Chapter 127. Precious Gifts

Li Wei is still quite looking forward to the unpacking. Whether it is the limited model of Bandai or the current lute, the slightly excited mood is the same.

Using a knife, he cut all the seals on the cardboard box, and Li Wei took out the foam pad inside the box, revealing the body of the lute.Because it is for ultra-long-distance transportation across continents, the packaging is mainly based on strong protection, and it is not as delicately packaged as a gift box.But even if some things are not well packaged, the quality of the object itself can be seen at a glance.

Michi Bingtang saw the extraordinaryness of this lute at a glance. The exquisite workmanship is not a common mass-produced product in modern times.For example, the guitar she is using now was bought by her for [-] neon dollars. For her, it is considered a "luxury" item. Although the price is slightly higher than that of ordinary pianos, the tone/tone/ Teaching and overall workmanship are much stronger, after all, you get what you pay for.But the pretty good guitar she used was eclipsed in front of this lute, because the gap between the two was so huge that it could be easily seen by the naked eye/eye, not to mention the sound The tone/teaching, just the overall workmanship is a world of difference.

"Hey...this thing is definitely not cheap..." Although it wasn't a guitar, Michitome Bingtang was still a little jealous. She didn't even have a chance to touch a piano like this, and now she can actually see the real thing. And this lute was obviously prepared for her.Even though she saw a lot of things, she was still so excited that she couldn't help herself.

"The original price was 21 euros, I increased the price to 26 euros, and it took three days to ship it from France. The proud work of the legendary master violin maker Gavin Scott, I used a little trick to get him to get it. sell it to me." "Li Wei also made a small bet with the opponent. In the end, Li Wei won by a small margin. This lute.

"Tsk tsk..." Bingtang Michi slammed her mouth, and she was speechless. Although she knew that Li Wei was a master with no shortage of money, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't understand it. . 26 euros, converted into a neon circle, is already more than [-] million, which is not a small number, but what Michitome Bingtang did not know is that Li Wei even felt that he had earned it, he did not expect the world's top musical instrument It would be so cheap.Li Wei has a feeling that he bought a Bentley with the money for a bicycle.

Gently took the lute out of the box, the slightly pressing hand/feel shows that the body is made of very solid materials, and the lacquer and carvings on it are also top-notch master craftsmanship. The production ensures the beauty of the lute without damaging the structural strength and tone of the lute.

Michitome Hiodo didn't know how to use the lute. She held the lute in her arms as if she were playing a guitar, and plucked the strings gently.The wonderful sound that was described resounded in the room. Unlike the soft sound of the guitar, the sound of the lute was thicker and more stable, but it did not appear too dull.Because she wanted to simulate the sound of the lute, she also searched for videos of foreign lute performances, but the performance of the lute in those high-quality videos was far worse than the one in her hand. .

I didn't know if I didn't try it, but I was startled when I tried it. Michitome Bingtang couldn't believe that the tone was so powerful. It really was the work of a master violin maker.Although she doesn't know how to use a lute, it doesn't hinder her love for this lute. Compared with this lute, the guitar she usually uses is like the Charlie in front of Bentley, there is absolutely nothing comparable sex.

Li Wei held the textbook and shook it in front of Bingtang Michitome, and said, "This textbook is a gift from the opposite side. To study this piano, you have to rely on this."

The teaching material is a French manuscript, which is different from the lute teaching materials on the market. This is Gavin Scott's personal experience of using the lute, and it is not comparable to ordinary commercial products.Just like martial arts secrets, the content recorded in this textbook is not known to ordinary musicians. For a master violin maker of this level, his own performance ability will not be too bad, at least not better than the so-called orchestra members. How much worse, once again, he is a world-class player. His personal experience is tantamount to taking shortcuts for beginners.

Michitome Bingtang opened the textbook, and was suddenly dumbfounded. He could understand the notes on it, but the language turned her away.If it is English, she can understand it, but the above text is obviously not because, after all, English does not have phonetic symbols.

