"Please...please, let me go...I can't be sorry for Loki...' 々." Sigon opened his eyes and looked at Li Wei pitifully. She was pinched by her chin. Seeing the desire in Li Wei's eyes, he wanted to struggle but couldn't break free.

Li Wei looked at Sigurd's eyes that were as gorgeous as the night sky, and thought that Loki was really weird, but if Loki was still alive at this time, Li Wei would say something to him, "I will keep your wife, you Don't worry about it."

Li Wei blew lightly in Sigurd's ear and said with a smile: "You know, Odin has given you to me, a goddess as insignificant as you is the most suitable sacrifice."

Li Wei played the recording of the conversation between himself and Odin in a wicked way. Of course, it was an intercepted clip, but even if it was just a clip, Sigorn was pretty pale and bloodless.

"How could Odin do this?! It's not fair!" Sigurd cried in despair. She had nowhere to go. The person in front of her would be her future master. Thinking of what happened to her, Sigurd felt Sadness comes from it.

Li Wei gently wiped away Sigurd's tears and looked at the beautiful goddess who cried so much. Li Wei's bad taste was satisfied. Li Wei understood why Loki likes to make fun of others, because he also likes to do it. what.

Li Wei lightly kissed Sigurd's face and smiled: "Now I have to apologise for you, but soon you will forget all your troubles."

Li Wei knocked Sigurd out with a hand knife, and then used the seal technique to seal Sigurn and threw it into the sealing area of ​​the magic book space to be with Iden, the goddess of spring.

Li Wei felt extremely happy about the evil he had done, or that he had completely vented the evil in his heart. The feeling of happiness was indeed unparalleled.And occasionally such venting is also helpful for physical and mental health, just like ordinary people can climb to the top of the mountain and shout in the distance when they are in a bad mood, but Li Wei, as a god, wants to vent his unhappiness. It's as simple as a normal person.

So he chose to do the same thing as Loki, subvert the entire Nordic pantheon, and make a fortune by the way.As for notoriety?With the giants, the Greek gods, and the Egyptian gods in front, plus the matter of Geoffine, Li Wei's trouble is also justified. As long as his hands and feet are cleaned up, he will not be caught and hurt. foot.And Li Wei has always been cautious, so there is no need to worry about such things.

After accepting two goddesses in a row, Li Wei was also happy and moved directly to the next goal.The next target is Linde, Odin's heart. I have to say that for a villain like Li Wei, he likes to play this kind of tune. The relationship between Linde and Odin is very secret, and it seems to be for the sake of it. To avoid suspicion, the palace that Odin arranged for Linde was also quite remote, which also gave Li Wei a good opportunity.Because of the remoteness of the place, and Linde is not the god of the battle, the third goddess will be quite easy to start.

Linde's bedroom is located on the edge of the depths of Asgard, which is close to the boundary of space. Odin also attaches great importance to Linde. Outside Linde's palace, a large number of Valkyries protect her.However, for Li Wei, the master of stealth, this manpower is really not enough. Li Wei sneaked into Linde's palace very easily.

Lin De was taking a lunch break. Lin De, who was sleeping soundly on the couch, had a dignified appearance and an aura of extravagance, which made people feel unattainable and ashamed.The long black hair was casually scattered, and the beautiful face seemed peaceful and loving because of her deep sleep. The corners of her mouth were slightly curved, as if she had dreamed of something good.

The evil thoughts in Li Wei's heart could no longer be suppressed. After spending a lot of time arranging the barrier, Li Wei started his own "' 々 entertainment activities". (cough cough... some things can only be seen in the past)

After a very comfortable battle, Li Wei felt satisfied, and the exhausted Goddess Linde was also sealed and thrown into the sealing area of ​​the magic (good Zhao) book space.Of the six goddesses that Li Wei listed as the target, three of them were already obtained by Li Wei, and the remaining three were not too difficult during this time period.Li Wei was able to take advantage of the fact that most of the gods and heroic spirits of the Nordic gods were tempering their martial arts during the day, that is, they would gather together at night, so during the day Except for the martial arts field, Sgard is quite deserted. Isn't this giving Li Wei a chance?

Li Wei came to Thor's palace. At this time, Thor was still training with many heroic spirits in the martial arts field. He didn't know that a green grassland had already covered his head.I don't know if it was because of self-confidence in his own strength or for other reasons. Thor's palace was terrifyingly weak in defense, and the monitoring system was not complete. Li Wei's infiltration was simply extremely easy. Compared with infiltrating Linde's palace, it was more difficult. reduced several times. .

chapter 1088. brother is a good person

In the small garden of Thor's Palace, the goddess of harvest Sif (Sif) is combing her long hair, humming a brisk little tune, Sif has a smile on her face, and she has no idea that a malefic star is approaching. himself, and Li Wei was still the same, after "pranking", he took the seal of Sif away. (cough cough... these can't be written in detail)

Li Wei deliberately left Sif's comb on the scene, of course it was broken into two pieces, after all, to stimulate Thor.I don't know how Thor will feel when he sees the comb broken in two.

