Seeing Li Wei coming, Valli Lucifer closed the page, pulled out the chair, and sat in front of the metal fence.

"It seems that you are in good shape. Losing your strength is not an insurmountable hurdle for you." Li Wei's tone was as relaxed as an old friend meeting.Li Wei snapped his fingers, a chair made of divine power appeared behind him, and Li Wei sat down.

Valli Lucifer sighed: "I was really not used to it at the beginning, but now it's like this, it's useless even if I've been struggling with this issue, it's better to relax."

Li Wei smiled and said, "Your mentality is very good. No wonder you have been the strongest White Dragon Emperor host in history. Even if you don't have White Dragon Emperor boarding, you will still be a hero."

This is not Li Wei joking, but in the DXD world view, there are very few people who can make Li Wei recognize, and Valli Lucifer is barely half. What the old dog's Levi does not have.For the same thing, Wally Lucifer dared to fight with a [-]% certainty, while Li Wei would only take a shot with a [-]% certainty. This was the gap.

Valli Lucifer smiled and said, "I've been here for more than half a month, and I'm still thinking about when you will come to see me. I have a lot of questions that I can't understand, and I've been thinking of you to help me out. 0..."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Then you can ask, I may not answer every question, and if you know some questions, I will not let you go. So whether it is more important to satisfy curiosity or life is more important, You measure yourself."

Valli Lucifer nodded. Li Wei was more talkative than he expected, which surprised him.Originally thought that Li Wei would laugh at him with the face of a winner, but Li Wei didn't do it. He did not understand a lot, but to get as much information as possible while saving his life, he must What to do, and listening to Li Wei's tone, he still has a chance to leave here.

But what Vali Lucifer didn't know was that Li Wei had always been interested in doing things first, and at the same time had a lot of bad taste. The reason why he didn't kill him was also for the so-called fun.

Valli Lucifer thought for a while and said, "Although he has been the strongest host of the White Dragon Emperor in history, I can feel it now that the White Dragon Emperor has disappeared from my body. Can I know its current condition?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "I can answer this question for you, but this question will delay the time for you to regain your freedom. Are you sure you want to know?"

Valli Lucifer said in a confident voice: "As long as it doesn't kill me, then I want to know, just delay it by 0.6."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Albion is now dead, and I have not been targeting you, but it. Ertianlong has now become the food for my growth. Of course, I can't say more, because After this, if you say it, I must kill you."

Valli Lucifer nodded and said, "I've probably guessed what's going on. This is your secret, and I can't see it through. How are my companions now? Monkey and Arthur, how are they now?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "An Xin, they are all very good, and the monkey is still very energetic, and he can't see the appearance of a prisoner at all. The question you want to ask is not only this, it happens that I am in a good mood now, even if It doesn't matter if there are more questions, I will answer you."

Chapter 1129. Bad taste ([-])

Li Wei is indeed in a good mood. The energy contained in Albion is very huge, not weaker than Ddraig, which makes his strength grow in stages again. It can be said that the current Li Wei's strength is relatively Another step up before.After consuming so many gems, the quantitative change finally caused the qualitative change.

The current Li Wei has stabilized the energy in his body to a new level. Compared with the previous self, he is not at a disadvantage.At the level of Li Wei, it is difficult to make further progress, and every bit of progress requires a huge effort.However, although Li Wei is patient, if he only grows on his own, the speed is too slow. Li Wei is not like the immortal cultivators in those fairy tales, who retreat for thousands of years and play in one breath. Vico couldn't stand such a boring practice.

And relying on his own little growth, although there is no so-called upper limit, it is too slow, at least that kind of speed Li Wei himself will never be satisfied.If he did not rely on swallowing gems, it would take at least [-] to [-] years for Li Wei to grow to his current strength. This was the most optimistic estimate.

In fact, this speed is not too slow compared to other gods and demons, and because there is no bottleneck, it is actually on the same level as other gods and demons. the greater the advantage.But Li Wei himself doesn't think so. It's like playing Dota and Lua Lu, who would want to only play in the late game?Grandpa just wants to smash all the five dog heads on the opposite side in the early stage, and hit the opposite side until fifteen shots.

