Recently, Li Wei needs to keep a low profile, and Vinylana has declared that she is dead, so it is not suitable to show up for the time being. Just live with Li Wei and three maids, which is equivalent to seclusion. .

chapter 1133. vinirana's distress

To be honest, the life with Vinylana was a little embarrassing at the beginning. Although Li Wei and Vinylana had already broken through that line, every time they fell in love, they were always excited. With a hint of embarrassment.Fortunately, after getting along for a long time, they are used to each other and no longer seem unfamiliar. Vinylana has no choice in the current situation, and can only follow Li Wei.

And Vinylana also found that being with Li Wei is not as difficult as she imagined. Li Wei is actually very good to her. Although Li Wei seems to be a bit rough, but in addition to that demand is very strong. , is usually quite a gentleman.

Li Wei is indeed a gentleman in many cases, but he is also a "gentleman". For ordinary female gentlemen, it is because Li Wei is not interested in each other. Naturally, "Seven-Five-Three" maintains courtesy and distance.For a face control like Li Wei, only the most top-notch beauties can arouse his desire, and he is too lazy to look at ordinary vulgar fans.In the eyes of many people, the so-called "goddesses" and those "peripheral women" are considered beautiful by ordinary people's standards, but in Li Wei's view, they are only the level of cavemen and Yuanmou people. Of course, it's a lot of face to say that they are a group of female orangutans.

Li Wei's picky is also because he has seen all kinds of stunning looks, and his appetite has been raised, especially after entering the animation world and starting to accept all kinds of beauties into his harem, Li Wei's aesthetics have also risen. Women are not interested, so far they are staying away.Acting as a gentleman is actually a kind of deep-level resistance. It is not that there is no stunning beauty that cuts through the walls of the dimension in the three-dimensional dimension, but it is rare. At least Li Wei has seen such stunning beauty, which can be counted on ten fingers. have to come.

Li Wei is a gentleman to Vinylana, because the identity of the other party is there. After all, he is his mother-in-law, so Li Wei, who is not used to it, is relatively rude when he is there. He is usually very rude to Vinylana. Polite and gave her enough respect.At least compared to the other three maids, Cattleya, Grefia, and Roseweather unconditionally satisfied Li Wei's demands, and would not refuse even some rather lewd demands.But Li Wei would not treat Vinylana like that.

And Li Wei's "gentleman" side is also completely revealed to Vinylana.According to the age of a demon, Vinylana is considered to be "middle-aged". It is the time when the demand is strong, and the age of human beings is "thirty like a wolf and forty like a tiger", but even if In this way, she still can't stand Li Wei's "hard work".There is only the law that exhausted cows don't plough bad fields. It doesn't exist in the wonderful place of Li Wei. Vinylana actually found that she was a little afraid of Li Wei, because she really couldn't stand that exaggerated conquest.

However, until now, Li Wei has not changed his name, and the name of Vinylana is still "Mother-in-law". Although Vinylana is shy about this title, it is also considered a relationship between Li Wei and Vinylana. It's a little fun, so Li Wei doesn't plan to change this title.It is more interesting to call "Mother-in-law" rather than calling Vinirana by her first name, and it is indeed a very interesting thing to see a mature beauty like Vinirana showing a shy expression.Li Wei is a very funny person, and he likes this kind of tone.

Vinylana leaned against the window and looked at the scenery outside. Now the entire underworld has been turned upside down, making her wonder if this world is a little too crazy.The foundation of the mansion is very high, and the third floor of the mansion can be seen for a long distance. The streets are full of red flags representing the revolution. The pattern of the flag is that three fists holding hammers, sickles and wrenches are surrounded by The circles are connected together, the black pattern and the red flag color give an indescribable sense of iron and blood. At the same time, the sickle, wrench and hammer also reflect that revolution is the will of the people and is something that most people like to see.

These red flags are everywhere on the streets, and these flags are all hanging down on the street lamps. On the walls of some large buildings, the huge head of Serjax and the bold and enlarged slogan have made the whole city wear a banner. An indescribable frenzy.

Vinylana sighed. She is Serjax's mother, and she thinks she knows Serjax well. In her opinion, Serjax has been a good boy with humaneness and good academic performance since he was a child. Whether it is a person or a thing, there is a sense of proportion, but I didn't expect that the good child in her eyes would do such a terrible thing to 0 ...

Now for the perception of the outside world, Vinylana relies on Li Wei's narration, especially listening to Li Wei's analysis of the current situation and the process of dealing with Serjax, which makes her terrified.Serjax has always been disguised, but his disguise is so good that no one can see through his real face.

And Vinylana also found that Li Wei is not just a pile driver for the lower body. She has an indescribable sense of eccentricity with her sharp analysis of the situation. To the point of debauchery, but otherwise it is simply too strong to say.Whether it is absolute power or maneuverability, it will not be worse than Serjax, and more importantly, Li Wei is a very affectionate person, and he can never do such a thing as Serjax.

