chapter 235. group charge

"It's dawn, the battle is about to start... hoo hoo, it's really exciting, this kind of grand event. It reminds me of the war in the Warring States period. The guests who rushed over looked like enemy troops. It is not easy to achieve absolute confrontation." Ying Li Li said excitedly.

"This analogy is too strange. How can you compare the guests to the enemy." Michitome Hiodo woke Kato Megumi, and the peak period will come in a while, and everyone will be busy at that time, even Kato Megumi Can't keep making soy sauce.

With the official countdown to the Expo, there is a long queue at the entrance of the exhibition hall. It can be said that this kind of grand event happens every year, and many people are used to it.But for the Azhai people, CM is much more interesting than temple fairs, because if there are no girls in the company of temple fairs, it is simply to be shown by various couples, so CM is still good, at least in general, it is "self" People", you have to play and watch, and if your wallet is still thick, you can bring back many rare souvenirs.For example, many foreigners come to visit the CM exhibition, and there are local tyrants who come to sweep the goods every year in the heaven separated by the sea.

When the admission broadcast began to broadcast the admission instructions and precautions, there was already a large group of people in front of Li Wei's booth. These people were not considered to be taking advantage of the rules, because Li Wei said that from the beginning of admission, Customers who sell to a certain top ranking can get additional souvenirs, such as Ying Lili's picture album and Li Wei's special figure, which are all gifts that are not for sale.The commemorative picture album on the side of Ying Lili has prepared enough numbers, but I don’t know if I can make it to the end. After all, Yingli Li has already got a lot of fans from the pictures she posted in the early stage, and the picture album is not counted. Expensive, you can pre-order it is sure to sell well, it just depends on the final number of people.

"Wow! All of a sudden it's surrounded!" Yingri was startled by the sudden crowd. These people were all nearby stall owners and members. She originally thought there were not so many people, but she didn't expect "Titan" His popularity will be so high, a group of people will gather around in the blink of an eye.

The booths are divided into three receptions, namely Bingtang Michiru, Li Wei, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu.Soniko, Ying Lili, and Kato Megumi are the supporters. The people in the front are responsible for delivering the goods to the guests and changing the change, while the supporters at the back are responsible for replenishing the goods at the booth. Anyway, it is not an easy job for both sides. That's it.

"Come one by one, please line up in three lines, there are plenty of souvenirs, come one by one ¨ˇ!"

Because of Li Wei's speech, everyone finally calmed down. Li Wei tried a little magic power in his words to calm down all these fanatical guests. If it is too crowded, not only will the efficiency be affected, but also May block the road in front of the stall.However, the number of people in this wave was still within the capacity, but the team of nearly [-] people wrapped up most of the souvenirs in an instant. Everything sold at the booth was the same.Li Wei can only sigh that the player group of "Titan" is too broad. It can be said that it has developed by leaps and bounds, and it has conquered all groups together.

After sending the first wave of guests away, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, which reminded her of when she held a book signing, and it was also a group of enthusiastic readers, so enthusiastic that she felt troubled.Now this situation has happened again, but this time the protagonist is Li Wei. Looking at Li Wei's smiling face, she has a deep understanding of this happiness.

This is the happiness of the creator. It should be said that whether it is writing novels or playing games, it is all about setting up a world, watching the blank world being perfected little by little with various colors, and following The protagonist experiences the whole world little by little from the perspective of the protagonist. This wonderful feeling is also the joy of novels and games.Giving players (readers) touches beyond everyday life, this is what games, novels and even anime can do. It’s like filling the holes in other people’s hearts with various content. This kind of pure happiness is great for consumers and creators. Said, is an equal amount of happiness.

It's like Shiyu of Kasumigaoka who built a fantasy world from scratch. This kind of feeling is the most understandable. Generally speaking, game novels and animations are much more comprehensive than simple single entertainment, just like a piece of music. , Because of the limited carrier, the emotions that can be expressed are limited, and the unlimited emotions can be expressed in a limited space, which is really too demanding for the singer and the arranger.And game animation novels can boldly show the world they want to show to the audience because of the rich space, which is the advantage of the carrier.

