"Who said I don't have a driver's license?" Li Wei directly threw a forged driver's license in the back seat. Although it was only a forged driver's license, he also hacked into the database to make a full set of data. No problem.

"Uh...really..." Yingli Li looked at Li Wei's headshot and name on the driver's license, and was already unable to complain. Her teacher was an unconventional person. She knew this, but directly It is illegal to forge a driver's license.But even if it was brought up, Li Wei wouldn't listen, and he would probably refute her. If it wasn't found, it wouldn't be illegal. She would know what Li Wei would say perfunctorily.

While the three of them were chatting, a GTR drove past Li Wei's tofu car, leaving only a taillight shadow.

"What the hell? Overtake my car?" Li Wei looked at the GTR that was about to enter the corner, and was speechless. If you overtake the car, just overtake it. He even stepped on the brakes to express contempt. Are we driving the 86 to provoke you?Although 86 is now nicknamed the tofu car, the "Fujiwara Tofu House" has not been posted on the side of the car.

"Uh... I want to take a car. What do you think?" Li Wei turned his head and asked the two of them.

"It doesn't matter if you can guarantee safety." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said indifferently, she knew the true identity of the young man in front of her, and she was not worried at all. question.

"Hey hey hey! Teacher, you don't really plan to race, right?! This 86 shouldn't be modified, it's just a good one!" Sawamura Eili said with some fear.

"It doesn't matter, unfortunately, this car has been blessed by God. It belongs to the buffed car. These small problems do not exist." Li Wei smiled.

"This time isn't the time to be joking! Wow..." Before Sawamura Eiri could finish her words, she felt the car accelerate suddenly.

Although this AE86 is just an original family car, and the car's condition is only average, if it is really racing, the cylinder will explode in minutes, but Li Wei directly put a full set of BUFF on this little broken car.The car’s condition was directly forced to the level of Pagani Fengshen. Most people in sports cars know Lamborghini and Porsche at most, but there are actually quite a few supercars with excellent performance. Li Wei’s Pagani Fengshen is one of them, and running such a mountain road, Not that more horsepower is better.

The speedometer kept jumping up, and it broke 86 in less than two seconds. It just bit the GTR's tail and cut into the corner at an oblique angle like a boning knife, forcing the GTR to almost hit the guardrail, but the opposite was also a The old driver, although he was in a hurry by the pressure of the entry, he still stabilized the body, quickly exited the curve, and used the turbo to force the output to increase the speed.And the broken 86 that Li Wei drives has no such thing at all. The speed of the 86 with inertial drift is not as fast as the one in Initial D, which was modified by magic and only the body is left. It is considered a COROLLA modification, but this rented 200 has One point is stronger than the one in the initial D, that is, the high-output engine of [-] horsepower.

200 horsepower is a grandfather's heart for a sports car, but for the 86 running on the mountain road, 200 horsepower is enough to fly. A road sports car with a big heart like the GTR may indeed be strong enough to run in a straight line, but the 86, which is still as light as a swallow, is more agile on the mountain road.However, this 86 has been buffed by Li Wei. Although there is still a small gap in performance compared to the real sports car, it is not much worse than the GTR. Just step on the accelerator to the end, and follow the steps. With the roar of the engine entering the cabin, the 86 just kept up with the GTR.

Inside the GTR car, the stylishly dressed driver saw 86 who was getting closer and closer to him in the rearview mirror, with a bloody expression on his face. "Fuck, this is Fujiwara Takumi possessed!"

Chapter 099. Are You Afraid of God-like Drainage Runs?

Although the driver of the GTR is not a professional racing driver, his technology is one of the best among enthusiasts. The AE86 is actually the predecessor of the Toyota Corolla Corolla, which is equivalent to the Corolla version in the 80s. The whole car is characterized by a large thrust-to-weight ratio, light weight, and a reasonable chassis adjustment/training. Drift freely on the mountain road, but it also depends on the driver's ability.

However, no matter how the driver of the GTR controls the car, the 86 at the back can bite him, especially when he is stuck in the corner and directly cut the inside line, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Li Wei looked at the GTR in front of him who wanted to get stuck in reverse, and threw the steering wheel in a hurry. The flexibility of the manual transmission car was reflected at this time.Acceleration is sharp and cornering is neat, the advantages of lightweight performance cars are vividly displayed on the mountain road.

However, Ying Lili, who was sitting in the back seat, was frightened enough. Although Li Wei's car was quite stable, she didn't feel dizzy even if she was drifting in a corner, but she still felt scared when she saw the scenery outside the window receding rapidly.Looking out the window, she saw that the car body was less than ten centimeters away from the guardrail on the inside/side of the curve. It could be said that it was walking against the inside/side of the curve. If there were computer camera statistics, she could see Li Wei The selected route is the closest, and the error of the route is within five centimeters, which is almost no error.Because the speed of the racing car is very fast, even professional racing drivers may not be able to be as stable as Li Wei.

