chapter 858. one person becomes an army

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

Chapter 859. Defeating Celebrities

"Are you finally willing to show up? It's a good time." Li Wei is not cowardly, and it is absolutely not bad to fight FA[-] in close quarters.

If it is a simple fight setting, then the FA[-] modified from the RX-[-] during the one-year war is definitely not an opponent of OO, but everything is possible in model battles, and various battles across world views naturally have a set of balance systems.In the setting, OO Gundam is definitely stronger, even crushing the real system such as FA[-]. After all, OO can already be regarded as a super system.However, in the evaluation of the battle system, the comparison of the strength of the two sides, on the contrary, the production of fine and realistic FA[-] is more dominant.

The pure straight-line speed of the OO Gundam is still higher than that of the FA[-], especially the propulsion of the solar furnace in the setting is better than that of the thermonuclear engine. The advantage of the FA[-] is the maneuverability in a small range. A spout is not a decoration. The six-unit missile pod on the left shoulder of the FA[-] opened, and the six sub-missile heads flew towards OO with a dazzling tail flame. Most of the missiles on the FA[-] are sub-missile head type, and when they explode, they will be a large piece, and they are playing with firepower coverage.The four shields are not to block the opponent's attack, but to prevent the ammunition mounted on the body from being detonated due to the harsh environment.

Although the emerald green GN particles look like light beams, their destructive properties are live ammunition weapons. Li Wei has already experimented with them. This characteristic of GN particles can be regarded as the advantage of OO systems. GN particles can be said to be almost omnipotent. of.In contrast, the main ability of the Mie particle of the UC system is communication interference, but in one-on-one, communication interference is useless.However, the destructiveness of the Minovsky particles is not worse than that of the GN particles. The Mie particle has an advantage in the simple competition of power, especially the advantage that the Mie particle is not easily disturbed by the magnetic field. of snipers.

The GN fangs of OO Gundam collided with the missile pods. Although two pods were shot down, the violent explosion also blew the GN fangs into pieces. The remaining pods bloomed directly at the close range of OO Gundam. The warhead instantly enveloped the entire space, and the unavoidable OO Gundam could only turn on TRANS-AM (three-red mode) to withstand this wave of attacks.

In the three-red mode, the OO system's body can strengthen all of its basic abilities, and even the ability to fight attacks. The serial explosions that could have covered OO Gundam's face were smashed out by the high-speed in the three-red state.And this single small explosion will not affect the defense of OO Gundam.

"It's a very powerful machine. This kind of sub-missile is a disposable item that needs to be specially made. This kind of power requires how delicate it is to achieve this level. You are not only very good at combat, but also make It's one of the strongest producers I've ever seen, and the top three in the world don't have to run~ˇ." Yuki Tatsuya was also excited, although turning on the three-red mode in advance increased the consumption of the machine, which made it difficult for the subsequent battles. It will cause a certain negative impact, but the two powers are the lesser of harm, and he can only do so.

"I won the prize, but you're right, I made every detail of this machine with my heart, so it has such power in the system's judgment. This is a machine that uses micro-carving technology. The body, although it is only HG-level, its interior is beyond the fineness of RG-level, my style is like this, either don’t do it, do it well!”

Li Wei controlled the FA[-] Gundam to pursue the victory, and the Erlian Mega Particle Cannons on his arm fired again and again, forcing OO Gundam to constantly evade and move, compressing the opponent's activity space as much as possible.Because of the energy storage tank, the firepower of the FA[-] Gundam can reach a very high density in a short period of time. Although it cannot be lasting, the one-to-one combat power itself is to fight fast.The power of the OO Gundam with the same frequency of the three furnaces is far beyond that of the general body of the same model. Although it is a bit difficult to dodge, it is not impossible to retreat.

However, an accident still happened. Li Wei kept rushing OO Gundam to the ruins, and Yucheng Da also made an operation error. The body collided with the wreckage of the battleship, and was unfortunately stuck.At this time, no matter how stupid you are, you can find something wrong. It can only be said that the hearts of people who play tactics are relatively dirty, and Li Weike doesn't care about that much.This is still before he has used his perception. If he had used perception, OO Gundam would have been shot dead by him from a long distance.

"Fight!" Yuki Tatsuya also controlled OO Gundam's full output, pushing the huge wreckage of the battleship to avoid the shelling of the FA[-] Gundam, but the collision of the wreckage in the three-red state still caused certain damage to the body, and both sides are now both It's no longer optimal. OO Gundam broke through the wreckage, using the double swords as shields, and charged towards the FA[-] Gundam.

