Sawamura Yingri sighed, shook her head and said, "It seems that you still don't understand the situation. Now you don't know anything about me, and you don't even have this sincerity. You are too hasty. Just let you guy. See my efforts, you and I have gone on different paths, if you dare to interfere with me, then we will cut off our last connection, and we will be strangers in the future. Come with me, let you See the wider world."

An Yilun also swallowed his saliva. Although he was a little uneasy, he still followed in the footsteps of Sawamura Yingri.

"They're heading towards the school. Could it be that Yingri wants to use the studio's stuff to make the other side retreat, but there are still your games and my manuscripts in the studio? Does it matter?" Shiyu Kasumigaoka asked.

chapter 091. dream car accident scene

"It doesn't matter. Sooner or later, things will come out, and I have a file lock on my computer. I can play with it, but it is impossible to modify and copy." Li Wei still has certain considerations for the security of files. , but because he has prepared multiple backups, he is not afraid of data loss at all.

Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu followed in the footsteps of the previous two and returned to the school.Eri Sawamura and An Yilun also climbed over the wall to go in, while Li Wei and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka passed through the wall with ease, and quickly returned to the studio following the front.

Sawamura Yingli and An Yilun also stopped in front of the door of the activity room, and said, "Now let you see the wider world, I hope you don't bother me again in the future, now I have lofty goals. , I don't have time to fool around with you."

"Why, you weren't like this, didn't you say you wanted to be Galgame before..." An Yilun was also a little disappointed. The change in childhood sweethearts made him feel betrayed, which was very uncomfortable.

"Even if you use emotional cards, it's useless. You are too naive now, and you still want to destroy the precious opportunity that I finally got. I didn't give you a slap because I was restrained enough in my previous friendship. ." Yingli opened the door of the activity room with the key while speaking.

"Welcome to our office," Sawamura said.The light in the room was a little dim. She turned on the chandelier, and the whole room suddenly became brighter. Various professional equipment and showcases made it look like the office of a professional game studio.

A professional atmosphere can be felt everywhere in the well-equipped event room, which is not something that ordinary amateur studios can achieve.An Yilun also looked at the exquisite models in the showcase. At first glance, this kind of thing knew that it was not a popular product from the outside, but its level of sophistication was not comparable to the so-called limited edition. It was simply a kind of art.An Yilun is a consumer house himself, and he has a bunch of figurines at home, so he is also a half-professional. Naturally, he can see how terrifying the technology contained in these works. This belongs to the kind that cannot be mass-produced. Treasures that cannot be copied, but unfortunately most of the "figures" here are mechanical or realistic-looking characters and monsters, and only a small part of them are female figures with a style that he can accept. Although this is not his dish, but But it didn't affect him scoring the highest score for these works in his heart.

"Don't touch the things over there. It's the master's handicraft. If it breaks, I will be blamed." road.

"These are all the works of your teacher? This is really a master-level character..." An Yilun also said with conviction. Because of his hobby, he is also considered a quasi-professional-level figure for hand-made models. As a player, this kind of work is simply not something that ordinary people can do. Compared with the works here, the works that he thought could be regarded as masters in the past are eclipsed.

Eri Sawamura put a stack of folders on the table and said, "Here is the printed version of the teacher's work. After reading it, you will know why I made the current choice."

An Yilun also held a trace of disgust and great curiosity, opened the folder, and the contents inside shocked him directly, because it was a boundless pride that devoured the world, which was completely different from the delicate and small mainstream neon. , full of confidence and boldness.It has both the style of freehand brushwork and the unique lines of fine brushwork, reaching the realm of realism. Although this theme is a fantasy theme such as dragons and knights, it draws a general effect of reality.His disgust disappeared, and he even felt ashamed/ashamed that he would make a biased private opinion on the work of such a master from the bottom of his heart.

It didn't take long to read the collection of paintings on the table, but even if it was a fancy appreciation, it couldn't resist the overwhelming sense of picture.

"This is my master, an obscure master. I am now studying painting with him, and strive to become a qualified cartoonist as soon as possible. Your appearance has blocked my dream, and the master's time is limited. , he can't keep me by his side all the time, so I need to hurry up to learn the skills he taught, instead of messing around with you." Sawamura Eili said coldly, although she had no ill intentions in her heart, she was even a little unbearable, But in order to dispel An Yi Lun's thoughts, she had to harden her heart to make a decision.

"You have your dreams, I know... It's a shame to say that, but I still want to beg you to help me fulfill my dreams... I want to be a professional game producer, but only Relying on me alone is not enough, so I need your help. Yingri! Please, don't leave me alone!" An Yilun also begged, his heart was indeed begging, he already understood Eri Sawamura's determination, but he doesn't want to give up his dream, which is to make the perfect GALGAME in his mind. This dream may be very small compared to the dream of Eri Sawamura, but the weight of the dream is the same. of.

