Odin's heart skipped a beat, and his sense of unease grew stronger.Odin barely maintained a smile and said, "I don't know which goddess you fancy?"

Li Wei said, "It's the goddess in the sea of ​​flowers. Her name is Geoffine. It's the first time I'm so moved."

The firmness in Li Wei's words gave Odin a headache, and he was really afraid of what to do.However, Odin was still fighting with Li Wei, ready to find a way to muddle through.It's not that he is stingy, but that Geeuphine is too important to the Nordic Protoss, and it can even be said to be the foundation of the Nordic Protoss.Li Wei is digging the roots of the Nordic Protoss. The reason why the traditional and conservative Nordic Protoss can gain a foothold in many gods is because several key choices have been made right, and the Godhead of Prophecy is the one that guides the way. Euphine.

Every pantheon will have a "guide", and many major choices depend on whether the "guide" is reliable, and the pantheon without a "guide" tends to take a lot of detours. This is the case with the biblical pantheon. So now facing the problem of recession, the three tribes have to unite to deal with external affairs.The "God" with a certain ability to predict has died, but before the god died, he also expected the big changes in the future, so he left behind the "God Killing Tool" that can kill the god, which can be regarded as a kind of prevention. The chaos is really the same as the dead Bible God had predicted, and the backhands he left behind have begun to take effect one by one.

Odin was reluctant to let people go, because he had seen other pantheons suffer heavy losses because of the wrong path.Moreover, Geoffine knows too many secrets about the Nordic Protoss. Even if there is an existence that can replace Geoffine, Odin will not be able to let him go. Li Wei can now be said to be challenging the core interests of the Nordic Protoss. .

Odin's face was very ugly, and he smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Geoffine is really too important to us, you can see if we can change the goddess, there are many beauties in our Nordic Protoss, you can see the other Pick one?"

Livy knew that Odin was trying to shirk, so he didn't care about it. Anyway, he had already taken a fancy to Geeuphine, and he also took away Geeuphine's virginity. Can't do it yet.But Odin's rhetoric is indeed troublesome, and now is the time to be shameless.

The two stared at each other. No one would back down anyway. Li Wei was also very thick-skinned, and said directly: "Odin, you are not thick (addd), I will solve the problem for the entire Nordic Protoss." "Twilight of the Gods" is such a big problem, you can't fool me like this, I don't even want the baby, just take a goddess, you can make a lot of money!"

Odin also blew his beard and stared, and said, "You are not being kind, I said that Geufien is too important for the Norse Protoss to give it to you. You can take whoever you want with the other goddesses. , it doesn't matter if you take ten or eight, but Geoffine really can't give it to you!"

Odin also has a headache. Li Wei, the evil star, is really troublesome, but Odin is not easy to turn his face, because Li Wei can fight.If they really make trouble in Asgard, they will definitely not be able to keep Li Wei, and Asgard will definitely be destroyed. He also knows about Li Wei's record. It is too sturdy. The star is not provoked without provocation.

Originally, I wanted to win over Li Wei and find a strong foreign aid for the Nordic Protoss, but now it seems that if this matter is not handled well, let alone foreign aid, it will become an enemy directly.Odin is really dumb to eat coptis, and he can't tell if he is suffering. What is this all about?

Geoffine is the lifeblood of the entire Nordic Protoss. What if he gave it to Livina Nordic Protoss?But don’t give it to Li Wei, let’s not say that Li Zi can’t keep it, but his face will definitely be lost. When Li Wei makes a fuss, the Nordic Protoss will definitely suffer heavy losses. At that time, the “next door neighbors” will not only be able to watch jokes, but also It is possible to attack Asgard while taking advantage of it.

This is also where Odin is in a dilemma. A fool like Li Wei can make a scene for a woman, but he is the one who cleans up the mess, so Odin does not dare to be impulsive.It is precisely because Li Wei was stuck in the neck that Odin's promise was so exaggerated. Ten or eight goddesses were taken away by Li Wei at will.However, considering the current geopolitical problems of the Norse Protoss, once they have a bad relationship with Li Wei, it is likely to bring about a series of chain reactions, which is also what Odin does not want to see.

Li Wei frowned and fell into deep thought. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Are you serious? Let me pick ten or eight?"

Looking at Li Wei's skeptical expression, Odin was relieved, and Li Wei was willing to let go.If Li Wei wants to take away Geeuphine, he will really have a headache. There are also a lot of goddesses in the Nordic gods. If he can save Geeuphine by sacrificing a few goddesses, it will be worthwhile. .The most important thing is to send the evil star Li Wei far away and never let him come to Asgard again. This is the most important thing. .

chapter 1084. disgusting you

Odin's face improved a little, and he smiled: "I am also the main god of the Nordic Protoss anyway, so of course it's a matter of course. As long as you don't take Geoffine away, then you can decide what other goddesses you like, and take whoever you like. Whoever goes, you pick ten or eight, that's your business."

In order to keep Geeuphin, Odin had no choice but to compromise, as long as Li Wei didn't cause trouble.Although it was indeed a shame to do so, as long as he and Li Wei kept silent about each other, this matter was over.

Li Wei's heart is naturally full of malice, and Odin's perfunctory also made him a little angry. Li Wei has never been a person to fool, and his temper is not very good.Odin's appearance is that he is not ready to let people go, but Li Wei has already reserved the means. The gem in Geufien's hand is equivalent to leaving a way out. Even in the worst case, robbing people can guarantee the quality. Au Fein's safety, the next thing is to break through.

