Loki's magical knowledge is second only to the main god Odin in the entire Norse gods, and the Norse gods are the top three gods in all the gods in the world in terms of spell ability. I can imagine how talented Loki is. Amazing, and it's all cheap Levi's now.

In Loki's magical knowledge, knowledge about how to create various monsters occupies the majority, and this is what Li Wei wants most, especially after being bitten by Fenrir's teeth, Li Wei's knowledge of Loki's monsters more eager.You must know that Li Wei is a god after all, and his defense power far exceeds the existence of demons and angels. Although Li Wei is not good at defense, in this world, many times standing up and hitting others may not be able to break the defense. , and Fenrir's teeth, if it is not for Li Wei to hide quickly, then it is not just a simple injury.

In Loki's brain, Li Wei found a complete set of knowledge on how to make Fenrir. It has to be said that Loki is indeed a ghost. In terms of monster creation, Li Wei follows the orthodox style, and the ability of the created demon is relatively They are all balanced, and there are not too many shortcomings, even if it is because of positioning problems, this situation will not occur.

On the other hand, Loki is different. His best monster style is to go to extremes, but it will not lower the comprehensive ability of the monster too much.

Just like Fenrir, the demon wolf who bit Li Wei's arm, Li Wei finally knew why the big dog who was killed in a second was qualified to add the word annihilation to his name, because that big dog was a The "God Destroyer Tool" of life, and the God Destroyer Tool is the highest stage mode of the artifact. It is essentially a special weapon used to kill God. Each God Destroyer Tool has enough power to kill God, and Fenrir The teeth are the living gods.Fenrir's teeth have abilities similar to "armor piercing", "true damage" and "destruction of demons", and these abilities are all defensive penetrating abilities. Constantly stacking each other can increase the BUFF to a very high level. To the extent that he was able to easily bite Li Wei.

Of course, it's not enough just to know the way. If it wasn't for Loki's knowledge of how to make it, Li Wei couldn't make an existence similar to Fenrir.And with this knowledge, Li Wei can use the existing Demon God to raise his strength by another level.With this knowledge, the comprehensive strength of the Demon God made by Li Wei can be even higher than it is now.

The "Destruction Package" that Loki prepared for the Norse gods was a huge inspiration to Li Wei, and it also gave Li Wei a feeling of "Fuck, can you still play like this?!" Combined with what Loki has mastered Knowledge, and then corroborated and mixed with his own knowledge, Li Wei felt that he really picked up a big bargain.

The so-called "Destruction Package" is a series of monsters that can seriously injure or even kill gods. Fenrir is just the most famous existence among them. There are many types of monsters at the same level as Fenrir. Each species is unique.In the prophecy of "Twilight of the Gods" in this world, Loki will cooperate with giants and use his army of monsters to bring the entire Norse Protoss into a doomsday situation, and only a few gods can survive.

The Norse Protoss is also an old and powerful god system. It is very difficult to subvert the entire god system with the power of Loki alone, but if you add the power of giants, it is not impossible to subvert the rule of the Nordic Protoss. .

And now that Loki is on the street, it is estimated that something will happen to the giant, but this has nothing to do with Li Wei. Once Loki activates "Twilight of the Gods", then the giant must also act synchronously. , taking advantage of Odin's far-flung kung fu to raid the base camp, and a two-line battle opens up a future.

Now that Loki is dead, and the actions of the giants are expected to be exposed, once there are precautions, the Nordic Protoss will not be finished so easily.Strictly speaking, the Nordic Protoss really owes Li Wei a huge favor, but they don't know what kind of thanks the Nordic Protoss will give.

For this, Li Wei is still looking forward to it, because the Nordic Protoss is famous for having many treasures. Except for "'' 々 Bear child" Loki, which one is not a treasure, so what kind of reward can be obtained, Li Wei is also looking forward to it. of.Although Odin was still communicating with Neon local gods and demons, he also asked Azazel to give Li Wei a message. When he returned to Northern Europe, he would invite Li Wei to be a guest and allow Li Wei to stay in Northern Europe. There are three treasures selected from the treasure house of the Protoss, and there is the large library of the Nordic Protoss. The outer and middle layers are open to Li Wei. Within a month, Li Wei can read any books on these two floors.

Although the books on the outer and middle layers are not the most precious inner layers, Li Wei has acquired Loki's vast knowledge, so these are not a problem at all.The quality of the Nordic Protoss collection is definitely better than the collection in the Gremory family library (promise is good), Li Wei is also looking forward to being able to acquire new knowledge.

Although Loki's knowledge is partial, it also contains a lot of inner book content. Li Wei has restored the knowledge in Loki's mind into books by category. For Li Wei, who is a collector, collecting books is also a kind of fun. .Some people like to collect figures. Li Wei's interest is to collect models and books, and Li Wei is also researching a new kind of magic, which is similar to the "Demon King" (domestic translation Light Warrior) he watched when he was a child. The Li Xie Dong family transforms various items into "Evil Gods".