".ˇIsn't this...French?! My French is completely blank, I can't understand it at all!" Bingtang Michi stayed covering his head, this is really tragic, like seeing martial arts Cheats wanted to practice, but found that he couldn't understand classical Chinese as embarrassed.

"No problem, it's just French. I'll translate it in a while, and you'll be able to understand it. By the way, this piano will be given to you." Li Wei took it out of Michitome Bingtang's hand. The manuscript and translation work also takes a certain amount of time, so Michitome Hiodo can only rest for the time being.

Bingtang Michiru was frightened by Li Wei's words, not because Li Wei returned (Li Zhao) to speak French, but Li Wei gave her this precious musical instrument worth more than [-] euros.Bingtang Michiru felt that he really couldn't understand Li Wei. A top-level musical instrument was tantamount to a peerless sword in the hands of a knight to the performer, and the increase in his combat power was quite huge.

"This gift is too expensive, I can't accept it!" Bingtang Michiru refused with some panic. She had never received such a valuable thing again, and her tutor would not allow her to accept such a gift.

"It's not a token of love, what are you afraid of?" Li Wei rolled his eyes. He didn't like these mother-in-laws. Since he wanted to give them away, he would never feel bad for them, as long as the other party continued.

Li Wei's statement made Bingtang Michiru blushed and wanted to speak, but when she opened her mouth, she found that all she wanted to say was stuck in her throat. .

chapter 128. love that cannot be conveyed

Michiru Bingtang didn't know how to express her inner feelings. This is the most precious gift she has received since she was born. Maybe this gift is nothing to Li Wei, but for her, it is a gift of money or money. value is measured.

Li Wei, who had already returned to the computer desk, did not notice any abnormality in Michitome Bingtang. He had to hurry up and translate the manuscript. It was one thing for him to understand, but Michitome Bingtang played the main force instead of him, Bingtang. If Don Michiru couldn't understand it, then the piano was bought for nothing.So Li Wei gave up the rest time and began to read the entire manuscript, considering the use of more appropriate words to translate this document with a lot of technical terms.

Bingtang Michiru looked at Li Wei's back, her eyes were a little moist, and her music road was not smooth, because she was not a child of a musical family, and the most she could come into contact with was the land of her hometown. and vegetables too.Although in Neon, farmers belong to the high-income technical group, but she is not willing to be a country aunt. She wants to be a world-class performer, the kind of master who can independently hold a concert.

But her family is not optimistic about her idea, plus she missed the best time to study music, and the foundation is not solid, so she has to lower her goals again and again.Her dream is to hold her own personal performance in the Vienna Golden Hall, but to perform in that kind of place, the requirements for her own strength are very high, and with her current strength, she really does not have the confidence to stand on that stage.Now she thinks that she can find a few companions to form a band and make her debut. Although she has a good appearance, her voice and playing ability are not bad, but that's all, she is not a student from Horikoshi High School. A formal artist from the Star Factory, it is very difficult for a wild child like her to realize her dream.

Bingtang Michiru felt that he was so lucky, and just before the despair, he met the person who saved him.In Bingtang Michiru's view, Li Wei was the one who saved her, a good teacher and friend who would not laugh at her dream, but would continue to help her and push her forward.Although they didn't get along for a long time, Bingtang Michitome had some ideas that went beyond the relationship between teachers, students and friends, but she kept suppressing herself because she was not an idiot. The relationship between Li Wei and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu She can still understand it, so even if there is a love for Li Wei that goes beyond teachers and students, Michitome Bingtang has been suppressing her thoughts and does not want to destroy the relationship between Li Wei and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

But as time went by, Bingtang Michiru found that her inner thoughts became more and more fiery, and the uncontrollable feelings made her tangled.Sometimes, you don't need too many reasons to like someone, but she has her own bottom line and is always reluctant to do anything that crosses the line, but the price of doing so is that the injured person will always be herself.Looking at Li Wei's back, Bingtang Michiliu's eyes were a little blurry. She was a little jealous of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia. She was able to have a warm embrace that sheltered her from the wind and rain. She also wanted to experience that feeling.

