Li Wei smiled and said, "There's no need to be so surprised. It's me who made Serjaks save your life. It seems that Serjaks didn't tell you who saved your life. Maybe Serjaks was snickering at this time. Well, imagine your exaggerated expression right now.".

chapter 1138 .

Serafuru felt that she was a little confused about what was going on. How could Li Wei, who was out of the way, have contact with Serjax, and she was even more surprised when she saw Vinylana next to Li Wei.

Most of the upper-class nobles in the underworld are married to each other, so there are many cases of kinship. "Little... little aunt?!"

Vinylana smiled and said, "Long time no see, Serafuru."

Serafuru opened her mouth slightly in surprise and said, "Didn't you already disappear?! Why are you here?!"

Before Vinylana could answer, Li Wei directly stopped her waist, put her in his arms, and said with a smile, "As you can see, this is the situation."

And just when Seraflu was speechless in surprise, Grefia came over with a tea tray, saw Serafuru, nodded slightly, and put the tea tray and the tea prepared with "[-]" in it. to the side.Li Wei directly hugged Grefiya in his arms, the two beauties were in his arms, and Li Wei kissed on the face alone.Serafuru was in a state of downtime, pointing at Li Wei and the others, hesitating but unable to speak.

It took a long time to straighten out her anger, and Serafuru said: "What's going on, Li Weijun?! Why are Griffia and Aunt Vinylana here?! What the hell is going on?!"

Li Wei sat on the sofa, and Griffith and Vinylana sat on his lap.Li Wei smiled and said: "To make a long story short, they are all my trophies. Serjax gave them to me for some reason. As for what is involved, I can't tell you for the time being. But things As a result, Griffia and Vinylana are my women."

Seraflu sighed: "It's unbelievable, that guy Serjax would do such a thing. This is his wife and mother, and he gave it to someone else. Is he crazy?"

Li Wei said: "Serjax is not crazy, on the contrary, he is in the most sober state now, so he is so unscrupulous in doing things, because now he no longer needs to pretend to anyone, and now he is the real him , Mr. Perfect as you used to know, is dead. Just like this time, Serafuru, your life was traded by me on condition, and now anyone who will hinder his plan has to die, for the sake of Save you, I'm bleeding profusely."

Li Wei is also a casual talker, anyway, no one knows what the agreement between him and Serjaks is, and Serjaks is also not a big mouth person, so Li Wei can whistle at will.But at this moment, Seraflu was taken aback by him, and she already believed most of his words.

Seraflu swallowed her saliva and said, "Shouldn't it be, I also..."

Li Wei smiled and said: "As you can see, I spent a lot of money to save you, and I didn't want to be a good gentleman, um... just like what I see now, I think you are such a smart girl, You should know what I'm talking about, it's no use pretending to be stupid."

Serafuru sighed and said, "I knew there was no free lunch in the world, and I thought Serjax had a good heart..."

But the current situation is not the worst for Serafuru, and she has no room to refuse.She could imagine what would happen if she refused. As Canna's sister, although she likes to pretend to be crazy and stupid, it doesn't mean that she is really a vase. She sees a lot of things thoroughly. .And now she has nowhere to go, except for Li Wei's place, she can't find any other place for the time being, but from now on, she is Li Wei's woman, and she is still conscious of this.

Although she is still a little shy, this is something she can't do. She is not a child who doesn't understand anything. She also knows a lot about Li Wei. She is a weird person who loves women.Obviously, he has a strong power and can stand at the top of the entire underworld and look down on everyone, but Li Wei is messing with women all day long, which is shocking.But even so, no one dared to underestimate Li Wei's destructive power.

Serafuru guessed that Serjax was likely to exchange Grefia and Vinylana for Li Wei not to make trouble for him. If a strong man like Li Wei wanted to be a shit stick, Serjax's Revolution is a joke.From the beginning of the revolution to the present, Li Wei has not appeared, and she is still worried about whether there is some conspiracy, but now it seems that the situation is likely to be what she guessed.

