of the Air Force is actually full of difficulties. The most troublesome thing is the lack of personnel.Daxia's continentalism has always been serious, and the rise of the navy has made the army sober, but now the emergence of the air force has made the army somewhat incomprehensible.In particular, the Air Force is not the "little brother" of the Army, which makes the Army personnel a little uncomfortable, but the result is that the Air Force lacks personnel, and not many people are willing to transfer to the Air Force.Huang Zhong is one of those who is willing to go.

Inside the tower, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the fighter plane numbered 003 took off smoothly. Although the attack planes were all equipped with parachutes, Huang Zhong was old after all, and if something unexpected happened, they would all have a headache.

As an "Old Si~¨ machine" with a flying time of [-] hours, Huang Zhong traveled back and forth between the frontline fortress and the inland training ground. With extraordinary perseverance, he completed a magnificent transformation.And other people's worries about him are superfluous. Don't look at Huang Zhong's gray hair and beard, but his actual physical condition is similar to that of someone in his twenties. After all, he is a "big guy" with the top military force. Zhao Yun is still a strong monster, and his ability to fly to the sky is not achieved by various small means.

The landing gear was retracted, and Huang Zhong's fighter jets had already caught up with the large army. The fighter jet group was located above the armored airship, and a huge air force was gathering.When all the [-] attack planes of the first attack wave were launched into formation, they slowly rushed towards the place where the Huns were.However, in this case, there is no way to play with the armored airship. It runs slowly and has no meat to eat. When the armored airship arrives, I am afraid that the first wave of attack aircraft has already completed the attack mission and started to return.

The combat radius of the attack aircraft with the addition of the auxiliary fuel tank reached 1100 kilometers. Although a certain amount of bomb load was sacrificed, considering that this was the first actual combat, safety was the first priority.The range of the attack aircraft without the auxiliary fuel tank is only 800 kilometers, which is a typical "short leg". With the position of the Huns, the fuel can not be consumed excessively. This is really harsh for a group of novice pilots, so the auxiliary fuel tank is extra. The 300-kilometer range allows pilots to have more tactical choices.

The operation was named "Razor", a very common name, because someone joked about shaving the Huns' heads before, so it got this name.However, this "razor" is a bit too sharp. Others shave their heads just to shave their hair. Daxia shaves their heads for the Xiongnu, which is to shave their heads from their necks.

After the boring journey was over, the first attack wave of the attack aircraft was able to see the colorful open tops on the grassland from high altitude, a large number of tents divided the area, and a "city" formed by tents appeared in the air force's In front of him, as the commander of the first attack wave, Huang Zhong remained calm and calm.In doing things, the Air Force cannot rely on reckless recklessness with passion, but must judge the situation and obtain greater results while ensuring its own safety.

In the Air Force's code of conduct, during the battle, the public channel is not allowed to make a sound unless it is important. Before the battle begins, the communication channel is silent.It was not until Huang Zhong gave the order to start the battle that the attack planes began to lower their altitudes.

At this moment, the Huns are still cooking lunch, and the smoke is rising from every house. They have finally survived the winter, but they are not ready to go out, and the Huns still need to breathe at this time.The cruel winter killed a lot of people in the Huns. The Huns never knew what temperance was. Even in such a harsh environment, they still had to eat and use them, so the winter would definitely not survive, and then they started. The tide of cannibalism.

The entire Xiongnu group developed the jungle law of "survival of the fittest" to the extreme. Those who remained after the beginning of spring were all capable of fighting. There were very few women and children left, but in order to compete for women, There were a lot of things going on inside the Huns.The Shanyu of the Xiongnu could only manage the women centrally, forming a huge "official kiln". All the women became public prostitutes, and some men could only watch helplessly as their wives were dragged out of their tents and locked in. A cage for other men to vent their animalistic desires.

Hun men don't know what Lianxiangxiyu is. If they catch them, they will kill them, because they don't know if they will survive the war after the spring, and they are not playing with their own women. Naturally, they are desperate to vent. Desire, the number of women who died in the official kilns is countless.This incident has actually caused social division within the Xiongnu tribe. It was only because there was a foreign enemy like Daxia, so it did not break out. However, once the war was setback, the outbreak of dissatisfied people was enough to completely destroy the strength of the Xiongnu tribe that finally united. .In contrast, the Xianbei people lived happily and freely, and unlike the Huns who were chased and embarrassed, the Xianbei people now let the Huns take the lead, help themselves, and go south to loot together, even if they couldn't get it. The head is big, but it can also be mixed with a round belly.

But what they don't know is that their end is coming soon. .

chapter 719

The morale of the Huns is not very high. After being inexplicably wiped out many tribes, many Huns have a kind of fear of Daxia.From the perspective of the Huns, the Daxia people in the south are still the same group of people from the former Han Dynasty. As soon as the cavalry arrived, the Han people could only flee in all directions.But this kind of hope was lost, so the teams going south all had no return, and died as many as they went. After being killed, the heads were used to build the Jingguan, and they looked at the piles of heads that were neatly placed. , it really corresponds to the sentence "the family is to be neat and tidy".

