In many film and television dramas, there will be plot 050 where the parents of the eldest lady of the rich family are not around for a long time. This is actually a very normal thing. Art is higher than life, but it always comes from life.Just like the current Yexizi has encountered such a situation. Now it belongs to the rising stage of the dimensional door. The newly opened section needs to be managed by people, and various intricate interest relationships need to be straightened out. The shock, all kinds of things that should not be handled by her at this age are all pressed on her shoulders, such hard work, Li Wei can understand.

When he was the emperor in the Three Kingdoms Warriors world, he also worked so hard.Others think that being an emperor is very comfortable, and that he is drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman when he wakes up and controls the world. In fact, the emperor is a hard worker. He has to take care of all kinds of things in the country, and all kinds of bad things, so Li Wei can be considerate of Ye Xizi.

"You are trying to provoke the relationship between me and Lan. Lan's craftsmanship is indeed very good, but it still belongs to the category of mortals, and Beilu Dante's craftsmanship is god-level, except that it doesn't shine, what else is there? Disadvantages? No, it should be said that there are too many people with good cooking skills here, so if I don't come here to eat, should I still go to Qianye's place?" Ye Xizi gave you a silly expression.

It is a talent to be able to say this matter so confidently. .

chapter 763 .

Yoshiko is right, there are quite a few people around Li Wei with superb cooking skills. In addition to the bug of Belludante, there are Nakiri Erina and Mito Yumei who have achieved the ultimate within the limits of human beings. Such a good environment, but is there any reason to come to eat?Isn't cooking just for people to enjoy? It's normal for her to come over and enjoy it.

However, all the daughters of Li Wei's family have become accustomed to the familiar Yexizi. Even Erina, who has a slightly arrogant personality, has accepted her existence, and she is actually welcome to her so-called rubbish.

After dinner time passed, everyone was doing their own thing, and Ye Xizi took Li Wei and Li Wei to start discussing things at work. Some things, even the "strong man" Ye Xizi needed Li Wei's support. And Li Wei also had something to discuss with Ye Xizi, and everyone made an "office" for Li Wei and Ye Xizi alone.

During the day, we are always busy, and it is often difficult to even meet each other. Ye Xizi has to run to many places every day, but he spends less time in the "headquarters", while Li Wei is the first-line production staff. Individuals are responsible for their own affairs.Li Wei is like a supervisor. There will be no problem with the production of the first line. After all, CB2 and Lucky Star 2 are the official first and second TV animations of Dimension Gate. If something goes wrong, no one will be there. can end.

As the responder of the problem, Li Wei naturally mentioned the treatment of seiyuu.

"If you just want to make money, it's fine, but Li Weijun's idea is still too sensitive for the current time. We have already put pressure on many animation companies to increase the wages of our painters. We will intervene at this time. When it comes to saving fuel, it’s a bit like killing everything. We will become the public enemy of the industry, which is not a good thing.”

Ye Xizi gave a cautious answer to the question raised by Li Wei.Because this issue is really sensitive, audiences pay more attention to seiyuu than painters. This kind of topic is a dynamite barrel, and it is easy to blow up the entire industry.

Li Wei nodded. This matter is just talking about it for the time being. He is not the kind of idiot who can't see the situation clearly. There are many problems in the industry now.Because there are too many interest groups involved, and the voice actors are actually not united, and there is not even an organization similar to a trade union. It is impossible to defend rights.

The internal income of seiyuu is also very different. Famous seiyuu, such as Hayashihara Emi who dubbed EVA's Ayanami Rei, lived a free and unrestrained life just by relying on the surroundings and eating money, and now they come out every year to brush up their presence. Some idiots give her money.On the other hand, powerful factions like Yunsheng Ishizuka and Yoshiyuki Nakata have had a miserable life. This situation is completely morbid, and it is not a good thing for the entire industry.But it is impossible for capital to self-regulate. Businessmen are looking for profits, so who cares about the life and death of seiyuu.

