Cattleya is desperate, there are wolves in front and tigers in the back, no matter what choice you make in this situation, there will be a dead end.

"Okay, the big guy named Eggers is finished, let's talk about your question, what kind of death do you want to choose? I give you the freedom to choose, it's up to you, no matter what you choose Either one will give you as much pleasure as possible without too much pain."

Li Wei weighed the gems made by Eggers in his hands, and the size was too small.After a series of training, such a low-intensity gemstone refining is not difficult for Li Wei at all, and it can be completed even in such a short time.

"I don't want to die... Is there any other choice?" Gritting her teeth, Katelya asked tentatively.Looking at Li Wei's playful smile, she knew that she had only one chance. Although it was playing with fire, she still wanted to try it.

"Choice? Didn't I give you a choice? You can freely choose the way of death. You can accept it when you are good. Do you want to be burned too?" Li Wei smiled as kindly as a Maitreya Buddha, but his words carried The bloody smell of blood and dregs made Cattleya shudder.

"I... I can do anything, I can serve you as a slave! No matter what it is, I can accept it!" Katerley 590 Ya fell to her knees, her whole body trembling with fear, she said She didn't dare to raise her head, she was afraid to see Li Wei's indifferent eyes, no one would like death.

At this moment, her dignity, her pride were shattered, she just wanted to live.Strictly speaking, she can be regarded as a person with a story. After all, her entire childhood ended in the era of three-way melee. She watched the decline of the demon race with her own eyes, and watched her elders be expelled from the throne of the demon king. The pain of losing everything makes her join the woe.

But she didn't have the determination to fight to the end. She felt cowardly and pitiful, following the trend without her own opinion, and thinking about restoring the glory of the family and regaining the position of the devil king.Under such circumstances, she chose to surrender unsatisfactorily. This contradictory mentality completely shattered her self-esteem and defensiveness.She just wants to live, and if she can live, she is willing to accept it no matter what.

"Interesting, I thought that the people in the calamity group were a group of hard bones, and it seems that there are 'substandard products'." Li Wei pinched Catreya's chin and made her look up, her terrified eyes full of complexity With tears on her face, she no longer had the strength and prestige she had before.

A bunch of strange evil thoughts suddenly appeared in Li Wei's mind, and a strange smile appeared on his . . .

chapter 1032. Michael's surprise

Li Wei is having a good time. Although Cattleya is a member of the group of misfortune, she is the bloodline of the old devil after all. She is also a rare beauty. Death, there is no role in the later stage.Li Wei's original work has not been completed, but it seems that Cattleya and the current "Leviathan" Seraphlu Leviathan still have a grudge.But this is not in Li Wei's consideration, the current Cattleya Leviathan is his exclusive toy.

That's right, Li Wei played Cattleya until he lost consciousness in the magic book space, and then he left the magic book space in a leisurely manner. Although there was a gem missing, Li Wei didn't care.

After all, the essence of a second-rate master like Cattleya is not too much, even if the quality of refining gems is not very high, one more of her is not much, and one less of her is not a lot.

Li Wei had a bad taste for a while, or the small head couldn't control the big head and couldn't control his waistband, so he added a "big toy".Li Wei has absolutely no pity for Cattleya. In the past, some inconvenient moves were also used on her body. Anyway, Cattleya, the chocolate royal sister, has a very strong physique. Li Wei tossed her casually. They were able to hold on, and in order to survive or even take the initiative, Li Wei was a little bit unable to stop (pull out).

Such a proactive "good girl" Li Wei can't even lift his pants and doesn't recognize people, and what surprised Li Wei most is that he looks so coquettish and charming. In her bones, Cattleya was still a baby, which made Li Wei feel a little disgraced, and even a little guilty.

After all, Li Wei preconceived that it was definitely not the first time for a seemingly experienced royal sister like Cattleya, but Li Wei found out that he had really been a villain.This also made Li Wei unable to be ruthless. Although he was a bastard, he was responsible for taking Cattleya's "first blood", so Cattleya was marked as him of people.

Because of the time difference between the magic book space and the outside world, Li Wei entered the space and came out. If it was calculated in the outside world, it would only take a few seconds, and the changes in the external battle situation were not too big.Now the two sides have just started the exchange of fire, but because the king's attack on the king failed, the disaster group has lost the commander, so there has been chaos in the command system, and the current exchange of fire is completely suppressed by the three forces.

