However, Serjax's words also prevented Li Wei from having the opportunity to destroy the entire Astati family, which is a bit of a pity.This part of the loss can only be recovered from the Troubled Group. .

chapter 1036. division of interests

Strictly speaking, the group of misfortune really means that my grandma doesn't love my uncle, because even the real mastermind behind the group of misfortune is Li Zeweim Lihuaen Lucifer of the first generation of Lucifer. People are regarded as their subordinates, but they are just a group of chess pieces that can be used and thrown away.

Therefore, although the scale of the calamity group is not small, it is the best solution among all the forces. If it is not because the calamity group itself is an organization born from entanglement of interests, even in the underworld, there are still some people who are giving calamity. The regiment is covering, and the regiment of calamity is over.

What I want to say here is that Li Zevim Li Huaen Lucifer is one of Li Wei's ultimate hunting targets in this world, and it can be called a treasure after the "Great Red" and "Infinite Dragon God".This first-generation Lucifer cannot be regarded as the real first-generation in the strict sense, but the first-generation after the succession system of the demon king. The father of the first-generation Lucifer is the original demon king Lucifer (missing), and his mother is Lilith, the mother of demons (missing). It is a "transcender" level powerhouse, and it is also the "strongest transcender" in the true sense. Even the current Li Wei does not have the confidence to take down this old monster.

Now there are not many people in the entire underworld who know that the first generation of Lucifer is still alive 02, that is, the four major demon kings and a few reliable high-level figures. The ability of the first generation of Lucifer is very buggy, that is, to invalidate the artifact, which is very important for relying on the artifact to eat. The artifact is simply a natural nemesis.

Everyone in Serjax's family does not have an artifact, but has tempered their combat power to the extreme, just to fight against the first-generation Lucifer Lizevim, and to not be restrained by this ability, they also took great pains.

The artifact makes this kind of external force to quickly increase the combat power. It is now a very common thing for various gods, and it can even be said that it has gradually become the mainstream. After all, not every artifact is like the dragon soul artifact. The host caused a huge load and shortened the lifespan, so the number of artifacts in the world is also increasing.

Serjax's approach can be said to be against the trend, but in order to deal with Li Zevim, it is also a helpless choice. After the artifact loses the power of the artifact, it is easy to be killed by Li Zevim, and the warrior who trains himself to the extreme has some Without an artifact, it wouldn't have much impact, but because of the small number of such wonderful powerhouses, Serjax didn't dare to take the initiative to attack now.

As the prophet of the plot, Li Wei naturally knows a lot of details, especially Li Wei also discussed the trend of the DXD plot with a group of fans on the Internet.Li Wei, on the grounds that he wanted to write fan fiction, spent money to ask many DXD enthusiasts how to maximize the benefits if they came to the DXD world, so many big brothers provided Li Wei with good advice. 's suggestion.

Li Wei's current course of action is a combination of the ideas provided by various bigwigs, and the most secure and safest path has been chosen. After all, Li Wei can walk sideways when encountering ordinary powerhouses, but considering that in the DXD world, there are still There are a few BUG-level powerhouses who can threaten his life safety. Before he has an absolute advantage, Li Wei does not intend to risk his death.

Now the short-term goal is to eat the meat pie around the mouth of the calamity group, combine all kinds of scattered gems into a perfect flawless gem, add a demon summoning position, or just eat it myself, but Li Wei feels that It is best to knock out the next gem by yourself. After all, the battle will be more dangerous in the future. The priority is to improve yourself, and the second is to improve the magic book.

Li Wei listened to the three people's discussion about the future situation and didn't interrupt. Anyway, he was a qualified listener.After all, he is a lone wolf, and neither side belongs to him. Now because of Rias and others, his butt is sitting on the side of the underworld, but if the things the underworld has to do will hinder his interests, he will also turn his face.

However, Li Wei found that this time, the three parties really wanted to sign a peace agreement, rather than a truce that lasted for a limited time. Such sincerity may be rare in the entire history.And in order to sign this agreement, the three clans have made concessions, which can be regarded as enough face, but for ordinary people, this is not a good thing.Because the missing interests of the three clans always have to find a place to make up for it, and if they cannot compete with each other, then the human world becomes a cake that the three parties must divide again.

