However, Leviathan, as a fighting lifeform without self-consciousness, can't do anything except fight, has no so-called temper. It can only fight and destroy all the enemies in front of it. If it can't be defeated, it will be destroyed. , there is no second way to choose.

Leviathan doesn't know what retreat is at all, no matter what kind of enemy the opponent is, its strategy is so simple and rude, that is to crush the opponent head-on.It's a pity that Leviathan encountered an existence with the same weight as its personality. It is difficult to kill any demon god one-on-one, not to mention that the five-black combination is a group action. The cooperation between the two is very close, and each demon god has exerted his ability to the extreme, which makes Leviathan have no chance to defeat each and every one of them. Instead, he is pressed to the ground and rubbed.

With more and more scars on the body, black blood began to seep out from the scars. Leviathan is already at the end of the battle, and it can persist for such a long time under the indiscriminate bombardment of the five demon gods. It is already blood. The hero of cattle.A large number of black chains popped out of the void, tying Leviathan firmly, and a huge space door unfolded, directly engulfing Leviathan's huge body.Although Leviathan has been struggling all the time, but now that it is already at the end of the arrow, how can it break free from the chains condensed by the five demon gods with all their strength, and is thus dragged into Li Wei's magic book space.

The disappearance of Leviathan boosted the morale of the three-way coalition, because Leviathan's huge body and oppressive aura made everyone's heart tighten, and no one dared to underestimate this big man.But now this terrifying beast has been "annihilated", which means that the coalition does not need to waste a lot of manpower in hunting this beast. Isn't this good news?

And the disappearance of Leviathan, for the group of disasters, it is a bad thing like a funeral.Because Leviathan is an important bargaining chip they use to disrupt the overall situation, and it is also one of the strengths of this operation.In the magic book space, the battle continues, but Leviathan is already a piece of fish on the chopping block, and there is no more strength to resist.The magic book space is the home of the devils. Here, the devils can get a steady stream of magical blessings, while the Leviathan is in the trouble of DEBUFF. Defeat is the end.

Some dwarf who dies more than a million times a day said that size doesn't tell everything, and Leviathan's current situation shows that this sentence is still very reasonable.

Leviathan's body is like a mountain, lying there quietly, Li Wei began to refine gems, because the time in the magic book space is relatively static compared to the outside world, so he has enough time to refine Control the huge body of this monster.Strictly speaking, the energy contained in the Leviathan is very huge, and it is still higher than the original Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig. This time, it is conservatively estimated that three dazzling gems can be refined, that is, three summoning positions.

The dead Leviathan is locked by the special environment in the magic book space, so even if it is death, the energy in the body is not lost. The super-large composite magic circle shrouded Leviathan's body and melted little by little. A corpse as large as a mountain.After three hours of work, the high-value materials on Leviathan were stripped, and the Leviathan itself was refined into gems.

Three brilliant-grade perfect gems, and a smaller secondary gem, for a total of four.The secondary gems were kept by Li Wei for fusion processing with better gems. Li Wei used two of the three dazzling gems to enhance his own strength, and the remaining one was to add a summoning position.The power that Li Wei devoured before has been digested by seven or eight, and he has been able to withstand the new gem power. Considering that he has to fight against monsters like the first generation of Lucifer, his own strength must be raised.And another important reason is that you need to be hard on yourself. To summon a stronger demon, your own strength must also be stronger. This is a positive blessing.

If it was his previous strength, Li Wei could at most summon [-] and later demon gods. If he wanted to summon the top [-] demon gods, Li Wei himself couldn't bear the pressure of the demon gods' backlash.Moreover, the higher the demon gods, the greater the pressure on Li Wei himself. This kind of thing is the most difficult to go further. It is like [-] demon gods push forward from the countdown, and the more backward demon gods are to Li Wei. The reverse oppression is also lighter, but the overall strength of the demon gods at the back often has problems, and the price/performance ratio is not good.

0 ・・・ Flowers 0 ・・・・

The more advanced the demon god, the stronger the overall strength, but the more stringent the summoning conditions, just like Li Wei has swallowed two gems now, but the ranking he can summon has to be calculated from the [-]th. The previous Demon God is not something he can control for the time being, and summoning an incomplete version of the high-ranking Demon God is not as cost-effective as the Demon God in the lower ranks.

0 ...

The two gems provide Li Wei with majestic energy all the time. Li Wei feels that he has some "suffering", and he will not want to devour new gems in a short time.However, his current strength has also directly surpassed the Demon King level and entered the category of "transcender", which already belongs to the "horizontal king" who can punch two heavenly dragons and kick some not-so-powerful gods.

Relying on the special environment where the magic book space and the outside time are not equal, Li Wei directly retreated in the magic book space for more than a month, digesting part of the gem power before ending the cultivation state.This kind of pleasure of watching his own strength rapidly increase is really refreshing, but Li Wei's own ability to bear is limited. This kind of coquettish operation of swallowing two gems in one breath is out of line. In a short period of time , Li Wei's strength will skyrocket a lot, but when the gem is digested, Li Wei's growth rate will return to the normal "passive growth" state.

