【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 786. Tired Ye Xizi

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 787. everyone will have a black history

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 788. Surprised everyone

Jinchengzhai Qianye did not speak. She knew about Ye Xizi's past, and she was the one who provided Ye Xizi with shelter. To a certain extent, she played the role of Ye Xizi's sister, which caused trouble. less trouble.However, relying on some relationships, the riot was finally quelled. After all, although the Sasaki family is powerful, there are still several chaebols that are not inferior to the Sasaki family. Therefore, the Sasaki family did not make the matter bigger. Both sides took a step back, which was maintained. The family did not break up.

But now that Ye Xizi took office, the first thing she did was to find her father and brother to settle accounts. Her father had become a powerless idler, and even the expenses had to be limited, and his two did not learn anything. Zhu's brother, like her father, can only eat and wait for death, and all powers are deprived. This feeling that life is worse than death, falling from the sky to the ground, is the best punishment for them.From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult, after experiencing that kind of life with extreme power, although the life of her father and brother is still quite affluent for ordinary people, but to put it bluntly, they have become a family. Captive livestock.

"Well, let's not talk about those unhappy things. You still have to look forward to being a human being. Let's think about happy things. It's fate that everyone can be together, so cheers!" Jinchengzhai Qianye danced at the right time. Come out to adjust the atmosphere, although the method is simple and rude, but it is very useful.

The atmosphere became eager again in an instant. At least most people don't like to recall those hard days. Occasionally, it's okay to recall bitterness and sweetness, but no one will remember those things all the time.

Kato Megumi looked at everyone, but wanted to complain, is she the only one who is so ordinary?But what Kato Megumi didn't know was that when the so-called ordinary reached a certain level, it was the most unusual. Among a group of girls with different personalities, she was the most conspicuous one.Megumi Kato, who has long hair, can be regarded as a gentle black long straight beauty, and there are not many girls who can control the black long straight hairstyle.

Kato Megumi holds Jinchengsai Yuyun, and from time to time she holds vegetables for the "good luck" "things" in her arms. Kato Megumi doesn't like to talk very much. Many times she prefers to be a quiet listener, but she is a little devil. Jinchengzhai Yuyun was a little excited when he heard these things.

"Hey, Sister Hui, what was your past like?" Jinchengsai Yuyun pulled Lakato Megumi's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Looking at Jinchengsai Yuyun's expectant expression, Kato Megumi didn't know how to answer. Unlike other people's ups and downs and bizarre pasts, her past was too bland, just ordinary It's just growing up. The only place where the whole life is turned upside down is probably the encounter with Li Wei.The only unusual thing in life is this one.

"My past... a very ordinary girl, grew up in an ordinary way, went to school in an ordinary way, and finally... fell in love with Li Weijun." Kato Megumi said with a tilted head and a slight smile. , like a white rose blooming.Even though she has always thought of herself as ordinary, she is so dazzling at the moment, even among beauties with different styles, she looks so brilliant.

However, when Kato Megumi said these words, the whole table was quiet, and everyone stared at Kato Megumi, dumbfounded.

"Is this true? What's so good about this guy?!" Mito Yumei stood behind Li Wei, pinching Li Wei's cheeks and pulling it to the sides, making Li Wei's face look a little weird.

"Why are you pulling my face at this time? Even if you want to know if it's true, you're pinching yourself." Li Wei said helplessly.

In fact, Li Wei was also shocked in his heart, but he didn't show it, and Li Wei was also a little puzzled, what attracted Kato Megumi with his rotten character.Because his family knew about his family affairs, Li Wei knew how bad he was, and he never disguised his shortcomings in front of Megumi Kato.

Kato Megumi looked at the surprised people, showing a shy and twisted expression, she was shy and did not dare to look into Li Wei's eyes.

"No, you really like this guy? This guy is full of flaws?" Mito Yumei said in surprise.

Li Wei patted Mito Yumei's hands holding his cheeks, rubbed his face and said, "I have flaws all over my body, but I don't need to show such an expression. I seem to be useless. And you still Didn't you see the shortcomings of my body?"

It is true that Li Wei is a macho, but he can shelter his women from the wind and rain. He is a lascivious person. Does Mito Yumei dare to say that he does not enjoy the experience of love that makes her faint?Fancy?It's not too late to say these words when she can withstand Li Wei's "firepower" alone. Who told her to cry in bed and say she couldn't stand it anymore, it was Nakiri Erina's, and Nakiri Erina was already in a coma at that time. , and there were a few "' lying dead" beside them.

"Go, go, don't be poor, I'm talking about business." Mito Yumei walked around the table directly, ran behind Kato Megumi, hugged her in his arms, and whispered in her ear Said: "Are you serious?"

Kato Megumi nodded. She had a quiet personality and simply said "um", but everyone pricked up their ears, even Yexizi and Lan were surprised.Ye Xizi was amazed that Li Wei's "harem" was so united. Women are always cautious and have a strong desire for monopoly. Li Wei has the ability to make a group of girls get along peacefully, which is simply incredible.

Ye Xizi is not surprised that Li Wei has so many wives, because in her opinion, this is also a kind of skill.Li Wei has the unimaginable power of money and has transcended the shackles of the law. Even if he is willful, he is qualified. How absurd the life of a rich person is, it is unimaginable for ordinary people to imagine that he is like her father. 145 lovers, 37 private (get Zhao) have children (daughter), is this strange?If you have money and power, you can do whatever you want. The Sasaki family is the emperor of the central region, Kanto, Hokuriku, and Kansai (Kinki), and actually controls most of the elite areas of Neon. With such power, how many people can control themselves?Yamaguchi-gumi earns 800 billion US dollars a year. As the leader of the entire neon underworld, he has to bow his head and pay "protection fees" when he encounters the Sasaki family. This is the charm of power.

Even Ye Xizi himself, wasn't he obsessed with the second dimension and founded the Dimension Gate Group?So she is not qualified to say that Li Wei is it.To know that her waywardness is a big move of billions of dollars, even her bastard father can't toss like her.

In addition to being lecherous and philandering, Li Wei is actually a good man, because although Li Wei is lecherous and fussy, he is a big man who can support his own woman. .

chapter 789. lucky man

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 790. The foundation stone of the s station (on)

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 791. The Foundation of the Station S (Part [-])

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 792. The victory of the edge ball

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 793. Interested Animals

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 794. patriots

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 795. The chaos is difficult to solve

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 796

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 797. one must learn to compromise

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 798. reviving the old ip

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 799. terrifying sense of superiority

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 800. New Saint Seiya

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 801. same and different

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 802. new work plan

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 803. car field hand disease

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 804. old tree sprout plan

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