"What's the matter? Stopped on the other side?" Ubeluna gasped, her physical strength and magic power were both overdrawn, that is, she was barely able to support herself not to fall from the air.

"Take advantage of this time to replenish, don't delay... That's it!?"Phoenix was stunned.

Simonli threw the spear in his hand like throwing garbage, and the armor of the whole body unfolded like a blooming flower, revealing a dark and unknown existence inside. Where the armor was exposed, a red light appeared in the black air. , The tearing sound like a paper cutter slicing, and the red light exploded. Simonli was like a fortress full of shooting ports, and the dense red light beams continued to bloom outward with itself as the center.

In an instant, thousands of beams swept across the entire site, the ground cracked open, and the cracked gravel splashed everywhere, and there was no longer any safe place in the entire space.Lesa.Phoenix and his remaining relatives were unavoidable, and were directly annihilated by these millions of rays.

After the shooting was over, the entire arena was in a mess. Li Wei, Rias and others were already in mid-air. Their positions did not move at all, but the ground was directly evaporated to a height of more than ten meters, and the entire ground had become a piece of The magma sea, the residual high temperature makes it a forbidden area for most life.

The Simonli armor, standing on four legs in the magma sea, began to slowly close, and excess heat was continuously expelled from the armor gap of the body, and the air was scalding hot.

The audience in the arena was stunned. This kind of attack is really terrifying. Even if they knew that there was a barrier to divert the attack, many people were so frightened that they closed their eyes. In the face of the threat of death, demons are actually no different from humans. , will feel fear.

It is still a no-man’s land for transfer attacks. It was like the land that had been devastated by nuclear weapons before ushered in a tragic blow. A large number of red rays were constantly cutting on the land, and large areas of the ground directly turned into hot bubbles. The Lava River, originally a place with beautiful scenery, was destroyed like this.This place where the attack is transferred is also equipped with observers. These personnel are arranged by the Gremory family. The purpose is to collect the data of the masters who compete here. The arena in the Gremory territory will occasionally have The official qualifying matches are held here, so the observers also got a lot of data from the strong.

Although it is only located in a safe area for observation, it is still a hard job. After all, it is not convenient to go back and forth in such a barren place with inconvenient traffic.

The demons who were observed were also unlucky. The previous round of spear attacks had already left a lot of holes here. The impact of a nuclear explosion caused them to be disgraced. They came several times in a row. One was still blown into a messy chicken coop by the shock wave of the explosion.

But when they get paid, they have to work. They are the subordinates of the Gremory family, but this line of work is also rotated.After all, this bird does not poop from time to time and will be smothered in work, although it is not dangerous, but it is also quite boring.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This destructive power is already on par with Serjax-sama. That huge spear can use this kind of weapon. How huge is the body." A demon who looked like an uncle beer belly held Combs through the hair that was ruffled by the strong wind. The previous shock wave was too harsh, and everyone was blown away all the way. It is also difficult to observe well.

0 · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Maybe it's bigger than the size of Lord Tanney. That kind of spear is more than [-] meters long. The monster that can use this kind of weapon is scary." A young demon kept flapping his wings. With both hands indicating the length of the spear, the weapon of that proportion can roughly guess the size of the user.

Tenny, in the mouth of the young demon, is actually one of the world's top powerhouses, one of the original six dragon kings, and the powerhouses named after Ddraig and Albion, but it is in order to protect a small number of dragons that rely on plants in the underworld to survive The continuation of the species and voluntarily reincarnated into a demon, the demon group is considered a shit luck to pick up a dragon king-level combat power, which is one of the reasons why the fallen angels dare not fight the demons easily.


And Tenny still maintains the fighting power in the heyday state, and it will not be much worse than Ddraig's heyday. This kind of monster will go around no matter what enemy it encounters. It is capable of smashing the terrifying strength of the main god of death directly, and only provokes it when the brain is flooded.However, the reason why Tenny was reincarnated into a demon was still for the benefit of the dragon race. Under normal circumstances, the demons would not ask Tenny to take action, unless he wanted to.

"I think the most terrifying thing is that kind of ray attack, there is absolutely nowhere to hide, and the strength of that kind of attack is estimated that only the highest-level demon can follow. If it was us, it would be wiped out in an instant. By the way, The destructive power of the spear attack just now can’t be calculated, but don’t watch the fun and forget about your work!” Uncle Beer Belly Demon laughed.

