Li Wei was the only one in the apartment originally, so it looked a bit messy. Li Wei usually cleans up the house every few days. So far, he has only lived in for two days, and he has no time to take care of it all, but for him he is serious. Get up and take care of it with a small spell, but it will take a little time.

Asia is an individual capable idiot. The result of running around with Li Wei is exhausted and sweaty, and the first thing to do at home, 2.4, is to ask Asia to take a bath.Her nun's robe was thrown into the washing machine by Li Wei.

Asia is still in a daze so far. What happened on this day is really too exciting for her. She has lived under the protection of the church since she was a child, and she has very little understanding of human sin. of.Even if she was judged as a heretic, a large number of people interceded for her, thus saving her life, which made her slow to respond to the danger and hostility of the outside world.

Thinking of what happened before, Asia was a little scared. If she hadn't met Li Wei, she didn't know where she would be at this time, but she had nowhere to go now and could only follow Li Wei, and for the time being She can only take one step at a time, and the institution she wants to join has also lost contact, so far she has not been able to go anywhere. .

chapter 981. take in

Li Wei opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients, and started cooking. Asia followed him around and tossed around for a lot of time. It was estimated that he was also hungry. At this time, it was more comfortable to eat a hot meal than anything else.Fortunately, Li Wei is also a culinary expert. Faced with a pile of messy ingredients, he dealt with it in a hurry. With multiple lines, a hearty lunch soon took shape.

In the bathroom, Asia was soaking in the bathtub, thinking about what happened before.

Because Asia has been well protected by the church before, she has almost zero social experience, and since the moment she became a saint, she has no contact with other people. People isolated her and called her a saint. Women just want to maintain nobility and independence, so Asia does not have a good ability to discern things in the outside world, and it will be very disadvantageous to walk in society.

Although Asia, who has zero social experience, left the church safely with the help of those who had been favored in the past, she was kicked into the world and could not adapt well to this dirty modern society. i.e. hell.The opposite of Asia is Li Wei, who is extremely black. Because his expectations have been shattered, he can't even lift his strength from disappointment, so he simply plays the world and fulfills his own desires.

02The warm hot water wrapped around her body, which gradually relaxed her body, which was sore and numb due to fear. Asia told herself that she was safe.Although she knew that she was an idiot, from what she had learned in the storybook, she still knew what kind of fate the kidnapped girl would face. If she was really kidnapped, there was no future for her. Total darkness.

Therefore, Asia is very grateful to Li Wei, maybe Li Wei's method is a little rough, but she is not the kind of pedantic person who doesn't know what to do.Li Wei started rudely, and that was also to save her. If he was entangled in such a thing, it would be too kind and revenge.

"Mr. Li Wei, what kind of person is he? Although he looks scary, he feels like a very gentle person..."

Although Asia is not used to this smoky human world, she has a keen sense of people's hearts, because even in the church, there are bad people. She can tell who is good and who is bad, but facing everyone She is all treated equally.And even bad people will do good things, and good people will occasionally do bad things. Humans are inherently complex creatures that cannot be absolute.The feeling that Li Wei gave her was that it was too complicated, like a complex of saints and sinners, such a strange existence was inconceivable to Asia.

Standing up from the bathtub, she took the towel on the side and started wiping her body. Asia looked at the t-shirt and shorts on the side, and suddenly her face flushed.These are Li Wei's clothes. Her clothes have been completely lost, and she has been running around with Li Wei since then, without buying new clothes.Asia thought for a while, she even lost her wallet, what should I buy?

Li Wei's T-shirt is huge, at least for Asia. Compared with Li Wei's sturdy figure, she is as slender as a chicken.So Li Wei's t-shirt was loose on her body, and the shorts would slip off as soon as they were put on. If she didn't wear a belt, she couldn't wear it at all.The wide t-shirt slipped off her shoulders, revealing her fair and slender shoulders. Asia had to pull on the clothes a little, so as not to lose them accidentally, but Li Wei's "big" clothes were too big for her. It's also impossible.

After drying her hair, Asia walked out of the bathroom.Before she got to the dining room, she could already smell the aroma of the food, so her stomach began to beat.She has a small appetite and can't eat much, but she gets hungry easily after exercising. She ran with Li Wei all morning, and this is the third time her stomach growls.

