Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but want to complain. Is this a combination of the stubbornness of the British and the rigidity of the Germans? In a black suit, if it wasn't for Li Wei's lack of a bald head and sunglasses, he would really be the image of a bodyguard.But she didn't want to complain about Li Wei, because if it was the usual Li Wei, it would be too lazy.

Neon’s tram routes are quite complete. It’s more convenient if you want to go anywhere. Half an hour’s drive is nothing. When Li Wei and Shiyu Xiazhiqiu arrived at the headquarters of Kodansha, there was still half of the agreed time. Hours.

"Is this the headquarters of Kodansha? It feels very ordinary." Shiyu Kasumigaoka also heard of Kodansha's library, and there are industry leaders, but I didn't expect the headquarters to be so ordinary. It is an independent It is only a five-story building, and the appearance of the building is quite old. It has a sense of history at first glance. This should be the architectural style of the 70s.

"People can't look at their appearance. Many animation companies and publishing house headquarters are like this. There are many clubs like Musashino. It is very likely that a family mansion is an editorial department. Anyway, this is the core of Tokyo. area." Li Wei said looking at the historic building.

The predecessor of Kodansha was the Neon Eloquent Society in 1909, when the professional debate magazine "Debate" was published, and then in 1911, Kodansha and Neon Eloquent Society merged into Neon Kodansha until 1958 It was changed to its current name, Kodansha Co., Ltd. in 2010.Kodansha’s light novel library was established relatively late, only established in [-], but with the strong capital of Kodansha, the latecomers directly suppressed the small and medium-sized libraries to the point of being unable to lift their heads, and directly ranked among the major ones. One of the library giants.

The main business of Kodansha is manga and various youth magazines, but in recent years, due to the economic crisis, the business has been diversified, so there is the existence of Kodansha Bunko.I have to say, Kodansha is really a place where the great gods gather, "Pure Landlord Pretty Tenant", "The Shining Duo", "Holy Stone Kid", "Fairy Tail", "Initial D" are all Kodansha publications.

And the masters under Kodansha are even more numerous. The most famous is Osamu Tezuka, the god of comics. This great god needs no introduction. Takehiko Inoue, the author of "Slam Dunk" and "Rogues", and Kobayashi, the author of "The King of Confusion on Campus", all of them are great cartoonists who can suppress one's luck.This is still an achievement in comics, and light novels are not bad. Although it is slightly inferior to Dengeki Bunko and Kadokawa Bunko, Kodansha Bunko has certain advantages in terms of overall strength.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's lack of self-confidence was due to the fact that she was going to compete on the same stage with various light novel masters, so of course she would feel nervous.

"Hey, Li Wei, can our work really pass..."

"Want to escape?"

"Escape is shameful but useful! I feel that we are too reckless." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed, how could it be so easy for a newcomer to reach the sky in one step.

"But do you understand our advantages?" Li Wei glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and said indifferently.

"Our advantage..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu froze for a moment.

Although this work of hers seems to be an ordinary waste cute light novel from the name, but the content is contrary to the current mainstream waste cute light novel, and the style is positive. Forbidden and Gundam UC, with the assistance of Li Wei, the style of the entire novel can be said to be magnificent, and the tip of the iceberg of the huge worldview shown in the first volume is enough to attract readers to continue reading.

Different from the typical neon style, the style of "My Family Has a God" has a Chinese and American atmosphere. Although readers who read it for the first time may be a little uncomfortable, once they get stuck, it will directly become Xiazhi. Qiu Shiyu's brain-dead and die-hard fan.This is fundamentally different from other cute light novels that can be read or not, and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's portrayal of characters is really too old-fashioned, which completely paves the way for animation.And Li Wei, who knows alchemy, is not bad for money, even if he pays for the animation, there is no problem. After all, it is not his own world, so there is no need to worry about causing economic crisis and other problems. Alchemy synthesis of various precious metals is like eating and drinking. It is as simple as water, even if it is uranium for nuclear weapons, Li Wei can easily rub it out, so Li Wei is not bad at all.

