It should be said that her line of defense has collapsed, even the so-called 0.8 resistance is just out of last self-esteem.Faced with such a situation, Soniko felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she was also a little overjoyed. This feeling of being protected was really comfortable, and it seemed that the end of the world was no longer afraid.She had closed her eyes, with a smile on her face, and leaned on Li Wei's body.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michitome have already discovered the abnormality around them. The two girls looked at each other with a bit of pride in their eyes, and the plan went through!

Although Soniko is a little older than them, many times their minds, abilities and social experience cannot be judged by age, as if they have actually surpassed Soniko mentally.In contrast, in addition to being more dominant in age and figure, Soniko needs to learn other aspects. .

chapter 210. movie theater 5

But when it comes to body shape, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michiru have to complain, that kind of small meat/bomby body is simply unscientific. Anyway, they are envious and jealous, but everyone has their own characteristics, so this kind of thing is simply envious.

For the progress of the matter, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michitome are still quite satisfied. At least Li Wei did not act like a log, but took the initiative to attack. Although I don't know where it is now, it is at least stronger than before. Much more.

A shy girl like Soniko belongs to the kind of girl who has a hard time holding hands until she is broken, but once her defense is broken, she will give up her defense completely, or even turn it around. Will have a strong dependence on the other half.Of course, this is only the speculation of the two of them. No one will know what the real situation will be. After all, women's hearts are needles, and even girls are sometimes so troublesome. 19 This kind of thrust of theirs is just a result of deduction based on common sense, and no one can say how much different it will be from the real result.

"However, as long as this step is done, it's enough to leave the rest to Li Wei. The next time is not our time."

"It seems like this, but it's a little lonely/lonely. Is that all we can do?"

The communication between Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Michitome Bingtang was so low that ordinary humans could not perceive it, but their communication was still overheard by Li Wei. It should be said that this level of communication could not be concealed from her.For the assists of the two girls, Li Wei accepted it. It should be said that this kind of assist is like a timely rain. Although it is a bit simple and rude, the effect is very good.

Although this old-fashioned method is indeed full of slots, it has to be said that the experience of the predecessors is still useful. The old-fashioned method shows that the success rate is high, because many so-called novelties are based on a high and terrible failure rate. of.

Li Wei's attention is no longer on the movie. At the beginning, he was still thinking about the difference between the midnight/night bells in this world and the midnight/night bells in the benchmark world, but now he can still concentrate on watching. The movie is probably also the "Iron Man" of the Liuxia Hui type. Li Wei thinks that he has not reached the level of the Iron Man. His heart has obviously been ups and downs, and his heart is restless. How can he enjoy the movie?

But it doesn't matter if he can't enjoy the movie. The girl next to him deserves his attention. It should be said that the reason why he likes the second dimension is because there are many things in the second dimension that the third dimension does not have.But the most important point is that there are beauty/young/girl in the second dimension that the third dimension cannot have. This is the most regrettable place in the third dimension in Li Wei's opinion.Everyone has a love for beauty, even Li Wei, who is used to a person, is no exception. It is a miracle of life to be able to meet the person he likes here.

The three-dimensional life is very boring. Even if Li Wei is a person who is very good at "seeking things for nothing", he still feels bored and depressed. Because of various rules restricting him, Li Wei feels like he is caught in a spider's web. It's so hard to even breathe.Everyone is in a hurry, and it seems that there are things that are never finished and roads that cannot be completed. Li Wei is not lost in the sea of ​​people once, what does he want to do, what is his goal? what is your wish.

Although he asked himself again and again, Li Wei still felt that there was no goal in life, and he had to live by it. He just wanted to go out for a walk and see different scenery.But fate is often so wonderful, and Li Wei has now got everything he wants.This is not to say that there is no place for him to be nostalgic in the third dimension, but there are too many imperfections in the third dimension, and many things are unclear (for the sake of harmony).

Therefore, this repressed external environment made Li Wei feel that his talents could not be displayed at all, as if he had all kinds of technologies that could instantly make Huaxia Technology advance a hundred years, but he did not want to take them out, because these things were not in the end. It will fall into the hands of the person or department that needs it, so Li Wei knows that his efforts will be in vain, and everything should remain as it is.Not to take the initiative to interfere, not to wantonly destroy, this is what he can do.

In the second dimension, Li Wei feels that he is free. Without restraint, he can act/do according to his own mind, and he does not need to abide by those messy rules.Like the so-called bigamy crime of the third dimension, so what if he committed it?Being able to be with the person he likes, there is nothing he dares to do, and the so-called law is really so fair, so there will not be so many messy things happening every year.What ordinary people do in exchange is bigamy, but if it is a powerful person, then this is just a little entertainment, can it be considered bigamy?