To be honest, Li Wei's idea is actually very unbalanced. In the early and late stages of co-authoring, you play alone, and others will not play?But Li Wei thought so, he just wanted to play like this, and he also practiced like this, the effect is good, the only problem is that he is a little bit picky, and in the general animation world, even if he has a pot, he may not be able to get it all together. The energy reserve of a strong man in the DXD world.

The DXD world is also a pretty good world view of gods and demons. It is not the strongest, but it is also unique. At least it has helped Li Wei a lot and made him avoid a lot of detours.

After devouring the gems condensed by Albion, the power in Li Wei's body was saturated again. With such strength now, facing the first generation of Lucifer, it can be regarded as a greater grasp.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I really have to thank you for being willing to come and let me complete an important piece of the puzzle. Now the puzzle is still missing the biggest piece, and soon I will put all the puzzles together, and then you will be free. already."

Valli Lucifer said in surprise: "It seems that we won't have to wait too long to regain our freedom, although I don't know what you want to do."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I know that your ultimate goal is to defeat your grandfather Li Zeweim, but relying on your strength alone, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless. And even if you find more companions, it will be useless, The absolute strength difference is too big, aren't you curious about what I'm going to do, what I'm going to do is the same as you, and that is to defeat Li Zevim. He is the last piece of the puzzle."

Valli Lucifer looked at Li Wei in shock. He had a say in how strong his grandfather was. In order to defeat his grandfather, Valli Lucifer kept gathering partners, but with his grandfather The gap is still very large, he knows that his actions are like moths to a flame.But the person in front of him may really be able to do it. After all, this is a ruthless character that even Odin and Thor say they can beat him. If they meet, they might win.

Valli Lucifer sighed: "Sure enough, there is a gap between me and you, and the gap is huge. I have only taken the first step, and you have already reached the ninety-ninth step, only the last step."

Li Wei pointed to his temple and smiled: "I have read your memory, I have to say that your childhood was really rough, I can understand why you hate your grandfather so much, but sorry, The prey of the first generation Lucifer is mine. But don't worry, I didn't directly destroy the power in your body. The seeds are still there. As long as you are willing to exercise, it is not a problem to restore your strength. Of course, you lost the White Dragon Emperor. It's impossible to say how much strength is left. But it should be enough to kill your father."

Valli Lucifer nodded and said, "Although it's a pity, that's the only way to do it. My mother is just an ordinary human, and I'm just a concubine. That man was afraid of the white dragon inside me, and was provoked by his grandfather. He abused me and my mother in every possible way. My mother was killed by that man in order to cover my escape. Since it is no longer my turn, I still have to settle the account. The existence of the White Dragon Emperor means a lot to me. Luck is also unfortunate. Fortunately, I don't need to exercise to have great strength, but it also eliminates more possibilities for me. And this time, I have to use my own strength to defeat that man, maybe it will be harder, But worth it."

Li Wei smiled and said: "You are really interesting, much more interesting than the host of the Red Dragon. If it weren't for the issue of position, maybe we could become friends."

Li Wei has many bad friends, but none of his true friends.Asachel and others are typical bad friends, completely unreliable, although they have helped Li Wei a lot, but more often they are just eating and drinking.The leaders of the Li Wei family's harem are two high-ranking goddesses, and they have a lot of good things in their hands. Even if there is a little leakage in the fingers, it is enough for Asa's evil half-tone demon king to digest it for a long time.

Li Wei does not show his ability to make friends. The most important thing is to find a match. Unfortunately, as a different kind of Li Wei, it is still difficult to find a match.Now I meet one, but it is impossible to become a friend, but as a goodwill, Li Wei is still willing to give Wally Lu 603 Sifa a chance to avenge his mother.

Valli Lucifer said: "Thank you very much, it's not wrong to lose to you, we can't even beat your familiar, if we really fight with you, it's very likely to be killed in seconds. In other words, this world is really cruel enough. Yes, it's just for fun for you, but for us we have to give it our all."

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's normal to have a gap between people. You just wait. When the time is right, you will naturally be released. Anyway, I have all the things I want. Believe it or not, I The purpose is actually the black song of Tacheng."

Valli Lucifer froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "If it's you, maybe it's really like this."