But to make such a sacrifice for the purpose, what Serjax has done has exceeded the limit of Serafuru, and she hates Serjax from the bottom of her heart.Of course, Selavlu's guesses are always just guesses, and she won't know what the truth is, just 0...

Grefia smiled and said, "Welcome to this big family, Miss Serafuru, please give me more advice from now on."

Looking at the smiling Griffia, Seraflu also muttered in her heart, Li Wei doesn't know what kind of charm he has, even beauties like Griffia and Vinylana can accept him safely, and it looks like It's unbelievable how happy she is.Of course, Serafuru admitted that Li Wei is indeed very attractive. She was very tempted at the beginning, but now, by coincidence, she came to Li Wei in a confused way, which made her feel very speechless.

What Seraflu doesn't know is that there is no woman in this world who can't be conquered after being severely "thrashed" by Li Wei's giant. After she has tried that taste, she will not be like this. idea.But at this time, Serafuru realized that she had been put on a cool translucent white tulle dress at some point, and she was wearing nothing inside, and with her movements, the shoulder straps slipped and she was already It's spring light leaking out.

The blushing Serafuru hurriedly covered her chest, but the translucent tulle skirt was half-covered, no matter how she covered it, it was useless.

Li Wei smiled and said: "No matter how you cover it, it's useless. It's better to say that this half-covered you is more cute. Well, just like Cang Na, although his mouth is usually hard, his body is very honest. ."

"I said, can't I change my clothes to 4.6?! I'm very embarrassed in this situation!" Serafuru said quickly.

Li Wei said: "Okay, Griffia, please find a suitable one for Serafuru, um... It doesn't matter if it is a little interesting."

Griffia understood, stroked her cheek with one hand, and said with a smile, "It's more interesting, doesn't it matter?"

This time, it was Li Wei's turn to be stunned. Li Wei made an OK gesture and said with a smile, "Of course! I didn't expect you to understand Griffia. Serafuru is definitely suitable."

Grefia also gave a thumbs up, and said with a rare and playful smile: "Well, then it's settled, make sure that Serafuru will be wrapped tightly."

Seeing Li Wei and Griffia with weird smiles, Serafuru had an ominous premonition. .

chapter 1139. replay

The addition of Serafuru did not have much impact on Li Wei's life, but Li Wei also did not rush to send her to the realm of the gods, but stayed by his side to adapt to the environment.As one of the four demon kings of the underworld, Serafuru is also a very interesting person in charge of culture and diplomacy. At least when Li Wei gets along with her, she finds a lot of common language.

Serafuru is more interesting than Livy imagined, and because of the common language, it is quite pleasant to get along.But what made Li Wei more interesting was the various problems of the underworld revealed by Seraflu, which gave Li Wei a more intuitive understanding of the entire cause of the revolution.

To put it bluntly, wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance, and the devil, a rebellious ethnic group, has an overall national character like a fighting national hairy bear in the world. Many things can be tolerated by others, but if they endure to the limit, they will explode immediately. .However, because of the difference in combat power, if the 03 fruit is just an ordinary lower-level demon uprising, it will definitely fail if it encounters a counter-attack from the noble group, just like an egg hitting a stone.

This time the revolution was led by Serjax, and it still had an absolute advantage in high-end combat power. In this case, it was naturally no problem.Because before Serjax, there were several uprisings or revolutions, but they all failed in the end, because they did not have enough high-end combat power. Facing the powerful people of the noble group, they could only be slaughtered on one side.

Li Wei and Seraflu synthesized what they knew, and roughly reviewed the whole thing. Li Wei did not hide the fact that he killed Asmodeus, because this is also the success of the revolution. The key factor.It can be said that this time Serjax's revolution can be so smooth, and it is also thanks to Li Wei that he successfully obtained military power, which is why he has an absolutely crushing military force.

Through the detailed deduction of the replay, Li Wei knew why such a large-scale dispute broke out in the underworld, and he also learned from the side the poor ruling skills of the nobles.In the final analysis, the appearance of eating is too ugly. The rulers have to leave a mouthful of soup for the leeks to drink when they eat meat. No matter how cheap or hard the leeks are, they have to eat it with their mouths. Just cutting the leeks has to wait for the leeks to grow.