After taking away Sif, Li Wei raided Freya's palace without stopping. Of course, Freya was quite capable of fighting, even if Li Wei took her down, it took some effort.Because he was afraid of disturbing the Nordic gods in advance, Li Wei directly introduced Freya into the magic book space, and relied on the convenience of home battle to subdue Freya.

As the leader of the Valkyries, although Freya has the clergy of love, beauty and desire, her combat power ranks among the top in the entire Nordic gods, and she can be called the goddess of war on par with Thor.But this kind of fierce horse Li Wei also likes it very much. Although he was kicked a few 777 feet when he was tamed, it was worth it.

Five of the six goddesses have already started, and now the last one is Frigga, the queen of the Nordic gods.Frigga is the god of love and family. Although the clergy is very important, her fighting power is not high, at least compared to her twin sister, she is a scumbag. Li Wei only used a little trick to defeat Frigg. Lijia introduced the magic book space, which soon subdued and sealed her.

After completing the hunt for the six goddesses, Li Wei was also relieved, and the first stage of his goal was completed.And Li Wei also contacted the allies of the three tribes, and they have begun to send troops to attack Asgard.It didn't take long for Li Wei to feel a large-scale spatial shock, the sky of Asgard shattered, and the three-party coalition forces poured in from the gap in the sky.

The so-called giants are not monsters like mountains in human imagination. They are just taller than ordinary people. Female giants are generally more than one meter tall, and men are more than two meters tall.To put it bluntly, the so-called giants are strong human beings from the appearance, and these demon muscle men with exploding muscles rushed into Asgard and began to slash and slash.He (adba) rushed faster than the Greek Protoss and Egyptian Protoss, or maybe it was because of hatred, so they were so active.

The Egyptian Protoss and the Greek Protoss followed by also dispatched a large number of troops. The nine-pillar gods of the Egyptian Protoss directly dispatched five, with Osiris, the Pluto, at the head, Nut, the god of the sky, and Gebu, the god of the earth. , the god of desert and war Seth and the goddess of death Nephthys, a luxurious lineup.A large number of warriors with beast heads fell to the ground and fought with the heroic warriors of the Norse gods.

The lineup of the Greek gods is also luxurious and unusual. The sun god Apollo and Hades are the first, Ares and Athena are the two gods of war, and the gods of death and sleep Thanatos and Hypnos brothers, with a large number of The warriors wearing strange armors made their debut, but those armored warriors made Li Wei feel like he was on the wrong set, because they were too similar to Saint Seiya.It’s just that most of the holy clothes in the Saint Seiya system are unique, and the “Saint Cloths” on the “Saint Seiya” here can be seen as mass-produced goods, but I have to say that in the three-ethnic coalition, the army of the Greek Protoss The face value is the highest, you are not afraid of a silver holy garment!

The fighting style of the giants is very rough, a typical Nordic style. After all, the rough fighting style of the Nordic Protoss is inherited from the giants.The rules of play of the Egyptian gods are quite dirty. Most of them are fighting in small groups, swarming and scattering, taking advantage of the local number of people to quickly strangle the heroic warriors who are alone.The "Saints" of the Greek Protoss are all equipped with unified equipment, advancing and retreating together, and they play head-to-head combat. Although the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is not as strong as that of the Heroic Spirits of the Nordic Protoss, the efficiency of the battle formation is worse than that of the Heroic Spirits of the Nordic Protoss. Going solo is higher.

The warriors of the Nordic Protoss are very strong in combat, but there is a problem that they place too much emphasis on individual bravery rather than team fighting, so in the face of the current chaotic battle with an extreme numerical disadvantage, they are at a disadvantage.

And Li Wei also moved, and he directly found Thor, the god of war who was the most capable of fighting in the Nordic gods.Of course, the broken comb left in Thor's Palace was useless, but Li Wei directly imitated Sif's comb with divine power and used it to stimulate Thor.

Seeing Li Wei rushing towards him, Thor's face was solemn. Thor already knew about Li Wei's bad relationship with Odin, and Thor was naturally unhappy in the face of Li Wei, the bastard who peeped at his sweet wife.The Thor's Hammer in his hand was thrown towards Li Wei.

The long sword with divine power in Li Wei's hand blocked Thor's Hammer, but there were also many cracks on the sword. Thor's Hammer is indeed a rare treasure. If it is really smashed, even Li Wei will Not feeling well.The strong impact made Li Wei feel a little tight in his chest, but it was still within the range and would not cause internal injuries.The hammer of Thor, which was blocked and flew, flew back to Thor's hands.

"Li Wei! What do you mean?! Are you going to do the right thing with our Nordic Protoss?!" Thor said angrily.

"Your hammer, let me decide! So what if I go against your Nordic Protoss?! It's fine if Geufien doesn't give it to me, and he will play a trick to slow down the troops. Now that I can't help but give me a hammer, I Is it easy to bully?! Originally, I wanted to help you, but you are not particular about your work, so you can’t blame me for not giving you face! I have to beat you into pancakes today!” Li Wei said through gritted teeth.

