Li Wei said with a smile: "Indeed, Lord Asmodeus and I have no grievances and no grudges. It stands to reason that I have no reason (good money) to ask for trouble. But I was entrusted by Serjax, Those who came to kill your Excellency, please cooperate with my work a little."

Falbiven rubbed his beard and slag's chin and sighed: "If Serjax wants to kill me, I really can't find any other reason except that he wants to make a revolution. But from his point of view Come on, I have to die, so it's useless for me to beg for mercy?"

Li Wei nodded and said with a look of sigh: "Of course, Serjax's request to me is to kill you. After all, he made a condition that I can't refuse."

Farbwin smiled and said: "I know that I am not your opponent, this life will definitely not be saved, but I hope you can satisfy my curiosity before I die, what conditions did Serjax offer? , let a strong man like you kill me. Tsk tsk, what an honor."

chapter 1116. delivery

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's not something that can't be said, anyway, you can't say it. That guy Serjax is willing to spend his money. You know, I don't have many other hobbies, and my favorite is also It's a woman, and Serjax gave me Griffia, you think I can refuse?"

Falbiwen was stunned, with a series of unbelievable expressions, and then sighed: "Tsk tsk, Serjaks is willing to spend all his money in order to kill me, even the woman he loves will give it away, I can see this guy. , is a ruthless person. But you are also bold, not afraid of being kicked away after being used? As far as I know, that guy Sergex is quite forbearing and holding grudges."

Li Wei's understanding of Serjax knew that he might start to erase his black spots in the future.

However, Serjaks can't help Li Wei. First of all, the strength difference between the two sides is there. If you want to kill Li Wei, you must at least mobilize the entire demon tribe, and this may not guarantee that Li Wei will stay, Li Wei. Wei can come and go as soon as he wants, and now he has this strength.

Even if you want to erase the black spots, the big deal is to issue a password, so that this matter will be completely rotten in the long river of history. After a long time, naturally no one will remember it.The group 653 people are forgetful, so as long as Serjax promotes his great image, he will be able to solve this matter over time.

Besides, Li Wei won't stay in this world for long. By the time Serjax has the heart to deal with Li Wei, Li Wei might be in the next world.Li Wei is both admirable and vigilant about Serjax's eldest brother, but Li Wei will not act first, because it is unnecessary, and doing so will hurt Rias' heart, so unless it is Ser Jakes killed himself, otherwise Livy wouldn't plan to do it first.

Li Wei smiled and said, "This is my business, don't bother you."

Farbwin nodded and said, "Okay, my curiosity has been satisfied, so let's start. The ants are still alive, I will fight with all my strength, if I want my head, then I will take it myself. Bar."

Li Wei sighed: "It's a pity to die for an interesting guy like you. But I have already promised Serjax to kill you. Naturally, I can't break my promise. I'm sorry, I will definitely take your head."

The surface of Far Biwen's body has been coated with a layer of black mist, and the whole body has swelled by half, and the originally tall body looks even stronger. He was put on a set of pitch-black armor, which wrapped him like a can so that only two red eyes were left, and the huge demon wings spread out behind him, giving people a sense of oppression.

Farbiwen charged towards Li Wei, instantly breaking through the sonic boom at high speed, leaving behind a string of afterimages.The long sword in Farbiwen's hand was flat like a lance, stabbing towards Li Wei's chest.Li Wei suddenly had a peculiarly shaped wooden twisted long sword in his hand, blocking Far Biwen's assault.

The long sword in Farbiwen's hand was directly shattered by the shock, and even he himself was knocked out.The strength gap between the two sides is too big. Even if Li Wei does not rely on the devil, his own strength has already crushed Farbiwen. After all, there is a certain gap between Farbiwen's strength and Serjax. And Li Wei is even more incomparable.However, the reclusive Farbiwen is the most difficult one of the four demon kings to deal with, because he is too good at hiding. Others are cunning rabbits and three caves, and he directly has dozens of caves. he.

Farbiwen wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. Now that his internal organs have been injured, the gap in strength is too great, and he is not an opponent at all.

"A sword made of wood can seriously injure me. Sure enough, people are more dead than people." Farbwin said with a wry smile.

Li Wei said: "You don't have to belittle yourself. This wooden sword is a treasure I got from my home in Northern Europe. It is not an ordinary object. It is normal for it to hurt you."

The wooden sword in Li Wei's hand is the same as Odin's sharp gun Gungnir. With the magical ability, it is also relying on the approval of the magic spear that Odin was able to sit firmly in the position of the king of gods.The long sword in Li Wei's hand is made of a fresh branch cut directly from the World Tree, and its power is still higher than that of Gungnir, so it is very easy to hit Farbiwen with a single blow. , If Li Wei shot with all his strength, Far Biwen would not be as simple as being seriously injured at this time.

Falbiwen smiled bitterly and said, "Sure enough, the gap is huge. After all, you can even kill Odin, the main god of Northern Europe. For a character like me, you are just a passerby who can get the result with a single stroke."

Li Wei sighed: "I will give you a happy one, and I promise there will be no pain."

With no grievances and no grudges against Farbwin, Li Wei will naturally not be as fierce as he is to deal with other people.

Farbwin closed his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, it's a good thing to be able to die without pain."

