Dimension Gate is different from other neon companies. Although the lunch break is not long, the rest environment is quite good. The company will provide free lunch boxes. Although it is not an expensive high-end product, it is enough to fill the stomach. .Neon’s companies can be said to be one of the worst working environments in the world, second only to war-torn Africa. Once people in African companies go out, they are easily affected by the war and die under gunfire. Most companies will use high pressure to squeeze employees to death from overwork.The perverted spirit of Neon people is largely related to their unique overtime culture.

In contrast, the working environment of Dimension Gate is already very good, although there is still a big gap compared with the domestic enterprises in Huaxia, but when the short one is taller, it can be regarded as "the conscience of society" .Because Dimension Gate does not advocate overtime "2", which is pretentious, but will get everything done within the legal working hours. After get off work, they are free activities, that is, the rush work of "Cowboy Bebop 2" requires overtime, such as Because "Lucky Star [-]" does not need to rush work, everyone will either participate in the "reception" organized by the company after get off work, or leave by themselves, all of which are not forced.

If a neon man comes home too early after get off work, he will be considered unsociable and unpromising, so even after get off work, he will stay in a tavern or the like until going home late.Although this is a very strange custom in the eyes of the Chinese, every place has its own difficulties.

It is precisely because of this custom that the infidelity rate of neon housewives is terrifyingly high. More than 60% of married men have been cuckolded by their wives. It is because their husbands go to work during the day and have no time to accompany their wives. There is such a high cheating rate.

Taking into account such a situation, the Dimension Gate Group tries its best to rush home for employees after get off work and do not allow them to stay outside. Although this seems unreasonable to the Neon people, the employees inside the Dimension Gate are very concerned about this. Rules are understandable and acceptable.After all, the "normality of green hats" mentioned above is already one of the unspoken rules of the neon society. Even if the office workers know that their wives are cheating, they can do nothing, and the company takes the initiative to think about this issue for them. It's the gospel.

The work in the afternoon was not easy. There was a disagreement within the Dimension Gate about which video website to sell the network broadcasting rights to.After contacting three groups of people before and after, the rich goose raised the price to a higher level. The price of a single episode of the two fan games has been raised by 4 US dollars, and there will be an additional "hardship fee" at the end.To be honest, the rich goose really answered that sentence. If you have money, you can do whatever you want. In contrast, neither the old B nor iQiyi are so generous. After all, the settlement is in US dollars, and this money is still a bit. Distressed.

There is no need to consider iQiyi's bidding. iQiyi is all about soy sauce. The second bid is neither too high nor too low, just stuck in the psychological expectations of Dimension Gate, but if there is a rich goose ahead as a benchmark, iQiyi was eliminated directly.After all, this is an anime, not a series, so iQIYI's offer has almost reached its peak.

The price of the giant merger of Youku and Tudou is not as high as the rich goose, but Li Wei is a little surprised, because behind Youku Tudou is the behemoth Alibaba. There may actually be some kind of ass transaction, but this is not what Li Wei knows. thing.Regarding this matter, it was directly in the hands of Ye Xizi and Li Wei. Li Wei and Ye Xizi had a conference call. Ye Xizi is not in Tokyo now, so there is no way to meet.

Li Wei returned to his office and got on the phone with Ye Xizi. Both of them went straight to the topic without any courtesy.However, the comrade-in-arms relationship between Li Wei and Ye Xizi didn't need to be polite, everyone was busy and in a hurry.Ye Xizi had to inspect the factory, and only had half an hour to communicate with Li Wei.

"Li Weijun, I'm going to vote for Penguin Anime. Their influence is relatively large. The most important thing is that they have a rich background, which is more conducive to promoting our works. After all, it can be said that everyone in China has QQ. And WeChat, relying on this kind of promotion, our works can be seen by more people.”

"I thought the same thing at first, but I thought about it, this time it's more reliable for us to give old B something than a rich goose."

"Oh? Li Weijun, do you have any good plans?"

"It's not a matter of planning, it's just a simple tonnage comparison. Whoever asks us to show all our strengths will be no worse than the rich goose, but there is a problem. The rich goose only uses animation. It’s just a tool to make money, I can’t see the love for the work in them, a group of pure businessmen, although they can make money together, it’s not a good thing for us.”