But unknowingly, Ying Lili felt that she was not so afraid. After all, such a high speed can drive the car so stably. This level is already professional level.Li Wei is getting better and better. With the mastery of the car's condition, he has completely played with the GTR on the opposite side. Now that the GTR can run in front is completely Li Wei's bad taste.

"The decisive place is the hairpin bend in front." Li Wei said calmly, stepping on the accelerator lightly to keep the speed at a fairly high number.Now this road happens to be a one-way street, so there is no need to worry about oncoming traffic, so Li Wei can make such a bold decision with confidence.

The GTR driver in front was already in a semi-crazy state. He was forced to be so embarrassed by an 86. It was the first time for him to hear the sound of the engine. This 86 turned out to be an original family car, and his GTR was forced by a family car. to this point.It is estimated that no one will believe it. Although the 86 has great potential for modification, after the magic modification is completed, the rally and downhill races are all veterans, but this is the 86 that has not been changed.

The uncertainty has turned into fear. Looking at the driver's seat of the 86 behind him from the rearview mirror, the calm young face made him feel even more terrified. This is simply a car god.

GTR drivers who are familiar with road conditions know that the front is already a hairpin bend. In this case, they must slow down and enter the bend. Otherwise, with the high horsepower of the GTR, it is easy to rush down the cliff directly. The high horsepower road car runs on the mountain road. This is the trouble.

However, what frightened him was that 86 not only did not slow down, but continued to accelerate. He had slowed down the speed of entering the corner to 70 kilometers per hour, but 86 had raised the speed to more than 100 kilometers per hour. .

However, Li Wei didn't intend to play the game of jumping into the canyon with a flying car. He dared to play it because he had absolute confidence in the car. One of the characteristics of the neon mountain road is that there are drainage channels with a depth of about five centimeters on both sides of the road.Li Wei flipped the steering wheel, and one side of the tire of the 86 was directly stuck in the drainage channel. With the help of the drainage channel as the pulling force inertia, the clouds and water generally completed the corner overtaking.

"Drain...drain run?!" The GTR driver was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he would be able to witness the legendary high-speed turn-in drain run. This kind of run is quite dangerous. If there is any foreign object, the tires of the car will be bounced up, and the whole car will start to roll out of control, directly crashing through the guardrail and falling off the cliff.And if the strength of the frame is not enough, this kind of running method will also damage the body structure, cause the brake to fail, and it is easy to have an accident. This kind of running method can only appear in animations such as initials, and few people in the real world dare to To die like this.

Li Wei directly gave the GTR driver a red taillight, and a chic tail flick disappeared at the end of the curve. The GTR driver parked the car on the side of the road and lit a cigarette with trembling hands. This is really hell. Why is there such a monster in this world, the young face can tell that the other party is not very old, But it is simply unscientific to have such driving skills at such a young age.You must know that he has a good talent, and he has been playing with cars for six or seven years, but he does not dare to be so crazy when running this kind of mountain road. The technology on the opposite side has completely crushed him.With the cold wind blowing his head, the driver of the GTR finally calmed down. His dash cam has recorded the crazy and stunning corner overtaking. Let's see what a real god is.

Although there was a drag racing incident with GTR, nothing happened along the way, and the three of them soon arrived in Hakone.Hakone is a well-known hot spring resort in Neon. Although it is not the peak season for tourism, there are still quite a lot of people who come to the hot springs. At least Li Wei couldn't find a parking space after searching for a long time. The reserved hotel does not provide parking services/services. Li Wei turned around for a long time before finding an empty parking space to park the car.He finally felt that Neon's territory was small, and if it was in the country, this situation would never happen.

"Although it's not the first time I've come here, but every time I come here, I feel like I'm being baptized... The scenery here is really beautiful!" Sawamura Yingli spread her hands, as if standing on a Titan The peak of the Nick is the same, but there is a Jack behind it.

Li Wei agrees with Yingli Li's statement that the scenery of neon is different from that in China. If the scenery in China is atmospheric and extensive, then the scenery of neon is small and exquisite, and it looks very elegant. This is also the geography of the two countries. It is different from the national style.

Neon is inherently small, so construction land has always been tight, especially in tourist planning areas like this.However, apart from not providing parking spaces/services, other aspects of the hotel booked are readily available. Li Wei and the three did not rush to soak in the hot springs, but started entertainment activities.

Chapter 100. Going out

Free entertainment activities are of course quite free. Although the school also has study trips, it is a group dispatched by a large group. When playing, you have to follow the footsteps of the large group, which is very uncomfortable.You see a beautiful scene and want to take a photo to commemorate it, but the person in front of you is urging you to follow the footsteps of the large army, which makes people quite tangled. .Having fewer people is also a benefit of having fewer people, at least you can do whatever you want, and you don't need to be subject to so many constraints.

