Hearing the sound of the door opening, Asia reacted and threw herself into Li Wei's arms.

"Li Weijun..."

With a crying voice, Li Wei was a little surprised, and after connecting with Belial's perception, Li Wei got the memory that Belial obtained after he left.It turned out that Asia woke up not long after he left, and it looked like she had a nightmare. Asia, who couldn't find Li Wei, was very insecure and couldn't fall asleep, so she sat in the living room and waited for Li Wei to come back. .

Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, Li Wei smiled and stroked Asia's long hair, and said, "Sorry, I went out for a walk for a while and forgot to leave a note for you, it's my fault."

Asia didn't speak, just buried her head in Li Wei's chest.After a while, Asia reluctantly left Li Wei's embrace.

"Li Weijun also needs to rest early. Going to bed too late is not good for your health." Asia said in a low voice.

"Asia, do you want to go to school?"

"Going to school?" Aixia was stunned, she didn't understand what Li Wei meant, but she grew up in a church and never went to school seriously, so she was still quite unfamiliar with school.

"You are too lonely at home at night. If you are at school, you can make new friends and learn new knowledge. What do you think?" Li Wei laughed.

He just saw that Asia's character was too restrained, so he let her go to school to experience the lively atmosphere. If Asia is not used to it, it would be a big deal to drop out of school.Asia's character is a bit too restrained. Although Li Wei is a dead house himself, he will also deal with the society, but there is only a switch. In the case of one person, it is the dead house mode. If there are many people switch to charging mode.Although Li Wei is very disgusted with occasions where there are many people, but he will also be able to play the role of current charge.

Asia grabbed Li Wei's sleeve, and it was obvious that she was still uneasy.

"I'm also in school, so don't worry, I'll be by your side." Li Wei laughed, Asia was very sticky to him, he didn't hate this feeling, a soft and cute girl like Asia , This year is also quite rare, the most important thing is the appearance.Yan control's Li Wei said that as long as it is a beautiful girl, he will treat it well, and the king of the harem of fraternity is him.

"If Li Weijun is also there... let's go." Asia nodded vigorously, and it could be seen that she was also determined. For her, who was afraid of life, making this decision was not an easy task. .

"Okay, now it's time to rest, sleep well..." Looking at Asia who was still holding on to his sleeves, Li Wei sighed and said with a smile, "I see."

Li Wei hugged Asia, turned off the light, and got into the bed.Asia's body is quite soft, and the touch is quite good, Li Wei is quite hard to suppress his evil thoughts, but the current Asia is not the time to talk.

But just using Asia as a pillow is something to enjoy.With her back in Li Wei's arms, she felt inexplicable peace of mind as she was surrounded by Li Wei, as if the sky was no longer afraid of falling. In such a warm and comfortable environment, Asia fell asleep, with a pretty face on her face. Satisfied smile.

Li Wei was not sleepy, but was thinking about his next path. Now that he killed Ddraig first, it was a big bargain. Now he has four summoning positions in hand, plus his own strength, it can be said that The existence of a rampant party.But this does not mean that he can do whatever he wants. The current top ten masters in the world can still put Li Wei in a crisis, so for safety reasons, he must need more raw materials.At least, the summoning position needs to be expanded to six in order to be able to protect themselves in the next chaos. .

Chapter 997. Azazel's Anxiety

In a high-end apartment, a middle-aged man with strange hair was sitting on the sofa, his eyes full of doubts and confusion.

"Kabile's breath disappeared? Could it be Vali who did it?"

The middle-aged man is Azazel hiding here, and the "Valli" in his words is "Vali Lucifer", the current host of the White Dragon Emperor, the great-grandson of the former Demon King Lucifer, and the current After the three tribes experienced the last war, although the population has not yet reached the point of withering, but it is not much better, and Valli.Lucifer is the strongest of the younger generation among all bloodline people.

"No, if it was Vali, he would definitely avoid my eyeliner, but what the hell is that guy Kabil doing?" Azazel frowned.