"Very happy? This feeling is really great. It should be said that the worldview you set up has surpassed the shackles of the original book and reached a new height. The feeling of climbing a mountain is indeed very exciting. Game Players have already felt the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters... After the goods are sold out for a while, do you want to go to the COSPLAY area to see how many characters are in COS "Titan" this time? After the long event fermented, "Titan" should also usher in a wave of outbreaks." Shiyu of the Hill of Xia laughed softly.

"." This kind of thing will be discussed later, the guest group is about to arrive. But I am also a little curious, this year's winter CM, with me as a spoiler, what will it be like, the official side is also there Let’s start a celebration, the cross-border cooperation between the CM Executive Committee and STEAM is actually because of me, life is really amazing.”

Li Wei has already seen the crowd rushing straight to this side. Although his booth is a big hand seat, it is located in a relatively inner position. If he wants to buy and play all the way, he must at least have to get here. One hour.An hour is not an exaggeration, but don’t underestimate the crowd of people in CM. Many people even ran sweaty and rushed here with the speed of a [-]-meter sprint/sprint, just because they were afraid that the souvenirs would be pulled out. top spot.

"I see! Go! For the lady boss!"

"Okay! The first place is mine!"

"Don't block! The old man is the first!"

Seeing that there were even bald-headed monks in cassocks among the rushing crowd, Li Wei felt that the whole person was 囧囧 (Zhao Haohao) with a spirit.Do even monks like to play games these days?

However, Neon monks are a bit different from Huaxia monks. Neon monks do not need to abide by many rules and regulations, and they can even get married. Monks can be regarded as an alternative noble group. They are wearing clogs and cassocks. The bald Wu Ke running here is a typical local tyrant.Neon monks often inherit their father's business from their sons. Since the Warring States Period, many noble lords will hand over their second sons to powerful lords as hostages, or send them to monasteries to become monks, in order to prevent their descendants from fighting. It has become a refuge for the noble group, and it has not changed much until now.

Looking at the sturdy monk who was over [-] years old, Li Wei felt that the whole person was a little dazed anyway. I wonder if Master, have you overturned the robber general Sayuris, and ran out at this time?But the visitors are the guests. Since they are all here, why should they sell things? .

Chapter 236. Behind the Scenes Disputes

The monk has good nutrition, strong body and regular exercise, so the running speed is far from what the average A-Zhai can match. Even if he wears clogs that are not convenient for running, it is faster than the ordinary A-Zhai. Too much, overtaking halfway and rushing towards Li Wei.

"Boss! All the things in the booth are included!" The rough voice really matched his appearance, but this image was a bit like a monk and warrior in the Warring States Period, with a tall and majestic arrogance.

Li Wei's speed is very fast. The moment he ran to the booth, he had already prepared a full set of things. Because there would be a lot of things, Li Wei also prepared a large cloth bag in advance to make it easier to let Guests can easily take things away.

"Thank you for [-] yuan." Li Wei handed the cloth bag that had already been packed to the great monk.

"Ah? It's so affordable? I'll give you the money, but I'm in a hurry." The monk took out the money from his wallet and handed it to Li Wei.

The Azhai behind was only left behind by the monk, but they were still in time. As soon as the museum opened, they rushed here and successfully killed them from the crowd. So far, the number of souvenirs is still relatively high. Sufficient, there are more than 617, but this number is insufficient for the overall group of players.However, this kind of out-of-print souvenirs is of great commemorative value in itself. There are many people who go straight here. More than [-] gifts were all sent out in less than ten minutes before and after.

"All the gifts have been given away, and there are only regular products left. I'm really sorry, if you have any comments on the game, you can leave a message directly in the comment area of ​​STEAM. As a producer, I can also see players intuitively. Our needs." Li Wei said with a smile when he delivered the goods to the customers.

"It's a pity, I came a step late, and the bonus figure was missed." Seeing that the area with the words "gift" was empty, he could only accept this reality, although there were still two days of opportunity, but He didn't plan to buy a second time, after all, not everyone is a local tyrant.And the first reaction when he bought the game entity, he just wanted to go home and turn on the computer to install the game. I have to say that this game is really scary, it is even worse than drugs/drugs. "Titan" is in my heart, forget about Hai/Luo/Yin.He has to be patient now, because (bhad) has more books and accessories waiting for him. Although he really wants to play games, books and accessories still need to be cleaned.