When fighting, a model is thrown out and then restored to a huge size. Li Wei has been researching this kind of fun, but due to various technical bottlenecks, the progress has not been smooth. Relying on the knowledge obtained by Loki, it can be solved. Part of the problem, and there may be similar technologies in the library of the Nordic Protoss, which can make Li Weijiang's childhood feelings come true. .

chapter 1078. demons

In the department, Li Wei is still playing online games with Tacheng Kitten, but this time it is a game similar to "Dark Soul". Although this world does not have Miyazaki Hideko, I don't know if it is a spoof or something. A Miyazaki Hideo also made a soul series, and it is also a sadistic game, which is extremely difficult.

"I can't tell that you are still very strong, Kitten. That tumbling is very beautiful. It just avoided the attack of the old demon king. How many times have you beaten this boss?" Li Wei asked curiously.

"The second time, because I accidentally found the weakness of the old demon king, I have a little experience." Tacheng Kitten curled up on the sofa and said without looking up.Her fingers moved nimbly on the buttons of the handheld, controlling the undead to carry out flexible attacks.

"That's really amazing. I thought you read the guide. This game is a bit difficult, but it's quite interesting." Li Wei laughed.The most difficult Soul series is indeed a hardcore game that can make the disabled party cry, but for fans like Li Wei and Tacheng Kitten, it is just the right relaxation.

"But the demons in this game are really...not even ugly, they are completely distorted. This is the image of demons in the eyes of humans, which is a little rude to real demons." Li Wei sighed. .

The art design of the soul series is really good, and the image of the devil is also in line with 840 He people's cognition of the devil. By the way, in the underworld, the soul series also has many fans.Although the demon image in the Soul series is really ugly, it does not hinder the popularity of this game among the demon group, and even some demons have developed some handsome moves based on the content of the game.And the young demons in the underworld will also be characters in the COS Soul series. Because of their magical support, the degree of reduction is naturally terrifyingly high. After all, they are demons.

"Humans' fear of the unknown will distort many things. This is the image of demons, while angels are the opposite of us. Because humans fear the dark and like light, angels with special lighting effects are the group that humans worship. Strictly speaking, what the angels do is actually similar to us, but who makes people have a better image than us." Rias sighed.

Li Wei nodded and said, "It's true, that guy Michael is a mobile Yuba lamp. When I saw him for the first time, it made my eyes hurt. But that kind of warm light is for ordinary people. It is indeed the best cure. It can only be said that human beings, as light-repellent animals, make such a choice (adab), right? There are only a few people who like darkness, and they cannot see sunlight for a long time. The impact is also huge.”

Humans cannot see the sun for a long time, and it is easy to become a ghost or a ghost. This is also something that can't be helped.Because human beings need light to survive, only angels who represent light can gain such respect. Compared with being swallowed up by darkness, being enveloped in light is more acceptable to ordinary people, although the ultimate light will give birth to the same degree of darkness. , but for humans, these are issues that can be ignored.

Soul series games are indeed a very unfriendly game for the handicapped. , most of them are shaking M.However, the art style here is really interesting. Although they are all soul series, they are obviously different from the Miyazaki Hideo version that Li Wei has played. Li Wei, who has also played games, can guess it many times. The layout of various organs has been set up with monsters, because people who have played games have certain similarities in thinking, and they all have similar techniques on how to stimulate players.And the Shaking M games like the Soul series, to put it bluntly, make players suffer constantly, and they are abused willingly.

Although most people yearn for the light, there are also a few people who are not interested in the light, and these deviant people will mostly fall into the arms of demons and fallen angels.The contract exchange between modern demons and humans is not as strict as in ancient times. In ancient times, only "intellectuals" such as warlocks and mages could summon demons. Now, because of the mysticism, people who can summon demons are also able to summon demons. Fewer and fewer.

There are fewer magicians, warlocks, and wizards who can pass it on. After experiencing the religious purges in the Middle Ages, as well as the [-]th century European wizard slaughter and the wars of World War I and World War II, the special people who can use spells in Europe have declined. A very dangerous number has been reached, and demonology has also declined due to the reduction of these special groups.

In modern times, although the number of these special groups is slowly picking up, most of the demonology has been lost, so that many demons stay at home and wait for others to be summoned, but they find that they are almost ruined.In modern times, demons are all observing people passing by on the street. If they can find someone with a strong desire or a dark heart, they will distribute a special flyer to that passerby.

Of course, ordinary people will definitely not believe in the existence of demons for the first time, but after they have summoned demons, they will find the benefits of demon power, and then rely on and indulge in transactions with demons.Compared with praying to God, demons can satisfy human desires better, but demons will also charge a price. Transactions with demons follow the principle of equivalent exchange. If they are too greedy, they will eventually drive themselves to a dead end.