It can be said that Li Wei has a small problem, but he is more reliable than most people when it comes to major issues. This is rare.No one is perfect, and Vinylana found that her requirements for Li Wei were too strict, but this was also because of her special status.In the current situation, first of all, she is Li Wei's woman, but at the same time she is also Li Wei's mother-in-law, half a mother.She has the identity of Li Wei's woman and half mother at the same time, so her attitude towards Li Wei is very complicated.There are not only women's feelings for men, but also elders' feelings for juniors, especially now that she is helpless, if she wants to survive, she must be a vine that entangles the tree. This kind of contradictory mentality , so that when she faced Li Wei, she didn't know how to treat Li Wei.

If Serjax killed her directly, she would not have these troubles now, but there is no if in this world, so although the current situation is troubled, she still has to think about these issues.Especially at Rias, what would his expression be if he found out that his mother actually served with her?Vinylana also thanked Li Wei for not rushing her to meet Rias, she needed a little buffer time. .

Chapter 1134. Harmony Harmony

Looking at Vinylana leaning on the window sill, Li Wei hugged her directly from behind, the soft and soft touch of the charming body made Li Wei unconsciously put his chin on Vinylana's shoulder.

"What are you thinking, mother-in-law." Li Wei's hand moved dishonestly on Vinylana's body and whispered in her ear.

Vinylana was wearing a moon-white classical court dress, and she looked extravagant.Vinylana is very suitable for this European-style court aristocratic dress, so her wardrobe is mostly this type of style, because this kind of dress can make Li Wei feel more interesting.In Li Wei's harem, different beauties have different temperaments and characteristics, some are suitable for classical dress, some are suitable for modern style, so different beauties dress in different styles.The purpose of their dressing is that Li Wei likes them, so since Li Wei likes their different styles, they naturally follow Li Wei's preferences.

Li Wei liked Vinylana's European classic dame dress very much, so let her keep this style.

Being held in Li Wei's arms, Vinylana is no longer as unaccustomed as she was at the beginning. She is too lazy to care about Li Wei's dishonest magic hand.Because her whole person, inside and out, whether it is above and below, or in the front and back, has been given to Li Wei, and this kind of thing is already everyday for her.Yes, it can also be said to be "everyday".

Vinylana sighed: "I'm thinking about what will happen to me in the future. Serjax's idea is to eliminate the old noble forces and integrate the power of the underworld with a new attitude. Remnants like us, the future where is the way?"

Li Wei lightly kissed Vinylana's cheek and said with a smile: "Of course I'm leaving here with me and starting a new life in a place where no one knows you. You know, I not only have my own A special space, and at the same time not the inhabitants of this world.”

The first generation of the DXD world, Lucifer Lizewim, discovered the existence of a "different world". In fact, this so-called "different world" is a mirror world of the DXD world. Lizewim's ultimate goal is to march into another world, and Serjax wants to. This is what it does.It's just that Serjaks made a higher move, and now both sides are back on the same starting line.Vinirana knew about this, Li Wei had his own "God Realm", and now Rias, Himejima Akeno and others are in that special space.But Vinylana was a little reluctant to part with the underworld. After all, it was the place where she grew up. After staying for such a long time, she would be a little unaccustomed to leaving.

And Li Wei's purpose is to destroy the first generation of Lucifer. Once Li Wei completes this purpose, he will leave this world, and naturally, Vinylana has to leave with Li Wei.So she was worried about this issue, but it had little to do with herself.

Vinylana sighed: "I'm thinking about a problem, that is, you have a lot of women, and I want to get along well with them, but it's not an easy thing."

Li Wei smiled and said: "What's the matter, they are all very good people, and they are not as scary as you think. And Rias gets along well with other people, even Rias can do things, mother-in-law. Are you still afraid, sir?"

In ancient times, the emperor's harem competed for favor. To put it bluntly, the problem also lies in the emperor. There are three thousand beauties in the harem, but the emperor only has two kidneys. There are really three thousand people in this calculation. over and over.When a woman is empty, she has many things to do. Once a woman who doesn't get love goes crazy, she is quite cruel.That's why it is so cruel to compete for favor in the harem. If there is a real guy who can have the emperor to work hard on himself every day, who would use a "fake gentleman".Moreover, those who have been fortunate by the emperor's visit can at least comfort themselves with "fake gentlemen", and those who are not on wheels can't use "fake gentlemen" in order to ensure their virginity. How many women can bear this kind of hardship?

Therefore, the competition for favor in the harem of the ancient imperial palace is, to put it bluntly, a war of women. For the double happiness of body and mind, the women in the harem have come up with different tricks, just to win the emperor's favor.

Unlike Li Wei, the time in the God Realm is completely controlled by him, and it is a fine local time control. When he is having fun with a certain wife and concubine, he can completely suspend the time in other areas and wait until the wife and concubine are in this area. The body is cheerful enough, and then go to the next wife and concubine, and pause the time in other areas again.In this way, no one in Li Wei's harem will be left out in the cold, but they will feel that Li Wei spends too much time on them each time, and they can't bear Li Wei's favor if they are alone. .

