At this point, I want to use the knowledge that humans can accept to explain the aspects that the gods cannot reach, that is, the knowledge of Schrödinger, Einstein, Heisenberg and others. These knowledge giants are real. Having touched the realm of gods, the knowledge base used by Li Wei to cross the world is a special method extended/derived from Schrödinger's theory of parallel worlds. Therefore, crossing the world is an unobservable and unintuitively described behavior. And full of uncertainties.

This is also the reason why Li Wei wants the girls around him to do well and say goodbye to the past. Once he leaves this world, no one can tell how the world will change, and this change is random. According to Li Wei According to the theory, every world will have different results, so he didn't dare to give the girls a guarantee.

The two continued to walk forward. Because it was class time, the school was very deserted. For example, no one could be seen in the woods and paths. Naturally, Li Wei was not worried about being seen by others.

"There is also Schrödinger in this world. You should know Schrödinger's cat theory. The parallel world theory extended from it is the reference point for me to travel through the world. Strictly speaking, I belong to the 'sublimation' of human beings. The existence of , in human terms, is a 'god'. It is precisely because it exceeds the limits of human beings that it can do things that humans cannot do. I just pass through the gap between the two worlds and use the overlapping rules Part of a journey that crossed the limits of time and space. But I don't belong here, so I always have to leave, and this departure is likely to never come back, so I say if there is no ideological awareness If so, it's better to stay here."

Li Wei looked around and found the props for the demonstration.This is a maple forest. The maple forest in October is fiery red and very ornamental, but now it is the time period between November and December, and the maple leaves have almost fallen, and it looks a bit desolate.

"There is no basis for words, and many times only seeing can be true. Although the saying of gods is ridiculous, gods and demons are real. There are many gods and demons in places like Neon." Li Wei found it. A maple tree, the leaves of this maple tree have almost fallen off, and after a while, it is estimated that it will be bare.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Point at the maple tree." Ying Lili asked in confusion.

"It's just a little display of power beyond human beings."

Ying Lili looked at the maple tree, and the leaves of the maple tree began to fall quickly. While there were still many maple leaves hanging on the other maple trees, the maple tree pointed to by Li Wei was completely bald.But the scene that surprised her began. She completely bald the maple tree that was already overwintering, and began to sprouting/budding at a speed visible to the naked eye/eye. You must know that it is already winter, which is an obvious violation of the the laws of nature.

In this way, Yingli Li watched these buds grow little by little, and then grew into the maple leaves she knew well.The grown maple leaves began to turn red again, and then fell, and soon a large number of maple leaves covered the ground with a thick layer.Ying Lili walked over, and when she got under the tree, she could see that the maple leaf under the maple tree that was spawned by Li Wei was obviously thicker than other places, and she picked up a maple leaf, which was real , not a hallucination.

Ying Lili believed Li Wei's statement. This method is obviously not something that humans can achieve. It is just like the Druid in Celtic mythology. According to legend, the Druid has the ability to transform beasts and manipulate plants.

"Do gods and demons really exist in this world?" Ying Lili looked surprised. Although it was unbelievable, Li Wei's methods had already explained the problem, not to mention whether gods and demons existed, but beyond human beings. Outliers absolutely exist.

"That's for sure, Neon is a place full of ghosts and monsters. It can be said that basically all the gods enshrined in the shrine exist, and there are so many urban weird stories, such as the one-legged monk and the woman with a gaping mouth, etc. It's real. Because you have my imprint on you, as long as I'm here for a day, all kinds of messy monsters and ghosts won't dare to approach you. And didn't you realize that your physique, memory, and ability to understand are all there Gradually become stronger?"

Ying Lili was naturally touched by what Li Wei said. Her progress was almost unscientific. She originally thought that she had "opened her mind", but now it seems that this matter is not so simple.For painting, Ying Lili is confident that she still has a certain talent, but this talent is at least in the category of ordinary people. It took her nearly three years to go from simple doodles to being able to draw eroded books independently.It can be seen that although she has talent, her talent can only be said to be okay.

From meeting Li Wei to now, it has only been half a year, but the progress in the past half year has been worth the struggle of many masters for a lifetime. Her painting skills are simply not enough to support her to complete such a leap, but she really Just did it.Moreover, the paintings she presented at various international art exhibitions were also well received, and she was hailed as a new star of the younger generation. The super rookie you hold, the gap between them is huge.

Ying Lili saw the light, and Li Wei's body was emitting a warm golden light, and Ying Lili saw that her own body was also emitting the same light, but it was much weaker than that, and she saw her own body appear. There are a lot of incomprehensible golden runes, and the two arms are densely packed with small golden characters.This kind of small characters spread up from the arm, and Eiri found that her whole body was covered with this kind of thing.

"This is..."

"That's why you're able to progress so fast."

Chapter 230. Gods and Demons

Ying Lili can't accept that the reason why she can progress so fast is artificial, which is almost denying her efforts.But looking at the smiling Li Wei, she knew that Li Wei was just expounding a fact, because she knew where her limits were, and breaking the limits again and again was not normal. She grew up in half a year. Doubt, is this still herself?

