"I want to thank you, Li Weijun. I have been having a headache, how to solve the problem of Zhu Nai and the kitten, but you have done it, now Zhu Nai and his father have reconciled, and the kitten can face up to his own In the past. I have worked hard for so long, but Li Weijun, you have done it easily. I am very grateful to you, but I also feel that I am useless. "

Rias smiled bitterly. She really didn't know what to say. She tried so hard for so long, but Li Wei was able to solve it. It really hurt her self-esteem.

"' 々 That's because Rias, you are too gentle, and gentle people tend to worry about a lot of things, and in the end it is themselves who are hurt. And a selfish person like me, in order to achieve my goals, I will do everything So I'm not afraid to stimulate Akeno and Kitten. But my approach is completely biased, if I don't do it well, it will have the opposite result, at least I don't want you to play with fire like me. " Li Wei laughed.

"But Li Weijun, you've already done it, haven't you? I'm still indecisive, wasting so much time, but I haven't accomplished anything. Sometimes I find that the gap between people is really big, completely It can't be smoothed out by so-called hard work." Rias smiled wryly.

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie in this situation?" Li Wei (Hao Nuo Zhao) laughed.

"What about the fake first and then the real?" Rias sighed.

"A lie is that man will conquer the sky, and everything is possible. If you don't work hard, how will you know that you can't do it?"

"Then what's the truth?"

"This world is so cruel. The gap between people does exist. No matter how much you cover it up now, you can't hide its cruel nature. The so-called protection and warmth are just the product of the kindness granted by the strong to the weak. It is invisible and invisible. When you are still hesitating about what to do, just let yourself improve, you don’t need to be better than everyone, you just need to be better than most people.”

Li Wei's truth can also be regarded as a mockery and cracking of the world's development trend, because he has seen through the essence, so he appears to be so "arbitrary".For Li Wei, as long as he's cool, it's fine, how can there be so many things to worry about. .

chapter 1058. showdown

Li Wei's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Rias' heart. She found that she had so many concerns that it was difficult for her to feel happiness from her heart.The smile on her face is almost formulaic, that is, when others laugh, she will laugh along, but does she really find it funny?Not necessarily, this is a problem with too many worries, and a person like Li Wei who is "willful and reckless" will not have such troubles.Like it, like it, hate it, hate it, it's all up to you.

After thinking about this, Rias's long-standing knot in her heart was untied, and the whole person seemed to be cloudy and sunny, and the confidence and vitality returned to her.

"I'm really an idiot. I've been thinking about it all the time. Li Weijun, you made me understand that you must pursue your own happiness. No matter what happens, don't betray yourself. So... Li Weijun, let's have a baby!" Rias grabbed Li Wei's arm and leaned against Li Wei's arms.

"Eh?!" This time it was Li Wei's turn to be stunned. What happened?what did i say?who I am?where am I?What am I going to do?For a moment, Li Wei's mind was short-circuited.

"I have no opinion, but I have a lot of women. Are you sure you can accept my 217 kinds of radishes?" Li Wei asked rhetorically.Rias herself is a somewhat possessive girl, and he is really afraid that Rias will quarrel with other girls.

"Accepting this premise, isn't it a 'ticket'? I know what kind of person you are, Li Weijun, but that's what I chose, can't I? And I heard it, every night Catreya screamed. It's very loud, I'm upstairs, and I can't sleep because of the noise every night. Li Weijun, you did it on purpose." Rias said tastefully.

She would be so disturbed that she couldn't sleep every night, and then she put herself into Cattleya's position and started to make up her mind. Because of the repeated battles between Li Wei and Cattleya, she needed to change the sheets the next day.Thinking of this matter, Rias felt a little angry and made a lot of noise. Then, when she went to battle in person, there was no such trouble.