He really didn't want wars between the three clans to break out again, at least not now. No one can afford such losses, but Kabil has been planning to provoke wars, which made Azazel very helpless.But as a kin, it is impossible for him to openly oppose Cocabil, even if his status is far above Cocabe.

So Azazel disguised as an ordinary person and entered Kuwang Town, and asked his adopted son Vali to pay attention to Cocabil's movements. If Cocabil did anything, he would intercept it and seal it.Azazel is not a pacifist, but the current fallen angels can't stand the toss, even if they want to go to war, it's not now, and the cocabeille who doesn't understand "can't eat hot tofu in a hurry" is one of the people in the tribe. unstable factors that must be controlled.

In this world, no one is absolutely good or bad, everyone just has a different position. Azazel, from the perspective of a fallen angel, must think about the development of the race.In the last three-way war, all parties suffered heavy losses. The god on the side of heaven has died. Now Michael takes over from God to manage the system, but Michael is not a god after all, so the operation of the Bible system is becoming more and more sluggish, and there are more and more bugs. .Because of the system bug, the new members of the angel family are getting fewer and fewer, so the power of the heaven lineage has also begun to decline.

The Fallen Angels were not much better either. Although the Fallen Angels kept their high-end combat power relatively intact in the last war, their mid- and low-end combat power was almost wiped out.However, if Azazel knew that Cocabil had just buried an entire Legion of Fallen Angels, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

The organization of the Fallen Angel Legion is a large organization. One Fallen Angel Legion is about as many as [-] regular Angel Legions, which is equal to about [-] standard Devil Legions.The legion under Cocabil is a secret force he has cultivated since the end of the war. Azazel is afraid of Cocabil’s troubles, and he is also afraid that this living force will be exposed in advance, which will disrupt the strategic deployment of the entire ethnic group.But it is a pity that this legion is now completely finished, not to mention strategic deployment, even tactical actions.

In the three-way war, the worst part is actually the demons. The aggressive demons will take the initiative to choose peace, but also because they do not have the capital to continue making troubles. They lose more than half of the high-end combat power, and the low-end combat power is also inexhaustible. Now, the demon clan has been reduced from the strongest of the three clans to the weakest of the three clans. If they do not actively choose peace, the only thing waiting for the demons is to be exterminated.It is precisely because of this that the demons are the least willing to provoke a three-way war again. Still, a new war will come eventually, but it is definitely not now. For fallen angels and demons, the time is simply not ripe.

The treaty left after the end of the three-way war is not a peace treaty in the true sense, but an armistice treaty that will be torn up at no time, so no matter what the devil and heaven think, the armament upgrade of the fallen angel is Never dared to stop.

The curtain was blown by the wind, and a tall and tall silver-haired boy flew in from the window.

"It's Vali, what's the situation? Kabil's whereabouts, is there any whereabouts?"? "Looking at the silver-haired boy, Azazel asked.

The silver-haired boy sat down and did not rush to answer Azazel's question. Instead, he picked up the red wine on the table and drank it rudely like a soda.

"What's wrong, looking at you, I'm uneasy." Azazel said in surprise.

To be honest, this is the first time Azazel has seen Vali show such a dignified expression. As the strongest of the younger generation, his strength has already matched that of many of the older generation. Vali's strength is undoubtedly tough.Being able to make Vali show such an expression, Azazel also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Cocabele, it should have fallen. I searched for him for a long time, and finally found only some traces, and some broken information he left behind. His battle with a certain powerful existence led to the entire legion and the entire army. Overwhelmed."

"That idiot! Even if he suffers, even the entire legion is caught, it's just... Can you find out who is fighting the idiot of Cocabil? The person who can defeat Cocabil is absolutely It won't be a nameless person." Azazel has no strength to swear at this time, but Kabil's scolding has caused a lot of damage to the power of the fallen angels, and it takes a lot of money to make up for this loss. Time, the most important thing is that it is very difficult to cultivate high-end combat power. The reason why he can tolerate Cocabil's bad temper is because Cocabil's one-handed death spell cannot be learned by others.