Li Wei can feel that he has become stronger. Compared with the time when he first came to this world, he is not at the same level at all, but this also makes him feel more and more that the strength of the two goddesses Belu Danti and Ulude is How terrifying, and I am more and more grateful for how timely I ran in the first world.Even with his current strength, Li Wei still dare not return to the world of "My Goddess". The more he grows, the more Li Wei feels that the world of "My Goddess" is a bottomless abyss. dare not touch it. .

chapter 1065. powerful, cute, and cooing

Not only his own strength has grown, Li Wei has also begun to choose his new demon god, and now he can choose one of the five demon gods from the [-]th to the [-]th.Stolas, Phoenix, Hampa, Mapa, Lamer, it is interesting that the images of these five demon gods are all related to birds.

The avatar image of Stolas is a crow, Phoenix is ​​a fire phoenix, Hampa is a mixed creature of a pigeon and a dragon, Mapa and Lamer are both crow mutant monsters, and the five demon gods from the [-]th to the [-]th are related to birds. .After a lot of weighing, Li Wei chose the [-]th Hampa, because Hampa is the most pleasing to the eye, most in line with Li Wei's aesthetic, and its overall strength is second only to Stolas.

Hampa's looks are strange at first glance, but they are attractive and have an indescribable beauty.He has the head and neck of a dove, and a slender body like a Huaxia dragon but covered with white feathers. The limbs of "One Four Seven" are slightly shorter than the body, but they are more slender than the Huaxia dragon. At the front of the body, The tightly arranged four pairs of huge white wings made him look extremely sacred, and it was completely unimaginable that such a holy existence like a unicorn would be a demon.

Even if the huge body is coiled together, it is even bigger than the three-headed dragon Balam, like a white snow mountain, and when Hanpa stretches his body, the slender and holy figure is an uncompromising figure. A behemoth, Li Wei estimated the long axis of his body, it was close to three kilometers.Although it can't be compared with the Leviathan of the previous single Calabi and the Bane Group, but this size is considered a big man among the seventy-two demon gods.

Hanpa has a mild personality and will not entertain mortals. When he is in a good mood, he will bring unexpected wealth and luck to mortals, but if that person has evil thoughts, wealth and luck will bring him even greater bad luck. It is one of the most friendly and powerful beings among the demon gods, and it can be regarded as an existence with clear rewards and punishments.

Li Wei, who had been fully strengthened, left the magic book space, and the battle in the outside world continued, but there were not many prey that could interest him, and they were all small fish with little meat. After a big fish like Vitan, Li Wei doesn't like this.

Li Wei saw Serjax who killed the Quartet. Before, he could not see through Serjax's bottom, but now Li Wei has been able to see through Serjax's strength, a deeply hidden transcendence.No wonder Serjax is known as the strongest single entity among the Four Demon Kings, because he is a transcendence. There are not many such bug-level existences in the entire DXD world view. He controlled his own strength in the Demon King realm, probably to paralyze the enemy.

The bug of Serjax, if Li Wei had not checked a lot of information about him before entering this world, he would have been deceived by him, but the purpose of Serjax is the same as that of Li Wei, that is to defeat the first-generation Lucifer Lizavim. , at this point, the two can cooperate.On the battlefield, Li Wei also felt a transcendence of hidden strength, Ajaka.Beelzebub.

According to the information found by Li Wei, there are three transcenders in the current demon group, the first is Serjax, the second is Ajaka, and the third is Li Wei's target, Li Zeweim.Li Huaen.Lucifer, of course, is the first generation of Lucifer.However, in terms of strength, the strength of the first-generation Lucifer should be higher than that of Serjax, because so far, Serjax has no choice but to get the first-generation Lucifer, and although Ajaka is a transcender, it is three people. The weakest among them, if he were to face the first-generation Lucifer, he would definitely not be his opponent.

Now that Li Wei has entered the category of transcendence, he can be considered to have an understanding of the power of transcendence. Now he is simply fighting for individual combat power, and if he does not count the power of the demons, he can defeat Ajaka.Beelzebub, but there is still a certain gap with Serjax.When Li Wei has completely digested the gems, he will be able to defeat Serjax steadily, but for the first-generation Lucifer whose strength is unknown, Li Wei still does not know whether he is better than the opponent.

However, considering Serjax's configuration for the family members of the first-generation Lucifer, it can be seen that the first-generation Lucifer is definitely stronger than BUG, ​​but the people who want to defeat the first-generation Lucifer are not only Li Wei and Serjax, who defected from the fallen angel camp. Dragon King Wally.Lucifer also wanted to kill the original Lucifer.Wally.Lucifer was the grandson of the first-generation Lucifer, but was instigated by his wicked grandfather to persecute him, and escaped only after the servants desperately protected him, so he hated his grandfather and always wanted to overthrow his grandfather.