"Sorry, I can't promise you. You have a dream, but have you considered mine? It's selfish to sacrifice my dream for your dream, and I can't accept it, and you can ask someone else You don't need to waste your energy here." An Yilun's words made Sawamura Yingri sentence him to death completely in her heart, and she had no time to waste.Li Wei said that he will only teach her for one year, and he will leave here in one year at the latest, so she must learn all the skills within a year, and An Yilun also means to let her give up her own "Academic", which made her unacceptable, she didn't even bother to explain.

Li Wei and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked out the window at the two people who were deadlocked. They were a little surprised. Although they knew that there might be differences between the two, they didn't expect the conflict to be so acute.

"Do you think that guy will do something out of anger? If Yingri is hurt, then we can't just sit back and watch." Shiyu Kasumigaoka said with some worry, Sawamura Yingli is like a cute to her. Just like her Tsundere sister, if Yingri Li was hurt, she would be mad.

"That guy is not good enough to beat a girl, what are you worrying about?" Li Wei said.

chapter 092. galgame eating jujube pills

"An Yilun also wants to become a game producer, but it's not that easy. The producer must first have two brushes. If there is no professional advantage, then he must have a strong means of team management. Let's see what kind of producer he wants to be, but which kind of producer must have excellent professional quality." Li Wei thought about it, Neon's galgame has now entered the twilight period, even if it is Having a strange flower like Nasu Mushroom has given galganme ten years of life, but this is already the limit. The limitations of galgame itself have become incapable of facing the challenges of various games now.

Galgame was born in an era when computers were not so developed. No one can tell when it appeared, but the rise of galgame was around the 20s. At that time, the computer's screen performance was limited, and home computers also belonged to "" "Little Bully" level, so large-scale games basically don't want to be played, so under such circumstances, word games have emerged.

Galgame has never been able to escape the limitations of word games, which is why galgame is declining rapidly now, because it has hit the ceiling.

Now even Nasu Mushroom is helpless for galgame, An Yilun is also a producer of this level, he can't do it for a second in a row, even if he can't meet the standard of the elders, he can still be a galgame.

"It's fine if it's you, a one-man army." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said softly. "But you belong to the extraneous level, and you can't be generalized with ordinary people."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the situation in the room. She had some special abilities at first, and she could still distinguish sounds through walls. The two of them stood outside the window like this. .

"The current An Yilun is not good enough, he has to accumulate some experience. And he is too impatient, he wants to succeed in one step, but how is this possible, even if he can pull up a team, their first A work will definitely become a black history in the future. Generally speaking, if you want to learn how to make games, then it is the simplest galgame. At least you have to join a club to learn from other people's experience. When you come up, you have to be the boss. This is not Is your brain flooded?" Li Wei said helplessly, it doesn't matter if you have ambition, ambition is the driving force for human progress.But if you can't see your own path, then it really makes people anxious.

Knowing how to play games doesn't mean you know how to make games, and a reviewer can review games according to their own preferences, but the producer must be well-rounded. Games are a product of constant compromise.

If Miyazaki Hidetaka's "Dark Souls" series is really made according to his perfection, then the players are still playing an egg, and they are killed by the skeleton soldiers on the roadside when they go out, and they may even "novice land" for 8 hours. "Can't get out, this is the dark action hardcore game in Miyazaki's mind.But if he really did this, who would touch this game except for some twitching M.With constant compromise and teamwork, "Dark Souls" has become a world-class hardcore action game, so making a game doesn't mean that I have ideals, I have ideas, and I can do it if I have money. At this level, you won't learn a lesson without a few falls.

In the original book, An Yilun also stumbled all the way to make the first game. The most important thing in galgame is the copywriting. Without good copywriting, the picture is only superficial. I want to play a second time.For galgame, music can only be regarded as an accessory, it can only be said to be the icing on the cake. If the quality of the game itself is not good enough, no matter how good the music is, it cannot save the whole work.And now Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu has stood at a higher place, and is not interested in galgame copywriting at all, An Yilun must also find a suitable copywriting, otherwise, with his storytelling level, even Li Wei can Dump him a few streets.

"But then again, this is the first time I've seen such a little guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky. He wanted to fly when he was still young. He really dared to think. But he just dared to think. He even has the core copywriting of galgame. No, but to find an artist first, it's really weird." Because of Li Wei, Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu naturally has a certain understanding of games and other things, and she is also very clear about the production process of galgame, and now a lot of galgame work The room has closed down, and at this time, thinking about going upstream is simply thankless.In the past two years, galgame has basically been dominated by small butters. There are not many works that tell stories well, and most of them are applauded and not well received. It is simply the last carnival in the industry.