Therefore, the issue of publishing has to be handed over to professionals, but Li Wei does not intend to give it to others if it is animated, because the production cost of an episode of animation is generally around 1100 million neon circles, and Li Wei uses the full battle screen To calculate the 3000 million neon circles for an episode, the equivalent of US dollars is only about 26 to 28 US dollars, which is not a big problem for Li Wei.All kinds of rare and precious metals, such as californium metal (Cf), are sold directly from the black market. One gram of californium metal artificially synthesized is 1000 million US dollars, and its value is 60 times that of gold. This super precious metal can only be extracted from the nuclear raw material plutonium. It belongs to a special strategic resource. Li Wei directly sells this thing to China or Russia, and the money comes immediately.

Some people will ask, what exactly is californium metal and why it is so expensive?Let’s just talk about its use, and you will know why it is so expensive. It is the ultimate life-saving drug that directly kills cancer cells, and because the extraction technology is too complicated, there are currently only [-] drugs available for international public medical institutions. No matter what star, high-ranking official and public figure, you can't use it if you want.

Chapter 071. A little special edit

When the appointed time came, Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu met the editor of the appointment, a young woman with a pair of dead fish eyes and dark circles under her eyes. At first glance, she was a typical example of staying up too much. Heart, forget Hai/Luo/Yin".

However, thinking that cultivating immortals often leads to death, this is something that a good child must never learn.

"Ah♀... so sleepy, I really want to sleep..."

"Uh... I think you should finish our affairs first, then you can sleep peacefully, but is it really okay to be so lazy at work?" Li Wei felt a little speechless, and that's it It's a miracle that I didn't get fired.

"Okay, okay, this is not the place to talk, come with me..." The dead fish-eyed woman stood up swayingly, pushed open the door, and motioned for Li Weixia's Qiu Shiyu to follow her.

"Is this really an editor? It doesn't look like it at all..." Kasumi Hill Shiyu said hesitantly.

"People don't look good. People with ability often have all kinds of quirks, but sleepiness is the most normal one." Li Wei said indifferently, picked up the file bag containing the novel and followed the death. The footsteps of the fish-eye woman.

"Eh? But I feel that you are very similar to her, and both have quirks." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu chuckled, keeping up with the pace ahead.

"What's wrong with liking pretty lady, I just like doing MMD, is this a quirk?" Li Wei was a little puzzled, this hobby is quite healthy, at most, it's just an occasional car ride at station B, and a group of old people. The driver is just inferior.

However, Li Wei's departure is completely a roller coaster-level welfare/benefit car, which belongs to the kind that may be harmonious at any time.

The so-called MMD is called mikumikudance, which is a free software that makes 2D modules of characters such as Hatsune Miku of VOCALOID3, abbreviated as MMD.When it comes to MMD, old drivers from all walks of life are not unfamiliar. After all, there are so many malnourished MMDs at station B. It can be called the famous autumn racing competition. The collision of black cars from various roads causes people to roll over from time to time. Look at B If you are standing in the MMD area, it is best to prepare for the cache first, because many MMDs are more exciting than direct goblin fighting movies.

However, there is no B station in the world of the passerby heroine. In the case of Neon, there is a Nicole Nicole station, but to be honest, the level of drag racing in the world here is not good.Li Wei posted his previous works to Nicole Station, directly obliterating the tens of millions of descendants of many people, and forced many people to enter the sage mode.

Following the editor's footsteps, Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu came to a coffee shop. The dead fisheye editor, who was familiar with the way, found a corner and sat down, beckoning for the two of them to sit down too.

"Okay, it's a lot more convenient to talk here, and it's also suitable for laziness. Let me introduce myself, my name is Yamamoto Ketone, and I'm one of the review editors and editors in charge of Kodansha Library, but you probably haven't heard of me. Name, because I do a lot of review work, and I am not in charge of editing for the time being because of the issue of seniority." Yamamoto said lazily.

It is a very common thing in Neon to discuss seniority, because Neon's work system is generally a lifetime employment system, so the atmosphere of seniority ranking within the group is very serious, and some incompetent people can rely on seniority to climb to the middle class. , and then in turn point fingers at those who are capable.This is also the reason why China was able to rise after the end of World War II, while neon was only a flash in the pan for a while, because China's national conditions are generally such that those who are capable can go up and those who can't go down, and neon is often a pig occupying the key. position, so naturally, I played myself to the death.

