As for Lily, she actually won't reject it, because when she cooperated with Shiyu of Kasumigaoka against Li Wei, many cooperations were already similar to the nature of Liwei, so she would not have any prejudice against Lily, but everyone is There is a bottom line, although Lily is not excluded, but the so-called danmei is indeed a bit disgusting 0.5 in her opinion.Because that would make her think of "philosophy", and in an instant, King Billy and "God's Relief" and "promoting American bananas/bananas" and other very obscene and violent things would appear in her mind.

"Do you like this type? But her words are indeed very cute. It should be said that men will like this kind of understanding girl. It can give men a sense of accomplishment." Li Wei thought for a while and said.

It is also a gentle personality. The words of Michitome Bingtang belong to the more active type. Although he is usually a very good wife and mother, he also has a stronger side of this person, and Kato Megumi's words are really gentle as water, even if Even anger can't scare people, this little sheep-like soft/soft personality can arouse the protective desire of most men, except for the sissy. .

chapter 200. you are so busy

"I've known her for a while, and I can feel that she's a good girl, but it's a pity that we're going to leave this place after all. If possible, I'd like to be a lifelong friend with her, which is really a pity. "Michitome said with a sigh, such a cute girl is very rare, and she can be on an equal footing with Eiri, making her have the idea of ​​​​bullying the other party, which is not easy, Michitome considers herself to be a calm person. People, but when facing Megumi Kato, she can't keep completely calm.

"Ah... It's like meeting a cute stray cat, my heart is about to melt..."

"It's not that exaggerated... You must not learn from those cat slaves. After becoming a cat slave, you will end up miserably." Li Wei felt a chill. Of course, if it is a cat girl, then it will be another matter. .

"Don't worry, I'm very calm, I'm just talking, there's no problem. But then again, girls with this type of personality are really rare these days, they're just like pandas. Female high school students of female red I have a lot of say in what kind of ghost it is. Now I can still see such a simple 'idiot', which makes me feel like I'm back in the 17s. It's too simple, and it's even more exaggerated than me ."

Michitome Bingdo herself is a more traditional person, but a mountain is still a mountain high. What she did not expect is that Kato Megumi is more conservative than her. That kind of thinking is like an old woman, and it is about to be out of touch with the times.Of course, it can't be said to be out of touch, because Kato Megumi is a person who would die without a mobile phone, and has a serious sense of dependence on mobile phones as a communication tool. To put it bluntly, she is a girl who is addicted to the Internet.

Michiru guessed that it may be that there are too few people who can communicate with Kato in real life, and the number of people who can communicate on the Internet has suddenly increased. In addition, the Internet hides itself, so she can communicate on the forum. The last thing she said was a lot, but in real life she said not so much.Apart from this explanation, there is no other more reliable explanation for this huge contrast.

"What do you think about that child? Although she is about the same age as you, to me it is like... a cute cat like a cat!" Michitome's tone was a little excited, and it could be seen that she not only likes Kato Megumi, but also Cats are also very fond of cats, and coincidentally, Soniko is also a cat lover, but because of economic conditions, she can only pet cats when she passes by a pet store for the time being. If she wants to raise a cat herself, she You have to feed yourself first.

Bingtang Michiru stood up from Li Wei's arms, stretched out and smiled and said, "It's the daily singing practice now, and Soniko will be coming soon, take this opportunity to practice and chorus, and strive to form a composition. The duo made their debut, first warmed up in this world, and after reaching the 'benchmark world', they will strive to become popular!"

"But don't, you are all characters in the 'benchmark world', and your popularity is not low." Li Wei hurriedly stopped.

"It doesn't matter, just sing and don't show your face, just be a wild singer, and isn't there a way of cosplay that can deceive the public's eyes? If you have real identity, you can think of other ways to solve it. Neon's household registration system is originally It’s not perfect, there are still many opportunities if you want to exploit the loopholes.”

"'re right, I'm speechless..."

Li Wei felt that he had been persuaded. Unlike the perfect household registration system in Huaxia, due to the national conditions, Neon's identity certification system was very chaotic. Many people took advantage of it, especially a certain Yamaguchi group. This loophole has played a variety of novel tricks, but because of the problem of resistance, it is very difficult for Neon to reform this system, because it has already involved various taxation sectors, and moving this one is moving a lot of people. interests, so the household registration system is naturally difficult to change.Unlike Huaxia's ID card plus electronic online household registration inquiry system, all kinds of information of each citizen are in the grasp of the country, and many things are far less troublesome to check.

If it was in Huaxia, it would be very troublesome for Li Wei to forge identities for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and others. This would involve a large amount of data and life events, including vaccination records, student status, household registration, and root data in the big database. and household demographics.And if people want to check, although they can't find any direct loopholes, they can still find something wrong.