"It has been calculated that its power is equivalent to the destruction of [-] million tons of human nuclear weapons. The main attributes of damage are kinetic energy and thermal energy, mixed with chaotic magic flow, and damage factors such as withering, aging, and life curse have been detected. This belongs to The mixed damage that is almost impossible to defend, as long as it is hit, except for the most advanced demons and the same level of powerhouses, everyone else is instantly killed." An inconspicuous bespectacled demon pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice.

A group of observer demons broke out in cold sweats. This exaggerated destructive power is really not the domain that these trash fish can reach. .

chapter 1020. leeks

The arena is already in a mess, and the entire ground has turned into a magma zone. However, for the huge Simonli, the ten-meter-deep lava flow only submerged his ankles. Simonli will be by the side. The huge lance inserted in the magma pulled out, carried it on his shoulder, turned around and walked into the huge space door, disappearing without a trace.

In the auditorium of the Arena, the cheers exceeded a wave, so deafening that almost half of the city could hear the sound.

The location of the "rebirth point", Leza.Phoenix was in a cold sweat, his last perception was frozen at the moment he was hit, and he didn't know anything after being hit.Looking at the family members who were sitting neatly on the benches, each of them had a "no love" expression on their faces. This qualifying match was also a huge blow to them, and they were completely crushed. .

Lesa.Phoenix slumped back on the chair "One Six Zero", his pride was completely shattered, Simonli's terrifying attack made him know that in front of the real powerhouse, he was as small and powerless as an ant. The blood of the phoenix, he couldn't let him withstand such a blow.Not to mention him, even the strongest of the Phoenix family, under such an offensive, there is only one way to die.

The servants of the family looked at the dejected Leza.Phoenix, don't dare to approach rashly, Leza.Phoenix was not a good-natured person, and would occasionally attack servants at home.Seeing him shriveled, the servants looked sad on the surface, but they were actually happy in their hearts, Lesa.Phoenix just needs to clean up, with a defiant look with eyes long above his head.It is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to teach him a lesson, or even let him sink. At least for their low-ranking servants, there is no "evil master" who is short-tempered and likes to beat and scold them, but one day. big good thing.

Li Wei didn't care what the enemy was thinking. Anyway, even if this matter is over here, he can be regarded as a wave of presence. Now he must have been on the attention list of various companies, and this card has been played. Now, don't think about it anymore.

If we calculate according to the plot inertia, in the next period of time, the mixed forces "Bang of Disaster" composed of the blood of the old demon king will act, and these people are also Li Wei's best prey.Because hunting existing noble family members, it is easy to cause public outrage, but if the opponent is a "terrorist organization" such as the Troubled Group, the demon nobles would like to have a "silly big man" in front of them to fight with the Misfortune Group, they will Luckily, it's a bargain at the back.

At present, the group of disaster is still relatively secretive, that is, a few high-level figures in the underworld know the existence of the group of disaster, and Li Wei needs a good opportunity to intervene in the situation.In the first two days, Longdraig and Albion were beaten by everyone because of their unrecognizable fights. No matter where they are, having a suitable identity and position can save a lot of trouble.The battle with the Troubled Group can be said to be a good opportunity to reap the lives of people, and this turmoil will also involve the Nordic gods.

The evil god Loki is a very good target. Mixing with the group of misfortune is equivalent to naturally standing on the opposite side of the Nordic pantheon and the underworld, and it cannot be said to be the difficulty of the underworld family. This belongs to the whole world. " Big news" is also a good time for Li Wei to intervene to pick up bargains.

You must know that the world as a whole is still quite rich in oil and water. The premise is to see if you can find it. Li Wei uses the underworld as the intervention point, considering that the main battlefield of the calamity group is in the underworld. The purpose is to seize power and regain control of the underworld. This is unbearable for the existing governance system of the underworld, or even the commoner demons are unwilling to accept it.

The coming of the old devil faction means that the full-scale war will start again, but the situation of the devil is not good now. At this time, it is very likely that the entire group will be led into the ditch, as long as the devil with a little brain can see the disaster The people in the group are a bunch of self-righteous jokers.I don’t even know the best time to start a war. It’s normal for this kind of weirdo to be beaten and unable to find the north. Moreover, several leaders of the group of misfortune in the original work are all worrying about their combat effectiveness, not to mention their brains. , so Li Wei decided to pick up the soft persimmon first.