And the seiyuu industry can't only have "idol 〃¨ faction" vase seiyuu, but also needs a lot of powerful old people to support the scene, in order to complete a good animation, let the industry develop naturally like this, sooner or later problems will arise.A system without self-regulation ability will cause trouble sooner or later. For details, please refer to the economic crisis in the Western world, which is caused by various factors such as "imbalance" and "adjustment chaos".And now the entire animation production industry of Neon is caught in this vicious circle, moving forward step by step towards the cliff. Some people have discovered that something is wrong, but they cannot change anything if they are weak.

Some people choose to stay out of the way and just watch a group of people go crazy, such as the old goblin Miyazaki, and others choose to follow the crowd, such as Anno Hideaki and Shinbo Akio, but no one can completely solve the problem. .Even Tomino Yoshiyuki, the father of Gundam, complained about the current situation of the industry. There is a fart future for animation. If the situation is allowed to deteriorate, the animation industry really has no future at all.

From the current situation, it can be seen that if the problem breaks out in a concentrated manner, the false prosperity of the entire industry will become the last carnival.

"I know I can't do anything about this now, but we still have to prepare. We can first set up a seiyuu agency to accommodate various types of seiyuu. The bills are separated from the outside world, and the outside world claims that it is still the industry standard, but the internal words begin Improve the seiyuu's treatment, but we can't show any clues on external bills. When the time is right, we will make plans."

Ye Xizi nodded and said: "It's understandable, there are more lice and no more debts, no more debts, just one more seiyuu agency, and it doesn't cost a lot of money, and the collection of excellent seiyuu can also make our The animation production system is more complete, I haven't thought about the seiyuu issue before, it seems that I was negligent."

"There are so many things to think about every day, and it is normal to have omissions. A wise man must be at a loss, but to be honest, seiyuu can also be regarded as a group of actors. As a result, seiyuu's own career has nothing to gain. , I can only find extra money, it's really shameful to say it." Li Wei sighed.

This is a very common thing in the industry. Voice actors and anime characters can't make money, so they can only rely on the fame of anime characters to mix in commercial narration or broadcast.However, those who can mix broadcasts are already considered middle-class among seiyuu, and the top ones are CDs and souvenirs.However, the better the sales of CDs and souvenirs, the tougher the agency and agent's fees will be.

There are too many problems in the industry, and the big bald Tomino Yuyuji can be considered to have broken a point, that is, routine.In the past, each animation had its own splendor, but now the animation is the product of the assembly line.

Why does animation have no future?

Bald Tomino put it this way: "¨'Now some specialized schools have been established, and animation has become a full-time job. However, when a group of experts gathers together, the field of vision becomes narrow. Forty or fifty years ago In the animation studio of , there are a bunch of guys who don't even know what animation is. But they each have a 'realism' in fields other than animation. And if the animators don't have this quality, If you only receive relevant training and become a professional because you like animation, then the things that these (Zhao of Qian) people make have no freedom at all!"

"Not to mention that there are now websites such as Youtuzhu, which make it possible for individuals to make animations. As a result, the works are more and more delusional. Therefore, this kind of animation is not a work at all, just like a personal diary. If you want to say whether you can see the future of animation in this kind of thing, the answer is obviously no. So is there a future in Disney's animation? Those guys who are brainwashed by Disney will think 'the so-called animation is with Disney. The same thing', and then keep making knockoff Disney works. There's no future for animation like this, right? So there's no way out."

These guys who don't even know what animation is, aren't they just the ruthless people of the older generation?The new generation of successors is still too sweet.To put it bluntly, the technology continues to advance, but the core has a problem, but many people see the problem, but they can't do anything. This is the deepest reason. .

chapter 764. family business is not easy

"The industry is really suffering from disasters, or is this caused by the shortsightedness of professionals in the animation industry? I feel that the power of capital is completely counterproductive to a certain extent. This industry is about to break down, just like the real estate bubble caused by the previous Asian financial crisis. Only when many people fall will the survivors find out what the problem is.”