She, who has been wondering about this question for a long time, finally got the answer today. Although the answer hurt her self-esteem a bit, it also made her see the fact clearly that what happened to her was man-made.However, she does not intend to deny her efforts. She insists on painting for at least four to six hours a day, and her efforts are no less than anyone else's, so she will not deny herself because of this.With talent, you have to have perseverance to get the best results. Many people waste their talents in vain because they lack perseverance.

Yingli Li felt that Li Wei was a little strange at the moment, but rubbed her eyes, Li Wei was still the same Li Wei, which was her discomfort after knowing the truth.But she was mentally prepared to know the truth.Li Wei's statement can already be said to be a rather "gentle" statement, so Yingli did not appear in the kind of Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Michitome Bingtang who almost completely denied the more than ten years of their existence after knowing the truth. the world is like this.

Because for Li Wei, this world is a world derived from animation. In terms of "observer theory", that is, if there is no animation of the benchmark world, then this world does not exist either. The benchmark world is due to some The reason becomes the benchmark world, the origin and end of everything.Bellodanti and Ulude have done research on the theory and viewpoint of gods. If a certain animation work is completely forgotten, then the world derived from this animation will be due to the lack of "basic recognition." ' and perish.

Not only anime, but also TV series and movies, if it can leave a deep enough impact on people's hearts, then it is possible to "materialize", become an independent world, and grow into a world over time. a real world.But this probability is too small. Most of the worlds are constantly weakening over time and finally going to destruction, just like the world of "Passerby Girl" is such a world that has determined the ending of destruction from the beginning, because passers-by The heroine's original novel is not popular enough, so the world does not have enough "basic cognition", which is doomed to the destruction of the world.

If you want to solidify the world successfully, you must at least reach the heights of "Avengers", "World of Warcraft", "Lord of the Rings", "EVA", Gundam series, etc., in order to solidify the world, that is to say, popularity and fans The stickiness of the game is doomed to the end of the world derived from the work, whether it is destroyed or stabilized, it is all up to the choice of fans.

Li Wei didn't make the inferences of Belludante and Wulude out. With Yingli's ability to accept, it is very likely that he can't accept this kind of "pit father" situation. This is a lesson. The best negative teaching material, the two of them are a little "unscrupulous" because they know too well. Although Soniko's words are difficult to accept that the world in which he exists is "false", but Still accepting the truth/truth of this world.

In terms of mentality and quality, Yingli Li is a lot worse than the three older girls, so Li Wei's statement is so euphemistic, rather than showing the cruel reality to her. in front of.That's completely smashing the three views abruptly, just like when Li Wei was studying the connection between the world and the world, he was also annoyed by various quantum theories, and finally he was in Bellodanti. With the help of Wu Lude, it is considered to have achieved some results.

But if possible, Li Wei would rather not know about these things, because it is too cruel, especially for the "Derivative World", which is just as miserable as the Matrix.In The Matrix, humans are used as biological batteries, living in a false virtual world, and the derivative world is even worse, all of this is false, and nothing is true, based on the "observer principle" In other words, without the observer Li Wei, the derivative world would not exist from the beginning.When Li Wei discovered this derivative world, he was able to determine whether he existed or not. It was like a variant of the "Schrödinger's cat" theory, only more cruel.

In a sense, Li Wei is a traveler. The way to change whether the world continues to exist still lies in the benchmark world, which is the so-called problem of popularity. If you want a work to successfully accumulate enough of its own existence, then It is only possible to keep releasing new works, and then attracting popularity, just like Dongfang, Marvel, and DC, forming a worldview that is unique to you, so that you can survive the most difficult time when the world "solidifies", otherwise It is not bad that one of the hundred derivative worlds can "solidify".

If you can't make up your mind, then don't interfere with the changes at will. This is Wu Lude's warning to Li Wei.Moreover, the existence of Li Wei is too special. Travelers who wander in the world have no other destination except the benchmark world.In terms of functionality, the meaning of his existence also has special symbols in gods and demons, such as Asachel and "prostitution/lust", Beelzebub's "exposure", Lucifer's "arrogance", (Are you okay?) Both gods and demons have their own symbolic meanings.Even Bellodanti and Urud have their own symbols, such as the "purity" of Bellodanti and the "balance" of Urud.

Li Wei is also a "predator" with his own symbol. The predator here refers to the ability to interfere with the changes in the world line caused by the derivative world, obtain quantitative world power, and then feed back the reference world. Whether it is a god or a demon, it is the reason for the existence that cannot be offended. Li Wei will even appear as an arbiter when necessary, because his existence is too special.

Of course, these things can't be said to Yingri for the time being. Her current ability to accept is not strong enough. It is enough to know that he is a special existence. If you forcefully explain too much information about his existence, it will not be a good thing. .

Chapter 231. The decisive battle begins

Unlike An Yilun, who was gloomy and gloomy, Li Wei's life was quite nourishing. He had completed everything. He was in a relaxed mood and lived every day as if he was enjoying life.