These characters that appeared in the early stage of the calamity group are really a group of wonderful people. Of course, after the boss of the calamity group appeared in the later stage, the combat effectiveness of the whole organization will be discussed separately. The breath of a weak chicken is no match for the reformists who are now in power.

Li Wei knows that his current strength may not be among the top few people, but his growth rate is quite fast due to the evil way of swallowing others. Li Wei's goal is to swallow Li Zewei. There are powerful existences such as Mu Lihuaen Lucifer (initial Lucifer) and Emperor Beast 0. Of course, the gods and demons of other gods cannot avoid the fate of being harvested after Li Wei matures. Pen, Li Wei will not be reconciled [-] ..

Already on Livy's prey list, there are the initial Lucifer; Emperor Beast [-] (Destruction Beast [-]); the three Hindu gods Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma; Typhon from Greek mythology; The world-destroying wolf Fenrir, etc., this list is not short, and as the situation of Li Wei changes, this list will continue to change.

The most interesting point of this world is that, except for a few special beings, all gods and demons are born from the so-called "system". It can be said that the origin of each god system comes from the system.The previous system was managed by the heavenly "god" of the biblical force. After the death of the administrator's "god" due to the civil war of the biblical force, various bugs began to appear in the system, and all the gods were tortured by messy bugs. We are overwhelmed, the later plot of "High School of Demons DXD", this is also an important piece of information.

In order to rewrite the system, there is a follow-up "International Ranking Competition". It can be said that as long as the world is carefully observed, there are "leeks" that can be harvested everywhere. Li Wei chose this world for the sake of these "leeks". of.Anyway, if these leeks are cut, they will grow again. If you don't cut them, you will lose money.

0.1 Li Wei, Rias and others also withdrew from the arena. The arena was damaged to such an extent that it was impossible to repair it.

In the lounge in the backcourt, Li Wei and his party were waiting for Rias' parents, who were already waiting here.Although it was only the first time they met, Li Wei recognized each other at a glance, because to be able to give birth to such a beautiful daughter as Rias, the parents themselves must be good looking. I have to say that the Gremorys are indeed one A very energetic couple.

"Congratulations, Rias." Vinylana smiled and hugged Rias into her arms. She was very happy to see Rias get rid of the fixed path of fate.Of course, the expression of Geotix on the side was a little complicated. After all, what Rias did, he was the one who wiped the buttocks. How to appease the dissatisfied Phoenix family now is something that his father and family patriarch needs to consider. . .

chapter 1021. see the parents

"Thank you, but this time I'm just cheating. I know how much I have. If I didn't have Li Weijun's help, I should have committed suicide by now." Rias said in a flat tone.

Vinylana's body trembled slightly, she could feel the unresolved resentment in her daughter's words, but she was also helpless. Although she was the mistress of the family, she had no decision on some things. right.Just like Rias's marriage, she couldn't bear the pressure of the whole family by herself, no matter how hard she tried, the matter was settled like this, as Rias said, not because Li Wei spoiled the situation If so, this matter will not end at all.

"Sorry..." Vinylana sighed, there was nothing else she could do but apologize.After all, some things in the big family are so helpless. The scale of the family is getting bigger and bigger, but the internal entanglement of interests is also getting more and more serious. The Gremory family is now in the strongest state in history, but it is also the most serious internal division. At the time, Rias's marriage had already exposed many problems.

"No, it's not you, mother, who should say sorry. I know, this is the last time, not only for me, but also for other people in the family 02. I hope this kind of thing will not happen again, otherwise I don't know that I will do something."

"I think you need some gin to lighten up, honey."

"I'm still underage, mom, just beer." Rias sighed, and she was helpless in the face of her mother who was slightly off-line.

Li Wei and Geoticus looked at each other, the two were evenly matched, neither of them fell behind.However, the two of them put away their scrutiny eyes at the same time and walked to the side.

"Can I call you Li Wei?"

"What shall I call you, then? Uncle? Or Mr. Gremory?"

"Let's call it Uncle, at least you are Rias's friend. To be called Mr. is too raw. To be honest, I don't understand why a strong man like you would be by Rias's side, with your ability , is completely able to make a career in the underworld."

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