Relying on the special functions of the God Realm, Li Wei can maintain the harmony of the harem. In fact, Li Wei is also considering sending all the wives and concubines in the real world into the God Realm, so that he can run around with him.In this way, there will be no time when Li Wei really wants to love a certain wife and concubine, but finds that the person is not around and has to find another wife and concubine instead.

Therefore, Li Wei will say that Vinylana's worries are unnecessary, because when all wives and concubines are satisfied, there will be no big irreconcilable contradictions at all.Because there is no question of competing for favor, the core opposition is not established, and there is nothing to contend for in other things.

Vinylana smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'll be at ease, but I'll abide by the rules and not cause you any trouble."

Li Wei smiled and said: "What's the matter? Everyone is a family, and they are all 'good sisters'. There is not so much attention to getting along with. And my site, even if I say it, do you have anything to worry about?"

And in order to unite, Li Wei will regularly hold some "pleasure" activities in the realm of the gods, so that all wives and concubines can participate. This kind of interesting activities is also the fastest way to get closer.So far, Li Wei doesn't know how many times he has held such events, but now every wives and concubines in the realm of the gods are no longer unfamiliar to others.

Li Wei's happy life is still going on, and the transformation of the underworld is still going on.It has been almost ten days now. The overwhelming revolutionary army has occupied most of the cities in the underworld, and the few surviving noble families have formed an orthodox army camp under the command of Serafuru, one of the four demon kings. , according to the last few cities and the revolutionary army confrontation.

But now even a fool can see that the old aristocratic forces are at the end of the road and have no future.After all, Serafuru's strength was originally the weakest among the Four Demon Kings, and the Revolutionary Army's camp was Serjax and Ajaka, who had transcendence. Serafuru was just doing her last struggle. .

chapter 1135. The end of Serafuru

Now that the situation in the underworld has gradually become clear, Serjax's preparation for so many years is not a waste of time, every preparation is a chance, and after preparing for so many years, as long as his brain is not caught in the door and self-destructing the Great Wall, then Victory is the right thing to do.

As the Demon King in charge of propaganda and diplomacy among the Four Demon Kings, Serafuru is actually helpless, doesn't she know about the underworld?Of course she knows, but with her ability, there is no way to reverse such a situation. She just follows the trend and maintains the status quo. From the time Serjaks launched the attack until now, the revolutionary army has received more and more support. Serafuru felt a lot of pressure.

Because Serafuru is not a fool who knows right from wrong, she knows the resentment of the commoners against noble families, and the demon fighting power of the commoners is not enough. It is enough to bully humans, but it is impossible to fight against noble families. .It's not that there are no civilian demons who have never thought of immigrating to the human world, but the human world is also a very dangerous place for such scattered and unattributed demons.

For human beings, the individual power of demons is far stronger than that of human beings, so many special forces of human beings are guarding against demons. Single demons without power ownership are good materials to put it bluntly, so civilian demons will eventually have to Stay in the underworld honestly and accept the oppression of the noble family.At least this kind of oppression usually won't kill you, and in the human world it is easy to be hunted and killed. It was not that there were no demons who wanted to change such things before, but their efforts failed and they were unable to master high-end power. , is not an opponent of the noble families at all. The so-called uprising was easily extinguished by the noble families, and many people were implicated. The number of ordinary demons who were beheaded exceeded [-].

It is precisely because of the deterrence of this blood that no civilian demons have revolted since then, and the noble families have also become numb. In their opinion, ordinary demons cannot and dare not resist them, so they are squeezed. And exploitation is also more and more unscrupulous, ordinary demons can only dare to be angry and dare not speak, whoever dares to stab, whoever will die.

Seraflu knows this situation, and she has nothing to do with it, because her strength is simply not enough to reverse the whole situation, and she is not sure about the attitudes of the other three of the Four Demon Kings, so she has no idea. Dare to say it.

In the current situation, her "anti-々々 faction" character can only go all the way to the dark. Looking at the dense temporary military camp in the distance, Serafuru's heart is full of powerlessness. Serjax's army The troops are already under the city, and the strength in her hands wants to fight against an army of this size, it is simply impossible.

The city's barrier could not stop Serjax's frontal attack at all, and Serafuru was surprised that Serjax had been hiding his strength.Now the defense of the city has been concentrated on the core area generation, the outer ring has been abandoned, and those "untouchables" who were abandoned by the nobles are hoping that the revolutionary army can come in sooner, so that they can turn over and become their own masters.

"It's ironic enough, I turned out to be a downright bad guy, maybe I'm just like that in the eyes of the general public, defender of the aristocratic forces. It's really unfair enough to be detained without doing anything. With a big hat, the Serjax guy is really good at propaganda." Seraflu sighed, and she dared to say anything on the empty city wall, although this kind of self-talk The language made her feel a little nervous.

"Yeah, you, who have been following the trend, are also one of the perpetrators. Congratulations, you finally understand your position, the enemy of the people."

The voice that suddenly sounded from behind made Seraflu furious. She instinctively put on a magic shield for herself, and jumped out of the distance. Seraflu looked at the person who came, and said in surprise: "Serjax?! How did you get through the shield?! It's impossible?!"

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