However, Li Wei is not a rookie. Facing the pursuit of OO Gundam, he directly controlled the body and started to retreat to widen the distance. Both the shoulder gun and the shoulder rocket launcher moved to full fire.The mega particle cannon on the right arm charged and fired, and the cosmic torpedo on the left arm also bounced out and charged towards OO Gundam.

Although the OO Gundam in the three-red state can ignore the damage of the small explosion, the shot of the shoulder cannon directly hit the OO Gundam's right shoulder, and the solar furnace on one arm and the right shoulder was destroyed, while the Mega Particle Cannon directly hit the OO Gundam. OO Gundam's left leg is blown.Although the speed of the four-shot giant fish is not fast, the OO Gundam at this moment has been severely damaged, and it is not easy to dodge. Although the huge explosion is still some distance away from the OO Gundam, the various spikes in the torpedo flew out. , causing a secondary explosion, which hit OO Gundam again.

But with the help of the recoil of the explosion, OO Gundam also approached FA[-], and only one arm was left holding the GN long sword high and slashed towards FA[-]. FA[-] blocked sideways, but the mechanical arm holding the shield on the shoulder was cut off by OO Gundam. It is not easy for FA[-] to fight back at such close range. This heavy armor wants to compete with OO Gundam in close combat. The agile body sparring is simply dead.

Li Wei instinctively controlled the FA[-] to retreat. Although he retreated in time, there were still cutting marks on the attached breastplate. The GN sword was really sharp.If this is cut down, FA[-] will definitely be cut into two pieces.

"¨'What?! It's empty!" Yuuki Tatsuya was also taken aback by Li Wei's reaction speed, such a fatal blow could be dodged, he didn't have much time, as soon as the three-red state passed , the half residual OO Gundam is the target to be slaughtered.

What surprised Yuuki even more was that the FA[-] Gundam exploded its armor. Although half of the various ammunition had not been shot out, Li Wei was not at all distressed. The additional outer armor and backpack bounced off directly, leaving only the FA[-] Gundam behind. Armed with a beam saber and a shield, he used lightweight high mobility to fight OO in close combat.The OO Gundam in the three-red state still couldn't withstand the hard slashing with the beam saber, and Li Wei controlled the body to launch a counterattack.

(What's Zhao?) Double swords block, fire is scattered everywhere, although the light weight of FA[-] Gundam is not as good as that of OO, but OO is already half disabled, and one solar furnace has been lost, and FA[-] is still in full bloom, and its speed is even better. .Sell ​​a flaw, and then easily cut OO Gundam in half.

The red and black FA[-] left a deep impression on all the audience, and the FA[-] Gundam is also famous. After all, Yuki Tatsuya is also a well-known figure in the school, and he is a frequent visitor to the world competition. He was defeated by the challenger. .This shows that the strength of the challenger is also at the level of the world competition. This gorgeous battle also allows fans to see the potential of the original Gundam's magic transformation.There is no such thing as the FA[-] Full Armor Gundam in this world. Fans think that Li Wei's body is just a magic modification of the RX-[-].However, there are some differences between the FA series and the RX series.

"He won?" Takasaka China looked at the picture on the live broadcast screen, the red and black Gundam defeated the blue and white Gundam, which also made her breathe a sigh of relief.But Kasaka China thought about it, why is she nervous? .

chapter 860. girl's request

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 861. painting teacher

Li Wei looked at Takasaka China, the firmness in her eyes made Li Wei a little overwhelmed.But Li Wei couldn't bear to reject her, or he could only spend his spare time on Takasaka China's teaching tasks, but Li Wei himself wasn't the kind of person who likes to run around, otaku.

For example, now, in addition to making models and training and fighting, Li Wei is often doing some of the most primitive and the most enjoyable things between men and women.However, because of the staggered time, the impact on this aspect is not great.

"Okay...but my teaching time will be after your get out of class every day. If the location...does your mobile phone have a positioning function?" Li Wei held out his hand.

Takasaka China understood and took out the phone, a pink smartphone.Li Wei entered the location of the Iori model shop in Google Maps, selected the save location, and then returned the phone to Takasaka China.

"Huh? This is... Iori-san's house?" Takasaka China was a little surprised, looking at Li Wei, she didn't understand~.

Li Wei's heart is clear, Takasaka China and Iori Makoto are in the same class, and they are also the squad leader. Although they have a slightly weak personality, they are a respected "leader".As the class leader, she naturally knew about the various backgrounds of the people in the class.

"You mean that kid Iori Makoto, I'm his master in the model battle, and I'm temporarily staying at his house. Since you know the location, it doesn't matter, just go there after class, I'm usually there. "Li Wei laughed.

After the two exchanged phone numbers, Takasaka China left, saying that it was to prepare oil paints and paper for painting, and Li Wei taught her for free, and she could not cause more trouble for Li Wei.In a sense, Takasaka China is also a somewhat stronger girl.