Rias has long had the idea of ​​handing herself over to Li Wei, but she always felt that it was not the right time, and now is the time for the start of the war. Next, Li Wei may not have much free time (adaf), so Even if it is to create a human, you have to hurry up.And Rias also has a little sense of joy. After all, she is one step faster than Himejima Akeno. That's right, she and Himejima Akeno have been fighting each other all the time. It depends on who is faster, but now look at Come, or she is faster.

"But Rias, you're the future head of the Gremory family, right? You're just arrogant, are you allowed at home?" Li Wei was a little puzzled. After all, this is also the head of the house.

Rias put her whole body on Li Wei and smiled: "What does it matter, doesn't my brother still have heirs? Even if I pick him up, what can I do? It's just a few more years for the next head of the family."

Rias was talking about Milekes.Gremory, the eldest son of Serjax, Li Wei has also met. Although he doesn't usually deal with him, he also knows that there is such a person.In the original plot, he is also the future owner of the Gremory family, one of the transcenders.So if Rias really wanted to be a pick, it wasn't impossible.It just didn't occur to her that she was really willing to give up everything now, which made Li Wei a little surprised.

"And I also want to be self-willed. For my own happiness, what if it is self-willed?" Rias laughed.


Rias is indeed a willful person. After confirming her intentions, she had a showdown with her parents the next day.And he was still pulling Li Wei together. Although Li Wei felt embarrassed, in such a situation, he could not retreat. After all, the girls have already taken the initiative to do this, and he is still cowardly. Can't say enough.

Rias said her thoughts straight to the point, completely shocking her parents.

"Rias, are you serious?" Geoticus frowned, feeling a headache.It has been an eventful time recently, and at this juncture, Rias "dropped the chain" again, giving him a feeling that this family can still play an egg.

"Of course, I'm discussing this matter with your father in a very serious manner. Today is not April Fool's Day for humans, I'm serious." Rias said with a serious expression.

Geoticus looked at his wife, Vinylana, and saw that the other party shook his head, looking like he didn't want to be in charge. Geoticus knew that his wife didn't want to interfere in the affairs of young people.And Geoticus found that he couldn't find a suitable reason to oppose it, because this matter was strictly speaking in the Gremory family's favor.

Rias is a girl after all, and even as the head of the family, it is a transitional position, and eventually she has to make way for the eldest son of Serjax, Milekes.But now he can hold on for a few more years to delay his retirement, and he can win over a demon king-level powerhouse. This transaction is very cost-effective, although this kind of thinking is a bit unfair to Rias, but this is The fate of women is sacrificed both horizontally and vertically.And now that Rias has chosen her own spouse, and the personnel are suitable, he doesn't need to think about how to win over Li Wei.

As for Li Wei's identity, there is no need to consider it at all. The underworld is a place where the weak eat the strong.And whether Li Wei is a noble or not is not a problem for Geoticus. When his strength reaches a certain level, the so-called match is actually a joke, just like Li Wei, if he wants a woman , the nobles of the underworld naturally sent a large number of beautiful women to Li Wei, without any hesitation.

Now that Li Wei was able to see Rias, Geoticus stopped thinking too much and said, "I won't interfere too much with your young people's affairs. You can make your own decisions."

"Really?!" Rias said excitedly, her father was unexpectedly easy to talk, which made her a little surprised.

Geoticus nodded and didn't say anything, which means you can figure it out for yourself.He can't do anything about it, the women's college doesn't stay, and the target is a strong man like Li Wei. He tried to make trouble. It is usually difficult for a strong man like Li Wei to win. Now how can I give up this opportunity . .

chapter 1059. opening

"Decisive Battle Day" is approaching, and Li Wei, Rias and others are all ready.

Because Asia has been studying all the time, Diorado did not find that Asia is also in the underworld, so he did not come to ask for trouble.In fact, Li Wei really hoped that Diorado would come over and sit down. He could beat him first and let out his anger. However, since Diorado was so disciplined, he still had to wait for the official game to settle the account.Li Wei is not going to be polite to those who spy on Asia, and although Diorado and the current Beelzebub are blood relatives, because the group of collusion has been abandoned, even if Li Wei does something, Ajaka.Beelzebub wouldn't say anything.