And this kind of exchange of interests, Li Wei did not have much interest, just listened to the three people bargaining on the side.This matter is really friendship, and interests are interests.After removing the sites of other gods, the belief sites of the three powers have now been roughly divided. The demon family takes the beliefs of Central Asia and parts of East Asia, the fallen angel family is East Asia, Oceania, South America, and the angel family. The traditional European parishes and North America.

This is just a rough division, just like the beliefs of other gods in Africa and South America. The division of the belief area by the three parties can be regarded as a conclusion on the previous disputes. How do you play in your own interests? It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't cross the line.

What Li Wei can foresee is that in the next days, the so-called miracles will return to the world little by little, and the climb of the human science and technology tree will definitely be affected to a certain extent, because the 470 theory of atheism will be broken.In the United States and the Maple Leaf Country in North America, there are a large number of religious people, and Li Wei can't guess what will happen.

The three forces have chosen a belief area that is beneficial to them, and Li Wei knows that this is the cooperation of the three forces to re-stabilize the system. After Tianshen died of his injuries, the system lost the possibility of upgrading. The maintenance of the system is also quite reluctant, so the various gods born due to the system have been negatively affected. The three clan forces are preparing to stabilize the system in order to get the first place in the next big change.

Once the system is perfected, it means that the future of the gods and demons has infinite possibilities, and even can get out of the existing shackles and reach new heights.This kind of temptation is also one of the important reasons why the three clans can sit down and negotiate. In the past, the battle was because the cake was too small and everyone wanted to eat it, and there were other accumulated grievances, so no one benefited from it. Now the cake is getting bigger and bigger. , it will even be so big that no one party can eat a piece of the cake alone, in this case, it is natural to make money in harmony.

Li Wei felt that he was also a little bit on the pirate ship, but it was not a bad thing to be able to get a share of this kind of thing.Because he is now counted in the group of demons, he is also a member of the underworld, and such good things cannot be without him. .

Chapter 1037. Cattleya's identity

This is the courtesy of the strong. The world is so cruel. When the strength is not enough, I sharpen my head and want to squeeze into this small circle, but the people in the circle will not even give the weak one more glance. Powerhouses who can bring huge benefits to everyone, even if they are not interested in themselves, will be pulled into the circle by other people in the circle.

This is Li Wei's situation now. If he is half-hearted like Hyoudou Issei in the original work, no one will care about his feelings.

That's right, if it is the body of the Chilong Emperor, it is worthy of respect, after all, he is a powerhouse beyond the Demon King level.However, if it is a user of "Scarlet Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand", then his potential is limited, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't surpass Scarlet Dragon Emperor Ddraig, so he is a Demon King-level powerhouse. When it comes to the potential of Hyoudou Issei, if there is no adventure, he can indeed be said to be the weakest of the previous hosts of the Red Dragon Emperor.

And Li Wei, a strong man who has already shown his own strength, deserves such respect.Whether it was Serjax, Azazel, or Michael, they were all shocked and apprehensive about Li Wei's amazing combat power. Even if such a strong man could not become a friend, he could never become an enemy.This is a consideration of interests. You can use a profit to pull Li Wei into this joint chariot. If the cake is big enough, the income paid is not an excessive amount for the whole, and if Li Wei can join the alliance, It can also make the cake bigger, which is a positive virtuous circle.

And if it is a drag that is not recognized, it will only divide the cake, so that the interests of each party will be damaged, and over time will naturally be kicked out. This is a matter of natural selection.No one who can sit at the poker table is simple, and at least they must have enough chips in their hands to be able to participate in this internal game.

"The matter of the Troubled Troupe has come to an end so far. Anyway, these troublesome things will never end, so I will say goodbye first." After receiving a report from his subordinates, the resistance of the remaining troops of the Calamity Corps has been completely eliminated. So far, the situation has been completely controlled by the coalition forces. Now the battlefield is being cleaned and valuable items are recovered.

"Then I won't leave you, and Your Excellency Michael will leave too. Although I really want to do my best with the landlord's friendship, it looks like I'll have to wait until the next time." Serjax laughed.

"There will be some turmoil in the underworld in the near future. If you need any help, please feel free to speak. Maybe we can try to lure the enemy again." Michael stood up with a smile.