Therefore, when Li Wei arranged their identities, they directly arranged them as the place of origin of Neon, because the cross-border query of identities is quite troublesome, and the same root file database will not be used between countries. After all, the relationship between Huaxia and Neon can be Can't say how good it is.Neon will not let Huaxia use its own database at all, so there is no need to worry about the identity of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and others.

"It seems that Michitome's thinking is not that simple. Her current thinking should be similar to mine, but she has a tendency to lily, and she is very concerned about that child." Still holding her library book.

"The girl's idea is too complicated, and I still don't understand it, but since Michiru wants to take her away, I will not object, but then again, you seem to be the most leisurely among all people. Are you ready to save the manuscript? If you don't recognize the real writing of 197 in the last few volumes, what's the difference between that and the unfinished end? Anyway, there is a supernatural start, but don't let the sales plummet in the last few volumes." Li Wei looked lazy Shiyu of Kasumigaoka said.

"It doesn't matter, the structure and outline of the story have been perfected, you just need to follow the outline. Besides, this is a set set made by you, and you can make a game with a grand world view like "Titan". Your setting can be said to be far beyond the peers in the industry. As long as I don’t write a crash, the perfect ending is not a problem. And I’m not the kind of bastard who can leave after one vote. Even in the benchmark world, I am also To become a light novelist, I have to write first-level light novels similar to Dungeons and Dragons and The Lord of the Rings, and become the strongest light novelist in history.”

What Li Wei wants to complain about is that if he can really write to that level, it is no longer a light novel. Whether it is "Dungeon and Dragon" or "The Lord of the Rings", they are all epic fantasy masterpieces. , which is completely beyond the scope of light novels.In particular, the tone of these two is quite heavy. Can ordinary light novel readers accept such a style?However, considering the strong writing ability of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, maybe she can succeed. If she achieves this achievement, she will be the king of light novels. .

Chapter 201. Kato Megumi

After Li Wei finished arranging the photos, he lay down on the sofa and "played dead". Now all kinds of work have been arranged, he has nothing to do, and all kinds of cooperation between comicmarket and STEAM have been decided. After coming down, there is no need for him to go/worry about those bits and pieces, so Li Wei has entered the "idler" state, and the whole person is like a sloth, motionless.

Moreover, Li Wei's lying method also squeezed Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu's territory. In order to allow herself to read with peace of mind, she directly put Li Wei's head on her big/leg, allowing Li Wei to enjoy the treatment of a lap pillow. Anyway, For her, there will be no leg numbness, just Li Wei.

After school, Li Wei was the only one left in the department.Ying Lili was holding her painting materials and was going to go back to practice. Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Michiru accompanied Soniko to the house, and only Li Wei was waiting for Kato Megumi to come over to take photos, and then he also prepared to leave the office.Looking at the empty department room, Li Wei actually felt a little pity, but it would be very troublesome to bring these things back. His storage space is not large enough to carry all the things in the department room, so he can only carry it with him. Some things of commemorative value leave, and the rest are directly handed over to the school. How to deal with it is the school's business.

Although you can't take large things, models and figures must be taken away. After all, to a certain extent, during the time here, Li Wei made a lot of interesting things and lost them all. It's a pity to be here.Li Wei was originally a large-scale vehicle enthusiast, but his hobby was more humanoid, but it cannot be said that Li Wei is a firm humanoid party, but that the generality and appearance of humanoids are stronger , Although it is not as good as multi-legged and beast-shaped or even wheel shoes in special terrain, it cannot stand the high value of human-shaped.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.At this time, there will be no one other than Megumi Kato knocking on the door, because none of the students from the first class here will come.

" anyone there~?"

A soft/soft voice sounded, this voice gave people a feeling of being healed, it should be said that the voice was too deceptive.There is a saying that the voice is like a person, that is to say, the character and good and evil of a person can be distinguished by the sound. If it is an ordinary person, it is indeed difficult to do such a thing, but Li Wei can do it.

Everyone's voice is actually influenced by the soul. Although there are differences in the structure of the vocal cords resulting in different resonance chambers, the difference is not large, because the structure of the human body is generally the same, but everyone's The recognition of the voice, which involves the occult.In the past, Li Wei would not understand, but after he has become a "supernatural being", Li Wei can see such things clearly, and can even deduce this person according to the slight changes in his voice. Li Wei can hear a lot of things from Kato Megumi's voice.

There is a little devil in her heart, Li Wei can only use this sentence to describe her, although she looks very well-behaved on the outside, but because of the little devil in her heart, her words are also quite sharp. Yes, only acquaintances, this is because of her character, she doesn't talk to strangers very much.