The three people who traveled lightly did not bring many things, including cameras, drawing tools, paper and pens, and so on.Ying Lili said that she wanted to sketch from life, so she brought drawing tools. Kasumigaoka Shiyu said that she could write the most beautiful characters in such a natural environment, so she brought a pen and paper, and only Li Wei did not bring anything.However, I couldn't say anything, and Ying Lili's camera was hanging on Li Wei's neck.

Li Wei is not a photography enthusiast, and he is not familiar with the camera, so he took the time to familiarize himself with the operation method of the camera along the way.Although equipment is not the whole of photography, it is also a very important part, because Li Wei remembers the words of Mr. Guanxi, "You people who play with equipment will never understand the true meaning of art", although Li Wei said that he really I don't understand what the so-called art is.

"I thought the teacher was omnipotent. It turns out that the teacher is also not good at things." Ying Li Li looked at Li Wei, who was familiar with the camera, and said a little surprised.

"I'm not good at many things, just like men can't have children, there are some things that I can't learn even if I want to learn." Li Wei replied.The structure of the camera is not complicated, and he quickly figured out how to use it. Although he can't take excellent landscape photos like a master photographer, he is better than the average veteran, because Li Wei can paint and understand light and shadow composition. , This alone has thrown a lot of people who only play equipment out of a dozen streets.

Looking at the two girls walking in front, Li Wei shouted, "Turn back."

The moment Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned around, Li Wei seized the opportunity to take a burst of shots.I have to say that this world is indeed a cruel world of looking at the face. No matter how you shoot a beautiful girl, it will be so pleasing to the eye, but if you shoot it by another person, you will not have this feeling.

"It's illegal, portrait right." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu laughed.

It is not allowed to take pictures in Neon without the permission of others. Neon's camera and mobile phone camera function have a prompt sound, and they are still the kind that cannot be muted. Therefore, street photography is also illegal. If you are caught, you will accept it. The philosophy of law.

"The law can't control me, at least Neon's law is like this." Li Wei said indifferently.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu naturally knew what Li Wei meant. It should be said that the laws of the mortal world could not control Li Wei. After all, it was an existence that jumped out of the entire system. Naturally, the power within the system could not be controlled outside the system.Just like the person in the painting can't touch the person outside the painting, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knows that she is also a "person in the painting", although it is difficult to accept, but the fact is that she is powerless to fight.

"Eh? Is the teacher the legendary 'rich second generation'?" Ying Lili said.

"Uh...why do you feel this way..." Li Wei didn't know that he gave people such a bad feeling. In China, the second generation of rich is not a word of praise.

"Because the teacher never seems to worry about spending, even making games is not bad. I know that, the teacher bought all the relevant copyrights of "Titan Journey" and spent nearly five million dollars. It's more than [-] million yuan in neon circles, how can ordinary people get this money?" Yin Lili laughed.Not only that, the cooperation with the Deutsche Leipzig Orchestra also requires money, and Li Wei does these things without blinking. You know, even if her father is a diplomat, her family can't make so much money in one breath, but From the beginning of Li Wei's game to the present, there has been no problem of insufficient funds during the period.If there is a lack of equipment, buy it; if there is a lack of post-production, buy it, if it lacks publicity, buy it. Anyway, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem for Li Wei.

Li Wei pouted, because he didn't care about the world's economy at all, so he was able to take advantage of the technological gap to accumulate money quickly, but this method of accumulating money would have a very serious negative impact on the market, which is why Li Wei is in his own The reason why the world will not use these means.Other people's children can't die, so Li Wei's mischief in this world's financial world has no psychological burden at all. Under the chaos, all kinds of formal and informal methods have been used, so that he can't get any money. Li Wei can also wash and sleep.

The three came to a place with good scenery. This is a tributary of the river. Neon is good for protecting the natural environment of the countryside, so the scenery here has not been polluted, and it is a suitable place for walking.However, Li Wei saw a warning sign on the roadside to pay attention to wild boars, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. The wild boar kicked and flew.

Eiri put down the drawing tools and pen and paper, formed a box shape with both hands, and began to frame the painting.The box method is a technique used by many painters, because the human eye has errors, so the two-hand synthesis of the box can roughly let you know where the edge of the picture is.Even a master painter will hold a pen in front of his eyes and constantly adjust the angle when sketching in the wild/outdoor. This is not to pretend, but to choose the framing position.

The location here is not remote, so from time to time you can see one or two pedestrians passing by. Unlike Yingli Li, Li Wei started to take pictures. The scenery here is good, and it is a good thing to keep the photos as a souvenir.But more of them are portraits, taking pictures of Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

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