Li Wei said that he would give the three of Valli Lucifer a freedom. Naturally, he would not break his promise. The most important thing is that after eliminating the White Dragon Queen, Valli's three-person team really has no oil and water, so Li Wei will only come once." The tear of crocodile".As for the other equipment of the three-man squad, Li Wei really disliked it. The so-called holy king sword is too far from the sword in the wood that Li Wei himself is using now. No, of course it's too lazy to do it.

Moreover, it was not easy for Vali Lucifer, who lost the White Dragon Emperor, to seek revenge on his father. If he did not leave him two helpers, it would be no fun.Father and son cannibalism or something is much more interesting than grandfather and grandson fighting. .

chapter 1130. the storm

Leaving the area where Valli Lucifer and the three were imprisoned, Li Wei came to the area where Odin and Thor were imprisoned.

The Nordic Protoss was almost caught by Li Wei last time, and the members of the Nordic Protoss who could basically be caught were all caught by Li Wei.The personnel in the prison area once broke through the [-]-person mark, but Li Wei didn't support him, so he had already "handled" some unfortunate people who couldn't bring him entertainment value, and everything was arranged clearly.

Now the surviving members of the Nordic Protoss, only Odin and Thor are left. After taking a look at the status quo of the prison area, Li Wei left the magic book space.When he was very bored, Li Wei would go to the prison to "talk" with Odin. For Li Wei, it was a very interesting thing.

Livy has received the news, and Serjax is ready to do it.Li Wei felt that Serjax was very cautious, and he clearly had a lot of advantages in his hand, but out of safety considerations, he had been patient.People who do big things have a lot of tortoise characters, and their forbearance skills are not good enough. When they shouldn't make a move, it will be bad to get excited, but blind counseling is also not desirable.One of the degrees here is not easy to handle, and it depends on what the person who does things thinks.

Knowing what to do, how could Li Wei, who likes to watch the excitement, miss such a grand event, and returned to the underworld to find his "audience seat".

It wasn't Serjax who attacked first, but a special unit formed by Ajaka. This special unit was composed of magical mechanical constructs. It was small in scale but had no fighting power. It was specially used to execute decapitation tactics. Jacka's ultimate move to press the bottom of the box.This force, together with the members of Serjax's immediate family, raided the Baal family, the chief noble of the underworld, and directly gave the unsuspecting Baal family's high-end power to the pot.Although it was only a few words, the battle was actually very cruel, and the Baer family was almost wiped out.

As the chief noble of the underworld, and also the most powerful family in the noble group, the Baer family can be said to be the embodiment of the power of the nobles in the underworld to a certain extent.Coupled with the need to quickly stand up and deter others, Serjax chose the hardest and most difficult bone to attack first.

One of Serjax's family was killed and three people were seriously injured. At such a price, they used the Sealing Group to destroy the upper level of the Baal family.The Bar family has a very large family, and they are related to many noble families. If the Bar family is not dealt with first, once the noble forces react, the Bar family is likely to lead the formation of a coalition army to deal with the revolutionary army. So Serjax's choice was to strike first and kill him with one knife.

Serjax is a ruthless person. He knows the truth of cutting grass without eradicating its roots. So after completely defeating the high-end combat power of the Baal family, he slaughtered the entire Baal family again, regardless of men, women and children.You must know that Serjax himself is related to the Baal family. The destruction magic power of him and Rias came from the Baal family, and the way to get this power was inherited from his mother, Vinylana.The bloodline combat power of the Gremory family is not top-notch, but after encountering the bloodline of the Baer family, a magical chemical reaction occurred, so they have the strongest strength in the underworld of Serjax.

The Baal family is Serjax's mother Vinylana's family, but in the face of this close blood relationship, Serjax still kills and chops up his relatives.After the Bar family was slaughtered, the next targets were the Malbas family and the Barbatos family. These two families were very close to the Bar family, and their fighting power was amazing, so they had to be dealt with first.

This series of operations made Li Wei stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, this is also a normal thing. Who is not ruthless in doing big things?At least Li Wei thought about the things he had done in the Three Kingdoms Warriors world. He would destroy people at every turn. In the face of hostile alien races, he didn't even need to use the wheel method. Except for the women who stayed, all the men were cut down, and even the baby boys had to fall. die.How is it different from Serjax?

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