There are not a few people who are as disappointed as this player, but they have already missed the opportunity. Most of them choose to buy directly. Although there is no bonus figure, the bonus picture book is also good. The commodity-type exquisite picture album is also a big selling point, which makes people feel like they have lost the mulberry in the east, which is not too bad.

Unlike the scattered people in front of the surrounding booths, the people in front of Li Wei's booth have never been scattered, and everyone left with a full bag.Different from other fan clubs, Li Wei is a sequel with official copyright. In name, it cannot be regarded as a fan club. It should be said to be a serious "official person", but Li Wei doesn't care. The operation and operation are all done by STEAM, and the CM executive committee is also to gain popularity. The parties hit it off, and there was a momentum this time.

In order to promote the game in STEAM, in order to block the TGS exhibition by the CM executive committee, Li Wei's words were completely to commemorate his "final battle". The three parties have their own needs, so there is this cooperation.However, this incident has caused an uproar in the industry. Sony targeted Li Wei because of nationality issues, and the matter of blocking "Titan" from entering TGS was completely exposed. The industry is not optimistic about Sony's approach. Because the game has no national borders unless it involves a direct political issue.

This approach by Sony can be regarded as a hornet's nest. The problem that has already begun to subside has been detonated again with the start of the winter comicmarket. This time, it is still the STEAM navy who detonated the problem. For STEAM's entry into neon, Sony can say that It is an obstacle that is difficult to circumvent. For example, it is easy to say Nintendo, but Sony is a joint enterprise, which is very difficult to deal with.Moreover, Sony also has a plan to launch its own game platform. Although it only includes Neon games, it still makes STEAM feel threatened, so as long as Sony does not give up this idea, then the two sides will always be mortal enemies.

Of course, Sony games also have their own ambitions. How could they have been subservient to STEAM? The huge interests of the game platform have made Sony games see business opportunities, and even persuaded the top management of the consortium to allocate special funds to fight against STEAM’s influence on neon games. encroachment of the world.In fact, there is no justice or evil in this kind of interest issue. For example, Li Wei's words are the unlucky person who was accidentally involved, but who knew that Li Wei was so fierce, relying on a game to have such a The influence of Sony Games was unexpected, and suppressing Li Wei became an "evil" act.

Although in the current situation, Sony's games have not been directly damaged economically, but there is a problem with his reputation. This kind of unfair competition has made Sony's reputation rotten, and it can be recklessly suppressed for its own interests. Indie game producers, this is a disaster for the entire industry, which means that the space for indie games to survive will be squeezed/squeezed.In addition, small and medium-sized companies have a sense of frustration about Li Wei's experience, and they are also afraid of being suppressed by super-large manufacturers such as Sony Games, which will directly go bankrupt, so many small and medium-sized game companies directly began to warm up. This is not a good thing for Sony.

Sony Games did not publicly apologize for the Li Wei incident, and wanted to make this matter disappear by dragging time, but under the rhythm of STEAM's navy, Sony Games is now more and more descriptive. Black, even jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it out.Although Sony thought about fighting back, Li Wei did not operate and did not expose it, so they had no material to hype, unless it was a direct personal attack.But if this is done, then the reputation of Sony's games will be completely ruined. With the increasing popularity of "Titan", there have been nearly [-] reservations in Neon. Li Wei It is no longer the small game company that they could drive out at will, but a rising giant. Because of word of mouth incidents, several new games released by Sony have been boycotted to varying degrees. It feels like a dog is going to die. .

Chapter 237. py transaction

The museum officially opened at [-]:[-], but at about [-]:[-], all the work in Li Wei's hands was sold out, and even Ying Lili's picture albums were sold cleanly.Even Ying Lili was a little surprised that her album was so popular, even if it was sold independently, it was so terrible.

The goods were sold out, and Li Wei Que did not plan to replenish the goods immediately, because this winter CM, Li Wei ordered the goods from the factory in a fixed quantity, and he did not plan to make additional orders, because he did not set up a stall specifically for money, he In fact, it's just about fulfilling your wish.Watching the players gather here one by one, he has an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Many times, when a person earns enough money, he will turn his head to pursue self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement, which is beyond the fun of ordinary people.Some people choose to take risks all over the world, some people devote themselves to public welfare undertakings and seek the recognition of the public, and some people, like Li Wei, become a "creator". , create content that resonates, and then become a crowd-pleaser.