Even now, the Huns still can't slow down. The mysterious Daxia is too strong, so they don't even have a channel to inquire about the news, which makes them in a bad state of smearing the war.

In the central tent, the Xiongnu Shanyu Helan Tom is enjoying the leg beating massage of his "concubine". Although the life of the ordinary Huns is very difficult, as the king of the Huns, he can indeed enjoy the best treatment The 970, even in the coldest time, can eat mutton and drink milk wine at any time, and play with the most beautiful woman.He is the most visionary and most ruthless person in the entire Huns, so he can rule these wolf-like Huns.

But at this moment, Tom Helan heard a buzzing sound. Although it was far away from him, it kept ringing.

"Come on, go out and see what's screaming, it's so noisy." Tom Helan felt agitated and always felt that something was about to happen, but after thinking about the defense he had arranged, Da Xia should not be so relaxed. They came from here, and the grasslands were their home ground. There were spies on horseback everywhere. If the Daxia army approached, they would not be able to hide at all.

The valet who went out came back soon, but the answer he gave made Tom Helan a little dissatisfied. The voice came from the sky, and a group of unknown things flew in the sky. They looked like eagles, but there were bigger.

Tom Helan touched (abbe) the beard on his chin, and his eyes kept rolling. Although he didn't understand what it was, it didn't prevent him from using his imagination.

At this moment, Huang Zhong was looking down with the binoculars and saw the colorful tents on the ground. Huang Zhong regretted that the first attack group he led was not carrying incendiary bombs. This round of incendiary bombs was thrown away. The tents couldn't run away, and once the flames of the incendiary bombs were ignited, it would be difficult to put them out.But the task that should be carried out still has to be carried out. It is impossible to go back and change the ammunition now. This time is the time when the Huns are having lunch, and it is also the time when they are least vigilant.

Looking at the attack aircraft that was constantly decreasing in height, the "weird" appearance of the attack aircraft made the Huns who saw it pointed and showed a curious expression.But they won't be able to laugh after a while.

"According to the plan, the first group will carry out conventional bombing, and the second group will look for valuable targets." Huang Zhong, as the leader of the flight, as his car opened the flaps to slow down, the other attack aircraft also began to slow down synchronously.

"Found a gorgeous big tent, located in the center of the tent community, guess it may be the residence of important figures of the Huns, repeat..."

"Received, continue to search for high-value targets."

Like cutting a cake, the attack formation was constantly searching for targets. Through wireless communication, the attack formation had found more than a dozen important targets, including the tent that was likely to be a certain nobleman (Tom Helan's Shan Yu). large tent), two armouries, three granaries, a large corral and two large stables, and a pile of other messes.After assigning the offensive mission, the formation began to carry out the bombing mission.

The attack planes in formation started to drop bombs from a low altitude of [-] meters. The first group formed a horizontal long snake and started the "trawl-style" bombing. The second group carried out high-precision ultra-low altitude according to the tasks assigned by each aircraft. Bombing, rushing to a low altitude of less than [-] meters and starting to drop bombs on the predetermined target.

Helan Tom Shanyu was nibbling on the leg of lamb in his gorgeous tent. The buzzing sound made him a little upset. He pinched it hard on the chest of the maid next to him. Seeing the maid with a painful expression, Helan Tom smiled smugly.When he went south and invaded the Central Plains, he had to take revenge on the people of Daxia, and by the way, he would loot frantically.Tom Helan felt that it was too hard for him and others to live on the grasslands. This time, he would not leave when he went south, and excited all the Han people to become slaves. That would be good.

Just as Tom Helan was looking forward to the bright future, a loud bang sounded, and his whole body flew up. He felt that his whole body was in pain as if he was about to fall apart. This was the last feeling in his life.Tom Helan's body was thrown high by the shock wave of the explosion like a rag doll, but at this time his body was broken, and it was only his upper body that flew up. Helan Tom had been torn apart by the explosion, and his ambitions were also ended with his life.

The bombing is still going on, and the bombing speed of the formation is not very fast. After all the medium bombs mounted under the wings are dropped, the mobility of the entire attack aircraft formation has been greatly improved. Six rockets are useless, these six rockets are used to make up the knife.