She can only look at Li Wei, and she can show a trace of ambiguous feelings in places where Li Wei can't perceive it.The third party is always despised by others. If she really does such a thing, she will look down on herself. A person without a bottom line may not care about such a thing, and the result is the most important thing.But Michi Bingdo has her own bottom line, and she warned herself that she must not cross that line, and her fate (bhba) with Li Wei can only stop at teachers and students, just like Ying Lili.

Although very unwilling, Bingtang Michiru can only recognize it, because she does not have any advantages compared with Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.She was usually very confident in herself, but after meeting Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Ying Lili, her confidence was broken. Standing with the two beauties of Fengzhiqi School, she had no advantage.Although her words are usually the center of the crowd and the brightest star in her own social circle, in this department, her self-confidence has been repeatedly hit.

The three people who work together are geniuses among geniuses, which puts a lot of pressure on her, who claims to be just an ordinary person.Not to mention Li Wei, the uncrowned king of the world's new generation of the strongest game makers, the youngest master of three-dimensional art (painting, music, literature) in history, the mentor and illustrator of the popular novelist Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the genius painter Ying Lili. Teacher, in terms of music, the music of "Titan Journey: Kuroshio" has shocked the entire European music industry, and Li Wei is known as the king of the new generation of classical music.Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Ying Lili are not as dazzling as Li Wei, but they are also quite powerful in their own field. Compared with them, Bingtang Michiru always has a faint sense of inferiority.

"Just look at him like this, some things are out of reach after all." Bingtang Michiru sighed, looking at Li Wei who was writing and drawing on paper, she shook her head.Although there was only five steps away from Li Wei, Michiru Bingtang felt that a moat separated him from Li Wei. She and Li Wei were completely different worlds. Although the truth was cruel, Michiru Bingtang only I can force myself to accept this result.

within the hospital.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at the resting sister on the sick chuang, skillfully peeled the apple, and made the cut apple into a cute rabbit shape. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu handed the apple to the mouth of the little girl on the sick chuang. "Come on, Xiaoyu, open your mouth."

"Sister doesn't have to go to school today?" The little girl took the apple and bit it herself, but her curious eyes made Shiyu Xiazhiqiu feel a burst of pressure inexplicably.

"Because elder sister is on leave today, elder sister is accompanying Xiaoyu in the hospital." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled indifferently while touching the little girl's forehead.

Looking at the direction of the school, she could feel the unique breath of Livina.She deliberately didn't go to school in order to create a chance for Michitome Bingtang, but now it seems that Michitome Bingtang doesn't like her. .

Chapter 129. The thoughts of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia

Kasumigaoka Shiyu can also feel the concerns about Bingtang Michiru, but she didn't say it, and girls are good at acting, so Li Wei has not found that Bingtang Michiru has a love for him beyond teachers and students.Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu didn't say anything. Seeing Li Wei who didn't find anything wrong and Michiru Bingtang who had been stagnant, she was also a little anxious, so she created such an opportunity so that Michiru Bingtang and Li Wei could have a chance to be alone. There is no chance of being disturbed by the shit stirrer of Ying Lili.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has a clear position for herself. She is not an ordinary person, and Li Wei is not an ordinary person, so the laws that bind ordinary people are invalid for them.It's like the current law is monogamy, but as long as you have power, as long as you don't make it public, in fact polygamy can also be tacitly accepted. The real powerful and powerful bosses these days still need to support them. Is it a lover, it is directly a dozen wives, there is no such thing as a lover at all.

Because the power of the powerful can allow them to obtain everything that ordinary people can't imagine, so many things that are completely illegal to ordinary people, are normal things to the powerful.This is the cruel fact of this world. Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu doesn't mind how many women Li Wei has, because she knows that Li Wei is an existence that cannot be restrained by the laws of the mortal world, an existence higher than the so-called powerful people. Said that even if Li Wei did whatever he wanted, no one could cure him.So even if Michiru Bingtang joined Li Wei's harem, she would not feel angry or jealous, because it was completely unnecessary, and even Shiyu of Kasumigaoka hoped Michiru Bingtang could join Li Wei's harem earlier.

