It was close at hand, but it was like the next day. Li Wei watched the sharp sword in front of him constantly slashing at the shield, and also admired Odin's perseverance. It was not easy to be so fierce at his age.However, sympathy is sympathy, and Li Wei is still mercilessly poking at Odin's sore spot.

"Master, you can't do it, it's useless to cut it for so long." Li Wei took the initiative to attack, Odin was already tired because of the random outbreak, especially the most important weapon, the magic gun, was interrupted by Li Wei and was abolished. Ding could only rely on his own martial arts to fight against Li Wei, but in the face of Li Wei, who had surpassed him in strength, Odin had already lost half.One of the characteristics of the Nordic Protoss is that they are very dependent on weapons, and the sharp gun is the proof of the Odin God King.Odin's ability to become a god-king is also related to Gungnir. Odin, who lost his sharp gun, was more unbearable than Thor, who lost Thor's hammer.Of course, Odin's own martial arts are also good. After all, he is also an old warrior who trains every day, and a bad ship also has three pounds of nails.

Thor's hammer appeared in Li Wei's hand, and he swung the hammer vigorously. Li Wei slammed the hammer down on Odin's head. Looking at Thor's hammer, Odin hadn't reacted yet, and the hammer head was in his sight. It began to zoom in infinitely, and the sky was spinning. Odin felt that his vision began to blur, and the whole person became powerless.

Li Wei looked at the divine hammer in his hand, and thought it was really cool to hit someone with a hammer. The moment he smashed it down, Li Wei felt that Huang Hong and Zhang Quandan were possessed at the same time, especially the hammer that hit Odin's face." "Crack" sound, really refreshing from the inside out.Looking at Odin lying on the ground, Li Wei threw him directly into the magic book space.

If Odin is not provoked by Li Wei and fights steadily, even if Li Wei can win, it will not be so easy, and if Odin wants to leave, Li Wei may not be able to keep him stably.There is no if in this world, because Odin couldn't control his temper, he was hit by Li Wei's aggressive technique, so he quickly lost.However, Li Wei was also a coincidence, poking Odin's inverse scale, and this was able to stimulate success. After all, Odin, the cunning and cunning king of the gods, was not a fool like Thor. .

chapter 1092. go down the world tree

Now the Nordic gods can play the most, only the god of war Tyr.Although Thor, the god of thunder, is as famous among humans as Odin, but the true god of war in the Nordic pantheon is Tyr, one of the sons of Odin.

On the battlefield, although both Odin and Thor have been defeated, Tyre's brave battle has temporarily propped up the Nordic Protoss' line of defense. Priesthood bonus, in the face of adversity, the more you fight, the more courageous you are.

With one long sword and one shield, Tyr killed indistinguishably with the leaders of the coalition army.The Nordic God of War's priesthood bonus says that the tacky point is "people are crazy". The more enemies, the higher the bonus achievement.At an absolute disadvantage in numbers, the bonuses Tyr received reached a rather terrifying level. The World Tree poured power into Tyr's body continuously, making him almost immune to spell damage.The super-fast speed allowed him to take away dozens of lives of the coalition forces with each sword, and the powerful force made those who dared to attack him either be shot flying or directly shot into a pool of meat sauce.And the top combat powers of the coalition forces are also unable to say anything in the face of this immobile hedgehog. The current ~ Tyr is too strong.

As long as the World Tree still has power, then Tyre can continue to fight, and this is the base camp of the Nordic Protoss, the power transmitted by the World Tree is not damaged, and the bonus Tyre obtains makes him face several times his own The gods of the gods are not at a disadvantage, and they can also take advantage of the opportunity to harvest the conventional combat power of the coalition.

It's not that the coalition forces didn't think about destroying the World Tree, but the World Tree is in a different space, and only Odin knows where it is. If there is time to go to the World Tree, it is estimated that Tyr, who is mad, has already cut down the conventional combat power of the coalition forces. Most of the time.Therefore, the high-end combat power of the coalition forces can only hold Tyre firmly, and then send a request for help to their base camp to send more reinforcements.