In this case, Li Wei felt that he could put aside the dispute first, first defeat the first-generation Lucifer, and then fight with Valli.Lucifer decides the outcome 0 ... Wally.Lucifer is known as the strongest White Dragon Emperor in the past, and his strength is really not a single star stronger than the original protagonist Hyoudou Issei. In the later period, his combat power expanded to the point where he was considered a top-level existence among transcenders.Although Li Wei is not a fighting maniac, he still wants to fight with Valli.Lucifer will play against each other to see who is the arrogant person who can do it every day.

After getting through the communication with Serjax, Li Wei said: "Now I'm going to Rias's side, and the people from the woe group have also started to act. Do you still need manpower here?"

Sejkes froze for a moment, and said, "I and Ajaka are here. There is no problem. It's important for Rias. Li Weijun, you go ahead. Leviathan, have you solved it?"

"Leviathan is finished, and my mission here is complete." Li Wei replied.

"I see, we'll handle it here, Li Weijun, you've already done a lot of things."

Serjax was also a little surprised. He didn't expect a monster like Leviathan to be finished so quickly. He really underestimated Li Wei's strength, but it's not a bad thing for Li Wei to be strong. After all, if he is not strong enough, he can't protect him. Rias, he is happy to see Li Wei grow up.Although Li Wei's breath has been concealed, he still found some differences. Li Wei is stronger. Although he is curious about why Li Wei has become stronger, he will not ask more than 2.4 questions. Everyone has their own secrets. .

If the previous Li Wei only made him feel strong, but at least he could defeat him, then the current Li Wei is qualified to fight against him.Serjax was thinking about how to pull Levi into his chariot. He is now with Ajka.The two of Beelzebub struggled very hard against the first-generation Lucifer. If he could pull Li Wei into the chariot, his pressure would be much less.

The special ability of the first generation of Lucifer is to invalidate the artifacts, so each of his dependents are not strong people who rely on the artifacts to eat, in order to target the first-generation Lucifer's ability to nullify the artifacts, and there will be no artifacts. The predicament of defeat.

And Li Wei's summons, in Serjax's view, are not strong people who rely on external forces such as artifacts, and they are just right to deal with the first generation of Lucifer. .

chapter 1066. the bitter master of the green grassland on the head comes to the door

Relying on the positioning of the gem, Li Wei rushed to the competition venue where Rias and others were located, but it was far less lively than the main battlefield, or the opposite side did not focus on this side at all, but Li Wei had Not to mow the lawn, but to settle accounts.

Rias was surprised by the sudden appearance of Li Wei.

"Li Weijun? This is inside the shielding barrier, how did you get in?!" Rias said incredulously.

Li Wei pointed to the gem in her hand and said, "This thing is not just beautiful, it's not a problem to penetrate ordinary barriers."

The surrounding environment looks a bit like an ancient Greek temple. The huge stone pillars are all gray, and the overall look is a bit evil, but it is quite in line with the mainstream aesthetics of demons.There are traces of battle everywhere, and there are many corpses, but they are all members of the Troubled Group. Li Wei looked at it, and the state of all members is considered to be good, and no one was seriously injured.Although Asia has a powerful healing ability, 03 is that her strength is really a scumbag, so Rias did not dare to let her play. The team lacked a nurse who could recover, so she relied on the Phoenix Tears purchased from the Phoenix family. It is quite luxurious to use as a recovery potion.

Phoenix Tears, a specialty of the Phoenix family, can be rescued with just one breath as long as the target is still alive. Medicine is to support for a while, and there are more and more people in the group of misfortune. If this continues, Rias and others will still be defeated.

"Diorado and the Troubled Group have a lot of intersections, and I am really flattered to be able to dispatch so many people to deal with us. However, apart from showing one side before Diorado, now I don't know where to go, I must Get that bad guy out." Rias said.

"No problem, I received Ajaka's request to deal with the black sheep of Diorado. After all, he is a blood relative and it is not easy to take action. This villain has to be done by me." Li Wei has long wanted to take action, after all, Dior Rado was the mastermind behind Asia's excommunication from the church. If he didn't deal with this hidden danger, he was not happy.

However, Diorado did not come out, but a man who looked a little gloomy came out. His strength is good, at least not what Rias and others can handle. Rias and others are considered top-notch among their peers, even if they are It is not a problem to face some weaker upper demons, but the strength of the opponent has exceeded their coping limit.

"Who are you?" The recognition on the opposite side is very low, Li Wei really can't recognize who the opposite is from the original work, but with such strength, he should not be an unknown person.It seems that the opposite should be a certain cadre of the Troubled Group.

The gloomy man snorted and said, "Kruzere Asmodeus."

Li Wei reacted, the blood of the former Demon King, the people of the Asmodeus family.But looking at the look of bitterness and hatred on the other side, Li Wei can understand it. After all, power, honor, wealth and so on have been taken away by others. This huge gap cannot be accepted by ordinary people, not even by demons. .

"I want to ask, how is Cattleya now?" Cruzere asked.

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