After listening to Li Wei's words, Ye Xizi feels that there is indeed a problem here, and she is a neon person, and her understanding of the rich goose is not as good as that of Li Wei, a Chinese person, but the rich goose has a reputation in the Chinese animation industry. Well... it has always been mixed, so Ye Xizi was a little hesitant.After all, neither she nor Li Wei are poor people. She wants to better promote her favorite works, not just to make money. Selling the broadcasting rights of a series is indeed a It's very profitable, but they're really not that bad.

In contrast, Ye Xizi wanted to know what better ideas Li Wei had.

"Youku Tudou doesn't need to be considered. Most of the people here watch movies and series. Because of the audience, there will be a lack of publicity. Although Rich Goose has good publicity, as a Chinese, I want to tell you. The thing is, the word-of-mouth problem of the rich goose makes it easy to throw shit on us. At least "Lucky Star 2" must not be handed over to them, but "Cowboy Bebop 2" can be considered. Lucky Star is left to old B, And Cowboy 2 is given to the rich goose, and let the rich goose promote Cowboy 2. Although I am still a little hesitant in 2.1, both fan dramas are handed over to old B.

Old B has an advantage, that is, it is highly community-based, especially for the dissemination of two-dimensional culture, which has an incomparable advantage over other platforms. Even the rich goose cannot do this. In contrast, in many animation hobbies In the eyes of the people, the rich goose is an image of a sinister villain who will do anything for money. I don't want us to be linked with such a label.And let’s be honest, Rich Goose doesn’t have a proper community culture, which is bad for us.Because we are not a simple animation producer, but a comprehensive cultural production group, we will not only export animation, but also games and peripherals, which is the key point.The rich goose can be shameless, but we have to be shameful. Compared with the rich goose in Shenkeng, we are the conscience of the industry, and we cannot take the blame with the rich goose. ".

Chapter 772. Idealists

"The community culture of Rich Goose? Rich Goose seems to have started with communication. Although his business is mainly transferred to WeChat, his essence is always a communication service provider. Everything he does is built on QQ and WeChat. , It stands to reason that his young user group is very large. I was hesitant because of this before."

Although Ye Xizi doesn't have a deep understanding of China like Li Wei, she still has a careful understanding of such a behemoth as a rich goose. This is a very strange enterprise. Although it is strange, it has grown into a A giant with a terrifying tonnage, in the whole of China, no one can compete head-to-head with the rich goose in network wireless communication.

Even the behemoth merged by Youku Tudou wouldn't dare to say that he can absolutely stabilize the money. Both sides are behemoths, but there is one problem that Li Wei hits the spot, and that is the lack of community culture. The first point is that That is, whether it is Rich Goose Video or Za 20 Jiaoyou Tudou, it is a comprehensive video website, not a gathering place for two-dimensional personnel, so the moviegoing population will be quite scattered, which is a very disadvantageous place.

Another point is that the lack of community culture makes it difficult for various follow-up development.

"Remember the interaction problem I talked to you before? We can open accounts on Facebook and Lao B, so that we can directly contact the nerds, know what they want, and how can we do it better? Good. As for 2CH, forget it, there are a bunch of lunatics out there.”

"Oh, you're talking about the 'Zero Distance Plan', right? I've been thinking about this issue for a long time, and I think it's necessary to do so, but I think the scale needs to be increased, not only limited to the expected scale, but also in the Every online communication platform needs to have our own voice channels. Whatever we make, we can spread it through this way." Ye Xizi said excitedly.

The media channel is a must for Dimension Gate, and Dimension Gate does have its own foreign exchange department. This "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" is responsible for a lot of foreign affairs, but both Li Wei and Ye Xizi are aware of it. This simple approach is deficient.If you want to gain more right to speak in the follow-up, you need to build your own fan group, and Penguin can't give you a foundation like Dimension Gate.

