A female demon came over, handed a list to Li Wei, and said, "Your Majesty, this is your list of items, we have everything ready."

Li Wei nodded and said, "It's hard work, you have to do so much."

Li Wei's politeness flattered female demons. In the world of demons, strength is everything, and the upper-level demons have the power to kill or kill the lower-level demons. It really surprised her that a maharaja could be so polite.Li Wei is not a real devil, and he does not eat the jungle law of the devil. For him, others have made efforts to serve him, and expressing gratitude is the minimum respect.

The female demon said embarrassedly: "Where, it's our honor to serve the Maharaja, you praised it."

Li Wei looked at it, and the preparation work was quite tedious. The number of items on the list alone was no less than 03.These female demons are all helpers provided by the Gremory family, and their status is very low in the family.Although the Gremory family is also generous to them, but the environment of the underworld is like this, and no one can change this situation.

Li Wei said, "You can leave first when you're done working here."

The female demon understood and nodded quickly. She understood what Li Wei wanted to do.Knowing how to look at people's faces is an essential skill for lower-level demons to survive. In a place like the underworld, offending a higher-level demon is tantamount to suicide, and how to avoid friction with a higher-level demon.It is a skill that all lower-level demons must know.In Li Wei's eyes, she saw desire, so she knew what Li Wei was going to do, and naturally knew how to avoid suspicion.

While Li Wei was enjoying the "carnival" with the girls, on the other side, Serjaks was also carrying out his own plans.As a demon king, Serjax usually stays in his palace, living apart from the rest of the family.In the spacious office, Serjaks sat in a chair and looked at the projected map on the desk, a little dazed.

The projected map is the sphere of influence occupied by demons in the entire underworld territory.The current underworld is mainly composed of three forces, one is the devil, the other is the fallen angel, and the other is the underworld who doesn't care about anything.Hades rarely communicated with the outside world and had no ambitions. They just maintained the balance between the living and the dead, and they were not a threat to Serjax.

Serjax looked at the projected map, the corners of his mouth were curved, and said to himself: "Soon, the demons will respect me, there are too many four demon kings, and one of the demon kings is enough... "

With the time in power getting longer and longer, Serjax has deviated from his original intention. At the beginning, he was a passionate revolutionist who wanted to create a world of great harmony, but after taking power, he found that he did not care about How to do it, there are many constraints. The [-] nobles are constantly obstructing the reform for their own interests. Even if he is the devil, there is nothing he can do.

After all, Serjax's success in ascending the throne of the Demon King was also related to the remaining old nobles. Without their support, Serjax's position as the Demon King would not be stable.And while Serjax was stabilizing his rule, the nobles kept extending their power, so that if he wanted to do something, he had to argue with the House of Commons every day, which was a complete waste. time.

Because if wrangling can finally get things done, Serjaks wouldn't think about monopolizing power, but now the aristocratic power in the underworld is too big, and all walks of life and even basic livelihood industries have been dominated by nobles. This is Serjaks don't want to see.As a member of the nobility, his butt decided his head naturally hoped that the power of the nobility would expand, but as one of the four rulers of the underworld, he didn't want to see this situation.Now that Serjax wants to be the only "king" of the demon race, it is naturally intolerable for these noble forces who have crossed the border.

Serjax wants to subvert the entire noble system, just like human society, subverting the nobility with the power of capital, and the situation in the underworld is similar, but it requires absolute power.The combination of power and capital is enough to sound the death knell of noble families.

And this road is lonely, Serjax knows that he has no real allies, even the other three demon kings will not stand on the same front with him, because although the other three demon kings are sitting in the position of demon kings, they are in Constantly reaping benefits for his own family.Because for them, the Demon King is only a position and not everything, and the family is their foundation, so when they are in their positions, they take advantage of the convenience of their positions to make profits and prepare for their "retirement". endure.

But everyone has selfishness, even Serjax is no exception. What he thinks about eliminating the noble forces is to eliminate the noble forces other than the Gremory family, and the scope of this elimination is also flexible. Anyone who bows his head to him will be able to continue to exist, and those who resist him will inevitably perish.Because he alone cannot rule the entire underworld, it is necessary to cultivate new interest spokespersons step by step and create a new power system dominated by him. 927

The reason Serjax pushes the peace agreement is for this day, in order to control the entire demon race.Coupled with the limitations of the terms, he who has mastered the "orthodox" has absolute initiative. Because of the limitations of the terms, even if the angels and fallen angels don't help him, there is absolutely no way for him to get down and let him have enough. Time to complete all these changes.

But what Serjax won't know is that he has missed one person, and that is Livy.The treaty between the three powers in the Bible is aimed at the existence of demons, fallen angels and angels. Li Wei is not a demon at all and is not bound by the terms.In order to cover up the fact that he is not a demon, Li Wei also modified the memories of Kiba Yuto and Gasper many times, and gave spiritual suggestions to Rias, Himejima Akeno and Tacheng Kitten, and even Even Asia was not immune, using this method to ensure that they would not reveal the secret.