Serjax doesn't have such extravagant hopes, and the strength of the group of disaster is no longer their opponent, but these ground mice are not so stupid, they will always be able to eat a slash and grow a wisdom, so they will use the trick to lure the enemy again. , Serjax felt that the success rate was low.Moreover, in the underworld, it is very difficult to end the game once something goes wrong.Serjax is not good at this kind of thing, but he will react with Farby Win Asmodeus to see if Farby Ven has any good ideas.

The heads of the three parties have now left the venue to deal with various trivial affairs, and Li Wei has also returned to the department of the Occult Research Department.

"Li Weijun, welcome back."

The moment the door was opened, the first to greet Li Wei was a little surprised, Zhi Quocang Na.Although the expression change on Zhi Quocang's face was still very small, the concern for Li Wei in his eyes could be felt. Li Wei, no matter how slow he was, would know that he seemed to be having fun.

"Fortunately, the problem of the group of misfortune is temporarily solved." Li Wei smiled.

With Li Wei's return, the atmosphere in the department was obviously much more relaxed. Before, because they were worried about Li Wei's comfort, Rias and Zhi Quocang were actually uneasy, but now after seeing Li Wei's safe return, Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you all looking at me with such an expression, it's just some scumbags from the Troubled Group, there's nothing wrong with that. By the way, Sona, there is a person here that you may know, and I brought it back. Katreya, come in. ." Li Wei smiled at the chocolate royal sister who was hiding outside the door and did not dare to come in.

"I..." Cattleya hesitated, but Li Wei had already pushed her back and pushed her into the room.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Since she feels embarrassed to introduce herself, then I will do it for you. Cattleya Leviathan, the direct descendant of the previous generation of demon king Leviathan, is strictly speaking an orthodox bloodline. Descendant of the Demon King. One of the two generals who attacked this time, the other general, Aegis Asmodeus, was executed by me because he refused to surrender. Katerya has now lost her way, I have officially joined my team, so it is considered my servant. However, considering that I am also a servant of Rias, Cattleya will temporarily put her name under the name of Rias.”

"' ¨Er..."

The atmosphere was a little weird. Everyone looked at Li Wei and the nervous Cattleya, and they always felt that there were other reasons.But they did guess right. Cattleya was Li Wei's "meat toy". Although Li Wei was quite gentle with Cattleya, her nature was indefensible.

"Li Weijun, can Kateriya be trusted? After all, she was a member of the calamity group before. I don't care here and treat them equally, but what about other people?" Rias said seriously and a little unhappy.She was a little jealous. After a while, Li Wei brought a woman home. Even if her desire for monopoly was not strong, she was still a little tasteful.

"I have already explained it to Lord Serjax, no problem. And she has provided a lot of important information, which will be very useful (Wang Zhao's) for how to deal with the disaster group in the future, and since she has followed me , then I have the obligation and responsibility to protect her." Li Wei naturally wanted to speak for Cattleya, he was not the kind of bastard who didn't recognize people when he raised his pants.

Cattleya looked at Li Wei gratefully, the man who rudely stole her first time, a word at this moment made her feel that she was not alone, even if she had a disgraceful resume, she would not. is prejudiced.

"Well, since the elder brother said there is no problem, then I have no opinion. From now on, Cattleya Leviathan is a member of the Gremory family, a part of this whole, everyone should Get along well, and don't allow any discrimination and exclusion that shouldn't be there." Rias said with a serious face.

Himejima Akeno smiled and didn't speak, she didn't care about these things at all.Kiba Yuto and Tacheng Kitten replied seriously: "Understood.".

chapter 1038. past

Although everyone didn't show anything, Cattleya always felt that something was wrong. After all, she joined the group of misfortunes to regain the throne of the devil. Although there was a reason for the incident, she was in a state of loss. Standing here, there is always a kind of The feeling of being judged.

Catreya didn't dare to think so much in her heart. After all, she is only relying on others. She must be more cautious when doing things. Maybe Li Wei won't dislike her experience of joining the group of misfortunes, but I'm sure other people won't have it. With such a thought, a faint sense of inferiority lingered in Cattleya's heart.

Cattleya looked at the eyes of the people around her. She didn't know if it was kindness or mockery, but she suppressed the negative thoughts in her heart and made herself feel that it was all kindness. Maybe this way is stupid, but this is her Now the only way to keep yourself a little more secure.

Even if the incident of the Troubled Group's attack came to an end, life returned to peace.

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