Li Wei walked in front of Far Biwen, raised the wooden sword in his hand, and swung the wooden sword towards Far Biwen's neck. Just sprayed out from the fracture.Falbiwen is also a demon king-level powerhouse, and the energy contained in his body is also quite good. Li Wei, on the principle of not wasting, brought Falbiwen's body to the "factory area".

After the technology of energy extraction was mature, Li Wei concentrated all the equipment to form a factory-like existence, where the energy of the target could be extracted without harming the target itself.Because Farbiwen's body had to be handed over to Serjax, Li Wei couldn't do much damage to the body when he stripped the energy.

After completing the stripping, Li Wei left the magic book space and went to the Demon King's mansion of Serjax.

In the palace-like mansion, Serjax received Li Wei in the council hall, and there were only Li Wei and Serjax in the entire space.

Serjax said: "Come here at this time, I think Li Weijun, you have already dealt with things, it's really fast enough."

Li Wei said: "I'm not here to cooperate with your work, after all, this kind of thing can't be delayed for a long time, so as not to have more dreams at night. I'll get rid of Farbi Wen as soon as possible, and you can start too. I have already put Farbi Wen's body was brought here, and it's still warm."

Li Wei took out the corpse that Farbiwen had been squeezed out from the magic book space and put it on the ground. Farbiwen's body had been processed and was no longer a bloody piece.

Serjax squatted down, touched the cut in the corpse's neck, looked at the head that was placed alone in the container, and nodded.

"Very well, it's Farbwin, but he's in a strange situation. What's going on?" Serjax asked.

Li Wei opened his mouth and said, "This situation is because he was injured by a special artifact, so it will be like this. I have stolen a lot of good things from northern Europe, and one of them has a very special ability, so It became like this."

Serjax said: "Very well, once Farbwin is dead, no one can stop my plan, and the revolution is about to begin."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I can't help you much in the next thing, but I will take a good look at you, how to reform the underworld, I look forward to your so-called new world.".

chapter 1117. infiltrating the army

Just when Li Wei was living behind closed doors, the entire underworld was already surging. Of course, Li Wei didn't know the specific details because he didn't even care.And for such a thing, he is just a spectator, not disturbing, not interfering, and not coaxing.Of course, the necessary onlookers are still needed, and Li Wei is not absolutely indifferent to the outside world. He has taken certain measures against possible accidents.

About half a month after Farbwin's death, Serjax took action and started his own revolutionary plan.

Serjax has been preparing for this revolution for more than a thousand years. The armed forces in his hands have grown to the size of the Troubled Group hidden in the dark, and in order to hide these armed forces, he has also spent a lot of money. He has a lot of effort.Part of this huge army is hidden in the territory of the Gremory family, while the other part is in his direct territory. In addition, through various means of concealment and omission, the number of lower-level demon warriors in the hands of Serjax is sufficient. It has reached more than [-] people, while the number of intermediate demons has reached [-], and there are hundreds of elite superior demons.

This long-awaited armed force has always been eager to overthrow the mountains above their heads, but because of Serjax's order, they have been hiding in the marketplace and usually live like ordinary people.They'll pass you by, but you don't know he's a warrior, and he's probably pushing an ice-cream cart at a child-friendly hawker.He may also wear a suit and tie, be crowded like a salted fish on the subway every day, and work overtime in the company to be a dark overtime dog.He may also be a cleaner, a maintenance worker, a gardener, a driver, but they have a common identity, that is, a soldier of the revolutionary army.

This huge organization has been silently hidden and developed under the nose of the aristocratic system, forming a very perfect and hidden organizational structure. It has been waiting so hard. Many people even started a family during the waiting period, and then the whole family became A part of the revolutionary army.

Serjax, on the grounds of organizing militia training, let these revolutionary troops receive regular combat training and maintain a good combat state.And this is done by taking advantage of the convenience of the aristocratic authority.

The laws of the underworld are actually made by the nobles to protect their own interests. In order to protect their own interests, the nobles are clearly marked in the law. Nobles can support private armies. As long as their funds are no problem, then it is not. What can be studied deeply, but there is an upper limit to this number.Depending on the rank of title, the number of private troops that nobles can support is also different. In general, the higher the title, the higher the number of private troops that can be raised.

Serjax himself is a demon king. Although he is not in charge of the military, there is still a law that he must maintain the existence of a guard, and Serjax took advantage of this to win over [-] guards for himself. Army quota.

Serjax's guards are usually fully armed, and their masks are never taken off, and this is also to hide people's eyes and ears, because the more than [-] guards actually rotate a group every other month, and he will Using this method, some of the elites in his army can maintain a good amount of training. Because the expenses of the guards are reimbursed by the tribe's finances, Serjax does not have to worry about the training expenses of this team.

Relying on this method, Serjax has trained an elite army of about [-] people. The per capita combat power of this army is insufficient but above the lower level. It is especially good at formation group battles. The blessing of the magic circle, even if it encounters the existence of the demon king, it is not easy to be killed by a large number of seconds.And when this elite force meets other troops, the advantage is even greater.

This is just the military force that Serjax has cultivated himself, and the more than [-] regular troops left by Farbiwen have not been counted.

After Farbiwen's death, Serjax began to infiltrate the military system. He used Farbiwen's corpse to perform magical manipulations, transferred part of his power to himself, and then sent his own people to control various key positions. , and then began the Great Purge, kicking out the destabilizing factors within the army.

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