The low-level two-winged and four-winged fallen angels are cannon fodder. There are as many as you want. Although the high-level six-winged and eight-winged are difficult to be born, it is not impossible to "catalyze", but the fall of each ten-wing is the whole loss of the group.Especially the Ten Wings, which are good at special attacks, are even rarer. It can be said that it is difficult to find his successor for a long time after the fall of Cocabil.Because the difficulty of instant death spells is too high, ordinary fallen angels simply can't learn it well.

"So far (promised), I haven't been able to take a seat with any known strong man. I found the hidden video left by Cocabil at the ruins left by the battle. That guy is also reminding us, Who killed him." Valli Lucifer said with a worried expression.

Fallen angels are like this. When faced with a mortal danger, they will retain as much information as possible so that their fellow clan can be vigilant.If you can take revenge, then take revenge for your fellow clan, and if your strength is not enough, you can also warn your fellow clan to avoid danger.This is the consciousness that every fallen angel has, because the fallen angels grow up in battle, and their love and hate are clear. It is up to the individual to repay the kindness, but the hatred must be returned.

"However, the images are all broken fragments. The other party should be covered by some magic, so his true appearance cannot be seen in the image, but some things can still be seen clearly." Valli Lucifer stretched out his palm, a mass of The black mist floated in his palm. .

chapter 998

This fog-like thing is the unique image storage method of the fallen angels, and it is very concealed, almost undetectable. The fallen angels rely on this image as an index to avenge the dead.Therefore, most powerhouses are reluctant to provoke fallen angels. The unity of the fallen angels in front of foreign enemies is very likely to kill a fallen angel, and then lead a large group of fallen angels to chase and kill them, which is not worth the loss.

But this kind of camera is also easy to be interfered. After all, there is no absolutely perfect spell in the world. If you pursue clear picture quality, it will be more easily interfered. Therefore, most of the fallen angel's death videos are in low-definition Zhu Jun picture quality.In order to make up for the lack of picture quality, the fallen angel also likes to smack the mouth, and try to find out the details of the opposite through the mouth cannon, which can provide more clues for his revenge compatriots.

However, many people who work against the fallen angels have also learned the essence, so they will die if they are bored. The villain's death is common at any time. In the face of the fallen angels who "talk a lot", you are welcome, go to Just beat it to the death.

Wally.Lucifer played the image in the black fog, and the interference to the image was quite serious. There were quite a lot of damaged "black screens" alone. The ten-winged Cocabeille was able to make the picture quality of the death record as high as possible. However, because nearly 580% of the area on the screen is an unstable mosaic, the things that can be seen clearly are still quite limited.

Even so, the pictures left by Cocabil can still be seen, at least compared to the mosaic pictures of the low-level fallen angels, his death record is already a "high-definition film source".

"What kind of monster is this? There is still such an existence in this world, the evil of the ancients?" Azazel's unease became stronger and stronger.

"God's sin? What is that?" Valli.Lucifer asked inexplicably, this was the first time he had heard of this term.

"We, angels, fallen angels and demons, are all human beings created by the Bible system. It can be said that although our history of existence is longer than that of human beings, it is limited. Most of the gods and demons in this world are like this, Whether it is us or China, Egypt, South America, India, etc., the time of our appearance is actually not too different. And the history before us is blank. This is what makes me terrified. , Since even we can be born (acaf), then this planet must have had a more powerful existence before we appeared, but where did they all go?" Azazel leaned on the sofa , The whole person looked at the ceiling, looking a little confused.

"I really don't know anything about this. No one knows. With the development of human technology, many mysteries of the earth have been discovered, and they may be able to solve the mysteries. In our case, we have not been able to have the luxury of Spare energy to do such a thing." Wally.Lucifer sighed.Everyone is curious, and he is also curious about the prehistoric world that Azazel said, but the history that the gods and demons can go back to is really limited, and there is no useful information.

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