You must know that Li Wei's sexual ability is really terrifying. Even if Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu went all out, he still couldn't meet Li Wei's needs. Li Wei's terrifying ability makes Shiyu of Kasumigaoka both love and fear.What I love is that I can experience the most primitive and satisfying happiness of a woman, but I am afraid that Li Wei is too strong, and she can't bear it alone.

Therefore, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka really wanted Michiru Bingtang to share some of the pressure for himself.Newly married men and women eat the essence of each other. She and Li Wei are upside down almost every night. However, under Li Wei's all-out attack, she can't even hold it for fifteen minutes, and then she becomes obsessed. Confused, she could only be left at the mercy of Li Wei, which made her feel ashamed and angry when she said it.But she had no choice, so she could only be filled with Li Wei's essence every time, and she couldn't recover for a long time.After a period of observation, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka felt that Michitome Bingtang was a suitable harem. Unlike Yingri, a girl who could only be a younger sister, Michiru Bingdou was already ripe honey/peaches, which could be picked completely. Don Michiru also has a very good impression of Li Wei, but he just can't let go of the bottom line in his heart, so Shiyu of Kasumigaoka feels that there is still some drama in it.

After a period of observation, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka found that Michitome Bingtang's seemingly familiar character is actually very conservative on the inside. She has her own bottom line and her own set of rules for doing things. She fixed her own identity. , and then do the most appropriate thing according to the distance between yourself and everyone around you.Although this way of dealing with others will be very tiring, but it is also the best way to ensure that oneself is not hurt by others, but since joining the department, Michiru Bingtang's social circle has begun to become narrower, Kasumigaoka Shiyu knows , this is the choice she has made.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is satisfied with such a well-informed and sensible girl. After all, she doesn't want to put some messy women into Li Wei's arms, and a girl who can share a man with herself must not be worse than herself. To maintain a big family, tolerance and mutual understanding are the bridges of communication. Any girl who is too monopolistic will become the destroyer of this big family.

"It's really worrying... It's already like this now, and she still pretends to be so good. When deceiving others, you must deceive yourself first. She is really a troublesome girl..." Michitome and Kasumigaoka Shiyu also felt anxious, but girls are shy, even herself, before she pierced that layer of window paper, she was not similar to Bingtang Michitome, so she was embarrassed to make fun of Bing Don Michiru.Shyness is the prerogative of girls, and many boys will even be scared off in the face of girls who are too proactive.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

"It seems that I have to take the initiative to push..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's heart slammed, she really couldn't bear it alone, and if she continued to toss like this, she would be afraid of Li Wei's big shot. The gun is gone, and Michiru Bingtang must be dragged into the water, otherwise, she will really be spoiled by Li Wei's big gun.

On the other hand, the room was very quiet.

Instead of fiddling with the lute, Bingdo Michitome put things back in the box, emptied the coffee table, and started brewing coffee.She is used to all the furnishings in the department, and she is very familiar with what and where, and she is quite proficient in making tea and coffee.Michiru Bingtang felt a sense of coming home here. Being by Li Wei's side gave her a sense of security that she couldn't explain. She liked it more than the empty rental house.

.... . . .

Li Wei's words are still being translated into the manuscript. Although French is not a special language for Li Wei, because of the special grammar of French, the translation is a bit more complicated than English. Cheng Bingtang Michi has a word that can be understood by a layman on the lute. Naturally, it takes time, and it is not bad to be able to complete the translation before the meal.

Looking at the back of Li Wei's focus on work, Bingtang Michiru felt her heartbeat speed up a little, and even her throat felt a little stiff. She really wanted to hug him like this, and put her hands around his shoulders.But Michi Bingtang came back to her senses and quickly dispelled her impulse. She couldn't make Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu difficult, so she could only be Li Wei's student.

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