Li Wei is the biggest variable in Serjax's plan. Serjaks naturally wants to win over a strong man like Li Wei, because Li Wei does not love power and has no other hobbies except liking women. Words are the safest ally.The cards in his hand are still not enough, but if he can pull Li Wei into his camp, then he has enough confidence to build his empire. .

chapter 1110. hegemonic foundation

Serjax is not a person who likes to bow his head to others, and the current political situation makes him feel very uncomfortable. He envies Michael and Azazel, because the former two have absolute prestige in their own ethnic group. Anything can be said to be the same, even if there are some thorns, you don't dare to confront the two of them clearly.

On the other hand, in the underworld, the power of the Demon King is divided into four parts. Once there is a place where power overlaps, it is necessary to negotiate and do things, which is very inefficient.The most important point is the existence of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, which makes the power very decentralized. The devil wants to do something. If there are people in the House of Lords and the House of Commons, it will be quite troublesome. Can't even do it directly.

Serjax has always wanted to master the power of the entire underworld, but because of various constraints, his plans have failed again and again.Since the letter is not good, then the martial arts will come. Anyway, a man can't be without power for a day. He must seize the highest power in the underworld.Now that the calamity group has been defeated, the whole plan has been completed [-]%. As long as this step is done well and the power of the underworld can be grasped in the hands, the overall plan has been directly completed by [-]%, which is a big progress.

Serjax's plan is divided into two big steps. The first big step is to integrate the underworld internally, and the second big step is to integrate the Bible forces externally to form a huge military alliance, and then start to fight externally to master the world. right.Now it is the second small step of the first big step. The first big step is divided into three small steps. The first small step is to kill the disaster group. The disaster group has been active in the dark for so many years, and now it has finally been completely filmed. die.The second small step is to integrate the existing strength of the underworld, squeeze five fingers into a fist, and prepare for the third small step.The third small step is also the key point of the whole plan, which is to kill the first-generation Lucifer Lizewim.

Serjax knew that the first-generation Lucifer was the mastermind behind the Troubled Troupe, and it was not enough to just step on the Troubled Troupe, because if the first-gen Lucifer was still lurking in the dark, then he could continue to do things. It was unacceptable for Serjax who went overseas.Serjax can't stand anyone holding back his "big business", so Li Zevim, the mastermind behind the gang of woes, must be killed.

But Serjax also knew that it would be difficult for him to get Lizevim alone, even if he had made a lot of preparations, it was still not enough.The special ability of the first-generation Lucifer Lizewim is the ineffectiveness of the artifact. In other words, when facing Lizewim with a powerful combat power, the artifact user is like a chick and can easily be killed in seconds.Therefore, his family members are all non-artifact users, and their strength is entirely derived from their own training. There is no external force addition to any equipment, and their combat power is very stable. The lineup of this legion dedicated to Lizevim is very luxurious, but Serjax knows that Just that is not enough.

Li Zevim is too strong, it's just a bug, Serjax knows that relying on himself and the fighting group in his hand can't help Li Zevim, because the opposite is not a single person fighting alone, this is the difference between the two forces The communication between the two is about comprehensive strength, and Serjax is now at a disadvantage.

To combat Lizevim, we have to rely on foreign aid.Of course, the heavens and the fallen angels can't be counted on. In this kind of muddy water, neither the heavens nor the fallen angels want to get burned. If the siege fails, it will only be a result of not eating the mutton and making a mess, and it will not be worth it.

Therefore, Serjax's allies can only be found in the underworld, and his second small step plan will completely offend the other three demon kings to death, so the other three demon kings are not expected.Especially after the success of the second small step plan, one of the three former demon kings other than him must die, and that is Farbiwen Asmode.

Farbiwen Asmode is too dangerous. Although Farbiwen is lazy, once he gets serious, it is very difficult to deal with, because Farbiwen's brain is very useful. Serjax knew that he was no match for Farbiwen, so Farbiwen had to die for the stability of his rule.

But in this way, the relationship between Serjax, Ajaka, and Seraph will directly drop to freezing point, so the other two Demon Lords cannot be counted on.However, there is still a high-end combat power in the underworld that can be used, that is Li Wei.Serjax has calculated that Li Wei has no direct conflict of interest with him, because Li Wei actually has very low requirements. If he doesn't like women, he can really be said to be a desireless existence.

That's right, from the point of view of demons, Li Wei is really a desireless person. He doesn't like destroying or killing people, and he doesn't like all kinds of entertainment that are common to demons. Just like an ascetic.Of course, for the standard of ascetic monks here, please refer to the moral concept of demons. If an ascetic monk among human beings is thrown into the demon race, he is simply a moral saint.