When Li Wei saw the situation, he had no room for himself, because he could not blatantly collect raw materials. There are indeed many raw materials scattered on the battlefield, but the quality is not good. And this quality requires quite a large quantity.

That is to say, Li Wei must directly destroy the entire army on the opposite side as he did in the last battle with Cocabil, so that he can collect enough materials. In such a chaotic situation, there is no way to collect it at all.However, Li Wei is also a person who does not waste. No matter how small the mosquito's legs are, it is still meat. If you earn a little bit more, it is easy for him to run around and collect things. But if you let Simonli go out, you can stop the loss and collect it anyway. part.

Although Simonli ranks relatively low, he is the devil that Li Wei has used the most so far. There is no one. Whether it is output, defense, or special ability, Simonli is excellent, but its The ultimate strength is insufficient, so the ranking is relatively low.In terms of pure output ability, Simonli can rank relatively high, and its ranking is lower than that of the overall ability. The combination is flawed. It can do everything, but it is not the top.

The huge body walked out of the space gate. With the improvement of Li Wei's own strength, Simonli also made some progress. Compared with the battle with Ddraig, he was more powerful, and of course his body was even bigger. Solomon Seven Most of the Twelve Pillars of Demon Gods are super big, and they belong to the kind of monsters that can destroy a small town with just a roll.

Even if it is an incomplete Ximonli, its height is already close to [-] meters. Compared with the height of less than [-] meters when it first appeared, it has made great progress in terms of size, tonnage and combat effectiveness.

The giant armoured centaurus monster, carrying its iconic giant lance, stalks its surroundings with steady steps, looking for prey.Li Wei has already informed him about who is the enemy and who is the friend. Simonli naturally needs to prioritize and determine who his target is.However, the ordinary soldiers of the Troubled Group are just a bunch of bugs that make it uninteresting to Simonli. It longs for a powerful enemy, not such a boring abuse, so it is already planning how to finish it quickly. Closed.

Simonli's huge size naturally attracted the attention of all parties. After all, this behemoth with a height of [-] meters would crack the ground every step of the way, just like a small earthquake.In particular, the lance, which was surprisingly long and exuded an ominous aura, made people shudder even more.

"'Is that Li Weijun's Familiar? It's really a terrible existence. To be honest, I don't want to be an enemy with him, I don't want to provoke such a big guy." Azazel looked into the distance as if Simonli of the mountains couldn't help but sigh.

Azazel and his party have moved to a safe location. Now the entire space has been blocked from the outside, and the attacking troops of the Troubled Group are locked in this space. It is not only difficult for the opposite side to break out of this space, but also requires It took a lot of time. In the current situation of anxiety, it is impossible for the opponent to break through the defense line so quickly, and then it is time to catch the turtle in the urn.

"That powerful being feels a little different from us, at least I can't see where it came from." Michael frowned and said something that surprised both Azazel and Serjax .

"It's different from us? What are the differences? (Zhao, right)? You, who master this system, may have the most say." Serjax said with an indifferent expression. In fact, he was very curious in his heart. , but in order to maintain the image of the Demon King, he can't be like Azazel.

"Because I mastered the system, I discovered the difference. The so-called gods and demons, except for the dragon family and a small number of other great beings, are all created by the system. Although I don't want to admit it, the system is us. The roots of the same root. So we, who have the same root and the same origin, I can feel the commonality between each other, but in that huge existence, I only feel a dangerous, very strange feeling, like an unknown ancient greatness Existence. Unlike us, it is not a systemic creation."

Michael looked at Simonli with a serious expression.This kind of aura that made him feel jealous, if he burst out with all his strength, it would be very difficult to stabilize it. .

Chapter 1033. Peaceful Consensus

"Like a dragon, out of specification?" Azazel asked.

For Li Wei's summons, he also speculated that he was not with them, but it was confirmed by Michael, which still shocked him.Dragons actually belong to the "ancient gods", and the things about the ancient gods are that they are not clear about the "backwards". The more active in the ancient gods are those ancient dragons. The dragons are so long that the gods and demons envy them The longevity allowed them to see many ancient times that the gods and demons could not see, and the mysterious times were far from being as simple as humans had guessed, and the original appearance could be easily reversed by relying on existing technological means.