Today, with more choices, galgame has begun to be unable to meet the needs of players. This is a change in the development of the times. Although many people will regret it, this is the general trend of history. Maybe galgame will rise again in the future. But this opportunity is not now.

"I know from his words that he is alone now. There is no script, no artist, no voice actor, no soundtrack, and no script programmer. Tsk tsk...he needs to have multiple jobs to make this game. , if you can't pull enough people." Li Wei felt very boring, and An Yilun's level was quite worrying from the information he disclosed.The soundtrack and seiyuu are quite troublesome. For the soundtrack, Li Wei remembers that An Yilun also has a cousin, but he can deal with it, but if the seiyuu does not spend money on professional seiyuu, this piece will become the weakness of the whole work.At most, his own words are part-time programmers and copywriters, but An Yilun's copywriting level, from the perspective of the original work, is quite tragic.

Just as Li Wei and Kasugaoka Shiyu were chatting, Sawamura Yingri and An Yilun became more and more angry in the studio.

"Don't you want to make games?! Just let you see what the master's games are like, you don't know what the sky is like!" Sawamura Yingri's anger also came up, and the stalking would only make her feel disgusted, Although doing this may directly kill An Yi Lun's idea of ​​playing games, but now she is so angry that she doesn't care so much.

After turning on the laptop that belonged to her, and quickly skipping the boot interface, she opened the DEMO version of the game, which is the epic large-scale game that Li Wei was going to release on the Winter CM, "Titan Journey: Kuroshio". ".

Chapter 093. Big Production

Eri Sawamura stepped aside and said coldly: "The only way to calm you down is to use reality, game production is not a child's play, your mentality makes me feel the blasphemy/blasphemy of the game, even if it is a galgame, It's not as simple as you might think."

An Yilun also sat down, but the interface of the game surprised him. Originally, he thought that Eri Sawamura was going to show him galgame, but the interface of this game felt like a large-scale game from a major international manufacturer, but he He didn't ask why, but waited patiently.

After half an hour.

At this moment, An Yi Lun is also full of cold sweat. This is not a galgame, but a large-scale sandbox stand-alone game of the next era. Although An Yi Lun mainly plays various galgames, he also occasionally plays Monster Hunter and It's a game like Devil May Cry, so he's not a novice who doesn't know anything about stand-alone games. He's sure that this game doesn't exist on the market and can only be played here.

The ultimate picture, the shocking music, the super immersive seiyuu dubbing, and the handsomeness that makes people tremble/shudder, deeply shocked him.In just half an hour, An Yilun also felt that his influence on the stand-alone game had been subverted. In fact, it is not just him. Any player who has played this game will give this game a high score, even if it is ignorant. Scoring, "Titan Journey: Kuroshio" is also an epic masterpiece that can score 9.8 points, and the 0.2 point deduction is a convention, and it can't be given full points.

From the plot or the interaction of the characters, An Yilun also felt the huge worldview. The copywriting of this game is definitely a master character.However, An Yilun actually thought too much. The copywriting of "Kuroshio" is actually Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu, and this is still her work with an immature style.If it weren't for Li Wei's help to correct the copy, the copy of this game would be biased towards Japanese-style RPG, rather than the current majestic style.Japanese RPG has a very distinctive place, that is, the world view is stingy, which is caused by the national character of the neon people, and the pattern is small.

No matter how huge the world view is, Neon Game Studio will only dig a linear plot from it, and explain the "bigness" of the whole world in a small and broad manner, but there are also many such drawbacks, so neon-style RPGs are all Flow/game, playability is not so high.

"Too... incredible... Is it shocking..." An Yilun also bought PS4 game consoles and custom PCs. Although he likes galgame the most, this does not affect his ability to play games such as "Dragon Tower". Century" and "The Elder Scrolls" and other games, because of the horizontal contrast, he felt the charm and horror of this game.

The first generation of "Titan Journey" is a brush game, constantly brushing, although it is exciting, but it will feel tired after playing for a long time.And this game, which inherited the first generation of "Titan Journey", can be said to be a brand new game except that the name and world view are the same structure.The advantages of a large number of games are integrated, but the disadvantages are removed one by one on this basis. Such games have unique charm, but the requirements for computer configuration are relatively high.

"Yin Lili, is your teacher the person in charge of a certain studio? It's okay to play unreleased games like this, right?" An Yilun also said with some uneasiness. He knew some business rules. Things like this are big or small, and it is possible to get a lawsuit if one is not careful.

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