"Now, let's put up the sign that the goods are in short supply and the business is temporarily suspended. The stalls don't need to be guarded. Anyway, there are not many things, so just take them away." Li Wei looked at Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sweeping the goods. The spoils of war are not too many, that is, two bags of things, just carry them in your hand.

"It's the first time that I've sold everything before the peak season. In previous years, even if I sold doujinshi, even if I wanted to sell [-] copies, it would take two days. Time, I almost don't remember how many points were sold today... Is it [-] copies or [-] copies? Anyway, my hands are sore to death, so many sold in such a short period of time, really It's too exaggerated." Ying Lili doesn't know how to complain, because this sales volume is too terrifying, and it is very difficult for many well-known large groups that have been in the exhibition all the year round to achieve such results, but their group is This is the first time I participated in the exhibition, and it has already broken the internal record of C~M.

"Everyone has worked hard, but because I don't leave the venue at noon, the party can only be held at night. For my own willfulness, everyone is busy, so I'm embarrassed." Li Wei laughed. Dao, it's not that he was joking, but that the girls around him really helped him a lot, and basically it can be said to be all-round support.

You know, if you participate in CM, the small booth is fine, one or two people can come here, but if you are a large booth, it is impossible to have a team. The CM exhibition has always been such a reality. Your reputation and strength determine what kind of booth you can get, and many participants still need to draw lots. Whether there is a booth or not is a matter of choice. Many small teams or individuals even There is a helpless situation of "combining booths", which shows how troublesome CM's booths are.

Li Wei was able to get the big hand seat as soon as he came up. It was also because of "black box operation" that his booth was artificially designated, and it was quite good in terms of size and location.For a team that participated in CM for the first time, this treatment has been regarded as the so-called "great god level".This involves the fart/eye deal between CM and STEAM. Although Li Wei can get such a seat if he fights for it himself, it is more troublesome. It is not necessary to be an idiot if it is related. Li Wei has no morality.

However, because of the behind-the-scenes transactions between the two companies, the content of this year's winter CM in the game will increase, and Li Wei's "Titan" is the vanguard of this huge plan, because the charm of "Titan" is cross-border, Whether it is the so-called current charge or otaku, whether it is a company employee or a top boss, there are a large number of people who are fans of this game. If the east wind of this "monster" is not borrowed, it is really a brain that has been caught by the door, STEAM and CM The cross-border cooperation is also mutually beneficial.Because CM wants to go out of Neon to hold exhibitions in Europe and the United States, there are quite a lot of fans in Europe and America, and the financial resources are also guaranteed. Although this plan is still in its infancy, it is sure to be profitable.

The idea of ​​STEAM is even simpler, that is, to break the "monopoly" of large manufacturers such as Sony and Nintendo on the neon game market and forcibly tear a piece of this cake.Both sides of the flickering needs hit it off, dry / firewood / strong / fire adulterer / woman, completely unconcerned that this cooperation will cause huge variables in the local market of both parties, on the contrary, the purest of the three parties is Li Wei.Anyway, that's what Li Wei thinks. How you play is your business. I'm only responsible for making the game well. Even Li Wei doesn't even care about the subsequent development rights and various revenue rights of the game, so he just packs it and throws it to G. Fat, he is about to leave this world anyway, so these things should be given to Fat G as medicine.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

STEAM is not fighting alone this time. Various large manufacturers in Europe and the United States are also working behind the scenes. For example, Ubisoft, which has produced a variety of "New Year's goods", and Blizzard, a serious "movie" company, are the driving forces behind this time. First, there are many other game makers that I won't list here. It should be said that this time is at least a conspiracy of the "Eight-Power Allied Forces" level. The siege of Sony three months ago is still vivid in my mind. Now this group of people Together again, what can be good.

Li Wei and others began to clean up the booth. Although there will be staff to clean up the folded cartons later, the various items and signs on the booth can still be cleaned up. After hanging the sign of suspension of business, the group directly Proceed towards the central exhibition location.

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