The world of ancient times, even their so-called gods and demons, are quite curious.

"Almost, but there are some differences from the Dragon Clan, at least that is not an existence that we can understand. If Li Weijun himself is surprisingly powerful, but at least within the scope of our understanding, then his summons, I I really don’t understand it. Apart from knowing that they are powerful and ancient, these things may only be understood by those old people from the Dragon Clan.” Michael laughed.

"I just want to know, will these ancient existences have a negative impact on the current era?" Serjax is most concerned about this issue, but this is also an impossible thing. After the toss, the destructive power of the ancients is too terrifying, even he is afraid of it, and it is not enough to be on guard.

"According to my speculation, there are not too many ancient beings. They are all powerful single beings, and even a single being is a strange being of a race. And most of the ancient beings shunned the world, as long as they didn't take the initiative to provoke them. They are generally not in any danger. Li Weijun can sign a contract with the ancient existence, that is his unique creation."

Michael himself is also a multi-talented person, and is one of the most knowledgeable archangels in the heaven. He was able to take over the system because other people couldn't play the system at all.It can be said that it is precisely because of Michael's maintenance that the system will not collapse, causing huge disasters to all gods and demons.

"You still know everything, I'm really jealous of your erudition, no matter what time it is, I'm one step behind you..." Azazel sighed.

"Is this the reason you fell to the sky?" Michael laughed.

"No, I just can't accept the rules and regulations of the heaven. When the gods were still there, we lived like an ascetic life. I hate that kind of life. To be a fallen angel, at least what I want to do is my freedom, no one can anymore. Constrain me. Can you understand the pain of being surrounded by beautiful women, but not being able to move? God is a psychopath." Azazel said.

Azazel is a person who doesn't like meat. The feeling of holding back really drove him crazy, so he fell to the sky with more than [-] angels who were dissatisfied with the gods, and the addition of Azazel also made him mad. The strength of the fallen angels group has greatly increased, and the balance of war power has begun to break.

Azazel and Michael are also old friends, but because of their different positions, they can only be hostile.Michael's desire is the boundless thirst for knowledge and the sense of achievement and satisfaction obtained by helping others, while Azazel likes to educate others and love men and women. If he just likes to be a teacher, will he have no place in the heavens?The bad thing is that his second hobby completely conflicts with the laws and regulations issued by the gods. Azazel, who has endured to the limit, can only choose to rebel to release the pressure, otherwise he will have a nervous breakdown.

There are different reasons for the fallen angels to fall, some are because of their nature, while others are because they are dissatisfied with the laws of the gods and choose to rebel. Azazel belongs to the second category.

There are too many rules and regulations in the heavens, at least for some angels, many of the commandments are completely superfluous. Just the one prohibiting free love when the gods are in power makes many angels choose rebellion. A qualified leader, but he has no desires and no desires, but he does not understand the human heart. The god of heaven (acfh) requires the personality and character of every angel with the standard of "holy", so the angelic group has experienced a major and painful division, and also It's a different kind of blame.

"Then will you return to the heavenly realm now? The gods are no longer there. Even if it is a problem with your style, no one will pursue it." Michael smiled.He really hoped that Azazel could return to heaven. Now he manages the heavens alone, and he lacks helpers, so he is often in a hurry, and the pressure is also very high.If old fritters like Azazel were willing to return, then the mess in the heavens wouldn’t have rotted to this point, and maybe there would be a turnaround.

"That's free. Now I'm a fallen angel. If I go back there, I really don't have the face to see old friends. It's like living like this right now. And you and I are sitting in this seat. It can also prevent the spread of the war, although I know this is just a drop in the bucket, but it can be delayed as long as it can." Azazel said with a wry smile.

If he returns to the heaven, then the position of the fallen angel governor will only be left to Shemu Hesa ​​or Balakil (Himejima Akina's father), but these two are not strong enough to take the lead, the fallen angel tribe or civil strife, Either a full right turn has further catalyzed the deterioration of the situation, so whether he wants to or not, he cannot leave this position.

Azazel is now carrying a heavy burden and cannot help himself, and many things are not to say that he can do what he wants.

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