Looking at the exquisite dishes on the table, it was hard to imagine that this good dish would be cooked by a man like Li Wei who looked a little rough. It was incredible.And Asia also remembered the sentence I didn't know where I read it before, people who like to cook are people who love life.

Looking at Li Wei's busy back in the kitchen, Asia felt very grateful. She hadn't felt this kind of caring for a long time.Since she became a saint, she has been separated from her peers by the church, but now she has regained her original touch.

"That, Mr. Li Wei, there are already enough dishes. If you make more, there may be more for two people." Asia said in a low voice.

Li Wei turned his head, looked at Asia who had just come out of the bathroom, and raised his eyebrows.The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and it is natural to sculpt. Although Asia is still young, and her body development can only be said to be average, but that holy temperament does make him have the urge to blaspheme, the kind of defilement of the sacred The feeling is indeed liked by all men.

Men, it's all like this. It's easy to ignore ordinary girls, but girls with certain attributes will be especially fancy.It's like Asia's characteristics are holiness + natural stupidity + weakness, although it is a very rude behavior to label people, but for Li Wei who has read countless people, it is not difficult to see through a person.And Asia doesn't even need to guess, because it's too simple, her mood and everything in her heart have been written on her face.

"This is to comfort you. When you encounter such a thing when you first came to a foreign country, changing someone is likely to be a psychological shadow for a lifetime. Now that there are limited things at hand, just deal with it. The next few days I also have to clarify the identity certificate and property issues for you, but because you are a member of the church, it may be a little troublesome. Just stay at home and don't run around, I will help you get things done, see 533 yours It looks like they were expelled from the church. Generally speaking, if they are full-time church personnel, they are organized. For church personnel with special power like you, this city is not friendly."

Li Wei brought the last two dishes to the table and unbuttoned his apron.

"Mr. Li Wei, do you know about me?" Asia asked in surprise.

"I don't know what's going on, but from some details, you can tell a lot of problems. Because like you, I also have some powers that ordinary people can't understand, so I can be regarded as your senior." Li Wei sat down.I haven't cooked for a long time, and I feel that the cooking skills tempered in the world of the spirit of eating halberds are a little unfamiliar. Occasionally cooking a meal like this can keep the cooking skills from slipping.

"Is Mr. Li Wei also an artifact user?" Asia asked curiously.

"No, the low-level power of an artifact is just the power of a vessel that I can easily form. The power I have in my hands can create an artifact. But things like artifact are a disaster, and it is easy to bring unnecessary disputes. So if it's not necessary, I won't make artifacts." Li Wei laughed.

Asia nodded. While her natural artifact gave her glory and status, it also gave her some unbearable burdens at her age. Asia also had complicated feelings about her own artifact. .

chapter 982. plan to pass り

"The Smile of the Virgin", an artifact that can heal any life indiscriminately, gave Asia the power to help others, but it also disrupted everything in her.Originally, she just wanted to be a nun, but because of this artifact, she became a so-called saint, and because she accidentally rescued a demon, she was regarded as a heretic, so she was expelled from her childhood. Church, exiled to a foreign land.

Thinking of this, Asia felt sad. After all, saying goodbye to the place where she had lived for more than ten years, and the few acquaintances, no one would feel bad.As for the maliciousness of the outside world, she had already experienced it when she just set foot on this land. It was indeed quite terrifying. If she hadn't met Li Wei with good luck, she wouldn't know what she would be like now.

"Aisia, do you know the name of the organization you're looking for? Although I'm not really a local snake here, I still have a certain understanding of this place. It's better than your headless rambling. This is a place for the church. It's not friendly in terms of personnel." Li Wei didn't fool Asia, but it was the devil's territory, and the power of the church had to be restricted.

"Eh? It's not friendly to the church here?" Asia was completely stunned. She knew that Neon's native religions were Buddhism and Shintoism, but she didn't reject foreign churches to the extreme.

"Because this is the domain of the devil, you should know the Gremory family, one of the seventy-two nobles, this is one of the territories of the Gremory family in the world. Here, the movement of church personnel will be restricted. According to the regulations, it is very likely that you will lose your life. Then tell me the organization you are looking for, and see if I know this organization, maybe I can get in touch with the opposite side.”