As a capitalist, Ye Xizi is also an animation lover, and she is crazy about the East, so she doesn't want to see the entire industry collapse, but for fan works like East, the endless impact of the industry does not count Great, as long as there is love in the hearts of the secondary creators of the East, then the East will not die.

"Well... I admit that what you said makes sense. There is still a feeling of 'love' in the hearts of the audience, but what about the 'love' of our practitioners? It has become a heavy work and life pressure to completely kill Exhausted, apart from Dimension Gate, where else can practitioners maintain such creative passion? There is no one family, we can’t support it alone, even if Dimension Gate has made more excellent animations, but the whole industry is this cowardly If so, the 617 will really be finished in the future."

Li Wei wants to go crazy, this feeling of powerlessness makes him feel difficult as a god, but this is also a challenge, the savior who saves the entire industry, isn't it a very fulfilling title?Relying on the foundation of various predecessors, Neon Animation got rid of the names of malicious attacks such as "Disney's inferior imitations", "money-saving goods" and "poor ghosts" in the [-]s, and went out of the way. Now the industry has undergone great changes again, coupled with the problem of capital operation, which has led to a crisis in the industry.

However, Huaxia is even more unlucky. The national style works such as "Havoc in Heaven" and "Little Tadpoles Looking for Mother" shocked the whole world. It can be said that the early neon animations imitated Huaxia animations in many aspects, and they have come a long way. to get rid of this influence.However, due to cultural and political problems, Huaxia Animation has been declining year by year.After that, all kinds of slag works that defrauded subsidies and sold feelings filled the market, which made Huaxia animation synonymous with "children's direction" (children, infants and young children). The animation still hasn't fully climbed out of that pit. (I am climbing the pit now, but the resistance is great, coupled with the imperfect market chain, it is very likely to fall from one pit to another pit, if you don’t pay attention, the Chinese animation industry will experience a brand new “lost twenty years” ”.)

In contrast, neon animation is luckier than Huaxia animation, at least there are not so many pig teammates and "parents and teachers" to hold back, so it can present a situation of blooming flowers for a long time, and Huaxia animation industry is simply It is the Siberian snowfield, and the heart is cool and flying.Li Wei has always been able to fill the gaps in the market by importing. Li Wei has watched the death pupils for so many years, and this is the reason.And when Li Wei learned to "climb over the wall", the world he saw suddenly became wider, so for the domestic situation, Li Wei could only sigh, and then continued to make waves outside the wall.Inside the wall?Just wait for a while.

"Love? If it goes on like this, the industry is about to use love to generate electricity. Our speed must be accelerated, and the game department must be careful, but this part of the work is still up to you, Li Weijun, you guy. , but 'One-man Corps', if you don't use it properly, I'm sorry for your ability."

"I can feel you're thinking something very rude in your head. Do you need me to knock it open to see the color? Black or white?"

Ye Xizi ignored Li Wei's complaints, but counted the industry chain with his fingers.

"Animation production, seiyuu industry, manga magazines (cafg), light novel library, computer games, mobile games, peripheral production (models, figures), snack production, multi-functional video sites. Hey... Unconsciously, there are already So many industries?! The stalls are a bit big."

I don’t know how many things, the Dimension Gate has launched so many businesses in such a short period of time. No wonder Ye Xizi is so busy that he doesn’t touch the ground. Isn’t this self-inflicted?Even if she is a trusted "own person" in every key position, the daily work summary report is enough for her to look at for a long time.

"But these industries are all necessary. Now we haven't got rid of the fragile period. In fact, we are doing it with external strength. Although there is no problem in the capital chain, dealing with those government bureaucrats is the most troublesome thing. A group of people who can only drink and sing Pig, I'm sick to death." Ye Xizi said viciously.