However, Odin's promise also allowed Li Wei to find a breakthrough. Since you are playing with me, I will not spare you any face. Anyway, the beam has been settled, and no one should think about it.Li Wei, who was angry from his heart, controlled his anger, pretended to be hesitant, and said, "I still want Geoffine, so I'll take a fancy to her.-"

Odin sighed: "Geophine is alone, as long as you don't choose her, you can choose from ten or eight other goddesses, and you don't need to be a bull's-eye."

"This... well, ten and eight are better than one." Li Wei said.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Odin finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Tell me which goddesses you've fallen in love with, I'll let you decide, and they won't have an opinion."

Li Wei snapped his fingers and said, "The first one should be Sigurn."

Odin said, "No problem, Siegorn, I'll do her ideological work."

Sigourne Livy met once at the banquet. Loki's wife is indeed a dignified and gentle beauty, and Loki has died and she has become a widow.Li Wei is also full of bad taste. She found that the maliciousness against her is likely to belong to Sigurd, because according to the position of the seat, Sigurd has the biggest suspicion.Moreover, Li Wei also killed Loki, and Sigurd had enough conditions to be malicious to Li Wei, so Li Wei also planned to train Sigurd well, which could be considered to satisfy his own bad taste.

Sigorn is also a rare beauty, with a soft face with a little sadness, long chestnut hair falling like a waterfall, and a plump and soft figure, especially the dignified and graceful temperament, which makes Li Wei have a kind of feeling. Indescribable desire to conquer.

Li Wei continued to squeeze his fingers and said, "The second one is Sif."

Odin almost choked on his own saliva, Sif is different from Sigorn, Sigorn is Loki's wife, and Loki has been alerted by other gods for prophesying "Twilight of the Gods". How good, even Sigurd was discriminated against.So Sigon is sacrificed and no one will help her, but Sif is different.

Sif is the wife of Thor, the god of thunder, and the goddess of harvest of the Nordic gods, and also his daughter-in-law.Sif is also a well-known beauty of the Asa Protoss. She not only has a curvaceous appearance, but also has a plump figure, especially the dazzling blond hair that falls to the ground, which is even more fascinating.Even if Sif is married, there are still many wild bees and butterflies in the Nordic Protoss circling around Sif all the time.

Li Wei also saw Sif at the banquet. She does not have special armor or robes like other gods. Her robes are her own blond hair. The drooping blond hair wraps her body like clothes. Combined with the color and aura, coupled with the beautiful face, it is not surprising that there are so many male gods who are fascinated by Sif.

Odin's face was already very ugly, he didn't speak, and suppressed his anger.

Li Wei had already sensed Odin's face, but he continued to disgust Odin and said with his fingers, "Eden is the third."

Eden, the goddess of spring, is also the goddess of youth, or the goddess of girls.The wife of Blakey, the god of poetry and eloquence, is also the daughter-in-law of Odin. Although Eden is not as plump as Sif and Sigurn, her coquettish and charming temperament also makes her popular.Moreover, Eden is also the master in charge of the "Garden of Ten Thousand Years". He holds the apple of youth that can restore the youth to the gods, and is also an important core member of the Nordic Protoss.

Odin has already begun to curse in his heart. Li Wei is really not a thing. He will give him all problems. Except for Sigorn, it is impossible for Sif and Eden to hand it over.Very simple, if Sif and Eden are handed over, where will the faces of the Norse gods go?This is blatantly cuckolding Thor and Blakey.Odin was disgusted enough, but he had to endure his anger, listening to what Li Wei could say.

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"Linde is the fourth place." Li Wei laughed.

Lind, a member of the Warner Protoss, is also Odin's mistress.Linde repeatedly refused Odin's pursuit, but was eventually bewitched and controlled by Odin's spells, and being able to be pursued by Odin again and again shows the beauty of Linde.And that feeling of familiarity is also the type that Li Wei likes.It has to be said that the goddess of the Nordic Protoss is quite "familiar" in terms of appearance and body, at least it suits Li Wei's appetite.


Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at Odin, who was already trembling with anger, and Li Wei was also happy. You are so disgusting with me, I have to disgust you too.

"The fifth place is Freya." Li Wei continued to disgust Odin.

Freya, the god of love and beauty, is also the leader of the Valkyrie group. She is kind, kind, beautiful and dignified, with a beauty that amazes the gods.She is also the sister of the "Queen of Heaven" Frigga, in other words, Odin's sister-in-law. Li Wei, to put it bluntly, chooses top goddesses who are related to Odin, just to disgust Odin.If you don't give me Geufien, then I'll give you a green hat, which is a tough multiple choice question.

"Frigga is the sixth place." Li Wei smiled.Not only will I take your sister-in-law, but I will also take your wife, see if you can bear it.

The queen of the day, Frigga, the main god in charge of marriage and family, and Freya are twin sisters. Compared with Freya's kindness, Frigga's temperament is more majestic and noble, like a high queen, although her appearance It is the same model as Freya, but the temperament is completely different.

In order to disgust Odin, Li Wei selected six goddesses related to Odin, Odin's wife Frigga, his sister-in-law Freya, his lover, his three daughters-in-law Sif, Sigon and Eden.If Odin really promises Li Wei to take them away, then he can't get along, because gods have more face than humans, and they can even start wars for face. Li Wei said plainly that he was stepping on Odin's face, just see How does Odin take it. .

chapter 1085. loki's allies

Odin trembled with anger and said, "Is it gone?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "Six is ​​enough. My biggest characteristic is that I am not greedy."

Li Wei looked at Odin's livid face and knew that his plan was fulfilled. Odin's shit-eating expression also made Li Wei happy.

Odin took a deep breath and said, "Are you kidding me?"

Li Wei shrugged and said with a smile, "Aren't you kidding me too? There's not much to do if you leave Geoffine to me, but if you fool me like this, why should I give you face?"

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