The days after that have been uneventful. Li Wei is still living a free and easy fairy life, while Makoto Iori works hard every day to go to school, and then comes back after school to make models and train.Li Wei has already completed the preparations for the World Championships, so he is not in a hurry. In addition, he needs to teach Kasaka China's painting, so the sparring partner for Makoto Iori was handed over to Kirara.Kirara's combat skills are getting stronger and stronger recently. Makoto Iori doesn't have a strong talent for battles, so naturally he is abused every day.

After being abused for a long time, I also gained experience.Under the training of Li Wei, Kirara is already the strength of the finals of the World Championship, and Makoto Iori can hold Kirara's hands for such a long time, which is quite a good strength, at least compared to ordinary players, Iori Truly a strong man.However, strength and weakness are relative. In front of Li Wei and Kirara, Makoto Iori can still only be beaten, but his ability in model making is getting better and better, at least his magic attack Gundam has been More and more perfect, there is a lack of a strong man who can control this machine.

It's a pity that Lingji was thrown into a pile of meat sauce because of his own suicide, and the Star Strike Gundam that appeared in advance did not have the most suitable operator.However, compared with the degree of completion in the original work, Makoto Iori's current work has a higher degree of completion. Because Li Wei, the king of magic reformers, is the teacher, Makoto Iori's production style has been affected to some extent. .

Especially after seeing Li Wei's FA[-] and Human Stick Red Zaku, Iori Makoto became a member of the "Backpack God Cult". In addition to the expected detachable backpack fighter, the Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam also has auxiliary The various weapons configured by the robotic arm follow the path of the FA[-], but with stronger capabilities. Although the FA[-] looks cool, it is a classic machine during the one-year war, and its technical content cannot be compared with the later one. high body.

The external-mounted flying-wing fighter can be separated from the main body and automatically lock the enemy to attack, similar to the plus-sized "dragon cavalry", and the additional armament on the fixed backpack can allow the body to deal with any complex terrain except the ocean. A rare balance has been struck with defense.It can be said that Makoto Iori's Interstellar Creation Strike Gundam can be regarded as one of the RG models with a high degree of completion. If it is used for battle, at least few organisms can compete with this one this year.

Those who appeared afterward can be ignored, but in this year's World Championship, this demon-modified assault is indeed qualified to enter the finals, not counting the level of pilots, but only the level of model production.And although Iori Makoto's operation skills are still a bit difficult to enter the finals, but facing ordinary players, they can be crushed, especially the performance advantages of the machine are there. Take away in a wave.

0 ask for flowers

In the practice battle room, Kirara used the Su-gumi Jim [-] special suit to beat Makoto Iori's Su-gumi Strike Freedom Gundam to the north.Both models were made by Li Wei's hands. The vegan group has no modification and the quality of the craftsmanship is the same. In terms of performance, the freedom of assault is more dominant. After all, the weapon configuration and speed are stronger than the Jim [-] special type. .But one thing that affects the battle is the level of operation of both sides. Makoto Iori's level is still a little worse than Kirara's, and he was repeatedly parried by the Jim [-] special suit in close combat.


"I didn't expect the master to be able to draw. Even the squad leader will let the master be his teacher. The master is really versatile, what else is he not good at?" Reluctantly parrying the Jim [-] special costume, Makoto Iori put on his forehead. Sweat came out, and it was hard to get away, but Jim [-] rushed over again, making him scrambling.

"Well... Master's words are also very good at cooking and mechanical manufacturing. Maybe Master can really make Gundam! Take my trick, General!" Kirara smiled indifferently, Jim [-] special outfit The shape of the beam saber is already in the cockpit of Assault Freedom. Once it is cut, Makoto Iori will have to repair the model.

"Um... I lost again, but this time I persisted for ten minutes, so there is progress..." Iori Makoto said with a sigh, it was not easy to hold on until now, his hands were already numb, and Kirara still looked "full of blood", which made Makoto Iori sigh that it was unscientific.But what Makoto Iori didn't know was that Kirara was "strengthened" by Li Wei, and her physique was naturally not comparable to that of an ordinary person like him.

In the guest room upstairs, Takasaka China was carrying out special training in oil painting under the guidance of Li Wei. I have to say that Takasaka China's talent can only be said to be average, compared with Yingli Li, it is too much worse , so Li Wei had to slow down the teaching progress. .

chapter 862. girl's feelings

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 863. the beginning of the plot

【Miss の Hongmeng Pavilion】298316354

chapter 864. squinting eyes from the relationship

Looking at the squinting teenager who was not tall in front of him, Li Wei sighed and said, "Isn't your opponent sincere, why did he become me out of nowhere? If I fight you, wouldn't that be bullying you?"

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