Although Li Wei is in the name of a demon, he has not made a deal with humans yet, because he has a bad temper. If he encounters someone who is not pleasing to the eye, Li Wei is afraid that he will slap him to death.

Rias said: "This time Li Weijun, you killed the evil god Loki, and the reward from the Nordic Protoss is a bit stingy."

Rias has brought herself into Li Wei's perspective. Killing Loki is also a great favor for the Nordic Protoss, but the return from the Nordic Protoss is too perfunctory, and I feel that they are not treated at all. The earnestness of the benefactor.

Li Wei smiled indifferently and said: "I can understand the practices of the Nordic Protoss. Even if Loki is wrong, he is still a member of the Nordic Protoss. It is not a glorious thing for me, an outsider, to kill Loki. It is impossible for the Nordic Protoss to give too high a return on the public face, but it is impossible for Odin to have nothing to show, it depends on whether there will be other compensation in private."

Himejima Akeno said: "But I always feel that Odin is unreliable, so he dares to run to the east alone."

Li Wei is more inclined that Odin may be fishing for Loki's fish. As the main god of a pantheon, Odin's strength and experience should not be underestimated, but Odin will always bear the burden of killing his son if he wants to kill Loki. Fame, if Odin was a feather-loving man, he would have thought otherwise.Of course this is all a conspiracy theory. .

chapter 1079. the goddess of prophecy geeufein

Odin's neon journey lasted for a week. During this period, Odin and Neon local gods and demons negotiated a lot of cooperation matters, and the three clan forces that matched the bridge also gained a lot of benefits, which can be regarded as a happy event. situation.

When Odin returned, he came to visit Li Wei in Kuwang Town.Because it was agreed to return to Northern Europe together, Li Wei didn't talk nonsense, and immediately followed Odin to the carriage pulled by Sleipnir and left Neon.This time, Li Wei also kept an eye on the invitation, and did not let Rias and others go with him. He can adapt to any situation by himself. If he brings Rias and others with him, if there is an accident, he will also need to Distracted to take care of them.

On the return journey, Azazel and others will no longer see each other, especially when Loki is dead, the biggest hidden danger within the Nordic Protoss has disappeared, so there is no need for additional guarding power.

In the carriage, Li Wei and Odin sat opposite each other, looking at the thin and shriveled old man in front of him, it was difficult to connect him with the mighty and powerful legendary warriors in myths and legends.However, considering that the DXD worldview is originally a very strange world, there is no way to judge certain things with common sense.

Odin said with a smile: "Although the ugliness of the family cannot be made public, Li Weijun, you have helped the Nordic Protoss a big favor this time. If you don't express it at all, it is really unreasonable, but it is impossible for us to give you too much in return. I hope You can understand.~"

Li Wei nodded and said, "I can understand the face-off between the gods, but I only need to be practical. How you publicize it has little to do with me. I only want what I actually get."

Li Wei noticed the anomaly in Odin's words, can't the family shame be publicized?Does that mean someone has to pay for it?However, Li Wei has already made preparations. If the Nordic Protoss really has other plans, then he will not show mercy.

Li Wei has always been wary of the Norse gods and the Greek gods, because these two gods are not fuel-efficient lamps. Compared with the biblical forces that are currently cooperating, the Norse gods and the Greek gods are the kind of inheritance. In good condition, and maintained a considerable strength, plus a group of people, so Li Wei has always been more attentive.

There is nothing wrong with Odin's words literally, but for Li Wei, who is very suspicious, he can decipher several meanings, and none of these meanings is a good thing.This Nordic trip is likely to become a feast of Hongmen.

At this moment, in the hinterland of the Nordic God Realm, on the field of flowers blooming, a plump goddess with wheat-colored skin and long chestnut hair looked at the sky with solemn eyes.The long chestnut-haired goddess wore a cool white robe and held a special magic book in her hand. Feeling uneasy, she unfolded the magic book in her hand. A large number of mysterious three-dimensional magic circles were intertwined, forming a place that other gods could see. Unfamiliar three-dimensional pattern.

The chestnut-haired goddess smiled bitterly and said: "Sure enough, 'Twilight of the Gods' is so easy to escape, those guys thought that Loki would be able to avoid this disaster if he died, how can it be so easy. The Nordic Protoss is taking it for themselves. perish..."

The chestnut-haired goddess is named Geofin, who neither belongs to the Asa nor the Vaner, but is one of the few independent "outer gods" in Norse mythology. Even the twilight of the gods cannot affect her existence. .Geoffine can see the past and the future, and it is she who predicts that the "Twilight of the Gods" will one day come.

In the future clips, she saw Loki, and now that Loki is dead, the Ragnarok of the Gods has not stopped, and it is even more terrifying, which means that there will be other people who will take over the burden of Loki and destroy the entire Nordic Protoss. And this time, even she was not spared.Geeuphine doesn't know if she will die, but this time the increased scale of "Ragnarok" will sweep across Asgard, and it will also affect her.

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