"Start free attack, repeat, start free attack!" Huang Zhong gave the order excitedly. He didn't know yet that the first attacking formation he led had already killed the big fish, and they unintentionally killed the entire Important figures of the Huns.The Xiongnu who lost Chanyu are a mass of sand, and it will take time to elect another leader, and Daxia will not give the Xiongnu this chance. .

chapter 720

Just like ploughing the fields with oxen, this carpet bombing was devastating and, most importantly, the Huns were in complete chaos.In the face of this "black technology" that appeared more than a thousand years in advance, the Huns had no strength to fight back. After a round of bombing, the entire gathering place of the Huns was directly chaotic, and in this chaos, the second group Completed the original "Scalpel Precision Strike", dropping bombs on the heads of key targets.Now the entire Xiongnu camp is in chaos, and there are fleeing crowds everywhere.

"It looks like an ant..." Huang Zhong looked at the Huns who were running for their lives below, and his eyes showed excitement. In the past, it was the Huns who went south to find trouble for the Han people, but now they are looking for the Huns in turn. Trouble, can you not be excited?After Huang Zhong adjusted the angle of the fighter plane, two rockets were shot downwards. The rockets had a small charge, but the high-energy explosives inside and the shrapnel killed them, which was quite a brutal attack on the personnel.

Because the rocket was propelled by rocket flames, the speed was much faster than that of the bomb, and it hit the target almost instantly. It was a man on horseback, dressed in a gorgeous brocade robe, and looked like a person of status.But at this moment, the man in the golden robe was torn apart by the explosion, along with his warhorse.

Looking at this scene, Huang Zhong showed a wild smile, which was really relieved.However, Huang Zhong did not forget to remind the attackers behind to replace them with incendiary bombs. After investing in bombs and rockets and emptying the bullets from the cannons at the front of the aircraft, the first attack formation left with satisfaction, leaving a place behind. wreckage and corpses.

The second wave of attack aircraft groups is urgently reloading incendiary bombs and preparing to take off, while the attack aircraft group on the other side targeting the Xianbei people has also set off. Daxia is ready to use its air force advantage to carry out preemptive strikes to create a good opportunity for the follow-up advance. environment of.The ground troops have already set off, but because their mobility is not as good as the air force, they are still on their way. After all, hundreds of kilometers are not too close. It is a kind of overall charge situation.

The mobility of the army is limited, and the large-scale and in-depth tactics also need to consider the actual situation. Although Daxia's military technology has surpassed the level of World War I or even World War II in many aspects, it also has fatal flaws.Therefore, the frontal advancement of the Army is still the main force, but the preemptive right to strike has become the bag of the Air Force.Before helicopters appeared, the Army's only aviation force of its own was the UAV unit, but UAVs could only be used for reconnaissance, or to carry one or two special warheads to perform some special tasks.Although in large-scale operations, the Army can still make the Air Force on call when it calls for fire support, the decline of the Army's status is an indisputable fact.

The fighters of the first attack wave met their colleagues in the second wave halfway, and then returned to the airport.At the moment, the army is still on the road, and the Huns have now settled into several large "cities". It is impossible for these "cities" to be destroyed simply by the power of the air force.Although the Air Force can achieve large-scale bombing, it cannot ensure that no Huns will be killed. The advantage of the Army is its tactical flexibility and the importance of the overall strategy. In such a genocide war, the Army's Killing is the most efficient way.

Strictly speaking, the "city" of the Huns is just a group of buildings where some messy tents have been gathered after zoning planning. Calling those tents buildings is quite a compliment.These disorganized tents are widely distributed, and even bombing can't finish them. Moreover, the Huns are a civilization that is very good at migration. If they cannot quickly annihilate their living forces, the Huns will start to migrate as soon as the situation is wrong.Therefore, the army is also racing all the way. In the case of fully mechanized maneuvering, the speed of the army is not slow, although compared with the air force, it is a turtle crawling, and even the armored airship can't win.

0 · Ask for flowers 0

Relying on tanks and armored vehicles, the Daxia Army can advance [-] kilometers per hour in the plateau environment. Counting the time of early departure, they will be able to reach the first attack wave after the second attack wave of the Air Force. The "city" that launched the attack.The Huns were beaten in circles. After the entire city was bombed, they did not evacuate the crowd. After the first wave of fighter planes returned, they began to rescue the survivors, but this also created an opportunity for the second wave of fighter planes.

If the Huns were to run away, it would be difficult to chase the attack aircraft, because the performance limitations of the fighter aircraft themselves made them less accurate when fighting on the ground. After all, this thing was a flying antique for Li Wei, not an old man Midea's A10 Warthog and Cessna "Scorpion", with such complete abilities, can't catch up with small targets that are scattered and run.


Just when the Huns were still in mourning, the second wave of attacks hit. This time, the Huns had an early warning, and when they heard the harsh engine sound of the attack planes, they were ready to run away, but they were still a step late. , because the attack warheads carried by the attack aircraft this time are all liquid incendiary bombs. Once they are stuck, they will not be able to run away.The Huns didn't know how to defend against a weapon that completely surpassed this era, and they only knew how to flee in chaos, and this time it was the same.The attack plane lowered its height in time and started throwing incendiary bombs.

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