Of course, Li Wei just pretended. He spoke loudly, so that everyone on the battlefield could hear him, just to put himself at the moral commanding heights.

Because of this battle, the coalition of the three tribes won the battle, but they could not eradicate the entire Nordic god system, so there would always be fish that slipped through the net, and Li Wei wanted to clean up his image through these fish that slipped through the net. , It's not that Li Wei doesn't pay attention to things, but that the Nordic Protoss fooled him first.In this way, Li Wei can be reasonable no matter what he does, and the Nordic Protoss has become a villain.

The high-level officials of the Tri-Clan Alliance listened to Li Wei's words and couldn't help but roll their eyes.But now the coalition still needs Levina's destructive power.

Li Wei shouted: "Someone is coming! It's crazy!"

With Li Wei's shout, the demon gods rushed out of the magic book space and joined the battle.With the participation of the demon gods in the war, the pressure of the three tribes coalition forces dropped suddenly. .

chapter 1089. the sad god of thunder

The strength of the demon gods under Li Wei will grow with the growth of Li Wei, which means that the upper limit of Li Wei determines the upper limit of the demon gods.And Li Wei, whose strength has steadily improved, has also made the demon gods stronger. At least compared to when each demon god appeared for the first time, they were much stronger than the previous self, and each one was a demon king-level warlord. Power, no matter which god system is placed, is an absolute elite combat power, and its strength is comparable to that of a weaker main god.

With the addition of the demon gods, the balance of the entire battle situation was completely tilted towards the tripartite coalition, but this scene also saw the eyes of the top officials of the tripartite coalition jumping.

You must know that Li Wei is not a force, but a lone wolf. It is not terrible for a force to have such strength, but this uncontrollable lone wolf is the most troublesome, and no one wants to provoke the wolves.Especially Li Wei, a lone wolf with a vile and vengeful nature, how far away he can get.

Because one side has a big business and there are too many pots and pans, even if there is a conflict, it can still be negotiated.Therefore, no matter how powerful the power is, many things can be negotiated, and the lone wolf is different. The lone wolf who does things by his mood has too many uncertainties. For example, Li Wei can now turn against the Nordic Protoss for a woman. Who knows why Li Wei will cheat them in the future?

Of course, they didn't know the three-party forces that Li Wei had planned in depth. They thought that Li Wei was just doing things for the sake of a woman. What they didn't know was that while they were using Li Wei, they were also being used by Li Wei.But strictly speaking, Li Wei, the Egyptian Protoss, the Greek Protoss, and the Giants are not good people. Everyone uses each other, so there is no need to stand on the moral high ground and spray people. Everyone understands what each other is. thing.

Now, because they want to join forces to rectify the Nordic gods to death, they are still quite united at this time.The new demon gods who joined the battlefield directly focused on the high-end combat power of the Nordic Protoss, and cooperated with the three-party coalition forces to harvest by means of joint strikes.For these high-end combat powers, Li Wei's order is dead or alive. Anyway, whether it is a living body or a corpse, it can be used as a raw material for forging gems.Of course, out of bad taste, Odin and Thor Livy were ready to catch them alive.

At this moment, Li Wei was confronting Thor, and Thor's hammer, Miaoeryol, was constantly flying, hitting Li Wei with a heavy blow.The Thor's Hammer forged by dwarfs is an extremely lethal artifact. You must know that the innate physique of the Nordic Protoss is not as good as that of the Giants. If it weren't for chance, the Asa Protoss and the Warner Protoss would not be in power. The Nordic gods are in power. In the early days of power, they were almost pushed back by the giants. If it wasn't for Thor and Thor's Hammer to stabilize the front line, the Protoss in power in Northern Europe would still be the giants.

Of course, every god of the Nordic gods is the blood of the giants. This is also an internal housework of Norse mythology, which is a bit similar to the evil group within the devil and the new generation regime. Whoever is stronger is orthodox.

However, Li Wei also knows the weakness of Thor's Hammer, because the Thor's Hammer was commissioned by Loki to the dwarf in order to make amends for Thor, so the limits and weaknesses of Thor's Hammer are well understood by Li Wei. Yes, because Li Wei has obtained all the knowledge of Loki, and this includes the relevant information of Thor's Hammer.

Because of this, Li Wei was still at ease in the face of Thor's Hammer, a powerful artifact.Unlike those "artifacts" held by mortals, Thor's Hammer of Thor was based on the start of the God Extinguishing Tool, and after so many years of synchronization and strengthening, the power of Thor's Hammer has long surpassed The so-called god-killing tool, this is a real powerful treasure that can kill a god with a single hammer.

Having obtained all the knowledge of Loki, Li Wei is not afraid of Thor's hammer, because as long as Li Wei wants, he can control Thor's hammer at any time.You must know that the Thor's Hammer itself was forged by Loki entrusted by the gnomes, and at that time, Loki's ambitions had already begun to expand, so when forging Thor's Hammer, a special back door was left inside, as long as a special spell was used, It will be able to forcibly seize control of Thor's Hammer.

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