"That's really a pity. I have already sent the previous [-]-word WEB version. I don't know what the three editors have to say?" Li Wei secretly made a gesture to Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, indicating that she should not be impulsive and calm down first. Just watch him negotiate with the editor.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu saw Li Wei's small movements, and she forced herself to calm down when she was still a little flustered. If she went to negotiate with the editor in this state, she would suffer quite a loss.

"You said the beginning of [-] words? I haven't seen much of the outstanding things for now. I can only say that the writer's writing is very old-fashioned, like people in the traditional literary world who have crossed the border. At that time, I was still worried about whether there would be problems. , Now that I see Miss Writer, I'm relieved. If it's in the library, there's no problem, not to mention other things, this writing alone is worth reading." Yamamoto's words are very conservative, and there are not too many promises, but Also, [-] words are too few, it is difficult to see the true quality of the work.

Li Wei opened the file bag, took out the novel, and put it on the table. "Here is the entire content of the first volume, this time will definitely satisfy you."

Yamamoto took over the manuscript and started to read it. The waiter/waiter of the cafe brought three cups of coffee to the table, and then quietly retreated.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is the most nervous person. This is her first battle, and it is also her decisive battle. Although even being rejected this time will not dampen her enthusiasm for novels, Bunko is always better than WEB. Yes, this is due to the national conditions, so if you want to make a comeback, you still have to rely on the library.

At the beginning, Yamamoto's expression was quite relaxed, but when he got to the back, he looked more serious and even frowned, which made Shiyu Kasumigaoka feel a little uneasy.She turned her head to the side and saw the presence of the old god Li Wei, so she put down the anxiety in her heart. She was really afraid of failure, so she cared about it.

Yamamoto Qiangone was shocked, because she felt that she had definitely found a baby this time.In the past few years, neon light novels have actually fallen into a vicious circle, that is, the cuteness is in power, and the decadence is rampant. The three views of most light novels are actually not very positive, and they are all escaping from reality. That's all.There are really very few positive novels. For example, after the completion of "Wolf and Spices" and "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", the industry basically can't find any works that can make people refreshing. Most of them are romantic comedies that are mostly everyday. , It belongs to the works that have no secondary development value and are lost after reading, because not every light novel's love plot can reach the level of "White Album 2". Generally speaking, the current light novels have actually been began to shrink.

Chapter 072. Publication Confirmation

"It's an incredible work. It's obviously a light novel, but it makes me feel like reading the works of foreign fantasy masters. This feeling has been gone for a long time..." Yamamoto Qiangne ​​sighed after reading the manuscript in one breath. said.

"So... is this book ready to be put into storage?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked a little nervously.

"There is absolutely no problem with storage, but there is one thing to explain here, and that is your choice of income. There are two modes, buyout or share. If you buy out, we will buy the right to operate the book, all the The sales proceeds go to the bookstore, and you get a fixed thousand-word manuscript fee. This kind of buyout is a one-time buyout of a book, which means that the subsequent volume is also this income model. However, what is the specific thousand-word manuscript fee? I have no right to make a decision, and this requires the collective consultation of the editorial department to arrive at the result.”

Yamamoto Kane took a sigh of relief and continued: "The second mode is much more risky, that is, the sharing mode, your manuscript fee does not have a fixed figure, and the final income depends on the sales of the book, the higher the sales volume. The higher your income, the more your royalties will be if the sales volume is deadly..."

Yamamoto Qiangine did not continue, but Shiyu Kasumigaoka understood. The first type is dead wages. For ordinary writers, it is a mode of guaranteeing income during drought and flood. Most of the newcomers who have no ambition will choose this mode.However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has self-confidence and her novels are very good. Even if she can't trust herself, she still has to trust Li Wei's vision.

"I choose... the second type!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu clenched his fists under the table, gritted his teeth, and said his answer.

"Oh? Are you sure? If the sales volume is deadly, then your manuscript fee is only a very pitiful amount. You must know that although your book is refreshing to me, I am not sure whether this style can suit the market, you really Don't you think about it again?" Yamamoto said in a slow voice.

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt. Editor Yamamoto, please respect the author's choice. This is the path she chose by herself. Whether it is success or pain, she is ready, please don't question her courage." Li Wei looked said seriously.He knew the potential of this book. Yamamoto's approach was very unkind. He wanted to use a fixed fee to fool Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. Li Wei was confident that this book would be popular. If it was the first fixed share, Then Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is just a codewriter without autonomy.

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