The winter comicmarket has finally arrived as scheduled, and the work that has been prepared for a long time has finally come to an end. Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He has completed his set goal and left a world-renowned game in this world.At the very beginning, Li Wei was simply fighting against An Yilun. The idea was very simple. You make games and I will make games, but if I want to do it, I have to surpass you in an all-round way and go into battle with this simple and relaxed mentality. , Li Wei is completely enjoying the fun of creating a whole world with his own hands.

Many people like to play Minecraft, just because Minecraft is free enough and the difficulty is not too high. At least as long as you are willing to learn, you can become a veteran if you can't become a boss. Both the construction party and the survival party can find their own. This is the charm of sandbox games, all development depends on your own efforts and attitudes.

Li Wei's words, my world can no longer satisfy him. After all, the world of cubes has limits. Although 733 cubes can express what he wants to express, it is not enough. What he wants to do is not a simple independent game. But an astonishing masterpiece.So there is "Titan". It is relatively simple to pinch the world with cubes, but Li Wei's technology is no longer satisfied with pinching cubes. He wants to create a sandbox world like The Elder Scrolls, and more Freedom is greater.

As a result, the game that was originally intended to press An Yi Lun also became more and more exaggerated. In the end, it became a huge monster. In contrast, this monster surpassed An Yi in terms of both the amount of text and the script. Lun Ye's GALGAME, it should be said that now that GALGAME has been declining, An Yi Lun can neither save the market nor play a revolutionary effect, and he can't even make a bloody path among his peers, so how can he compete with other games? What about world competition?

The comparison between games is very intuitive. It should be said that players' reactions and word-of-mouth are important factors for whether a game can survive. For example, how can Need for Speed ​​and Battlefield series be made into New Year's goods, just because Players are willing to pay, and the game is fun enough.At this point, An Yi Lun's game department has fallen into the inferior position. There are too many interference factors within the game department. Although he wants to make a game, except for two like-minded people In addition, the others are either playing soy sauce or dragging their feet, how can this be played?

The plot is incoherent, the painting is distracting, and the dubbing is impossible to find. It has to be said that it is a group of tragedies.But leading such a group of tragedies, An Yilun still insisted on making a semi-finished product, although it was only a semi-finished product.The most tragic thing is that now An Yilun has to cultivate because of his health. He has no way to continue to lead the team forward. He lost his backbone in a short period of time, and the development progress of the game has plummeted. I want to see it. The finished product will have to wait at least a few more months.

Winter comicmarket venue, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, this time the winter CM weather is very good, it can be said that the sky is beautiful, it is obviously winter, but the temperature is still a little warmer, at least you don't need to wear too thick clothes.Moreover, such a large-scale exhibition does not need to be too thick. Once you enter the venue, the temperature is very high.

Compared with the summer CM, the popularity of the winter CM has increased to a certain extent, because the summer CM is really hot. Although there are a lot of air conditioners installed in the venue, it is still not very good. The ground has a cooling effect, because there are so many people that it is crowded like a termite nest.So to participate in the summer CM, it really needs love, and it will be heated into grilled squid in minutes.It is not easy to endure the high temperature and crowds to find what you need. Many old houses have spent two or three years (bhbb) before they become "old birds", and they are able to mix well in the exhibition. Slippery like a loach.

"This year's winter CM is also so hot/hot. The weather forecast has been good for the past few days, and there is no problem at all. But then again, isn't there too many people at the moment? The tents are all over here. Come here, it must be too fanatical." Yingli looked at the dark sky with a hint of red/pink, the night sky of the city is hazy, because the ground light is too strong, so you can't see the stars at all. You can only see that there is something similar to dust floating in the low sky.

"After all, this is a winter CM. If I were an ordinary fan, I would have started queuing at this time. For example, tents and various tools must be prepared." Li Wei looked at the whole square. There is no surprise in the densely packed tents, it should be said that this is a normal thing.

In Neon, the reason why the backpack is regarded as the standard of the dead house is because of the multi-function of the backpack, which can put various emergency supplies, and there are hanging bags on it to carry tent components, which will be on the field over time. Tent up has become synonymous with otaku.Backpack mountaineering bag = otaku, this inherent impression has been formed in the eyes of many people.

"Get ready to enter. Although there are staff to help us set up the booth, it would be too rude to do nothing, even to show up." Li Wei looked at Megumi Kato behind him and said: " It's really embarrassing to ask you to help with this kind of thing."

"Please don't say that, it's very interesting and a rare experience to be able to participate in such an event. You can learn a lot of things here that you won't be able to talk about in books. I should have caused you trouble." Megumi Kato A little embarrassed, she said with a smile, she didn't know anything, she just came to join in the fun, it was rare that Li Wei would like to play with her, and she could have any dissatisfaction.

"It's very hard work. You have to be prepared. Although it's better than CM Xia, it's hard work for girls." Michitome Hiodo patted Megumi Kato on the shoulder. laughed.

Li Wei and his party are also a large force. The entire department was dispatched, and even Soniko took a leave to help. However, because she was leaving this world, she did not care so much about her studies, and she was able to continue her studies after arriving in the benchmark world. Yes, she didn't want to miss such a lively event.

"I'll do my best!" Kato Megumi said with clenched fists.

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