The style of CB2 was finally determined, that is, to use the method of filming to make animation, because money and time are not a problem, so do it as best as you can, and the picture must reach the level that every frame is a wallpaper.

No one has thought about this style in the industry, but animation is a process of compromising ideas and reality. No matter how good the idea is, if the money is not enough, everything is empty talk.You have to have money as well as technology. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to pay your salary. If you make an animation of an egg, the person who makes the animation will have to eat.

However, Li Wei has not yet had the idea of ​​introducing the power of Dimension Gate into Huaxia to play the curve to save the country. If the various audit mechanisms and grading systems in the mainland cannot conform to the trend of the times, he would rather let the Dimension Gate stay abroad forever.Incineration and Guangxi's internal torment, Li Wei didn't want to touch these "fights of gods".Speaking of which in the past, when naked and incinerated were still reasonable, CB's theatrical version (The Gate of Heaven) was also introduced to CCTV, but the plot in it made some parents feel that they would bring bad children, so they banned the naked and incineration. , and then there was the cold period of animation that lasted for more than ten years. 03

And breaking the ice of otaku culture in the past few years is also extremely difficult. As an otaku, Li Wei is often despised by mainstream groups.In a large group, in order to gain a sense of superiority, most people must divide into a small group to isolate and persecute them, and the otaku were unfortunately chosen as the target, so until this point in time, the otaku are all a derogatory term.Well... an all-encompassing derogatory term, in fact, it means that mainstream culture cannot tolerate the existence of subcultures, and animation and games are actually subcultures.

And with the changes of the times, this classification is actually changing, but animation and games can't wash away the label of "playing with things," as long as the label can't be taken off in one day, then the industry will not be able to make a real sense in one day. have been greatly developed.Huaxia's internal animation is difficult to do, and it can be explained in this way.Parents have always regarded games and animation as beasts of the flood. In fact, the most important thing is their own incompetence and not knowing how to educate the next generation, so they throw the blame on games and animation, and even the Internet.

Isn't the existence of Professor Yang just a tragedy caused by the ignorance of some parents?Therefore, once people want to shirk their responsibilities, subculture is a good target, not only animation and games, but other subcultures are treated equally by the mainstream culture as garbage and cancer. The domestic situation also makes it difficult for Li Wei to integrate the industry transfer back home.But now the country is also aware of the problem, but to put it bluntly, it is because the meat has been robbed, and it is anxious.

Huaxia wants to get rid of STEAM because STEAM is protected by the WTO trade agreement. Huaxia players do not pay taxes on buying games on it. Among Huaxia's 16 billion population, there are many gamers, especially when the awareness of genuine products is getting stronger and stronger. Now, many players are exposed to STEAM and buy games on it, but the people above do not receive a dime in tax. It is strange that they have no idea.However, domestic game manufacturers are not up to their expectations, the game is not well done, and the platform is also poor. Faced with this fact, it is helpless. (I'm not really on the WG platform of the Black Penguin, but there are too many black spots, and the penguin will be shot casually)

Discrimination and suppression of subcultures is also due to the fact that China has such a large subculture population, but it is difficult to develop a complete industrial chain. If this kind of discrimination is not eliminated one day, then subcultures are cancerous garbage, and it will never be considered elegant. hall.Li Wei can only laugh at himself. This kind of cultural conflict is often very sharp, and people's paranoia and hostility are terrible.

Looking at the time, Li Wei greeted everyone in the production team and left the studio. The location of the publishing house is not far from here. Li Wei arrived at the office of the publishing house not long after walking.Li Wei directly brushed his face and went in. At this time, Ye Xizi was not there. It seemed that he was still running outside, which was really hard enough.

In their respective offices, Li Wei found Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Ying Lili.

Seeing Li Wei coming, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was a little surprised, and then thought about the events of the past two days. It was normal for Li Wei to appear here.

"The script for CB2 came out?"

"How could it be so fast, but the road movie is too troublesome. Other people's anime, dozens of episodes are telling a story, but we have to tell a story every episode, and we have to shock the audience enough. Now we can The script is only determined for the first three episodes, Watanabe Shinichiro did it himself, and took over the follow-up of the CB1 plot. The rest are still under discussion." Li Wei sighed.

"So...who will stay on the Bebop and who will go?"

"The villain Jett is there for the whole second season, Fei's words will return in the second episode, and the romantic to death Spike will appear in the third episode. The hacker Ed and the data dog Ain will leave, and there will be no her in the second season. and its role."

"It's a shame, I hope they don't get separated again."

"That goes against the spirit of cowboys. People in the universe live alone and beautifully. Gathering and dispersing are fate, after all, they are not as lucky as us. If CB2 is not available, Watanabe Shinichiro will prepare himself. After writing CB's follow-up novel, Spike will die. The villain Jett comes and goes alone, Fei finds her past, but is homeless, and finally settles on Mars, while Ed and Ain are in The wandering of the earth, it is very good to be able to have such a development now."

The plot of CB itself is a serious plot of the youth group. When a person watches CB at the age of 697, and then reviews [-]CB at the age of [-], he will have two completely different feelings. Understand CB early.And Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, as a thoughtful creator, can understand this serious plot, and think, to put it bluntly, it is because the ability of an individual person is limited, so there are so many tragicomedies, here It doesn't matter if you play "JOJO, I'm not a human being", although in Li Wei's view, Lord Diao's life is actually full of comedy.

"At this time, it's time to pick up Nimbus. Although private elementary schools will provide school buses in the morning, adults will pick them up at night." Li Wei looked at the time, and it was almost time for school. Neon kindergartens and elementary schools The school was dismissed quite early, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

"I really don't understand. I will pick up the students one by one in the morning, but I don't care when school is over." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed.