Li Wei, who had already returned to the main battlefield, saw Tyr who was so powerful, and did not want to participate in this muddy water. Instead, he asked the demons to speed up the harvest of heroic spirits and other gods. Tyr's bug was temporarily ignored.Li Wei has now captured Odin, and Odin, like Thor, has been extracted from all the divine powers, taken from the godhead, and reduced to mortals.The current Odin is just an ordinary half-blind old man. Li Weidu distorted Odin's memory and knew the location of the World Tree. He was going to seize the World Tree.

In the beginning, Li Wei only thought about how to get the gods of the Nordic Protoss. Regardless of life or death, they were all raw materials.After reading Odin's memory, Li Wei temporarily changed his mind, that is, to capture the World Tree.Because the World Tree of the Nordic Protoss is a treasure that can make all the gods all over the world envious, Li Wei plans to use the World Tree to expand his own God Realm.

The World Tree is also known as the Cosmic Tree. This giant tree itself can build a complete world. The current Asgard is just a small site of the World Tree. The Nordic Protoss is far from realizing the full potential of the World Tree. inspire.Even Odin's sharp gun, Gungnir, was made of a branch of the World Tree, but this piece of rotten wood is naturally a "God Killing Tool", and slaughtering a god is as easy as killing a dog.

If he can get the World Tree and use his full abilities, Li Wei even dares to challenge three bugs.Punching the great red, kicking the infinite dragon god, and slapping the emperor beast [-] with a slap, it makes me feel all the way to think about it. Menglong Orpheus's words can open the door, at least not kill her, after all, washboard loli is also very good. If there is love, the premise is that Li Wei can control the scene. Orpheus is not a good old loli.

Relying on Odin's memory, Li Wei was extremely familiar with the environment of Asgard, and his search work provided convenience, but now is not the time to find other treasures, taking advantage of the alliance between the gods of the coalition and Tyr. When it comes to anus, it is the right way to fish in troubled waters.There is a saying that people can't get rich without windfall, and horses can't get fat without nights. Li Wei originally just wanted to bring beauty back home, but he didn't expect to have both people and wealth now.At this time, Li Wei really wanted to sing a song "Bei Er Shuang" to express his feelings.

The entrance to the secret space where the World Tree is located is in Odin's Golden Palace. At this time, the Golden Palace is already in chaos. There are heroic spirits and coalition soldiers fighting everywhere. Also happy, Li Wei transformed himself into an inconspicuous passer-by with Transfiguration, lying behind Odin's supreme throne when no one was paying attention to him.Li Wei, who pretended to be dead, opened the entrance of the passage with special magic and fell into a teleportation magic circle.No one noticed the life and death of a "little soldier", and Li Wei succeeded in fishing without knowing it.

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The space channel is like a corridor built in the universe, but this is not surprising. Li Wei knows that this is an incomplete universe nurtured by the world tree. Although the world tree does not have the ability to create the world in the true sense, it can create things such as Aspen. Small and medium-sized special spaces such as Garde (Nordic God Realm) and Death Realm (the area where Hela, the goddess of death is located), are not a problem.At least it is much more powerful than the God Realm and the magic book space created by Li Wei himself.

There are still many magical uses of the World Tree. Tyr's power blessing is also a kind of World Tree's ability, and even the learned Odin can't understand how many abilities the World Tree has.Li Wei doesn't care so much. Anyway, let's take away the World Tree first. Li Wei originally thought that the biggest gain of this trip was the Nordic gods themselves, but now the Nordic gods and other raw materials are ranked third.The first is the world tree, the second is Geeuphine and the six goddesses, and the third is the raw materials such as the Nordic gods.


Li Wei came to the foot of the World Tree. The huge World Tree supports the world, and the end of the canopy cannot be seen. However, Li Wei has a way to take away the World Tree. Odin's memory has a full set of related magics for moving the World Tree. Li Wei Dimension only needs to draw the gourd in the same way and use it.