The aristocrats were so happy to eat meat and drink soup. The leeks waited for a sip of the soup to fall on the ground and they licked them. As a result, after waiting for a long time, they could not wait for a drop of the soup to fall. Chives face.The leeks are angry, but they can't beat the nobles, and they don't want to eat shit, so they can only go home and wash their faces and continue to endure.And this time Serjax's uprising broke the string in the hearts of all the leeks. The usual grievances erupted, and the destructive power was naturally uncontrollable.

Fortunately, Serjax specially protected the property left by the noble families, so that it would not be destroyed by the angry leeks. Now that all the pots and jars are his, he naturally has to consider the safety of the property.However, Li Wei knew that Serjax was not just a miser. These industries were the capital of future expeditions, and in order to win people over in the future, Serjaks would definitely share interests to take care of the feelings of ordinary demons.

It is difficult for ordinary demons to increase their combat power, mainly because of the lack of complete power inheritance. If you want to become stronger, you have to join the army, and the risk of joining the army is too high. If you suffer serious injuries, even if you can fight more than ordinary demons, it is useless. In a semi-wasted state, after beating, lie down and use it as an egg.For his expedition plan, Serjax will definitely start to improve the combat power of ordinary demons, so making ordinary demons rich and powerful has become a prerequisite for him to achieve his goal.

With the current population base of the demon race, it is impossible to go on an expedition. After the revolution is completed, it will take a period of time to recuperate, and it will take at least thirty to fifty years to accumulate a new generation of population.The juvenile period of demons is very short, and they reach adulthood at the age of [-]. Thirty to fifty years is enough to accumulate several generations of new populations, and there is enough time for them to become adults.At that time, when the financial and military unification is completed, the population base is at its peak, and the individual strength is relatively excellent, the demon race can burst into inestimable combat power.

After the review, Li Wei and Seraflu specially prepared a large notebook to record all the details they knew and confirmed them one by one.

Seraflu sighed: "What a terrible guy, I don't lose too far, not only in terms of absolute strength, but also in power struggles. I used to feel good about myself, and I was really a frog in the bottom of the well. It's quite embarrassing."

Li Wei smiled and said: "You don't need to belittle yourself, at least in your hands, the relationship between the underworld, the fallen angels, and the heavens are in a relatively stable state, and the underworld has won such a long time for recuperation. As long as the eyes are not blind, you can see. It's just that you encountered a monster this time. It took a thousand years for Serjax to lay out the layout. If he can't even achieve this effect now, he doesn't need to mess with it. "

Seraflu smiled and said: "In terms of the gap, there is still a big gap between me and him. When I was still cleaning up 200 messes everywhere, he was already planning for the future of the underworld. There is no way to make up for the difference. It can only be said that he is more courageous than me, and his brain is better than me. If it is a monster like Serjax, maybe the underworld can really rise, and can let go of prejudice and fall. The angel also has the Heavenly Boundary Language and the Alliance, and he is much stronger than those nobles with wine bags and rice bags."

Li Wei thought for a while, and said, "If it's purer than patience, that guy Serjax is much stronger than me, the millennium layout requires patience, and for that kind of mental cleanliness guy, a bunch of nasty flies are with him every day. Flying around, he can't shoot, this kind of patience that is so strong that it is almost perverted is his greatest strength. At least I can't stand this kind of thing. If someone dares to stab me, I can't help but shoot. ."

Li Wei knew that he had a bad temper, and he would directly use power to change things he didn't like. He wanted him to be patient with others, unless there was a special reason.For example, when Li Wei himself has some special purposes, but even so, Li Wei is not like Serjax, who can endure for thousands of years, this is simply self-abuse.Who dares to chatter and dangle in front of Li Wei's eyes, and he will slap him with a big ear in more than ten minutes. .

chapter 1140. challenge

An "uninvited guest" came to Li Wei's mansion. At least Li Wei didn't want to see him. After all, he was interrupted when he was about to do something pleasant, and anyone would feel unpleasant.

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