"That's right, Penguin can't cooperate with us in publicity. What we need is a community platform like Old B, rather than simply selling animation playback rights. So I decided to give both animations to Old B to play. I It is a profitable decision to think that we can carry out further cooperation with Lao B. The consumption power of Huaxia homesteaders is very strong, even higher than that of neon homesteaders, but the current development of the Huaxia market It's still very low, so we need to be the person who eats crabs." Li Wei intuitively expressed his considerations.

"Tsk tsk, heroes see the same thing. Li Weijun, your plan is to make Bilibili our partner in Huaxia. Because of the official policy, the Huaxia market has not been well developed, and Dimension Gate has It is a 'foreign company'. If you can't circumvent various restrictions, then there is nothing you can do. I even want to invest in Bilibili, I think this is a good opportunity. At that time, we don't need to sell broadcasts at all. Quan, money is nothing but left hand and right hand." Ye Xizi was also excited.

"Sure enough, it's clear at one point. In business, you are better than me." Li Wei sighed.

"Hey, after all, everyone has their own good side, and I only have the advantage in this area. But I don't think the cooperation with Bilibili is so easy, because we are now a neon enterprise, and we want to If you want to buy it, it is easy to trigger the patriotism of the Huaxia residents, so you can only buy it in another capacity. Isn't there a relationship between the Holy Cohesion and the Red Dragon Knights on Sister Wulude's side? There are a few 'bag companies', which we are interested in indirectly controlling. At that time, the whole situation can be linked into a game of chess. I know very well the spending power of Chinese homesteaders. This is an unprecedented huge market. Among more than one billion people, even We can make a lot of money with only a few hundred thousand residents, not to mention that the number of residents in Huaxia is far more than that.”

Ye Xizi's remarks are not just random words, but in China, where the online shopping system is perfect, physical stores have been seriously affected, and all kinds of houses, such as hand-made models and other peripherals, can be Start by shopping online.In addition to visiting the comic exhibition to collect some limited peripherals, many house dwellers buy all kinds of houses through the Internet, so Dimension Gate does not have the risk of opening a store in Huaxia, as long as there is a reliable "ally", Then the market can be deeply developed.

It is very sensitive to do this kind of thing as a dimension door, but if there is an intermediate identity, then this restriction can be bypassed.The pursuit of interests is not the biggest, the most important thing is to change the situation of the second dimension.You must know that the two-dimensional culture is always just a subculture, discriminated and suppressed by the mainstream culture, just like the Beatles and rock and roll, but now even the Beatles and rock and roll can be on the stage with integrity, why? Can't do it with the second dimension?

In the eyes of Chinese people, Neon is a country with a strong sense of home, but in fact, living in Neon belongs to the existence of being discriminated against, and belongs to the bottom 070 of the contempt chain, even if you have the independent economic ability to support yourself, but To be discriminated against is to be discriminated against, and this will not change.Faced with such a situation, Ye Xizi felt oppressed. It is unrealistic to change the situation of Neon, so let's open up a new market, a market that has not deteriorated.After intervening through an intermediary identity, Li Weilai, as the person in power, can avoid many problems.

However, the main force still cannot be active in Huaxia, at least the neon background is a stain that cannot be erased, and the little pink will attack the dimension gate based on this, so the middle identity cannot be less.Even with Bilibili as the front desk, the real identity is never exposed, and this is the insurance.But whether it is Li Wei or Ye Xizi, they are the kind of people who are "interesting first". After all, this world is really boring, making it a little more interesting is the common goal of the two, and it is also a pursuit of harmony. ideal.

But neither Li Wei nor Ye Xizi are crazy, so they can't do crazy things like Suzumiya Haruhi, and Li Wei actually has one thing in common with Suzumiya Haruhi, they are gods.Because Suzumiya Haruhi didn't know this, he brought huge trouble to the people around him and even the whole world, and Li Wei knew his own strength, so he would not use violence to achieve his goals. .

chapter 773. accident

Li Wei and Ye Xizi completed the final discussion. Although the price of station B was not as high as the rich goose, Li Wei and Ye Xizi still handed over the broadcasting rights of the fan drama to station B.After handing over this decision to the staff below, Li Wei and Ye Xizi began to do their own thing again. Li Wei did not object to Ye Xizi's layout of "one hammer in the east and one hammer in the west".