In response to Li Wei's "''' weakness", Serjax also has a solution, and in Serjax's view, Li Wei is also the easiest powerhouse to win, provided he is willing to pay, and compared to selling rights, it is only It is the easiest to offer women.But Serjax also knew that ordinary women couldn't impress Li Wei at all, so if he wanted Li Wei to contribute, he had to come up with some real "good things".And after gaining power, he provided some convenience to Li Wei. He did not believe that Li Wei could resist such a temptation. As long as he could fool Li Wei to deal with Li Zeweim, anything would do.

But Serjaks thinks too much. Li Wei's purpose is the same as his, and he is also against Li Zeweim, so even if he (Wang Zhaohao) doesn't do anything, Li Wei will help him, if he is willing to pay the price If so, Li Wei will laugh and accept it without rejecting it.

Li Wei didn't know yet, but he had an extra gift bag for no reason.Time passed quickly, and within a few days, it was time for Li Wei's wedding.As the backbone of the underworld, each family sent important members of the family to attend Li Wei's wedding ceremony for the sake of face, and prepared congratulatory gifts.

The marriage of the nobles is not a trivial matter for the entire underworld, not to mention that although Li Wei has no real power, his status is very high, and coupled with the high-end combat power that all parties need to rely on, he is naturally highly respected.Because the number of nobles is only [-], everyone can’t see them when they look up. Even if there is any conflict, they will maintain the surface harmony. Therefore, for Li Wei’s wedding, not only all the [-] nobles from the underworld are present, but even the fallen angels and the heavens are sent. representative participation. .

Chapter 1111. The Demon King Visits

The devil's wedding is very strange, at least in Li Wei's view, it is different from the human wedding, and it is very different from the East and the West.In other words, in the concept of human beings, the "Western product" of demons should be a Western-style wedding. However, Li Wei, as an actual experiencer, is qualified to say that a demon's wedding is a three-way affair.

In Western civilization, human beings have to pray to God for their weddings, while the DXD world prays to the gods in the legends of the Bible. Although the gods have fallen, believers do not know it.However, when Aixia knew that the gods in the Bible had fallen, her whole person's three views almost collapsed. This is a normal thing. After all, Aixia is a girl who grew up in a religious environment. It can be said that she is very concerned about the issue of faith. Pay attention to.The fall of God was a huge blow to her.

The devil's wedding, of course, does not need to swear to God, nor does it swear to the first-generation Lucifer who has abandoned the heaven, but the bride and groom swear to each other, and they are bound by oath regulations. More, because this is an extension of the laws of the world, so even a powerful being like a demon cannot violate it.Contractual oaths cannot be broken unless both parties voluntarily, which is different from human weddings.

Moreover, the devil's wedding is not like the East Asian style, and needs to worship the high church. In the devil's concept, marriage is a matter of the husband and wife, and has nothing to do with the parents, so there is no link to worship the high church.

However, the oath that should be made still has to be made, although Li Wei has studied the law of the end of this world and found that this constraint is a joke to him, and it will become invalid once he leaves this world.But facing his women, Li Wei still swears very devoutly. This oath is not for them, but for himself.

That's right, Li Wei's oath is actually a warning to himself to cherish his wife and concubines.Although Li Wei is a "straight man cancer" with serious machismo, he is very good to his wives and concubines. He even uses the different time differences between spaces to make every wives and concubines feel his love as much as possible. care.

Because of the time in the God Realm, Li Wei can control the time at will, except that he can pause and fast-forward after he cannot go backwards. With this ability to control the time in the space, he takes good care of every one of his wives and concubines. .There is no such thing as a lack of care for the previous woman because of a new woman or busy work. In Li Wei's harem, there is no such thing as a new person laughing and an old person crying. Li Wei evenly distributed his love. Invested in every wives and concubines.

And Li Wei also found that he has a particularly strong demand for sex, and he has sex with different wives and concubines every day, and he will not be bored with a certain wife and concubines. Different women also enjoy different things for Li Wei.

In the middle of the wedding, the master of ceremonies asked Li Wei, who was wearing a black dress, to face his three wives and six bridesmaids and said, "Now, let the groom put on rings for the bride and bridesmaids and kiss them."

When it comes to the kiss ceremony, all the girls blush a little, but this is the custom of the demon noble wedding, and it is also a necessary process, and it is also the bridegroom's oath of sovereignty over the bride and bridesmaids.And the kiss ceremony is not just a light touch, but a fierce and passionate hug and a deep kiss, which is also the most popular process for demons.

Li Wei gently picked up Rias's slender hand and put the ring representing marriage and happiness on her ring finger.

"Rias, from today onwards, you belong to me completely." Li Wei smiled slightly domineering.

Rias pretty face had a blushing shyness, she lowered her head slightly and didn't dare to look into Li Wei's eyes, she just hummed.Li Wei didn't make fun of her either. Rias usually looks strong and calm, but she actually has a side of a little woman. (adfi) Levi put rings on each of them in turn, and then kissed them. (I dare not write in detail, sorry, see you at some point)

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