"The door is unlocked, come in." Li Wei sat up from the sofa.

"Huh? Is Li Weijun the only one?" Pushing the door open, Kato Megumi looked at the somewhat empty department and said suspiciously.

"It's school time now. Although the club activities have just begun for other students, it's already time for a break for us. Everyone should leave a little earlier today because the work has already been completed." Li Wei stood up. Come, sit in front of the computer, unlock the computer's sleep mode, a slightly complicated interface pops up, and Li Wei enters the unlock password to adjust the computer to an active state.

"Sorry... to bother you, Mizhi studying abroad/sister didn't say this, I thought you were all there."

Kato Megumi's voice is not too loud, and the ups and downs of her tone are relatively small, no matter what she says, it gives people the feeling that she will never be angry.She is not used to expressing herself, and she is used to using honorifics even when she speaks. Although it makes people feel more polite, it also makes people feel that she is difficult to approach. are not able to.

"It's nothing to do anyway. I'm special. I don't usually go to class, so I have more free time than you. It looks like you're only after class now, but for me, it's almost time for afternoon tea."

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, people will feel very tired and listless. At this time, they can drink a cup of refreshing hot tea and feel better.Neon's school schedule is a little different from Huaxia's. In the morning, it's roughly the same. The difference is the lunch break. Huaxia's summer schedule gives students a lunch break.But many schools in Neon will not do this, but directly adjust the time of school.Although it is now approaching winter, the work and rest time is still relatively early, that is, the school dismissal time is relatively early, unlike Huaxia, which will dismiss school after five or six o'clock in the afternoon. Some schools close at three or four o'clock, and Fengzhiqi School is the type that closes early.

"."Have you brought a portable hard disk?" Li Wei asked.

Kato Megumi took out the mobile hard disk in the backpack together with the data cable and handed it to Li Wei. "This is all I can find, can it be used?"

"It's all the same. The universal port (Wang Zhao's) port can identify this model. This should be a mobile disk modified from a computer hard drive. If it is read, it will be a little slower." Li Wei connected the mobile disk to the computer host. Because it is an old hard disk, it is slightly aging, and the fastest transmission speed of read data is only 3 megabits per second. It takes a little time to put everything in.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Wei quickly brewed tea and took out the snacks from the drawer under the coffee table. They were all biscuits and pastries made by Bingtang Michi. Her home economics class has always been full marks, making snacks. Very handy.

"Sit down and wait. You make me feel very uncomfortable standing like this. There are tea and snacks, no need to be polite. I am from China, so I don't pay much attention." Li Wei waved his hand and sat down first, Kato. Hui looked a little shy, because being alone with Li Wei made her feel a little uncomfortable. .

chapter 202.

Kato Megumi is not good at getting along with people she is not familiar with. Although she can communicate without barriers, that's all, it can only be said to be able to communicate.For Li Wei, he has always had a feeling of curiosity, because Li Wei is too mysterious. Although he is a student of the same school as her, there is no intersection between the two sides. Kato Megumi also knows that she and Li Wei are the existence of two worlds. , like two parallel lines, if there are no special circumstances, there will be no intersection in a lifetime.

And the fate between people is indeed an unclear thing. The niconico that she loves mysteriously has something to do with Li Wei, and Mizhi has left nothing on the Internet that can make people guess her true identity. The clues, and her voice is more mature, so that she can't tell the true age of the other party.Kato Megumi did not expect that Michiru was also a student, although she was a graduate of the third year of high school, and Michiru and Li Wei were still friends, so she could be considered to have met Li Wei once.

Kato Megumi was a little surprised that Li Wei didn't care about the things around him as rumored, and was completely indulged in his own game world. On the contrary, Li Wei took great care of his friends.Kato Megumi can only say that 123 does not seem to be very credible based on rumors. After she really got in touch with Li Wei, she found that Li Wei, a mysterious person on campus, is not weird, and his temper is quite good. Stable and reliable, except for being a little over-enthusiastic when facing things you like, but that's human nature, and it's the same for other people.

Li Wei didn't know that Kato Megumi would think about so many things. Although he was curious about Kato Megumi's physique, it was limited to that.Although Kato Megumi is also a lovely girl, she is very likable, but Li Wei feels that she has a very strange feeling about Kato Megumi. It should be said that this is the feeling of the so-called "heroine". It is a little unique. .

The atmosphere in the department was a little silent. Li Wei was not a talkative person, and Kato Megumi didn't talk much when facing unfamiliar people. He could only hear the buzzing sound of the computer running the chassis. The atmosphere is indeed embarrassing enough.Li Wei, who was drinking tea, felt uncomfortable all over. In desperation, even if he had nothing to say, he had to find something to say.

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