Using special Nordic magic, Li Wei chanted a spell with strange syllables, and with the special operation of divine power, the World Tree began to move on its own.The World Tree has its own space, so Li Wei directly moved it into the magic book space as a buffer. After the World Tree is almost studied, he will transplant the World Tree to his own God Realm.

The towering tree kept shrinking and eventually became the size of a pocket landscape tree, which Li Wei could easily put in the palm of his hand.As the space connection was cut off, this cosmos-like space began to slowly collapse, and Li Wei did not hesitate to return directly to Asgard by relying on the internal teleportation ability of the World Tree.

And now he did not return to the main battlefield, but seized the time to harvest all kinds of loot. Although the time was limited, he could not get much, but it was better than leaving it all to the coalition. .

chapter 1093. the destruction of the Nordic gods

On the battlefield, Tyr, who was so powerful, stumbled and almost fell from the air.Tyre, whose state began to decline rapidly, couldn't figure out what happened, and his "magic" state was interrupted.Tyre only felt that the energy in his body was rapidly draining, and gradually fell to the normal level. Although his strength could be ranked in the top five in Norse mythology even at the normal level, the opponent he was facing now was like a wolf like a tiger. The other gods of the god race, the chain would be fatal in such a situation.

Tyr, who was secretly complaining, could only bite the bullet and continue to fight. He had no way to retreat. Once he anointed the soles of his feet with oil, the backbone of the entire Heroic Spirit Legion would be gone. The entire Nordic Protoss is estimated to be over.

The confrontation between the gods, once defeated, it is really impossible to turn over forever, especially in the case of "Six Seven Seven" where Odin and Thor are also missing, once he falls, it means the top of the Nordic Protoss. The fighting force was wiped out.And even running away is useless. If you can run, the monk can't escape from the temple. His priesthood and godhead are tied to the entire Nordic pantheon. Once the enemy strikes the entire pantheon, his power will also be weakened.In other words, if you don't resist now, you won't have the chance to resist in the future.

However, the coalition forces also saw that Tyre was wilted, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and seeing that Tyre’s glory was no longer there, the leading gods of the coalition army also accelerated the rhythm of the attack, and Tyre, who could not bear the pressure, also began to Show failure.The long sword in his hand was full of gaps, the shield was also cracked, and the wounds all over his body continued to ooze blood.

At this time, Li Wei had also returned to the main battlefield, and used divine power to imitate Odin to make a fake corpse. However, in order to make the fake real, Li Wei did not greedily take Gungnir, but took it with the corpse. come over.The reason for forging Odin's corpse was to reassure the coalition forces that Odin was finished, and that Odin had other uses for Li Wei, so Li Wei took the time to make a fake corpse.

When he saw Odin's body, Tyr's heart defense completely collapsed. As the backbone of the Nordic Protoss, Odin's significance is immeasurable. Odin's death also means that the mainstay of the Nordic Protoss has fallen.The desperate Tyre fell into madness, and the fighting style changed from the original steady and steady fight to fierce. Tyre, who attacked with all his strength, directly hit Apollo, the god of war of the Greek gods, and almost decapitated Athena with a backhand sword.

However, two fists are invincible against four hands, and a good tiger can't hold back too many wolves. No matter how Tyr can fight, he is burning his own life support, and it cannot last for a long time. After a while, he is completely annihilated by the attack of the coalition gods, and his soul is completely destroyed.

The entire high-end combat power has been emptied, and the Nordic Protoss is left with only some incompetent nameless hair gods, a group of heroic spirits, and Valkyries, all of which have begun to flee. Apply oil to the soles of the feet.It's not that they don't want to chase, but that the remaining trash fish will not affect the overall situation even if they run away, and the allied gods who were consumed by Tyr and want to vomit blood also need to be repaired, especially Ares of the Greek Protoss, who was almost killed. Tyre's life-threatening blow was killed, and now it is not Athena's support, and he can't stand still.