Li Wei drove all the chaotic thoughts out of his mind. He now has all sononi in his eyes. Li Wei absolutely does not want to miss this girl who makes him tempted.In this point 190, Li Wei is actually somewhat similar to Wei Xiaobao. Both of them are unruly, as long as they have good ideas. Wei Xiaobao likes a girl, so no matter what means he uses, he must marry the other party. When you get it, you can do everything.Although Li Wei is not as unlimited as Wei Xiaobao, he is indeed very similar to Wei Xiaobao in his attitude towards girls. As long as it is a girl he likes, he will marry him no matter what.

Soniko's long pink hair fell on Li Wei's arm, making him a little itchy. In addition, the weather was warmer today and everyone was wearing thin clothes. Li Wei could feel the softness and warmth of Soniko's body. The meat/feel is what he likes very much, and it is very comfortable to hug.

The head of a man and the waist of a woman are two positions that most people attach great importance to. If these positions/positions can let go of their defenses against each other, it means that the relationship between the two parties has reached a certain degree of intimacy.Soniko's waist is very soft/soft. Although it is not as slender as Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Michitome Hiodo, this kind of flesh/feeling is unmatched by others. There is obviously no fat at all, so why is it so soft? Simply unscientific.Anyway, Li Wei is convinced. The second dimension is not a place where he can talk about science. If he is serious, he may really lose. .

Chapter 211. The Domineering Confession

Until the end of the movie, Li Wei did not let go of Soniko's hand, although this made Soniko feel shy, but Li Wei did not give him any chance to break free.Because Li Wei is a person who will never let go once he grasps it, for him, Soniko is his person sooner or later, so why should he let go?

After the movie ended, the audience also began to leave. Now the movie theaters all use a carousel system. The next movie will be played half an hour after the end of a movie, but at this time Li Wei and his party are ready to go back. .It's already past nine o'clock when I came out of the cinema, and for many people, the nightlife has just begun.But for Li Wei, it's time to rest. That's right, Li Wei's nightlife is not rich. It should be said that if there is no special thing, he usually doesn't stay up late.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michitome are also very discerning and distanced themselves from Li Wei and Soniko. It should be said that this method of falling behind without knowing it is really a bit of an assassin's demeanor, anyway. Li Wei only felt that in the blink of an eye, the two girls were already a distance behind him.Li Wei knew that they were helping herself, so she also thanked the two girls very much. After all, it is not easy to accept her partner to open a harem. They were able to make such a choice. Li Wei is actually very grateful to them. .

Holding Soniko's hand, Li Wei took advantage of Soniko's inattention and put her in his arms.

"That... uh..."

Soniko turned her head to Li Wei and wanted to say something, but before she could finish her words, Li Wei enthusiastically blocked her back.Although there is a large height difference between the two, this does not stop Li Wei's enthusiasm. The pursuit while the iron is hot made Soniko lose his mind in an instant. She only feels a warm breath coming towards her in a daze. Then the whole person was embraced by Li Wei.

This kind of feeling made her a little confused, but she didn't hate it. If it was Li Wei, she would even be a little bit overjoyed, and the sense of resistance in her heart had been thrown out of the sky.The feeling of being enveloped in her whole body filled her heart with two originally opposing feelings of intensity and tranquility.

In the wen, Li Wei took the absolute initiative. It should be said that Soniko has no experience at all, although because girls like to watch all kinds of romance dramas, she is right and right, but she is inexperienced. Younger, facing an experienced driver like Li Wei, he was powerless.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Wei let go of Soniko, but at the moment Soniko's eyes are blurred and his face is crimson/red, it seems that he is a little confused.

Soniko felt that she was already a little deprived of oxygen. Li Wei's wen was too intense, so intense that she couldn't bear it, and even felt that her tongue/head was almost unconscious.It was the first time to experience such a warm reception, and Soniko was a little shy in her heart, and her gaze towards Li Wei was also a little unkind.But although she tried her best to look fierce, her cute face couldn't be fierce, and she was still hugged by Li Wei, and the two were pressed together tightly, as if she wanted to It's impossible to shake a fist.

He looked at Li Wei "ruthlessly", but doing so had no effect at all. Li Wei gently touched Soniko's forehead, which was considered to appease her. At this time, Li Wei released Soniko, but even so , he still did not let go of her hand.

"When will it be pulled..."

Attempts to draw/take hands out of Li Wei's hand, but Soniko's efforts are in vain.Li Wei was afraid that if he let go, the shy and timid Soniko would run away, so he held Soniko's hand tightly to prevent her from breaking free.