In the Gremory mansion, Li Wei, Rias and others gathered together.

"It's almost time, I'm going to the venue." Li Wei took out a dazzling gem and put it in Rias's hand, saying: "This gem is the cornerstone of teleportation. If the battle situation is not right, this gem will You can let me and the summoning position come directly, Diorado colluded with the people of the group of misfortune, maybe he has mastered some strange technology, and it is good to do more preparations."

Rias nodded and smiled: "I understand, no matter what means the opponent uses in this game, we must win. Compared with before the practice, each of us has made a lot of progress now. I feel like I'm in a very good state now. What can Diorado do even if he colludes with the Troubled Group, the final victory still belongs to us."

After Rias pulled Li Wei and his parents to showdown, the relationship between the two has already been put on the table, and this relationship is not Li Wei's marriage, but an independent line. Blinded the dog's eyes.Geoticus intervened, and finally got the elders of the family to agree to the marriage, and after this turmoil passed, Li Wei and Rias would get married directly.Although it seems a bit hasty to skip the stage of engagement and go straight to one step, but if the two sides are willing, there will be no - no one will continue to swear.

The Gremory family's family concept is the strongest in the entire demon race. There is no one. It is quite united inside, not to mention that it is a piece of steel, but compared with the open and secret fights within the other families, the fighting within the Gremory family is Little.However, this also makes the Gremory family have a rule, that is, women do not marry outside, and only recruit son-in-law. This is also a matter of last resort to maintain the strength of the family blood, but Li Wei's own existence is a BUG. There was a heated discussion within the Gremory family. If it weren't for the existence of Geotix, Li Wei and Rias's marriage would still have some troubles.

Li Wei said: "Many people in the group of misfortune will use the power of 'Orpheus' snake', and we can't take it lightly. After all, the current team's lineup is not complete, so be careful."

Originally at this time, Rias' team should have a more complete lineup, at least one more bishop and knight. Asia did not join Rias' family, and still maintains her human identity, which is related to Kiba Yuto. Because of Li Wei's butterfly wings, the event of the Holy Sword Project has not happened yet, and another knight, Xenovia, has not joined Rias' family.In addition, Li Wei will not support the battle here in the early stage, which means that the entire team is suddenly short of three combat power, and Rias's subordinates are only four people.

Although the strength of each of the four is quite good, but considering the possible problems, Li Wei gave the gem to Rias. With this gem as the starting point, Li Wei can send the devil and himself at any time. It's also an insurance policy.If the situation really changes, he can also react as soon as possible.

Rias held the gem, placed it close to her body, and said with a smile, "Wait for our good news."

Kiba Yuto smiled and said, "After this period of training, I have grown a lot, and now I feel full of strength. But after this battle is over, I have to call Li Weijun a master. "

Kiba Yuto is not joking, he is Rias' family, and Li Wei's position as Rias' husband is equivalent to the prince's title of the queen's husband. Although he does not belong to Li Wei directly, but Li Wei ordered him to be Still have to listen.Although Li Wei is not a real devil, the title of the devil also has a certain reference for Li Wei. The title of demons in the DXD world is not strict, and the system that Li Wei is familiar with is more strict, starting from the lowest familiar demons, and then the formal demons, upper demons, noble sons, commanders (black knights), Barons, Viscount, earl, marquis, duke, king (king), general, cabinet minister, grand duke, emperor.

Strictly calculated, Kiba Yuto's strength and bloodline status can be divided into noble prince ranks, Rias can be ranked as a viscount, and when she is an adult, she can be counted as an earl.And Li Wei himself is now the emperor, or in other words, as the servant of the demon god, he is a god himself. Even if he is classified as an evil god, he should be regarded as the emperor. This is the strictness of the class.Each stratum is strictly calculated with minimal deviation.

0 ・・・ Flowers ・・・

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