Apollo, the sun god of the Greek Protoss, walked up to Odin's fake corpse, looked at the corpse that was half smashed to pieces, and said, "This old man who doesn't keep his words is also today, which is very pleasing. But Li Wei, you don't care about it. Gungnir put away?"

Li Wei shook his head and said: "The pre-war agreement has been agreed, the treasures belong to the Egyptian Protoss, I have already got what I want, and how to divide the rest is up to you."

Apollo raised his eyebrows. Li Wei's words made him a little surprised. Generally speaking, if you kill an enemy directly, the loot belongs to the killer, but Li Wei doesn't even want a treasure like Gungnir, which is indeed a bit annoying. can't read.

The gods of the Egyptian Protoss are beaming. After this battle, not only the treasure house of the Nordic Protoss will be owned by them, but even the dwarfs who forge treasures will be taken away by them, but they can get the extra gun Gangni. Er, it's also a good thing. Gungnir is not an ordinary artifact. Li Wei can keep his promise and leave it to the Egyptian Protoss, and the gods of the Egyptian Protoss are also in a happy mood.

But what the three-party coalition did not know is that Li Wei directly took away the World Tree of the Nordic Protoss, so he couldn't look at Gungnir. The so-called magic gun is a weapon made from a dead branch of the World Tree. .Li Wei has now directly taken away the World Tree. There are as many artifacts of the same level as Gungnir, as long as Li Wei thinks.

Of course, Li Wei still had to pretend to be a good gentleman on the surface, and not take things that he shouldn't take.Because Li Wei has to rely on the three-party Protoss to help him promote his own whitewashing, so he can't offend people if he can, and now Li Wei has not yet left this world, his reputation can't be bad if he doesn't...

The Egyptian god of death, Nephthys, smiled and said, "If that's the case, then we will accept this treasure, thank you."

Li Wei also smiled and said: "I am a person who loves beauty but not the country. My purpose has been achieved, so I will not be greedy for things that do not belong to me."

The male gods of the coalition gods all showed knowing smiles. The old drivers all understood what Li Wei was talking about. Li Wei directly took the six most beautiful goddesses of the Nordic gods in one breath. Yanfu is really envious of others, of course for the sake of Their own image, they will not express their envy.

Isn't there an old saying, the child is good for yourself, and the wife is good for others.Playing with other people's wives is exciting, especially the Greek gods who are lustful. Except for the three goddesses who have always kept themselves clean, which of the other gods, male or female, are not lovers?Let's just say that Apollo looks like a dog. There are no one hundred or eighty lovers. Ares, the god of war, is an old driver who loves women. Even among the Egyptian gods, there are not a few male gods who raise lovers. .

Not to mention the giants, they are as good as the Greek gods, and they are even better at playing. Which of the different flavors have you tried?

Apollo smiled and said, "Li Wei, do you want to stay and participate in the celebration?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "I won't stay on 5.8. After all, I have gained a lot from this trip. It's not good to let the beauty stay in the empty room."

A group of old drivers laughed, men, they all understand.If they were in Li Wei's position, it is estimated that they would have run away without a shadow at this time. The saying that a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold has similar rants in various cultural belts.

Li Wei has gained a lot this time. Not only has he caught a lot of raw materials, but even the Valkyrie has also captured some, and one of them is Roseweather, who had a relationship with Li Wei before. The high-strength silver-haired Valkyrie has now become Li Wei's captive.Li Wei didn't have much interest in those ordinary Valkyries, so he left Roseweather alone.As a visual animal, Li Wei also has high requirements for the opposite sex, and it is only a beauty like Roseweather who can catch his eye. .

chapter 1094. return to neon

After saying goodbye to the senior leaders of the three-way coalition, Li Wei set foot on the return journey. It has nothing to do with him what the Nordic will look like in the future. Anyway, he has accumulated a lot of raw materials in his magic book space, and he is waiting to go back. Work hard and make these unlucky ghosts into gems.

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