Different from other developing companies, the starting point of Dimension Gate is very high, and there is no so-called bottleneck problem at all. If you want money, someone needs someone, even if it is a multi-line battle, it can be fun.So Ye Xizi just opened new pits, anyway, Li Wei and she are capable of filling the pits.And Li Wei is also ready to meet these compatriots from China. After all, he is surrounded by neon people, and he still wants to talk to the Chinese after a long time.

On the other hand, the negotiating staff who came to Neon from Station B were also relieved.

There are not many staff members from station B, that is, five people. After the negotiation is over, the few people who have finished the heavy pressure are going to find a tavern to have a good drink or two, and then go to Akihabara, the holy land of the house world. , and then returned home.

"Boss, why did you say that the Dimension Gate changed its tune all of a sudden, I have heard the wind, the price from the rich goose is much higher than ours, and it can be increased at any time. If I don't make money, I always feel that there is something wrong here." A young man said to the middle-aged man at the head.

"How do I know, but it's really a bit strange. Anyway, this is a good thing, and the purpose is achieved without any additional conditions, and the quotation is within psychological expectations. You all pay attention to the non-disclosure agreement, and the quotation is not allowed. Take it out and talk nonsense, if it is leaked, it will lead to a lawsuit." As the leader of a small team, the middle-aged person surpasses the others in terms of social experience and work ability, and pays more attention to the details of various things. Especially when the price of myself and others is lower than that of the rich goose, it is equivalent to directly offending the rich goose. Yes, after all, the economic tonnage of the rich goose is there. If you want to fight Bilibili, there are some methods.

"Boss, we know that we won't talk nonsense. But counting the two here, we got seven dramas this season, which is a huge harvest 々"!" A young employee was excited said in a low voice.

Surrounded by neon people, they don't understand Chinese anyway, so as long as they speak a little lower, no one knows what they are talking about.At this time, a person who had negotiated with them before suddenly chased after them and stopped in front of them.

"Several, please stay, our boss wants to meet a few."

The man in the suit with sweat on his forehead came out at a trot. It seemed that he had received some urgent notification. Several people on Bilibili were a little surprised. The boss of Dimension Gate wanted to see them?The Dimension Gate is a group, which can be described by the word boss, that is, those two people, one is Sasaki Yexizi, who is on the bright side, and the other is L, who sees the beginning and the end of the dragon. There is very little information about L. It can be said that it is extremely mysterious. I am afraid that except for the people inside the Dimension Gate, no one else knows L's true identity.

The so-called L is naturally Li Wei, but Li Wei is too low-key, and he is quite low-key in the neon house circle, so it is normal for the domestic house circle to not know Li Wei's identity.Li Wei did not deliberately conceal his identity, but most of the people in the dimension gate are trustworthy "own people". These people never spread Li Wei's personal information everywhere, so Li Wei is not known.Even in the production staff list of "Cowboy Bebop 2" this time, in the mechanical setting column, Li Wei's code name is still L.

Several people on Bilibili looked at each other, but since the other party wanted to meet, they had no objection, but everyone still kept their minds. After all, this is Neon, and people of their identities are supposed to be in contact. There is no such group boss, and in this short period of time, the middle-aged man headed by an international long-distance call back, and after getting the approval from the headquarters, he has the courage to follow the opposite side. .

In an uneasy mood, the group followed the black suits that led them to a relatively remote office. The black suits knocked on the door, and only opened the door after receiving the approval from the inside.

The middle-aged people saw the legendary L. What surprised the middle-aged people was that L was too young. He looked like a high school student who had grown a little too much. Anyway, he was very young. This made the middle-aged people feel All illusions collapsed.But he thought about it, at least it wasn't the old man, wasn't it?Only the middle-aged man stayed in the office alone, while the other four were entertained in the rest area and served with delicious food. No matter which subsidiary Dimension Gate is, the rest area is very comfortable, although the animation On the department side, there will be very few people in the rest area recently.

Li Wei looked at the somewhat restrained middle-aged man and said with a smile: "¨'Please sit down, there are not so many rules here. Tea or coffee?"

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