"Damn...I forgot the Nimbus Bento, will she starve at noon..."

"I knew you were such a careless guy. Belludante prepared a lunch box for Nimbus. By the time you reacted, everything was over. Call Ying Lili and go pick up Nimbus together, since Qian If Sister Ye is not here, we will be Yuyun's brother and sister." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu laughed. .

Chapter 753. Simple and Rough Solution

"Finally done, it's too painful to catch up on drafts..." Ying Riri's expression was bitter, feeling like a moving zombie.

"Hey... no problem... at your speed, there will be a draft, what about what I teach you?" Li Wei said helplessly.

"Yin Lili is not worthy of sympathy. This guy has been playing League of Legends for several days in a row. As a result, this situation has occurred. It is estimated that only by urging the readers to put the knife around her neck, she will work seriously. "Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed.

"Cut! Don't you scream the most when you are in double row! Damn it, writing novels is easier than drawing comics. I have compressed my entertainment time as much as possible now..." The manuscripts are exhausted, and for the next period of time, she will not dare to touch the game again.

However, creators will always have fluctuations in their status. Cartoonists often go out to collect styles, not to go out to wave, but to really need to find inspiration.The same is true of novelists, but Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is good at observing the details of life, so he does not run around.However, there are also some negative teaching materials, the most famous ones are the old thieves of Fujian, the old thief Tanigawa, and the old thief of Takaya.

"I submitted the manuscript on time, so it's not a problem at all." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu laughed.

As a writer with convulsive hands, she not only has a broad mind, but also has an amazing hand speed. Even if she opens more, there is no problem. Ordinary writers will have a short circuit or confusion when they open more, and Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu can control herself perfectly. s work.In contrast, as a cartoonist, Ying Li Li has to work harder. Even if she has an assistant to help with the revision, her delicate style still takes a lot of time, so the pure efficiency of spelling is naturally not Xiazhi. Qiu Shiyu's opponent.

Regarding the attitude of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, although Ying Lili was very angry, she had nothing to do, because it was indeed her own problem.

"Let's say a word to everyone. Now is not the time to quarrel with you. Nimbus should be out of school at this time, and we have to pick up people. Since Sister Chiba has handed people over to us, we must take responsibility. ¨々." Seeing that the two were about to start their daily "tear", Li Wei opened his mouth and said, his hands were also separated between them.

Ying Lili gave Kasugaoka Shiyu a look of "I'm too lazy to care about you", and then walked to the front.

The three drove to Jinchengzhai Yuyun's school. At this time, school was over. From time to time, parents left with their children at the gate. The school teacher was guarding the school gate to ensure that no messy people wanted to get through the border. take the child away.

After proving his identity to the teacher at the door, Li Wei took the two into the school's waiting area, but when he saw Jinchengzhai Yuyun, something seemed wrong.Looking at the awkward atmosphere in the waiting area, Li Wei asked the teacher in charge, "I'm Jinchengzhai Yuyun's brother, what happened?"

Because of the parent's message, the teacher recognized Li Wei, and Li Wei will pick up Jinchengzhai Yuyun in the next few days, so she remembered Li Wei's appearance.

"You came at the right time, you are Li Weijun, Yuyun fought with people and injured others. Now I'm trying to figure out a way to deal with this matter, although it's not Yuyun's fault, but she beat people after all, some Trouble." The teacher said with an embarrassed expression.

"Do you know the specific reason for the incident? Why did she beat people? She is a very well-behaved child."

Facing Li Wei whose eyes suddenly turned sharp, the teacher unconsciously took a step back. The evil spirit and power that Li Wei had accumulated over a long period of time, even if it was just a little leak, made people shudder.

"No...don't know, I asked her, but she wouldn't say anything."

Li Wei patted the female teacher on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's too embarrassing for you to handle this kind of thing, let me do it, if she's really wrong, I'll let her apologize, but... , Forget it, it's useless to tell you, I hope it's not like that..."

Li Wei looked at the situation on the field. There were three people who were beaten, all of them boys. There were tooth marks on their arms, footprints on their bodies, and their faces were a little swollen.And Nimbus was also a little embarrassed. The school uniform was scratched a little, and there was dust all over her body. The originally beautiful little girl had turned into a little cat.He raised his head and saw the parents of the other party not far away. One looked very rich, with a slightly chubby figure wearing a black suit that fit, and there were a few hooligans beside him. The other two groups of parents looked very ordinary. One is an office worker and the other appears to be a barber shop owner, with three children of different parents.

"It's really... troublesome..." Although he said trouble, Li Wei still walked into the circle.Looking at Jinchengzhai Yuyun's stubborn and aggrieved expression, Li Wei nodded, touched her head and smiled: "' . Leave it to me here. Why did you hit them?"

After hesitating for a moment, Jinchengzhai Yuyun still said it. "They said I was a wild breed without parents."

Li Wei's smile froze.

Taking a deep breath, Li Wei controlled his emotions, and the emperor bleed and drifted in anger. Even if Li Wei was not an emperor now, the power he had developed over a long period of time gave him a terrifying sense of oppression.Standing up, Li Wei came to the three boys, kept smiling as much as possible, and said, "Apologize, now, right away. And I'm kneeling down to apologize."

"Hey! Don't be too..."


A minion came over and tried to knock Li Wei down, but before he could finish his words, he flew out and smashed a row of tables and chairs.

"Hey, that teacher over there...what's your name, the bill is mine." Li Wei smiled.

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