Hmm... The wine table culture is not only unique to China, but also to neon. The entertainment between bureaucrats is even more troublesome. Ye Xizi pays great attention to her image outside. Although the Sasaki family is not well-known, it is also quite a The ancient chaebol, a behemoth that existed since the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, so even those bureaucrats did not dare to embarrass Yahiko.Although the old people of the Sasaki family are still dissatisfied with Ye Xizi, because of the assistance of Wu Lude behind the scenes, they forged two huge "shadow consortiums", maintained business contacts with the Sasaki chaebol, and used external deterrence. Let Ye Xizi sit firmly in the position of the head of the family.

The two shadow consortiums, although they were considered "bag companies" before, have truly become two behemoths under the filling of Ulude, the "Red Dragon Knights" from the country of Ying, and the "Holy Cohesion" from the United States .Wu Lude made a fake and created two forces, which also made Li Wei not know where to start complaining. He can only sigh, he can do whatever he wants.

Such a fanatical religious organization is actually the most troublesome. For the Red Dragon Knights, Ulude is the omniscient and omnipotent sage, while for the Cohesion of God, Ulude is in charge of all the mysteries of the world. The gatekeeper, the protector of the fire, has a very high status.Li Wei never thought that he would form a cult like Wulude, thinking of a group of people worshipping him crazily, that kind of feeling made him comfortable, and he didn't need any belief.

And... In order to save the sect that is about to go bankrupt, the leader has become a supervising animation?Uh... this is not a lovelive, being an idol to save the school.The entire sect is going to be animated. What kind of sect is this? FFF group?

I don't know why, but my mind suddenly became full of slots. .

chapter 765. the rise of the assembly department

"If you think about it this way, Li Weijun, your burden is not light. Computer games, model design, and things in the animation production department, you are not much better than me."

Thinking that Li Wei would be so busy, Ye Xizi laughed happily. Seeing Ye Xizi's smile, Li Wei could only sigh.Because of these things, although it is not said that it is impossible to play without him, but if he is there, the industrial development of Dimension Sect can avoid a lot of detours.Li Wei is not an ordinary person. As a god, he has power that is unimaginable for ordinary people. Even in the state of half a bucket of water, it is not something that ordinary people can match.

Ye Xizi entrusted these tasks to Li Wei, and it was considered that he had found the right person.In terms of models, Li Wei is definitely an expert. The models designed by him have a high degree of completion. Coupled with the advantages of mass production technology, although there is no big IP that can compete with Bandai, but simply look at the models. The quality of it, Bandai was given by the dimensional gate~ It broke the shit.

Bandai's quality can only be said to be not bad, more reliable than Shouwu, Bandai is just relying on Gundam to make money.Although Shouwu (Dog House) really wants to make people complain about its quality, the variety of its works is completely overwhelming Bandai. After all, 90% of Bandai's things are Gundam, and Gundam is not everyone's favorite.The production range of Shouwu is relatively wide and the subject matter is relatively complex. IP such as Soth Mechanical Beast, Machine Warfare OG, MUV, Full Metal Frenzy, ALDNOAH.ZERO, etc., are very rich.However, the cost-effectiveness of Shouwu's things is very low. Whether it is material or combination, it is unsatisfactory. If it is not because of IP, no one will buy it at all.

There is no reason for the high quality and low price of Shouwu's models. After all, mold opening and mass production are expensive, and many things in it are not in high demand, so in order to earn back the cost, the unit price will be relatively high. , Bandai's genuine HG-level Gundam is generally within 45 to 140 soft sister coins in Huaxia, while the prices of the same level products of Shouwu are mostly from 85 to 240. This price is not true love and no one will see it.After all, the technical cost of Bandai and Shouwu is a problem. Not everyone can be like Dimension Gate. With a technology boss like Li Wei in charge, they can suppress the cost to a minimum.

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