"I also want to pull it forever, so I will never let go. If you don't hang up, you can beat me or scold me, and I won't let go. At first I liked you, but now I love you, so I will selfishly keep you by my side, wherever I go, I will take you wherever I go."

Li Wei issued a rather unreasonable but very domineering declaration. He did not intend to give Soniko a chance to choose, because he was so domineering a lot of the time.As he spoke, he wrapped his arms around Soniko's waist and pulled her into his arms again.

"You are such a my life, messing up my life, what should I do..."

Unable to struggle, Soniko raised her head and looked at Li Wei's eyes. In Li Wei's eyes, she saw a lot. Li Wei looked directly at her without a trace of wandering in his eyes, so firm that he was not afraid of any guesses and doubts.Soniko's heart has always been swaying, but Li Wei suddenly took the initiative to smash the line of defense in her heart, and the last trace of doubt disappeared. Li Wei's domineering and warmth made her sink completely.

She gently rested her head on Li Wei's chest. Although the night had begun to cool down and her thin clothes were a little cold, she felt very warm in Li Wei's arms, as if she and Li were the only ones left in the world. Wei two people.What Soniko didn't know was that from the moment her wrist was tied by the red thread, she and Li Wei had an inexhaustible marriage. Although she repeatedly escaped, Li Wei was chasing her fiercely. Escape does nothing.In the end, she still recognized Li Wei, because Li Wei had been deeply rooted in her heart, even if she resisted verbally, but she couldn't deceive her heart.

She likes Li Wei, if it wasn't for her age, she wouldn't be so entangled at all.Soniko didn't know what happened to her. When Li Wei broke into her life, she felt that she had a big change. This change was in her mentality. It seemed she would be happier and happier. Lively.The problems caused by various life pressures in the past have also been solved by Li Wei one by one. It seems that as long as Li Wei is by his side, nothing is a problem.

Soniko warned herself that she could not have such a serious dependence on a person, but she couldn't do it. As soon as she closed her eyes, Li Wei's figure would appear in her mind.And what made her feel shy the most was that even if she dreamed at night, she would dream of shy things, and the object of that kind of thing was Li Wei.

When she woke up, the sense of difference in her heart made her almost mad, and she wanted to run to the next door and get into Li Wei's bed, but the girl's restraint warned her not to do such a thing.Soniko sighed, as if she owed money to Li Wei in her previous life, so she will be eaten to death by him in this lifetime. .

Chapter 212. Getting along at night

"Oh, it's really bold. Powerful straight balls are the most exciting. As expected of the man I like, it's really straightforward." Michitome Hiodo sighed.

Although Li Wei's straight-forward thinking is a bit "annoying" in many cases, in special circumstances, this kind of straight-forward is a very good style.Confession has not been a simple matter since ancient times. Why many boys fail miserably when confessing to their beloved girls is because they have not figured out the key factors.And Michitome Bingtang and Shiyu Kasumigaoka artificially created the most romantic environment for Li Wei, and they were able to tear apart Soniko's heart defense little by little, making her dazed by the shock of this moment.

Although Li Wei, a novice driver, didn't understand the atmosphere very well, he could still see this clearly, so he struck while the iron was hot, and launched an attack on Soniko in one go. Coupled with the effect of the bug of the red line, Soniko's fall was just about right. became the inevitable result.Although this is an inevitable result, it does not mean that confession is a simple matter, and the two cannot be confused.

"Now one has been resolved, and the remaining one is under observation. First, we have to see what kind of person she is. Now there are not many pure people like Soniko. It can be said that the younger generation of neon It's worse, although the personal quality is more or less okay, but 567 is a mess if you count your private life. Many high school girls are lost, and many even secretly do dating work. , and the age of aid workers has begun to decline, and there is a tendency to develop in the direction of middle school students. This has to be said to be a very scary thing. In Neon, if you want to marry an original wife, it is very It may be that you can't find one until you are forty years old. In this regard, even Huaxia is stronger than Neon.

It can be said that a "wonderful flower" like Soniko is very rare. She has not lost her body when she reaches the university. This tradition has reached a conservative level, which is also the reason why she can keep herself clean.The general environment of Neon is quite bad, which is why the terrible situation of the new generation's quality collapse occurs. Although some people with lofty ideals have seen these problems, the Neon government has already dealt with the matter with the American father. I'm so busy that I don't have time to take care of these things.

Therefore, if Li Wei's experience is said, it is like winning the [-] million yuan jackpot in a row (neon circle), a European face.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Bingtang Michi stayed in the spiritual call and greeted Li Wei.

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