Li Wei already has a relatively comprehensive understanding of various local organizations. After all, facing his perception, most organizations cannot hide their secrets, so in the past two days, Li Wei has seen a lot of Wonderful stuff.

"Well... the organization I'm looking for is called the 'Black Clothes Priory', which is a small faction with few members. I heard that it is recruiting new people recently. I am going to join the Black Clothes Priory. 々~." Asia did not hide her purpose, after all, compared to Li Wei, she was really unfamiliar with this place.

Looking at Li Wei's strange expression, Asia was a little puzzled: "Mr. Li Wei, is there anything strange about what I said?"

"Aisia, do you know the nature of the organization you're talking about? Or how much do you know about the organization you're about to join?" Li Wei didn't mean to embarrass Asia, but this black-clothed monastery was indeed not a good thing. The good people, by their nature, is an extremist killer organization targeting the church and demons. It belongs to one of the forces led by the extremist war faction within the Fallen Angels. It is an elite small-scale organization.

Asia shook her head, she just received a letter that told her to go to Neon.But what Asia doesn't know is that the fallen angels don't dare to go to the Vatican to take her away, so she can only let her leave the Vatican first, and the church-style title of the Black Priory is actually just a vest. , the real name of the Black Priory is the "Brotherhood of Hunters", which specializes in hunting angels and demons, to please the high-level fallen angels with extreme killing and abuse.

"Okay, then let me tell you, although the truth is cruel. The organization you are looking for, the Black Cloth Priory, is actually an elite hunting unit belonging to the fallen angels of the main battle faction, called the Hunter Brothers Yes. This is a group of executioners who take pleasure in killing others. In addition to angels and demons, their hunting targets include ordinary people. For them, blood and sacrifice are the most common things in daily life. If you want If you take refuge in them, I advise you to give up your mind."

Li Wei's words are very direct, but for a silly white sweet like Asia, sometimes it's better to be direct. It's too complicated, and she doesn't necessarily understand.

"How could this be..." Asia was shocked by Li Wei's words, because she felt that Li Wei was not lying to her, which made it difficult for her to accept.

The party she was going to rely on turned out to be an organization of fallen angels, which really made her feel scared, and she almost fell into the wolf's den.And think about it carefully, she was expelled from the church because her healing ability was effective against demons. This is not a secret thing, so the fallen angels must also know the news, so she was asked to stay away from the church. The neon in the core area is very convenient to start.

What the Fallen Angel Organization wanted was not her, but her divine weapon, because her divine weapon could heal even demons, so treating a fallen angel was by no means difficult. After figuring out the joints inside, Asia was afraid for a while.Although she is a little dull, she is not a real fool, and if she hadn't met Li Wei, things would have been quite scary.

Although Asia is a little dull, she still sees her own value clearly, especially for combat organizations, her ability is very useful.When she was in the Vatican, she had the most dealings with the combat department. Because the personnel of the combat department had to perform tasks all over the world and fight against various evil forces, they were often injured.And her ability is to completely heal the subject, and even the old dark wounds can be healed together, so she is protected by the church layer by layer, and she is afraid of accidents.If it weren't for the event of healing the devil, then she should still continue to play the role of the saint in the Vatican.

"' ¨This is a neon. It should be said that the church has little power in Asia, and it is beyond the reach of the whip. And here is the place where alien gods, pagans and various evil forces are raging for the church. The fallen angels lead you here. Come here, because even if they arrest you here, the church is too late to respond." Li Wei (Wang's) analyzed.

Losing her shelter again, Asia was very lost, and her whole body exuded low air pressure.

"Then...where else can I go..." Asia felt confused, but there was no place for her in the world, and she could not adapt well to such an environment and wanted to live independently Not at all.

"If you can't find a place to go, just stay here for the time being. After all, with your ability, it is not safe to survive outside. You still have a lot to learn. For the time being, follow me to learn various survival skills, and wait until you feel Let’s make plans when the time is right.” Li Wei did not expect that his temporary idea would cancel the idea of ​​Asia looking for an organization, which could be regarded as saving him a lot of effort, and the next problem is to face the fallen angel who pursues it. .But now hunting down a few fallen angels and people from the black church is not bad, it can relieve the boredom. .

chapter 983. visit plan

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